+244|6693|arica harbour
Gaming 10 years ago versus gaming of today.. by specialistx2324

If you are worried about how long this thread is, then don’t read it at all. But if you are interested in the meaning of this thread, then I encourage you to at least listen to some of the ideas that I have built over the last 20 years of my life.

I started off gaming since I was in elementary years starting off with Nintendo, sega genesis, and Atari.. games when I was a kid did not have all the nice graphics, sound, or content that games have today. One thing that games had back then was “a serious load of replay factor” PAC man is a game released in the late 70’s and you would go to an arcade joint and see people spend hundreds of dollars playing it for hours even days on end. Because from my point of view, games were made so people can have fun aside from their daily lives. The fun factor was even more important than making the millions. Game makers back in those days made only 10% of what today’s generation of game designers make.

Games back then from super Mario to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are crappy and unpalatable by todays standards. Back then they were the games that made gaming possible. And video gaming is a culture in todays society . Listening and making a rock band and video games had one thing in common: you got to play it to love it. Video gaming is a way of life, a way to create your killer ideas and put it into a silicone waffle chip/ cartridge so many more can live through your ideas. 

Gaming was not always a bed of roses. An perfect example is the NEO-GEO system that costs $1000 and the games were not even a tenth of the price. It had killer games but the downfall of the gaming industry during the mid 80’s is a prelude in what is happening today.

I played video games throughout highschool even though I was always an honors student. I took 5-6 honors classes and in my senior year I took 4 Advanced Placement classes. I was not the best student in my school, but I worked hard for what I wanted. I started playing PC games during those years from DOOM I-II, DUNE, DUNE 2000, all of the warcraft games, Hexen, Killer Insinct( an arcade game), MDK, Quake, Duke Nukem, Mechwarrior 2, and my personal favorite : Wing Commander. Those games did not have a spec of the technology of today, but they had awesome programmers of that time. They had replay value, a awesome story line close to the caliber of Stephen King’s Novels. Every level of the game advanced the story line and you wanted to know what happened next. They had pretty good visuals at that time. Back then you could stop playing those games for a few months, go to your room and pick it up and keep on going where you left off. It was all about the fun, and if everyone had fun, then people like John and Adrian Carmack who wrote the DOOM FPS series felt that they have done their job.

It takes 4-6 years to make a viable game. Example: Blizzard Entertainment Inc.  are notorious for Warcraft and the Diablo Series. They did not release games every year like some game designers of today. They took their time because gaming and game design had another dimension: ART. Games back then were both an art to make and an art to play. Blizzard had this concept perfectly done.  One final comment about Blizzard: they believed that the best way to make money was not to fire off games to the public faster than a PKM round flying through the air. They believed in creating loyal fans of their games for years to come. Well that was true until World Of Warcraft came out.

In the last 5-6 years, there are three things that changed drastically, and I will elaborate on them individually.

Game replayability and gaming content: Both these concepts have changed in my opinion for the worst. Games 20 years ago had so much replay value and it was not about the money.  Games today have an average of 4-5 days of replay value. Example: I beat FEAR in 2 days and only played for an extra day. I never ever touched FEAR again and all it is doing is sitting in the closet. Wing Commander IV and Prophecy, were the final two Wing Commander games under Chris Roberts ( if I remember correctly).  I remember I played for 4 months for each of those games. They had In game movies with Mark Hamill ( Luke Skywalker from Star wars epic). Boy did he do an fantastic job in those in game moves of Wing Commander. Games were not just about how many enemies you sent to their doom. It was your actions that define what happened next in the game. Half Life One from 1998-1999 took me 3 weeks to beat, and it was the final awesome game of that generation.

Game Design: I remember the days when Voodoo 3DFX cards owned the market. For a card that had a 16MB of video memory, game designers did a whole lot in terms of graphics engine. Back then it was about a story of the character you were playing being good or being bad. It was about game play rather than special effects. It was about having hilarious happenings and lines like Duke Nukem 3D. It was about having Enemy AI kicking your ass from here to China as in Half Life. 

