I took a shot at the veteran repair badge last night and came up with 9 points then the round ended.

Sucks.  Oh well.
Lazarus Tag'lim
Have Wrench, Will Travel
+1|7098|Alabama Coast, USA
Thanks for the info on stopping a revive.  Yeah... engie is a bitch...  I've tried several nights, and been unable to do it.

I did read on here a tactic about "BH whoring".  Get in the back of a transport hilo as an engie (preferably with several others gunning, so the thing can survive a little better, and repair it as it gets hit (and hopefully the pilot is dedicated, and not just using it to get somewhere himself...  bailing at the target).  With a good BH team, you might get the vet and exp repair points that way... especially if you've got VoIP, and can get the pilot to hover close enough to damaged tanks on the deck.
"It's Recharging!"
Healing points carry on to the next person as kind of stated above somewhere. If you heal 25% of someones health, then heal someone with 50% health, and nother guy with 25% health, you'll get 1 heal point.

I think it used to be easier, or a smaller percentage before the patch. But I don't notice a major difference, but  it's definately there. And 25 heal points is a bit diffucult without a long round, and even those tend to be difficult because theres not as much action going on whenever I'm in a very long round.
I got the Veteran Engineer badge this weekend, totally legitimately (surprisingly). It was quite a long round and one SpecOps spent the *entire* round just driving a jeep to our Comm assets, and I spent the entire round killing him and repairing the assets. I got exactly 10 repair points, and it was with no more than 5-10 tickets left in the round, and I felt like I had my wrench out cranking away on assets for over half the round. It took *forever* (or felt like it).

I don't believe anyone could possibly get 25 repairs in one round without help from clanmates or something, on a clan server (Supply crate and a friendly specops on the other team blowing up Art non-stop while you repair non-stop).

Same goes for 25 heals... 10 heals isn't all that easy anymore with the changes. I've actually been trying to get the 10 heals over the weekend for Vet medic badge and haven't succeeded so far. The main issue I find is that it isn't often that people survive an encouter and are wounded. 75% of the time people are either unhurt or dead. A revive brings 'em back to full health, so you can't heal them. I'll get it eventually, but it definitely isn't as easy as before.

Also, EA/Dice obviously screwed up the Expert Medic badge... 15 hours when the other support badges are 100 hours? Typo that made it through their 3 months of "QA", pfft.


Last edited by Ravlen (2005-10-11 06:00:09)

King of the Gods
+5|7094|Mount Olympus

MightyBobo wrote:

TAW_Zeus wrote:

Thanks to everyone for the info. Now, how are Command points earned? Is it only if someone uses the Supply drops?
No, command points are how many points you have at the end of the round as a commander.  Also, they are only the points you earned AS a commander, so, some examples.

Say your team wins and you had 50 points before 2X.  You get 100 commander points.
I'm guessing that you need the 40 points for the Caommand Badge BEFORE the end of the round. I was the commander the whole round and we won and I ended up with 60 points. I'm assusming that I had only 30 points in the match and then it was doubled because of the win, but I did not receive the badge. So, I guess that you need the 40 points weather or not you win the match and the doubling does not count for the badge.
Ole Buddy, This is the Original Hawkeye. Hows it been?
And yes you are right, You need 40 points before the x2.

Look Forward To Play'n With Ya Again,
How, Guruz, Did you f*cking get the expert first aid badge?????

(i hope you didn't pad)
could always shoot your teammates then heal them again if you need heal points?

LT_W.J.Kamikaza wrote:

How, Guruz, Did you f*cking get the expert first aid badge?????

(i hope you didn't pad)
I vote for padding. Seriously, 25 full heals in a single round? I don't see it happening without help from teammates. Like I posted above, most of the time people either die, or are nearly full health. You gotta heal at least 2 people to get 1 heal point (if not more, if the people aren't very wounded). So that's healing 50 wounds in one round. Highly unlikely. Possible, of course, but improbable without help.

Same goes for the guy I saw with Expert Engineer. Possible, but highly improbable without help.


Last edited by Ravlen (2005-10-11 10:29:11)

i dont think u have to cheat for the expert health badge. getting the veteran on karkand was pretty easy. 25 points will be tough but quite possible
I can get a degree in BF2...right?

Kobrakai wrote:

could always shoot your teammates then heal them again if you need heal points?
I like the way you think!
Haha... I accidently shot a teammate yesterday (team damage, no TK) and I felt so bad I threw a couple first aid packs at him when I realized what I had done. I wasn't even thinking of a heal point. I felt like a dumbass.

Kobrakai wrote:

could always shoot your teammates then heal them again if you need heal points?

Last edited by KtotheIMMY (2005-10-21 10:59:04)

Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

i used to get the combat badges when arty hits counted, I played as a sniper for one round, didnt even fire a sniper round and got my basic badge from artillery kills. Now that it's fixed, getting those 40 kills are gonna be hard.
i think that a good ide would be to joi a really long game with like 400 tickets then use spec ops to blow up ur own artilary and then reapare it
it would piss the comander of though
you can use tanks and other vechiles  collbeano they still count towards your kit kills
Lazarus Tag'lim
Have Wrench, Will Travel
+1|7098|Alabama Coast, USA

jax wrote:

i think that a good ide would be to joi a really long game with like 400 tickets then use spec ops to blow up ur own artilary and then reapare it
It'd work... but it's padding.
Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

jax wrote:

you can use tanks and other vechiles  collbeano they still count towards your kit kills
yeah, but you still gotta work on doing it, arty is easy and fast lol. got 80+ kills on one server.
Lazarus Tag'lim
Have Wrench, Will Travel
+1|7098|Alabama Coast, USA
I got Veteran Engineering last night (10 repairs).  32/64 Karkand server, with close to the 32 player limit... I may have been #30 when I joined.  Took a full round, with maybe 15-20 tickets from the end of the round.

