Oh yea, and who did he sell arms to again?Ikarti wrote:
zomg bush bashing it's all clinton's fault reagan was the greatest stay the course against the islamofacists
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Maybe you need to check yourself in with this guy.fadedsteve wrote:
Bush IS fantastic!!! Love that guy! I voted for him twice, and I'd do it a third!!
Since the US became the Hegimon. Like it or not the US has been in hundreds of conflicts since its conception. Isolationism DOESN'T WORK. It brought us into two World Wars.Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:
And since when was it our job to implement puppet regimes in the first place?
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something. - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
Clinton Protects his own:Stingray24 wrote:
You care about breaking the law and lying? Clinton committed perjury. That covers both.The_Shipbuilder wrote:
And if you want to bring up Clinton or Kennedy, please provide a link to the page on the BF2S forums where liberal posters defended their scandals. Either way, I'm not so sure that the American people are going to care too much about a scandal that happened 8 years ago or 37 years ago.
I can bring up Clinton and Kennedy whether or not anyone posted about it here before or not. I'm referring mainly to the elected members of the Democratic party, not those who post here. Though I'm sure back in the 90s they did plenty of defending Clinton. I've seen the "Clinton got a BJ, who cares" type quote used fairly recently here, but I'm not wasting time looking for it. I don't care what anyone posted here. That's not my point.
This is: people remember how the Dems circled the wagons around Clinton when he got caught hanging out of his pants. Yet they are willing to nail someone on the other side of the aisle to the wall for a sexual issue. Foley resigned, so should every other Republican, Democrat, or independent who gets caught doing things like this and/or gets caught lying about it. If you support that stance, Clinton should've been gone and Kennedy needs to be tossed out. Period.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something. - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
It is politics. Exactly my point. Your initial post signaled huge trouble because of this. I disagree because people remember Clinton and Kennedy and the Democrat's failure to bounce them for similar actions. Since people have that perspective, it will have no negative effect. Our guy resigned, both of yours lied and refused to resign. As far as Kennedy, he should've been gone back when the crime was committed.The_Shipbuilder wrote:
Sorry pal, that's politics for you. One side does something wrong, they huddle up and circle the wagons. The other side jumps on it. Sucks when it's your guys, but that's just how it works.Stingray24 wrote:
This is: people remember how the Dems circled the wagons around Clinton when he got caught hanging out of his pants. Yet they are willing to nail someone on the other side of the aisle to the wall for a sexual issue.The_Shipbuilder wrote:
And if you want to bring up Clinton or Kennedy, please provide a link to the page on the BF2S forums where liberal posters defended their scandals. Either way, I'm not so sure that the American people are going to care too much about a scandal that happened 8 years ago or 37 years ago.You definitely have a fair point that Clinton should have been gone. Kennedy - not so sure you're going to get very far with that given MA's statutes of limitation.Stingray24 wrote:
Foley resigned, so should every other Republican, Democrat, or independent who gets caught doing things like this and/or gets caught lying about it. If you support that stance, Clinton should've been gone and Kennedy needs to be tossed out. Period.
In any case, I fully support the Repubs' blathering about Clinton and Kennedy until their faces turn blue. It just reinforces that they're out of touch with what's going on in 2006. Period. Exclamation mark.
We Reps will stay "out of touch" with liberal America . . . and keep winning.
Not backing puppet governments does not mean being an isolationist!DBBrinson1 wrote:
Since the US became the Hegimon. Like it or not the US has been in hundreds of conflicts since its conception. Isolationism DOESN'T WORK. It brought us into two World Wars.Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:
And since when was it our job to implement puppet regimes in the first place?
I love when people refer to Reps or Dems as "our guys" or "us" and the others "you guys" or "them". In my opinion this is one of the reasons the US has such a piss-poor political environment. Instead of focusing solely on the issues, it becomes partisan politics. "Well, they do this, so we need to do this." Give it up, this isn't second grade you fucking children. Lets bicker over something worthwhile, rather than such nonsense as "Democrats are 'fraidycats and Repubs are warmongers." It is people who hold steadfast to the political party of their choosing without looking at the big picture that I despise.