Gaming design has drifted from good story lines and replay value to having the most special effects. That is what made The Matrix a viable movie to see to a certain point. Game designers of today are worried more about having all the nice graphics, sound, lights, animation, rather than substance. Remember when you buy a $50-$60 video game, 90 % of it is just another firework show. Shock and Awe is what they call it now. There is one game in my mind that has awesome replay value of the early 90’s, an awesome story line and killer graphics and lighting.: MAX PAYNE.  That game won as much as 50 awards and not one game since then has ever beaten it. Star Wars Knight of the Old republic came pretty close. As they say: Close is not enough.

Game designers are worried about how much money they will make for 5 games released in 5 years than making 2-3 awesome and well done games in 5 years.  Its all about the money and I don’t care how stable the game is : that’s is the mentality of game makes from UBI SOFT and DICE. Its all about the quick bucks. Back in the 70’s quick bucks in gaming is unheard of.   Games today have awesome graphics, sound, gameplay, futuristic ideas and concepts but at what cost………………..

Gamers Maturity level: This is the most contraversal point of this thread and the most powerful. My mother always said “ Gaming is for punks”  maybe she is implying that I am a punk. Am I, well lets see. I finished college, I am in a graduate program and I plan to become an Eye doctor someday. I worked and paid my way through college, I help out my parents, friends. I play sports, help build computers, write, work out, and have fun. So I guess that does not make me a punk.  Part of what my mom says is true and that is quite evident in Online games. Ask yourself this question: If Battlefield 2 were to be a game of the past rather than a game of today, would you see the same crap that you see now? The answer is absolutely NO. Look at all the nonsense that you see in todays society . None of that crap existed 10-20 years ago. People who played laser tag back then don’t shoot teammates unless they are blind and stupid. Back then, there were a small number of multiplayer games, people had fun for the most part. Hardly anyone flamed each other. People just want to enjoy good competition and sportsmanship

People play games not for fun anymore. They play because its an addiction. Everyone has seen all those poor fools who play BF2 and World of Warcraft for 16-24 hours a day. I played half life and team fortress back in the days and I could never match the hours that some of these “hardcore gamers” play. I love half life and team fortress, but I only play for one or two hours a day.  Why --- because I had fun and there is more to life than a damn tube. NO one back in the day played for so many hours like today, unless they are fanatics themselves.

I have played WoW for 3 months for at least 4-5 hrs a day. I stopped playing a long time ago because I realized that I was not having fun anymore and it started to become an addiction. Having fun and being addicted to something are two different things.

I am not writing this to tell you that you should not play video games for 16-24 hrs a day. If that is you choice to play from sunrise till sunset, then by all means do it all you want. But I will say this: game design companies are releasing junk faster than junk mail trying to make the money as fast as they can by making games with more special effects and graphics rather than making a game that reads and feels like a story. Games are supposed to be stories acted out in front of you in front of a video screen. Majority of gaming companies are not interested in the fun and replay factor. If you play games at the extreme hours that you play then you have fallen into the trap that they want you to be in. You do exactly what they want and you don’t even know it. You  play this junk that they are releasing it thinking that it is the best thing on earth. And that’s the way they want you to think.

You start thinking like junk and you start playing like a punk and ultimately you have ruined the game for other players who play for fun . Look at the insane amount of hackers that CS Source and BF2 has. CS source has soo many hackers because valve did not want to take the time to create antihack commands in the game or antihack measures that were completely flawed. The game is junk therefore punks have ruined the game for others. Punks in this connotation of CSSouce means hackers in this case.

Gamers for the most part back in the day had respect for each other. Now gamers are saying “Fuck you this and Fuck you that”. OMG you dumb ass noob stop teamkilling me for a J-10 plane… Did this crap happened back in the early 90’s and 2000’s > HELL NO.
And this is the same crap that is killing games today.

Blizzard Entertainment had ways to make sure that everyone got along with each other in WoW, and dealt with issues between players harshly.  They sure don’t want a bunch of morons flaming each other in the in-game chat.. Does DICE have that kind of measure-----NOOOOO. Why? Because they want to make the quick dollars rather than have mature decent loyal customers. “ you eat their junk, you become the punk”

Here is another good point for you people. Ten years ago if a game comes out and its sequel comes out 6-8 months later, people would not buy that crap right out of the shelf. People wont buy it period. And its sad for people to buy Battlefield 2142 less than a year after BF2 came out.  People are worried about the quick thrill rather that something that last you a long time. Making a game is an art, it takes time, effort, hundreds of hours and many years of struggling to make a fine piece of work. It sounds like DICE just put 2142 in the microwave ( INSTANT RICE AND BEANS).