I was MEC, and the US team was winning.  Had all of the CPs on the East side of the water, and were holding the Garage in the MEC base, with other MEC base CPs changing hands off and on.

The 10 repairs came in two ways...

First, since they had the Garage spawn, Spec ops kept spawning and hitting artie and UAV.... which I kept repairing (and the commander was thankfully not using supplies to handle it).

Second, I was dying a lot... when I wasn't repairing, I was working on Pistol kills (2 more until I hit 50 and can go for Vet Pistol).  Every time I died, if commander assets weren't damaged, I checked the map for friendly vehicles...  if a squad leader was in one, I switched squads, and spawned on him.  If no SL's in vehicles, I just spawned as close as I could...  it was heavy firefighting, and most vehicles weren't lasting long...  so the other half of my repair points were from jumping out of APCs and tanks, trying to stay opposite the enemy fire, repairing them while they were taking hits.  I have to say, I had some greatful armor drivers that round.

It just so happens that I got my Crew Service Ribbon in that round too, just a few tickets before Vet Engie.  Riding in the APCs/tanks got me a lot of Driver Kill Assists, I had 5 kills from my pistol work and gunning, and I have the idea that "Driver Special Ability" points includes repairs/supplies/heals from within a vehicle... so likely when sitting in one armor, next to another damaged armor getting repair points, I was probably getting a driver special too...  I don't recall ever driving anything myself that round.... but I could be wrong.

Now... 25 repairs...  yeah, right.  Need like a 16/64 server, with no commander (no supply crates), and lots of enemy spec ops, with an unconquerable base flag.... then maybe I'd get 15, lol.
+20|7156|government yard in trenchtown.

Ravlen wrote:

LT_W.J.Kamikaza wrote:

How, Guruz, Did you f*cking get the expert first aid badge?????

(i hope you didn't pad)
I vote for padding. Seriously, 25 full heals in a single round? I don't see it happening without help from teammates. Like I posted above, most of the time people either die, or are nearly full health. You gotta heal at least 2 people to get 1 heal point (if not more, if the people aren't very wounded). So that's healing 50 wounds in one round. Highly unlikely. Possible, of course, but improbable without help.

Same goes for the guy I saw with Expert Engineer. Possible, but highly improbable without help.

HAHAAA so now I've been blamed from padding..

It's easy if you go to a 64 player Karkand and concentrate FULLY on healing everyone. Not revive, not kill, just run from a wounded person to another.

Guruz wrote:

I hate to say this, but I have the Expert First Aid Badge.

But respect for the people who have Expert Medic Combat, soon I have the hours needed but I recon that the 40 kills aren't so easy..

What did you whore with to get yours?
Jets.  I got 3 expert kit badges the day the patch came out since all the servers played was wake island.
teh m0nsta
I think it's dumb idea that only healing counts for the medic badges.
they just could have put higher point rates to get the badges and included the revivings to count.
i got my vet eng repair on wake island.  drove around in a jeep alongside and behind tanks and other vehicles.  when necessary i drove to repair the art/uav/satellite.  even repaired a ground to air post, with a temmate in it.  so repairing is not that bad.  and it is not padding.  just constanlty be looking for things to repair.  also.. i got some time in as transport, i think... when i drove next to the tanks.  If i needed to repair the jeep i got out and repaired it.  had a teammate in the gunners seat guarding the tank. 

many people focus on one badge at a time.  I try to focus on 2 or three.  If I am commander I will just get ona mounted gun or a vehicle that no one has taken and command from there.  I get time on the vehicle, gun, even the anti air on a ship.  And I command. 

Most people will get upset if your commander and take a vehicle so i recommend you get on a mounted gun.  On the ship take the anti-air gun on the island close to the uav trailer.  i play as an engieer and just repair those if they get attacked.  plus i am close if an enemy tries to blow it up. 

just a thought
International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|7048|Uhh... erm...
I got my Basic Medic Combat and First Aid badges at a huge firefight at Mashtuur. People were firing from every corner and dying all over the place. I just spammed my med packs and revived my shock paddles off.
=CL=_Crusader [M95] His leg
i agree with randomfire1977. You realy should combine the requirements for earning  badges otherwise it would take alot of time.

For instance:

You want the command badge:
1) Choose the Kit you need time with
2) dont lie around, get into some unused stuff
3) see if you can use some classspecific items like flashbangs etc. while your waiting for your toys to refill.

You need 100h for exp supply class
1) While beeing supply, kill with your pistol/knife
2) Be aware if you need time as Squadmember/Leader for other badges/ribbons
3) Be aware if you need time in vehicles/mounted stuff
4) Be aware if you need time serving a certain army
5) Use ammo bags. alot. You will need them for the Meritorious Service Medal and the Resupply Badges

Short: Just think what you need and try to combine it.

88mm wrote:

Don't forget that you can repair your team's artillery, radar and command center.

That's how I got my Basic Engineer. And it will make the Commander happy, too
Same here fer my basic.  All items were C4ed, I repaired all of them (map was Karkand) and got my 5 repair points.  Had the hardest time getting this compaired to my veteran one.

Last edited by Boostin2.4inside (2005-12-15 19:01:16)

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