We'll see. Remember - the dirty liberals support all kinds of deviancy, including man on dog sex. So if our leaders are doing anything wrong, we don't bat a lash.Stingray24 wrote:
It is politics. Exactly my point. Your initial post signaled huge trouble because of this. I disagree because people remember Clinton and Kennedy and the Democrat's failure to bounce them for similar actions. Since people have that perspective, it will have no negative effect.The_Shipbuilder wrote:
In any case, I fully support the Repubs' blathering about Clinton and Kennedy until their faces turn blue. It just reinforces that they're out of touch with what's going on in 2006. Period. Exclamation mark.
Conservative voters on the other hand... I'm not so sure they'll be so forgiving.
Hmmm. I'm not so sure about that either.Stingray24 wrote:
We Reps will stay "out of touch" with liberal America . . . and keep winning.
You do seem to be right about America being liberal, though.

Last edited by The_Shipbuilder (2006-10-02 14:12:25)
Bush is fantastic, liberal democrats are not!!!
Therefore, if he ran a third campaign, I WOULD vote for him a third time!!
Economy is kicking ass, the stock market is kicking ass, gas prices are lower, the military is the best in the known free world. . . . We havent been attacked in 5 years. . . .oh yea!! SUCK MY REPUBLICAN BALLS!!
Democrats have their heads so far up their asses they cant even see straight!!! NO PLAN, NO MESSAGE, NO FUTURE! Therefore, NO VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BUSH/CHENEY 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bush is fantastic, liberal democrats are not!!!
Therefore, if he ran a third campaign, I WOULD vote for him a third time!!
Economy is kicking ass, the stock market is kicking ass, gas prices are lower, the military is the best in the known free world. . . . We havent been attacked in 5 years. . . .oh yea!! SUCK MY REPUBLICAN BALLS!!
Democrats have their heads so far up their asses they cant even see straight!!! NO PLAN, NO MESSAGE, NO FUTURE! Therefore, NO VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BUSH/CHENEY 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is this the cocaine talking?fadedsteve wrote:
Bush is fantastic, liberal democrats are not!!!
Therefore, if he ran a third campaign, I WOULD vote for him a third time!!
Economy is kicking ass, the stock market is kicking ass, gas prices are lower, the military is the best in the known free world. . . . We havent been attacked in 5 years. . . .oh yea!! SUCK MY REPUBLICAN BALLS!!
Democrats have their heads so far up their asses they cant even see straight!!! NO PLAN, NO MESSAGE, NO FUTURE! Therefore, NO VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BUSH/CHENEY 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The funny thing is that the Republicans are still the lesser of the two evils in most elections. The Democrats have turned into a socialist party, who would vote for that?
You're making all the coke heads look bad Ikarti.Ikarti wrote:
Is this the cocaine talking?fadedsteve wrote:
Bush is fantastic, liberal democrats are not!!!
Therefore, if he ran a third campaign, I WOULD vote for him a third time!!
Economy is kicking ass, the stock market is kicking ass, gas prices are lower, the military is the best in the known free world. . . . We havent been attacked in 5 years. . . .oh yea!! SUCK MY REPUBLICAN BALLS!!
Democrats have their heads so far up their asses they cant even see straight!!! NO PLAN, NO MESSAGE, NO FUTURE! Therefore, NO VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BUSH/CHENEY 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bush is one of a million things that affect the state of the economy. Unless he did something really obvious to affect it either way, you really can't blame nor credit him for that.fadedsteve wrote:
Economy is kicking ass,
But let's check in with one of the best indicators toward the economy: the consumer confidence index. It's a leading indicator rather than a trailing one, so it really gives us a good glimpse at how people view the current and future state of the economy, and how this view affects their current and planned purchasing decisions, which is ultimately one of the fundamental drivers of the American economy.

The stock market has even less to do with Bush than the economy does. But yeah - the stock market's doing OK. But both the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ 100 indicies are much lower than they were when Bush took office in 2000. Not necessarily a resounding success.fadedsteve wrote:
the stock market is kicking ass
lower than what? Europe?fadedsteve wrote:
gas prices are lower,
You're going to vote for Bush because of gas prices? Strange.

True. But not because of Bush.fadedsteve wrote:
the military is the best in the known free world
Our civil liberties suffered a devastating attack last week.fadedsteve wrote:
We havent been attacked in 5 years.