Video gaming is my favorite hobbie and fools like that are turning it into the newest drug in the market. Forget crack, ecstasy, marijuana, or household chemicals, you can have an unlimited high with gaming now these days. And it is sad that each day I find myself letting go of this hobbie because of the morons that have pissed all over it. Gaming is in my blood, but it is something I wont be doing forever. Too much stupidity and compromise from gaming companies and players alike.  Being obsessed of video gaming takes away the fun and helping your friends have fun, not pissing each other off. 
Fun has been confused with addiction, and where do draw the line. I can be the biggest bum in the world and I still wont play games on a 24 hr bases let alone do the same stupid stuff like you see in games like BF2.

Before you go to EB games to buy a $50.00 3 day thrill ride, be sure what makes you happy and what the real meaning of gaming is all about.

from what i am hearing today, i hear the demo for BF 2142 is crap and people that say that they have the game now are saying the game is "Step back" from bf2. i guess the evidence does not support the idea of going to EB games or Best Buy and picking up a copy.

I know I will be flamed for this… but  at least allow me to say what I believe and what I feel . give me a chance to challenge what is wrong with gaming today and help make it right.

My first video game was an Intelivision. Talk about suck.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it

King_County_Downy wrote:

My first video game was an Intelivision. Talk about suck.
Hell ya.  It was rad.
my 1st video game was BF2!!!! im a real newbie to the world of video games

Coleco FTW!

the electric eel has got me by the brain banana
Good post, Although for me 6 games have had a high replay factor since the 90` , star craft, ground control 1, Baldurs gate 1 & 2, Day of Defeat and Battlefield 2
My first system was a SNES. Started playing  games when I was 3 or 4.
2142 Soldier: Behenaut
I may not have a reply to back me up. But I can promise you that Ive read it and agree with you. Ive learnt something today
James Bone 007 for N64 (my first )
+16|6454|San Diego, CA
Even BF2 has its limit to replayability...its why I joined a clan.  I could tell that after a few months and a couple thousand points I was getting tired of it.  Now its about getting on with a few friends and messing with each other over TS.  +1 for the post!

King_County_Downy wrote:

My first video game was an Intelivision. Talk about suck.
psht whats the matter couldnt afford the colecovision ? wow your parents totally deprived you ..what else did they cane you when you didnt make sneakers fast enough. all the kids off welfare had colecovision.

zaxxon had the pimpinest gfx son
you could go up down and left right shit was mindblowing

oh and pac man is from 1980 ..thats 25 years. you werent even here for half of it. you need to actually play videogames to comment on the status ^^

Last edited by ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ (2006-10-06 14:38:27)


Mr.H@x0r wrote:

my 1st video game was BF2!!!! im a real newbie to the world of video games
My first FPS was BF2, so I guess I'm not that bad...
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
I hear you brother!!!  I already made my mind up about NOT getting into BF2142 because I had a similar reaction you you about how fast that game is coming out and more so why?  (i know it's all about the $$ with EA/Dice).  I would really like to see more map packs come out for 10 bucks or even 20 bucks!!  More use of the SU-30 for one!!  Hell, even a option where there is a list of several "more common weapons of the world" Like the SKS, M1 Garand, M-14 (or M-1A if you please), LEVER action weapons... just to mix it up... say you substitue ONE kit of the 6 kits for your "custom" kit.  Even different pistol selections!!!  Hell I'd take a 1911A1 over that M-9 (Baretta 92-FS).  I'm not talking MAJOR changes, just ones that make the game more dynamic in it's weapons!!!
The Farewell Tour
+79|6427|San Antonio, TX
My first video game was a Pong console!  I remember getting to play Oregon Trail in study hall when I was in school and I miss the days of Mudd!  And prior to BF2 I played a lot of Diablo II (I appreciate someone else praising them for the quality of their games).  Somedays I miss playing D2.  I have no doubt that I could re-install the game and start a character and be good again in no time.

