A toilet that flushes.

Hell, I'd even settle for one in doors that my asscheeks don't freeze to in the winter.

Last edited by dstock9 (2006-10-03 14:35:07)

The very model of a modern major general
+796|6998|United States of America
Am I even allowed to say the deaths of some of the people in this forum?
The Farewell Tour
+79|6735|San Antonio, TX
I would just like to win enough money to become debt free... no mortgage, no car payments, no credit cards.  I don't mind working, I just wish I could have some fun with the $$$ I am working for occasionally.
Cowboy from Hell

Colfax wrote:

Just buy a new motherboard and video card.  And ram if you need that.

Motherboards are cheap and video cards aren't that bad.

Thats what i did.  New mobo, processor, and video card.  All i need is the ram
I'm cool with the MB an Assus P4P800 and the intel P4 2.8 GHZ, I need 2 GB RAM and a Geforce 7600 GT.  All for U$S 300.  With that I'm playing BF2 at its best.

Last edited by sergeriver (2006-10-03 16:49:19)

Cowboy from Hell

Kmarion wrote:


I'd be happy just playing BF2 without having to use the lowest quality graphics available! lol  I'd like to see what it looks like at full video rendering..and smooth with 50fps or better.
I rarely dip below 90 in bf2. When I record fraps it goes to 60 fps but that is only because that the maximum fraps will allow. Settings are all the way up.
Here is a shot I took.. http://stormsurge.us/ss/screen011.png . Bf2 doesnt really challenge it. A game like FEAR is more like it.. (Which i might add the Multi-player is free http://joinfear.com/main)
Can I say that I really hate u man?
+1,153|6944|Washington, DC

Real-life hax that let me get straight A's without doing anything except writing down answers that come straight to my head, and wallhax that let me see through the obstructive, restrictive net we call "clothing" that ladies wear
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6851|Long Island, New York

Get some more exercise, get more active
Start getting an income
Hopefully stay and improve things with my current GF


Stop getting involved in every god damn thing. **Cough**IRAQ**Cough**
Find alternative Energy Sources (Come on bush, you talk about it but never do anything.)
+385|6804|Northern California
Oooh, good call on the alterntaive energy sources!

Seriously, can you imagine having the society like that of Star Trek Next Generation?  No more MONEY.  Fusion..or better.  No more planetary war..just go and discover chit!

But yeah, when car manufacterers do a little work and get vehicles that do 300 miles on a half a cup of recycled urine..then we'll be in good shape.
Mr. Bigglesworth
eat better, sleep more, lose weight, date the right type of girls {ie, no more marrried women}, save money, and  get taxed less
+127|6971|WPB, FL. USA

klassekock wrote:

I want my wife.........
I want his wife too - jk

What I really, really want?  Is for the bitter, negative, bullies, and loud mouths in the Media, Congress, and the Senate to STFU and unite behind our country and service people.  I wish they would all collectively pull their heads out their asses and see how the US and the world are responding to their constant bombardment of negative conduct and actions.  I wish they would get over their horse losing two races and how we got to Iraq and focus on what to do about it. 

If they would have spent just half the negative energy they put into this issue on doing something helpful and positive then I guarantee things would be better.  One last thought - this thing about having a better plan and having a new and better strategy for dealing with Iraq, N. Korea, Iran, and the mid-East peace process had better be campaign BS - because if it's not and they have been keeping factual methods and information a secret then two things should happen; 1} Be kicked out of office, and 2} Be brought up on criminal charges for withholding information that would have prevented the deaths of innocent Iraqis and coalition forces.

I think if the DEM'S had any chance of regaining the House, Senate, or Presidency then they already blew it by doing nothing other than crying, bitching, name calling, finger pointing, bullying, being loud and hateful, etc.  They would have had my vote had they led and did something to show why they should be in control - but they haven't!   LEAD, FOLLOW, OR GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!  {to paraphrase Lee Iaccoca}.

+5,233|6842|Global Command
That my friend, is words of wisdom.