Did we implement another program to track terrorist communication? Darn now I gotta stop calling Afghanistan. Oh wait, I don't do that, I just talk to my Grandma here in the Midwest. It's all good.The_Shipbuilder wrote:
Our civil liberties suffered a devastating attack last week.
No to track all communication. It's called Fascism. It's the new rage in America.Stingray24 wrote:
Did we implement another program to track terrorist communication? Darn now I gotta stop calling Afghanistan. Oh wait, I don't do that, I just talk to my Grandma here in the Midwest. It's all good.The_Shipbuilder wrote:
Our civil liberties suffered a devastating attack last week.
Nope been clean off blow for over a year now champ. . . .Ikarti wrote:
Is this the cocaine talking?fadedsteve wrote:
Bush is fantastic, liberal democrats are not!!!
Therefore, if he ran a third campaign, I WOULD vote for him a third time!!
Economy is kicking ass, the stock market is kicking ass, gas prices are lower, the military is the best in the known free world. . . . We havent been attacked in 5 years. . . .oh yea!! SUCK MY REPUBLICAN BALLS!!
Democrats have their heads so far up their asses they cant even see straight!!! NO PLAN, NO MESSAGE, NO FUTURE! Therefore, NO VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BUSH/CHENEY 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank god I have been a republican for most of my adult life though. . . . GOP 08'!!!!!!!!!!!!
DOUCHECRATS. . . NO message, NO plan, NO balls, NO VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its easy to Monday Morning Quarterback on good ole Bushy, but if I wanted to listen to some blow hard pontificate on "how I would do this better, or how I would do that better", I would listen to Sean Salisbury on ESPN analyze the situation!
The bottom line is the Democrats(Slick Willy and Co.) had every opportunity in the world to stop Bin Laden in his tracks YEARS before 9/11 and they didnt do it over political fallout PERIOD!! Did Bush drag his heals. . . . . sure, you would too if you just started your administration 8 months earlier, and didnt want to cause and international incident less than a year in office!! Clinton had a ARMED predator CIA fucking drone hovering over Osama's camp, and choose not to fire it, that info is widely known!! If you think thats right wing spin, pick up a copy of the 9/11 report!! Clinton let us down, and Bush just did what any first term president would do, cool their heels until he had his feet under him.
Boths lack of inaction hurt our nation, but Bill Clinton could have eliminated al-Qaeda before we even knew who the fuck Osama was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I vote for a party that has BALLS, the democrats haven't had balls since FDR. . . . please dont bring up JFK, he was an alcoholic, womanizing piece of shit who started Vietnam!!! He was nothing to write home about!
Last edited by fadedsteve (2006-10-02 23:34:16)
Let's pin the unsophistication of some on an entire party, and feel better about ourselves at the same time.
Man, if only you could drill that notion into mass-media's and politicians' heads.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
Give it up, this isn't second grade you fucking children. Lets bicker over something worthwhile, rather than such nonsense as "Democrats are 'fraidycats and Repubs are warmongers."
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-10-03 00:37:47)
Fadedsteve, what page is that on in your copy of the published version?fadedsteve wrote:
Clinton had a ARMED predator CIA fucking drone hovering over Osama's camp, and choose not to fire it, that info is widely known!! If you think thats right wing spin, pick up a copy of the 9/11 report!!
yeah i thought they didn't have them armed yet, as well as the admin and intel community not being able to decide if that was legal or not
Is anyone else in thier boxers?
LOL +1BN wrote:
Is anyone else in thier boxers?
Um, do a bit of research. The democrats have become SO much like the Republicans and so far away from their liberal principles.Major_Spittle wrote:
The funny thing is that the Republicans are still the lesser of the two evils in most elections. The Democrats have turned into a socialist party, who would vote for that?
No way in hell are the Democrats anything like a socialist party, they are supported by big donations from corporations for gods sake.
Ohhh OK, its alright then. Pew. The parties Christian values they force on the rest of the world are saved then!!!OrangeHound wrote:
Not that I'm on Foley's side, but the page was not "underage" ... in DC, I believe the age of consent is 16.The_Shipbuilder wrote:
Then you have Republican representative Foley flirting with underage congressional pages over email, asking them to measure themselves for him.
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