And there is a huge difference over there.  Blizzard really eliminated TKers, but if you did have a problem with someone TKing you, there were bounty hunters for hire.  Go to their chat room, give them the name of the person TKing and offer them whatever.  And they would come back with that person's ear as evidence it was handled.  You don't have that in BF2.  I someone is spawn camping it should be dealt with, and it should be the higher ranking people taking care of it.  But sadly it seems like it's usually the higher ranking person doing it.  That's how they got their points by spawn shooting and picking on "noobs".

Well I am still a "noob" in this game.  I've only played for about a month now, but I've become a lot better.  Not because someone in-game took charge and said this is how it's done.  I have learned a lot by reading some of the teachings here in the forums for each kit.  This community could be so much stronger, so much better if the vets would reach out and help mentor someone instead of using them to pad their own numbers.  People are worried BF2 is going to die out now that BF2142 is here, I think if the companies that produced it saw people were enjoying it more, that may influence their thinking. 

You're right about gaming being about the almighty dollar now.  As much as I'd like to enjoy BF2, it's usually the people in-game with me that ruin it.  But that doesn't mean I'm going to stop playing... I'm just smart enough to know when to hit the ESC key and leave a game.
Fantasma Parastasie
I completely agree on the replayability thing, I rarely pay for games and if I do it's for stuff like Final Fantasy (between 60-100 hours of better drama than you'll ever get on TV ), Oblivion, Metal Gear Solid (not so much replayable but usually very intriguing, well written, and very entertaining), and BF2. If it's a one-weekend thing I've got the magic of Bittorrent to help me out.
i have good memorys of mid-90's games. i was actually just playing neverhood and apart from the low resolution technically it has better gfx than anything made since. all the games seemed like that were developed by gamers, currently they seem to be developed by any old programmer.

now days i dont think ive had near as good experiance. sure gran turismo is fantastic but its just a better looking version of the original. metal gear is sweet to, but again same shit different day. theres hardly any innovation, just a search for a quick buck. but i suppose you could say that about nearly any industry now days.
This post is so true.  I remember nagging my Dad when I was 4 to play the first version of Microsoft flight Sim. He finally said, "fine, but after you crash. it's bed time."  I made it off of the runway, banked right, crashed, and went to bed.  I've been hooked on video games since. 

My first platform was the Texas Instruments.  Parsec, donkey kong, TI invaders ect.... I learned BASIC on it.

On a Zeos 386 I remeber Karateaka, Kings Quest I, Space Quest I, fondly.  I played games until the disks wore out.  I remeber police quest and having to change disks during game play.  Those were the good games, the classics.  I spent puberty playing Doom, Silent Service, F-19, Airborne Ranger,  but always found myself digging out the old school floppy container to get back to my favorites.

I'm 29 and a few months ago went looking online for those old games. I had to download a program that made my computer think its a commodore and then download the "disk" games.  I had a lot of fun at work in the following weeks.

I bought BF2 and thought it was one of the greatest games ever made.  But there was a few nagging thoughts about the game and all of its flaws.  I dismissed them.  This is the way of future gaming right (glitches, hackers, UBER L337, pwnage, F-bombs)? Reading the origional post has however tied all of my concerns together.  Great job.  I wish I could be that 4 year old again and relive it all again.  I'm gonna go call my Dad now.....

Last edited by DBBrinson1 (2006-10-06 16:36:44)

I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
i've played games since i was six.  games on Nintendo(the only console i owned).  stopped playing then picked up on computer gamming.  First computer game was Duke Nukem and Mech warrior 2.  Stopped then got a new computer and played SOF2 then Rise of Nations, CS ect.  stopped.  started building computers then played recent games like HL2, CS:S, DOD:S, BF2 ect. 

Gaming today is about more intense graphics.
Missing, Presumed Dead

I had a mega drive as a kid, but I was too young to buy games for it. The first game I ever bought, was CnC Red Alert. I still play C&C Red Alert to this day....I had the game on the PC and PS, and me and a mate did link up on both the PC's and PS's when we were at school, pretty much every weekend. We both had RA, Aftermath, Counterstrike and the PS versions too (RA and Retaliation).
RA2, Generals and Tiberian Sun were shit in comparison, they werent as fun and relied on a lot less tanks and resources and was just no fun at all. RA1 is the best of the whole CnC series and other than Goldeneye/Perfect Dark on the N64, no other game I have even has the replayability factor of RA.

