The following view is from a US Marine Vet. and current Deputy Sheriff.

In my personal opinion, everybody and their mom's sisters cousin's brother's former roommate are all wrong when it comes to gun control.  Now before you fly off the handle, hear me out, or in this particular case, read my Text.

Currently, that I know of, their happens to be 04, (four) key ingredients to make a firearm work.

1. Bullet - The little brass projectile that flies out the end of a barrel.
2. Powder - An element that causes an explosive reaction causing the bullet to fly out the barrel.
3. Primer - A small device that starts the explosive reaction causing the bullets to fly out the barrel.
4. Casing - Usually a Brass cylindrical object that houses the primer and powder and bullet.

Now, you can buy all 4 of these objects by themselves, smash them together and shazam, you've got the key to make a firearm dangerous and as you know you can buy them already assembled in packages from 20 rounds to 1000000000000000000. Now with the current State Laws, Government regulations I can stroll into any sporting goods store and buy any type of ammunition I desire, If you're under the age of 21, you can only purchase rifle or shotgun ammunition. If you're over 21, anything goes, no questions asked.

If I remember correctly, the 2nd amendment states something to the affect of The Right to Bare Arms, but does it have anything to say about the Right to Bare Loaded Arms? As you all may be very aware, an unloaded firearm is pretty much a useless chunk of metal and wood or in some cases synthetic material.

Here is the dilemma, how in the hell can the USA restrict the sales of ammunition to law abiding citizens? I believe it'd be the same fashion as a conceal carry permit.  Now most people whom use firearms for a constructive purpose (example, trap shooting, bird hunting etc) have no major criminal history therefore a Conceal Carry Permit isn't really that hard to obtain.

On to punishments, if you are found guilty of a violent crime (assault, burglary) that in some way, shape or form used a firearm you will be sentence to 10 years in prison, no parole, no deferred sentence, no suspended sentence. If you killed somebody, its LIFE in prison or in some states, death (do not, repeat do not turn this into a debate about the death penalty).  If you are convicted of a being an accessory of a violent crime with the use of a firearm, its 10 years in prison. (Example, providing the firearm or ammunition to somebody whom used that firearm to murder, or cause serious bodily harm) Also, if you are a convicted FELON, or have been convicted of any violent crime, you go to prison for the rest of your life if you have in your possession a firearm or ammunition.

Bitches? Moans? Complaints? Compliments?

aaaaannnnnddddddddd Go.
+5,233|6784|Global Command
In California 50 calibre ammo is banned or in the process of being banned.

My mini 14 is legal, unless I put a 30 rnd clip in it or a folding stock on it. But my AR 15 is not.
Same round, same potential for evil, but one looks scary and the other looks sort of like a hunting rifle.

The potential to misuse it is not effected at all.

I can no longer by Bird Buster rounds for my 37mm flaregun as they make a boom.

Stupidity reigns supreme in America.
The Farewell Tour
+79|6677|San Antonio, TX
Hell I live in Texas where we have both concealed weapons laws and the death penalty!  I believe in the right to bear arms.  You should be able to defend your home/family.  Changing the laws on firearms would only mean people who have them would be criminals, and that's just wrong.  But... I don't believe anyone needs an AK-47 (or any other assault weapon), it's just overkill IMO (yes this is just my opinion).

Considering it would mean an amendment to the US Constitution, I really don't see them taking that right away anytime soon.  (But we should keep good old boys like G.W. Bush in office to make sure.  Keep the damn liberals out!)  And how do you decide who should be allowed to purchase a firearm?  Definitely not someone who has served time for a violent crime.  But recent events, like the school shootings, make people want gun laws to be more strict.  Now I'm not a psychiatrist/psychologist, but I feel that if you can walk into a school and kill a bunch of kids, there's something wrong with your head.  BUT... when you purchased your firearm who's to say you weren't in a more clear state of mind.  Is that something to put on the license application?  "Do you ever intend to go to a school with said firearm and slaughter innocent children?"  It doesn't work that way.

But if you take weapons away from the citizens, you leave them open to attacks from all directions.  Not only from the internal criminal element, but it would really open doors for terrorist.  And really, who here hasn't seen Red Dawn!

