Ah nm, the search lied to me
Ice Cold Killa
+26|6761|Perth, W.A, Australia.

straz_mataz wrote:

Masterstyle wrote:

Ice Cold Killa wrote:

i have played on the same server as volx before and he pisses me off ok heres what he does he is not all that pro he is probably just an addict and been playing since bf2 first came out now on servers he has a medic follow him around everywhere and i mean everywhere this guy is what i like to call "volx's bitch" and he is a ok medic too so when volx deside "aww look im gonna go rambo cause im comin first in the leaderboard" and dies "volx's bitch" comes out and revives him but you see he is fu**** now since 1.4 came out because in the other patches "volx's bitch" used to bunny hop to the rescue.
huh? he has a second guy follow him around to revive him?
ive got those too,,,,they are called clanmates
so everytime you play bf2 you have someone following you around everywhere reviving you so u dont get a shitty KDR?.

look at that accuracy go dooooowwwwnnn
u guys are all on about -=RD=- volx (crap) ! and {TA}firestorm (okay) but have u ever checked out bushviper .....  now theres a good player ! btw. im new to these forums (so some help on a few things would be nice) ! lol

Last edited by privatepowerpod1 (2006-10-03 05:34:38)

ive never seen either of them play..
+31|7141|St. Louis, MO

Cripple wrote:

Been a while since I looked at the leaderboard - when was firestorm reset?
I noticed that too.In BFHQ he's off the leaderboard and has no stats.Sucks to be him.

Last edited by YoBabysDaddy (2006-10-04 00:37:19)

Stop idolizing the leaders!  Who gives a rats azz if they have huge numbers?  Their stats suck and they are just Karkand whores.  Damn, you people need to get over it!  Most of you guys have more ribbons and badges than they do!
Right just to set things straight.....Any player that is in the top 10 is not god, there not the best, not the most feared. There only there because everyday since the day bf2 was born, they have played it, like a religion. For all we know someone with 40k global points could be better than Mr 400k points.

now how do i put screen shots into this little box????

You are correct! Just look at the TOP guys....  Those dudes are terrific in team play!  Impressive...  But they dont have the huge freakin scores like the top moronic azz clowns.  I admire TOP players more because they excute teamplay like a freakin surgeon!  I dont fear any top ten player.  If I am ever on a server with them they had better watch out as I will hunt them down and stay on them like a chicken on a june bug!  I will be all over them like a bad suit...  I am bringin the pain!  ROFL  Not bad for a 51 year old man huh?  111
+3,135|7056|The Hague, Netherlands

Doktorbob wrote:

You are correct! Just look at the TOP guys....  Those dudes are terrific in team play!  Impressive...  But they dont have the huge freakin scores like the top moronic azz clowns.  I admire TOP players more because they excute teamplay like a freakin surgeon!  I dont fear any top ten player.  If I am ever on a server with them they had better watch out as I will hunt them down and stay on them like a chicken on a june bug!  I will be all over them like a bad suit...  I am bringin the pain!  ROFL  Not bad for a 51 year old man huh?  111
well sounds quite scary to be honest

ROFL... glad I got my message across!  LMAO
Firestorm is so overrated im not even gonna tell you, I pwned him at sniping, medicing, supporting, and pretty much anything, he didn't kill me once, he's only good cause of his stat padding he does. Trust me he sucks balls I have trouble believing he is so high in the leaderboards.
yah tafirestorm sucks and one time he was sniper and iwas prone with a ak101 and he shot me but he didn't kill me and in fact i pwned him withe ak101, because he sucks at sniping even when people are prone. then afterwards i said he sucked and he kicked me off moongamers. he is a shitty commander noob has no life.

power9787 wrote:

yah tafirestorm sucks and one time he was sniper and iwas prone with a ak101 and he shot me but he didn't kill me and in fact i pwned him withe ak101, because he sucks at sniping even when people are prone. then afterwards i said he sucked and he kicked me off moongamers. he is a shitty commander noob has no life.
Back from the Dead.
Why oh WHY did you bump this thread!?!??!?!?
+1,716|7050|St. Andrews / Oslo

power9787 wrote:

yah tafirestorm sucks and one time he was sniper and iwas prone with a ak101 and he shot me but he didn't kill me and in fact i pwned him withe ak101, because he sucks at sniping even when people are prone. then afterwards i said he sucked and he kicked me off moongamers. he is a shitty commander noob has no life.
wow... Punctuation is your friend...
---hates you
+1,137|7074|Hell, p.o box 666

well well, 42 pages of absolut useless RD Volx>Firestrom talking. Who else has the opinion this thread has to die???
Back from the Dead.
+244|7006|arica harbour
for the one millionth time ..close this freakin thread.

i owend rd volx like 12 times during a karkand match.. he is the bunnyhopping noob king of them all.

volx would not last 5 seconds with me in karkand.

you people just want to kiss his ass even more.. whats even better is that he did not clean it.

you people think he is god or something. if he cant play as a good team member, then he sucks ass anyway.

firestorm, that moron did a lot of bad things to my friends when they started playing bf2. i dont want to play in hi servers and i dont want to talk to him at all.
+7|6845|raahe finland
lol bickmack your sig is just saying "give me respect, give me attention" and reflects what are you thinking about your self imho.
+86|6859|Winterpeg, Canada
Voix hasn't played in 4 days, WTF? maybe he quit bf2, or had a medical problem, or i'm reading the stats wrong.
+0|6724|Washington, Everett
First of all TA Firestorm is a a complete commander noob... And Volx I can say that he is pretty good in support... But one thing I cant get is he only spent 1500 hours into BF2 and already 550,000 Global score...

colony1942 wrote:

First of all TA Firestorm is a a complete commander noob... And Volx I can say that he is pretty good in support... But one thing I cant get is he only spent 1500 hours into BF2 and already 550,000 Global score...
Karkand + ammo bag macro + nades + pkm + skill = >5.5 spm.
+28|6753|Jax, Fl
I wish i didn't have a job, any repsonsibilities, a girlfriend, or family to devote my time too...sigh...if it were for all these things i could be the new Volx.
+0|7078|The Hairy Mole On Earth's Ass

DeepSkysUrGe wrote:

I wish i didn't have a job, any repsonsibilities, a girlfriend, or family to devote my time too...sigh...if it were for all these things i could be the new Volx.
Are you serious? Look at his stats..... Do you really want to be the next big Strike at Karkand Support kit grenade spammer?

Diversity FTW

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