Even the mightly GTA games wear off once the missions are done. I completed San Andreas fully 100%, got the tank and jet at Grove Street and have barely touched it since - and that was 1 year ago.

Last edited by Snake (2006-10-06 16:40:25)

BF2s US Server Admin, IRC>Forums
+157|6644|The Mind Of A Cereal Killer

specialistx2324 wrote:

Gaming 10 years ago versus gaming of today.. by specialistx2324

If you are worried about how long this thread is, then don’t read it at all. But if you are interested in the meaning of this thread, then I encourage you to at least listen to some of the ideas that I have built over the last 20 years of my life.

I started off gaming since I was in elementary years starting off with Nintendo, sega genesis, and Atari.. games when I was a kid did not have all the nice graphics, sound, or content that games have today. One thing that games had back then was “a serious load of replay factor” PAC man is a game released in the late 70’s and you would go to an arcade joint and see people spend hundreds of dollars playing it for hours even days on end. Because from my point of view, games were made so people can have fun aside from their daily lives. The fun factor was even more important than making the millions. Game makers back in those days made only 10% of what today’s generation of game designers make.

Games back then from super Mario to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are crappy and unpalatable by todays standards. Back then they were the games that made gaming possible. And video gaming is a culture in todays society . Listening and making a rock band and video games had one thing in common: you got to play it to love it. Video gaming is a way of life, a way to create your killer ideas and put it into a silicone waffle chip/ cartridge so many more can live through your ideas. 

Gaming was not always a bed of roses. An perfect example is the NEO-GEO system that costs $1000 and the games were not even a tenth of the price. It had killer games but the downfall of the gaming industry during the mid 80’s is a prelude in what is happening today.

I played video games throughout highschool even though I was always an honors student. I took 5-6 honors classes and in my senior year I took 4 Advanced Placement classes. I was not the best student in my school, but I worked hard for what I wanted. I started playing PC games during those years from DOOM I-II, DUNE, DUNE 2000, all of the warcraft games, Hexen, Killer Insinct( an arcade game), MDK, Quake, Duke Nukem, Mechwarrior 2, and my personal favorite : Wing Commander. Those games did not have a spec of the technology of today, but they had awesome programmers of that time. They had replay value, a awesome story line close to the caliber of Stephen King’s Novels. Every level of the game advanced the story line and you wanted to know what happened next. They had pretty good visuals at that time. Back then you could stop playing those games for a few months, go to your room and pick it up and keep on going where you left off. It was all about the fun, and if everyone had fun, then people like John and Adrian Carmack who wrote the DOOM FPS series felt that they have done their job.

It takes 4-6 years to make a viable game. Example: Blizzard Entertainment Inc.  are notorious for Warcraft and the Diablo Series. They did not release games every year like some game designers of today. They took their time because gaming and game design had another dimension: ART. Games back then were both an art to make and an art to play. Blizzard had this concept perfectly done.  One final comment about Blizzard: they believed that the best way to make money was not to fire off games to the public faster than a PKM round flying through the air. They believed in creating loyal fans of their games for years to come. Well that was true until World Of Warcraft came out.

In the last 5-6 years, there are three things that changed drastically, and I will elaborate on them individually.

Game replayability and gaming content: Both these concepts have changed in my opinion for the worst. Games 20 years ago had so much replay value and it was not about the money.  Games today have an average of 4-5 days of replay value. Example: I beat FEAR in 2 days and only played for an extra day. I never ever touched FEAR again and all it is doing is sitting in the closet. Wing Commander IV and Prophecy, were the final two Wing Commander games under Chris Roberts ( if I remember correctly).  I remember I played for 4 months for each of those games. They had In game movies with Mark Hamill ( Luke Skywalker from Star wars epic). Boy did he do an fantastic job in those in game moves of Wing Commander. Games were not just about how many enemies you sent to their doom. It was your actions that define what happened next in the game. Half Life One from 1998-1999 took me 3 weeks to beat, and it was the final awesome game of that generation.

Game Design: I remember the days when Voodoo 3DFX cards owned the market. For a card that had a 16MB of video memory, game designers did a whole lot in terms of graphics engine. Back then it was about a story of the character you were playing being good or being bad. It was about game play rather than special effects. It was about having hilarious happenings and lines like Duke Nukem 3D. It was about having Enemy AI kicking your ass from here to China as in Half Life. 