I like to believe that if it comes down to it.  I'm not going to be the one in trouble for shooting someone breaking into my home and potentially harm my family.
Viking fool - Crazy SWE
+162|6800|Sverige (SWE)
A US problem...

znozer wrote:

A US problem...
+630|6899|The Netherlands
replace all the guns in the world with kittens

Last edited by ']['error (2006-10-06 10:13:46)

"Bow Chicka Bow Wow." The correct way.
Seen the Bullshit! episode on gun control? If not, you should (they're against it by the way).
I believe more in the restriction of ammunition, not firearms.  Because if you point an unloaded Glock 20 at a human and pull the trigger, you'll most likely die of a heart attack than having the actual element of death (bullet) tearing through your flesh. Enforcing the current firearms laws is what needs to happen. I call for heavier restrictions on the sales of ammunition.
Viking fool - Crazy SWE
+162|6800|Sverige (SWE)
Why gun control ... get a control over all excess sugar and fat all kids are consuming... that will save lives and suffering....
Laid Back Yorkshireman
+183|6846|Scarborough Yorkshire England
Please not again we just finished a thread on Guns a couple of days ago
Hey Poe how was Cuba I see you got some nice Cigars
16 more years
+877|6780|South Florida

S3v3N wrote:

I believe more in the restriction of ammunition, not firearms.  Because if you point an unloaded Glock 20 at a human and pull the trigger, you'll most likely die of a heart attack than having the actual element of death (bullet) tearing through your flesh. Enforcing the current firearms laws is what needs to happen. I call for heavier restrictions on the sales of ammunition.
IMO (and other sensible republicans)
Once again, NOT THE WAY TO DO IT.

Look at Texas, they have very very very low crime rates. why?
Lets look at it from the view of the criminal. He's got his gun, and he wants to rob a bank. He walks into the bank and holds people up, threatening to shoot them. A law abiding citizen pulls out his gun and blows the criminals head off before he can kill anyone else.

Now in a state where law abiding Americans cannot carry guns, or have a really hard time getting bullshit permits (like New York, NYC) it would go something like this:

The criminal has a gun. he wants to rob a bank. He has no one stopping him because the citizens have been disarmed by liberal gun laws. He ends up killing people, is eventually caught by cops, then the liberal media gets a hold of it and blames it on the GUN, not the CRIMINAL. Thus starting gun laws.

The thing most people overlook, is this:
No matter how many laws you make, whether you ban guns all out. They will still be there for the criminals. Thus all your doing is making it easier for the criminal, and impossible for the average American to protect himself.

Last edited by Dezerteagal5 (2006-10-06 10:30:27)

15 more years! 15 more years!

I quote Chris Rock on this one:

(sorry about the formatting, it's a copy and paste job)

"And everybody's talking about gun control,
got to get rid of the guns.
Fuck that. l like guns.
You got a gun, you don't have to work out.
l ain't working out. l ain't jogging.
You got pecs, l got Tecs.
Fuck that shit.
You don't need no gun control.
You know what you need?
We need some bullet control.
Man, we need to control the bullets,
that's right.
l think all bullets should cost $5,000.
$5,000 for a bullet. You know why?
'Cause if a bullet costs $5,000   
there'd be no more innocent bystanders.
That'd be it.
Every time someone gets shot, people will
be like, ''Damn, he must have did something.
''Shit, they put $5,000 worth of bullets
in his ass.''
People would think before
they killed somebody, if a bullet cost $5,000.
''Man, l would blow your fucking head off,
if l could afford it.
''l'm gonna get me another job,
l'm gonna start saving some money...
'and you're a dead man.
''You better hope
l can't get no bullets on layaway.''
So even if you get shot by a stray bullet...
you won't have to go to no doctor
to get it taken out.
Whoever shot you
would take their bullet back.
''l believe you got my property.''
That's right, man."
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
+102|6957|New York

S3v3N wrote:

The following view is from a US Marine Vet. and current Deputy Sheriff.

In my personal opinion, everybody and their mom's sisters cousin's brother's former roommate are all wrong when it comes to gun control.  Now before you fly off the handle, hear me out, or in this particular case, read my Text.

Currently, that I know of, their happens to be 04, (four) key ingredients to make a firearm work.

1. Bullet - The little brass projectile that flies out the end of a barrel.
2. Powder - An element that causes an explosive reaction causing the bullet to fly out the barrel.
3. Primer - A small device that starts the explosive reaction causing the bullets to fly out the barrel.
4. Casing - Usually a Brass cylindrical object that houses the primer and powder and bullet.

Now, you can buy all 4 of these objects by themselves, smash them together and shazam, you've got the key to make a firearm dangerous and as you know you can buy them already assembled in packages from 20 rounds to 1000000000000000000. Now with the current State Laws, Government regulations I can stroll into any sporting goods store and buy any type of ammunition I desire, If you're under the age of 21, you can only purchase rifle or shotgun ammunition. If you're over 21, anything goes, no questions asked.

If I remember correctly, the 2nd amendment states something to the affect of The Right to Bare Arms, but does it have anything to say about the Right to Bare Loaded Arms? As you all may be very aware, an unloaded firearm is pretty much a useless chunk of metal and wood or in some cases synthetic material.