Last edited by ATG (2006-10-03 17:45:31)

Cowboy from Hell
All in this forum section ends with political crossfire.
GunSlinger OIF II

sergeriver wrote:

All in this forum section ends with political crossfire.
only someone with your political allignment would say that
Cowboy from Hell

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

All in this forum section ends with political crossfire.
only someone with your political allignment would say that
And that means...
+5,233|6842|Global Command

sergeriver wrote:

All in this forum section ends with political crossfire.
America and the world are at a turning point.
I'm not making a political statement by saying he spoke words of wisdom, because for ten years now all I have seen is an escalation of violence around the world.

An end to a need for war would improve my life more than anything.
Cowboy from Hell

ATG wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

All in this forum section ends with political crossfire.
America and the world are at a turning point.
I'm not making a political statement by saying he spoke words of wisdom, because for ten years now all I have seen is an escalation of violence around the world.

An end to a need for war would improve my life more than anything.
Good call there.
+5,233|6842|Global Command
Remember and take in all I said;
A need for war.

Sometimes, history has shown, there is a need to identify an enemy and make war.

This is such a time.

I'm sorry, and I hope it ends soon.
Cowboy from Hell

ATG wrote:

Remember and take in all I said;
A need for war.

Sometimes, history has shown, there is a need to identify an enemy and make war.

This is such a time.

I'm sorry, and I hope it ends soon.
I understood.  At least you want that need to stop.  I disagre in the need thing, but we both hope it ends soon.
GunSlinger OIF II
nothing at all, my life is going pretty smoothly after a few shaky late teen years

1. Preference and programs for minorities to be disbanded. I want equality, not advantage inversion.
2. People to stop legislating away my rights. Both parties here are guilty of it.
3. The government to stop giving sex preds parole and housing in my city, with its high concentration of children. I'd hate to have to move away in disgust.
4. Parties to stop hiding and "discovering" ballots, and asking for two zillion recounts. With all the money this bullcrap costs, you could feed several African villages for a year.
5. People to stop assuming that conservatism is synonymous for support for Republicans in power. I vote both ways, and my decision is based on my assessment of skill and character rather than party affiliation.
6. Democrats to stop whinging about election losses when they fail to put up an acceptable candidate.
7. Blocks of pepperjack cheese to receive a significant price cut. $12 is a bit overwhelming for a dairy condiment.
8. My left shoulder to stop acting up whenever I pull a heavy bow for an extended period of time.
9. Local swimming pools to not be filled with that disgusting fuzzy substance at the bottom that looks like discarded cigarette filters.
10. Smokers to realize that not everybody thinks their smell is the beautiful perfume of the rugged mountains, and be courteous enough to snuff their cigs when it's obviously bothering others.
11. Non-smokers to stop making faces at smokers at stoplights when both parties' windows are rolled up.
12. Mexico to be eventually annexed to the US and quality of life there improved, so we can shrug off the problem of non-tax-paying illegal immigrants.
13. The government to realize that some people want to manage their money rather than give over half of it to Big Brother, that it may be gradually meted back to them over time.
14. Conspiracy theorists to stop trying to staple tin-foil hats to my head.
15. South Park's new episode to air early so I can laugh at the boys making fun of WoW.
16. DX10/SM4.0 cards to hurry their asses to the shelves so people can stop worrying about compatibility.
17. Bigfoot to release that Linux box network card in a non-l337ized format (without the custom heat sink and the mostly invisible lights), so I don't feel like a geek buying one.
18. Game companies to consistantly release comprehensive demos of their products so I don't waste my money on a shitty product.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
I am slowly making more time for family and friends, after working like a dog for several years, only being home 1 or 2 days a week the past 4 years, I've missed out on alot, I was sort of like an abused child, I never realized how bad I had it until I walked out and made a new life of things, I kept telling myself to hold out, and things would get better, and they did, once I quit, just in time for a first niece to enter the picture, and right before all my grandparents' health started failing at once, at least I'll be able to make some time for them now.

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

All in this forum section ends with political crossfire.
only someone with your political allignment would say that
What's with some of the patently ridiculous repsonses on this thread?

Most people either specify something very simplistic, e.g. money, or something completely implausible, e.g. living on a beach with a fit blonde for the rest of my life. I would have thought the thread was intended to inspire deeper responses than the likes of these....
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
half expecting to see "Gallardo FTW!"

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