Gaming design has drifted from good story lines and replay value to having the most special effects. That is what made The Matrix a viable movie to see to a certain point. Game designers of today are worried more about having all the nice graphics, sound, lights, animation, rather than substance. Remember when you buy a $50-$60 video game, 90 % of it is just another firework show. Shock and Awe is what they call it now. There is one game in my mind that has awesome replay value of the early 90’s, an awesome story line and killer graphics and lighting.: MAX PAYNE.  That game won as much as 50 awards and not one game since then has ever beaten it. Star Wars Knight of the Old republic came pretty close. As they say: Close is not enough.

Game designers are worried about how much money they will make for 5 games released in 5 years than making 2-3 awesome and well done games in 5 years.  Its all about the money and I don’t care how stable the game is : that’s is the mentality of game makes from UBI SOFT and DICE. Its all about the quick bucks. Back in the 70’s quick bucks in gaming is unheard of.   Games today have awesome graphics, sound, gameplay, futuristic ideas and concepts but at what cost………………..

Gamers Maturity level: This is the most contraversal point of this thread and the most powerful. My mother always said “ Gaming is for punks”  maybe she is implying that I am a punk. Am I, well lets see. I finished college, I am in a graduate program and I plan to become an Eye doctor someday. I worked and paid my way through college, I help out my parents, friends. I play sports, help build computers, write, work out, and have fun. So I guess that does not make me a punk.  Part of what my mom says is true and that is quite evident in Online games. Ask yourself this question: If Battlefield 2 were to be a game of the past rather than a game of today, would you see the same crap that you see now? The answer is absolutely NO. Look at all the nonsense that you see in todays society . None of that crap existed 10-20 years ago. People who played laser tag back then don’t shoot teammates unless they are blind and stupid. Back then, there were a small number of multiplayer games, people had fun for the most part. Hardly anyone flamed each other. People just want to enjoy good competition and sportsmanship

People play games not for fun anymore. They play because its an addiction. Everyone has seen all those poor fools who play BF2 and World of Warcraft for 16-24 hours a day. I played half life and team fortress back in the days and I could never match the hours that some of these “hardcore gamers” play. I love half life and team fortress, but I only play for one or two hours a day.  Why --- because I had fun and there is more to life than a damn tube. NO one back in the day played for so many hours like today, unless they are fanatics themselves.

I have played WoW for 3 months for at least 4-5 hrs a day. I stopped playing a long time ago because I realized that I was not having fun anymore and it started to become an addiction. Having fun and being addicted to something are two different things.

I am not writing this to tell you that you should not play video games for 16-24 hrs a day. If that is you choice to play from sunrise till sunset, then by all means do it all you want. But I will say this: game design companies are releasing junk faster than junk mail trying to make the money as fast as they can by making games with more special effects and graphics rather than making a game that reads and feels like a story. Games are supposed to be stories acted out in front of you in front of a video screen. Majority of gaming companies are not interested in the fun and replay factor. If you play games at the extreme hours that you play then you have fallen into the trap that they want you to be in. You do exactly what they want and you don’t even know it. You  play this junk that they are releasing it thinking that it is the best thing on earth. And that’s the way they want you to think.

You start thinking like junk and you start playing like a punk and ultimately you have ruined the game for other players who play for fun . Look at the insane amount of hackers that CS Source and BF2 has. CS source has soo many hackers because valve did not want to take the time to create antihack commands in the game or antihack measures that were completely flawed. The game is junk therefore punks have ruined the game for others. Punks in this connotation of CSSouce means hackers in this case.

Gamers for the most part back in the day had respect for each other. Now gamers are saying “Fuck you this and Fuck you that”. OMG you dumb ass noob stop teamkilling me for a J-10 plane… Did this crap happened back in the early 90’s and 2000’s > HELL NO.
And this is the same crap that is killing games today.