Here is the dilemma, how in the hell can the USA restrict the sales of ammunition to law abiding citizens? I believe it'd be the same fashion as a conceal carry permit.  Now most people whom use firearms for a constructive purpose (example, trap shooting, bird hunting etc) have no major criminal history therefore a Conceal Carry Permit isn't really that hard to obtain.

On to punishments, if you are found guilty of a violent crime (assault, burglary) that in some way, shape or form used a firearm you will be sentence to 10 years in prison, no parole, no deferred sentence, no suspended sentence. If you killed somebody, its LIFE in prison or in some states, death (do not, repeat do not turn this into a debate about the death penalty).  If you are convicted of a being an accessory of a violent crime with the use of a firearm, its 10 years in prison. (Example, providing the firearm or ammunition to somebody whom used that firearm to murder, or cause serious bodily harm) Also, if you are a convicted FELON, or have been convicted of any violent crime, you go to prison for the rest of your life if you have in your possession a firearm or ammunition.

Bitches? Moans? Complaints? Compliments?

aaaaannnnnddddddddd Go.
Ill agree with you on a need to ID and or have a permit For ANY type of Pistol of Semi auto assault rifle ammo. That includes .223 and .17 and .22 ammo. Here in NY you need a pistol permit to obtain Any pistol ammo, so we do have sort of a leg up on most states in that respect. As for the loaded weapon analogy, In respects to a carry weapon A loaded weapon is the only weapon that should be carried or the weapon is useless, But Any other weapon that you do NOT have a carry permit(conceal)for, should have the weapon locked in a case, with ammo in a separate locked case in a separate part of the car and or house. NY already has this law for Anyone not having a carry permit. Another leg up on other Laxed states.

On the whole i agree on your opinion.
16 more years
+877|6780|South Florida

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

S3v3N wrote:

The following view is from a US Marine Vet. and current Deputy Sheriff.

In my personal opinion, everybody and their mom's sisters cousin's brother's former roommate are all wrong when it comes to gun control.  Now before you fly off the handle, hear me out, or in this particular case, read my Text.

Currently, that I know of, their happens to be 04, (four) key ingredients to make a firearm work.

1. Bullet - The little brass projectile that flies out the end of a barrel.
2. Powder - An element that causes an explosive reaction causing the bullet to fly out the barrel.
3. Primer - A small device that starts the explosive reaction causing the bullets to fly out the barrel.
4. Casing - Usually a Brass cylindrical object that houses the primer and powder and bullet.

Now, you can buy all 4 of these objects by themselves, smash them together and shazam, you've got the key to make a firearm dangerous and as you know you can buy them already assembled in packages from 20 rounds to 1000000000000000000. Now with the current State Laws, Government regulations I can stroll into any sporting goods store and buy any type of ammunition I desire, If you're under the age of 21, you can only purchase rifle or shotgun ammunition. If you're over 21, anything goes, no questions asked.

If I remember correctly, the 2nd amendment states something to the affect of The Right to Bare Arms, but does it have anything to say about the Right to Bare Loaded Arms? As you all may be very aware, an unloaded firearm is pretty much a useless chunk of metal and wood or in some cases synthetic material.

Here is the dilemma, how in the hell can the USA restrict the sales of ammunition to law abiding citizens? I believe it'd be the same fashion as a conceal carry permit.  Now most people whom use firearms for a constructive purpose (example, trap shooting, bird hunting etc) have no major criminal history therefore a Conceal Carry Permit isn't really that hard to obtain.

On to punishments, if you are found guilty of a violent crime (assault, burglary) that in some way, shape or form used a firearm you will be sentence to 10 years in prison, no parole, no deferred sentence, no suspended sentence. If you killed somebody, its LIFE in prison or in some states, death (do not, repeat do not turn this into a debate about the death penalty).  If you are convicted of a being an accessory of a violent crime with the use of a firearm, its 10 years in prison. (Example, providing the firearm or ammunition to somebody whom used that firearm to murder, or cause serious bodily harm) Also, if you are a convicted FELON, or have been convicted of any violent crime, you go to prison for the rest of your life if you have in your possession a firearm or ammunition.

Bitches? Moans? Complaints? Compliments?

aaaaannnnnddddddddd Go.
Ill agree with you on a need to ID and or have a permit For ANY type of Pistol of Semi auto assault rifle ammo. That includes .223 and .17 and .22 ammo. Here in NY you need a pistol permit to obtain Any pistol ammo, so we do have sort of a leg up on most states in that respect. As for the loaded weapon analogy, In respects to a carry weapon A loaded weapon is the only weapon that should be carried or the weapon is useless, But Any other weapon that you do NOT have a carry permit(conceal)for, should have the weapon locked in a case, with ammo in a separate locked case in a separate part of the car and or house. NY already has this law for Anyone not having a carry permit. Another leg up on other Laxed states.