Blizzard Entertainment had ways to make sure that everyone got along with each other in WoW, and dealt with issues between players harshly.  They sure don’t want a bunch of morons flaming each other in the in-game chat.. Does DICE have that kind of measure-----NOOOOO. Why? Because they want to make the quick dollars rather than have mature decent loyal customers. “ you eat their junk, you become the punk”

Here is another good point for you people. Ten years ago if a game comes out and its sequel comes out 6-8 months later, people would not buy that crap right out of the shelf. People wont buy it period. And its sad for people to buy Battlefield 2142 less than a year after BF2 came out.  People are worried about the quick thrill rather that something that last you a long time. Making a game is an art, it takes time, effort, hundreds of hours and many years of struggling to make a fine piece of work. It sounds like DICE just put 2142 in the microwave ( INSTANT RICE AND BEANS).

Video gaming is my favorite hobbie and fools like that are turning it into the newest drug in the market. Forget crack, ecstasy, marijuana, or household chemicals, you can have an unlimited high with gaming now these days. And it is sad that each day I find myself letting go of this hobbie because of the morons that have pissed all over it. Gaming is in my blood, but it is something I wont be doing forever. Too much stupidity and compromise from gaming companies and players alike.  Being obsessed of video gaming takes away the fun and helping your friends have fun, not pissing each other off. 
Fun has been confused with addiction, and where do draw the line. I can be the biggest bum in the world and I still wont play games on a 24 hr bases let alone do the same stupid stuff like you see in games like BF2.

Before you go to EB games to buy a $50.00 3 day thrill ride, be sure what makes you happy and what the real meaning of gaming is all about.

from what i am hearing today, i hear the demo for BF 2142 is crap and people that say that they have the game now are saying the game is "Step back" from bf2. i guess the evidence does not support the idea of going to EB games or Best Buy and picking up a copy.

I know I will be flamed for this… but  at least allow me to say what I believe and what I feel . give me a chance to challenge what is wrong with gaming today and help make it right.
That's a good read
Teh forum ghey!
+172|6641|Wigan. Manchester. England.
My first console was a SNES. God them was the days, zelda, donkey kong, f-zero, super fucking mario!!!

they are true games. Graphics, sound meant nothing them.

Id choose them over battlefield anyday because of the fun factor.

I agree with you 100%
Good post. I remember back in my early online fps days. There was this thing called "heat," a place where you would create chat rooms and launch a server from there. It had a great community, cuz it was full of newbs who would create rooms like "I'm NEWB, HELP ME LEARN HOW TO JUMP," and someone would ALWAYS come to help you. Nowadays, it's "haha I owned ur newb ass." BIG BIG difference. I actually didn't notice the difference, till your thread had me thinking.

What best characterizes yesterday's games is their "uniqueness," imo. Each game was a lovely *experience,* something to remember and respect, even if you forgot it in the long run.

I don't think bf2 is bad, at all. I think Dice really showed some talent developing it, 'cept for the bugs:p

10 years from now though, I'll still be playing quake 2!!:p
I've had the diarrheas since Easters
+145|6594|California U.S.A

specialistx2324 wrote:

Gaming 10 years ago versus gaming of today.. by specialistx2324

If you are worried about how long this thread is, then don’t read it at all. But if you are interested in the meaning of this thread, then I encourage you to at least listen to some of the ideas that I have built over the last 20 years of my life.
I agree with your post 100%

I started out with "pong"


Atari 2600

Colecovison, Vectrex, all the Nintendo, etc etc up till current day systems

A majority of parents are raising selfish, need for instant gratification punks for children, don't get me wrong there are still good parents, and good kids being raised.


The downfall all started when parents were not allowed to spank there own kids without having their kids call the cops on them (total b.s) Physical discipline is the basis for a proper polite upbringing there is not way around it.

If they were to "warp" today's kids back to the late seventies when I was growing up, in the 10-15 Years old range I would have seriously punched all the rude bastard punks in the face. And I would not have been sued, AND I would have adjusted their attitude to be polite next time.

Stuff was simpler then:

You behaved yourself, respected your elders, said yes sir, no sir. Yes ma'm no ma'm. And the worst thing of all was if my parents had a "talk" to the kids parents and that kid would be spanked with in a inch of his life... and ya know what?

After that the "kid" didn't do that anymore.

I'm ranting. time to stop typing.

Last edited by Seal 3 (2006-10-06 16:50:58)

The Moisture
+49|6700|South Africa
Nice Article +1
+85|6560|An Hour North of Indy
first console for me was NES and i played Contra on it. Anyone remember Contra?

Last edited by >LOD<Dougalachi (2006-10-06 16:52:28)

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