On the whole i agree on your opinion.
I too live in new york.
What is a gun that is locked in a case with the ammo locked in a second case somewhere else in the house going to help you when someone breaks into your house and threatens your family? If that happened to you, wouldn't you want something to protect yourself with? hmm?
15 more years! 15 more years!
Okay, i'm going to try one more time.

and just for shits and giggles.  RESTRICT THE SALES OF AMMUNITION.

Its the same concept as a conceal carry permit.  You have a background check done, you get alittle laminated card that says, He can buy ammunition.

See in New York City, Mr Gangbanger illegally obtained his firearm, but then he goes down to his local Wal-Mart and buys 100 bullets for his 9mm.. No Questions asked. 

I'm all for law abiding citizens carrying concealed firearms.  I'd like to see the sale of ammunition alittle harder.  Its not really a hard concept to fathom.

*for those who think i want to restrict firearms or guns..*

Last edited by S3v3N (2006-10-06 10:43:09)

+52|6746|Perth. Western Australia
Having a unloaded pistol will put you in more danger then having a loaded one. Someone points a gun at you so what you will point your unloaded pistol at them. What if they fire a bullet? Are you going to run? There will always be bullets on the black market meaning criminals will be able to kill you but you will be the moron holding an unloaded gun at them.

But it would be better to see a bigger restriction on their selling or tougher laws.

Last edited by spray_and_pray (2006-10-06 10:50:05)


spray_and_pray wrote:

Having a unloaded pistol will put you in more danger then having a loaded one. Someone points a gun at you so what you will point your unloaded pistol at them. What if they fire a bullet? Are you going to run? There will always be bullets on the black market meaning criminals will be able to kill you but you will be the moron holding an unloaded gun at them.
If you can carry a concealed weapons permit, you'd be able to carry that particular firearm LOADED. I'm taking about joe schmuck with 5 Felonies that got his firearm from his hook up then walked down to a store and bought ammo with no questions asked.


Now if you've got Mr Shotgun sitting beside your door or bed, and its only there for home defense, you've got alittle card that says you can rightfully have a firearm loaded.  If you like to shoot clay pegions, you've got a permit that says you can fire projectiles out of that firearm..

Last edited by S3v3N (2006-10-06 11:06:58)

+5,233|6784|Global Command
I'm suprised you didn't nuke this thread when I gave my stamp of approval 

ATG wrote:

I'm suprised you didn't nuke this thread when I gave my stamp of approval 
I know, I was *_~^SHOCKED^~_*   
+5,233|6784|Global Command
I've had a couple of fine debates with LE types about gun control.
Most are strongly in favor of the 2nd amendment, and more importantly, understand that it has little to do with hunting and more to do with freedom from tyranny.

ATG wrote:

I've had a couple of fine debates with LE types about gun control.
Most are strongly in favor of the 2nd amendment, and more importantly, understand that it has little to do with hunting and more to do with freedom from tyranny.
Originally it was. It isn't about freedom anymore now that we have no militias and any attempt to form one would be pulled apart by the FBI.
Banned - for ever.
+231|6964|Wilmington, DE, US
As much as a liberal pussy fag you guys think I am, with the Military Commissions Act of 2006, I am seriously considering buying a firearm.

Ikarti wrote:

As much as a liberal pussy fag you guys think I am, with the Military Commissions Act of 2006, I am seriously considering buying a firearm.
It won't stop the government from swifting you away in the night, if that's what you're thinking.
+25|6906|Denmark/Minnesota (depends)
i read in a statistic (can't find it at the moment) that being allowed to carry a weapon in the us saves 4,3 billion dollars that would be taken in burglaries and stuff like that, and people using it to bank robberies only steal and damage for 1 billion a year. so it does pay off to have guns allowed.

(don't wanna get flamed for this just what i found in a statistic)
the "Commander"
+102|6778|the Netherlands
Automatic weapons were meant for the war
But here they are right outside your front door
Gangs and thieves are armed to the hilt
Ready to kill without the quilt
Lock and load
We need gun control <i>[2]
A shot rings out from down the street
The gangs are restless from the night heat
The cold, black metal has made them insane
Killing each other is part of the game
Lock and load
We need gun control <i>[2]
The barrel of a gun at the back of your head
Your money or your life is all that he said
Do you want to die or live to be old
Don't think twice about gun control
Lock and load
We need gun control <i>[2]
We were given the right to bear arms
When our land was all ranch and farms
The law is old and in need of updating
There's no time time for hesitating
Lock and load
We need gun control <i>[2]

D.R.I. - Gun control lyrics;)

Last edited by Tjasso (2006-10-06 15:16:15)

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