Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6869|Southeastern USA
that's what i figured, the only stealth plane shot down to date was a f117, but it's a fighter, and loses it's stealth characteristics when the payload doors are opened, but then it was the only one and as such is hardly "dropping like flies",  are you in kosovo though? or nearby? that was the only instance I could think of of a stealth craft being shot down (there was one other fighter hit, but it returned to it's base) and if I was correct if you are really from the region my heart goes out to you, the whole kosovo conflict has been sort of glossed over by western media, and does not receive anywhere near the attention it deserves, I think it's sad that the UN has allowed it to go on for as long as it has, since it seems to tie up all the conflicts it intercedes with in never ending debate and red tape, just like haiti and the sudan. There is one thing you must understand though, bombs, no matter how smart they are, at present can not spare the lives of the civilians in the vicinity, and probably never will, and bombing bridges and such are a tactical move since it severely disrupts the infrastructure of the "enemy", granted no one wants to see civilians killed or injured, but it is just stupid to allow the area in which the military forces reside to maintain their utilities, had milosevic and his warlords not engaged in such barbaric practices as ethnic cleansing the bombings you referenced never would have occured, and I hope you never have to experience such, if you can without endangering yourself, would you tell us a little about where you are and what ethnicity you are (to those that don't know, some people in the area are still being executed roadside based on whether or not they are circumsized and other such inhuman bullshit, at least that is my understanding, please correct me if i'm wrong)
+52|6811|Perth. Western Australia
I currently live in Australia but was born as a Serb in Belgrade. There are still skirmishes in Serbia but nothing overly serious we do not line up people and shoot them on the streets. However the area is f***ed up from bombings and radiated. What was Serbia one of the strongest countries in Europe during the time of Tito is now not really much. Its being rebuilt although. Ill stick to what i said and continue to say the bombings were un neccesary since we had basically nada millitary forces in the city and the Army had its own generators and this is the ugly part of the war. Civilian bombings are a serious tactic used on countries to scare out the people. It was done in Dresden and is still done today. Although it is quite amazing how most of our skyscrapers that were bombed remained standing. Some were even hit by cruise missles. Correction when i say dropping like flies i dont mean stealths we shot down a numerous collection of Blackhaks F16's etc. We had and still have a operational airforce consisting of Mig 29's. Another reason why the US didnt bomb as much military because we were in the Balkans (mountains made of Graphite) and our military bases were built inside there. So almost all the bombing was killing civilians and not military. You might also remember when the US boasted that they destoyed an Armour division of 500 tanks.We didnt even have that much what they actually bombed were fake's made of wood and paper. So much for intelligence. There also are reports of us shooting down two F15's this report is confirmed by the Russians but not by the US which still claims they have never lost a F15 in combat. I wont say if i was a millitant or a civilian but this is all i can tell you and its not that CNN bullshit.

Last edited by spray_and_pray (2006-09-29 21:32:50)

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6869|Southeastern USA
I hate CNN

superfly_cox wrote:

Answer me this one simple question and it will all become very clear for me.  If the US government was so clever, so devious, so well organized, and so determined as to commit the events of 9/11 themselves then how is it that the same government/forces (that be) were not able to "find" Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq?  Would it have been so difficult to stage a mock discovery of WMD's considering they controlled Iraq and had just publicly staged the most elaborate hoax (9/11) in the history of man kind?  Would have been peanuts in comparision...

For you conspiracy theorists, if you want to take a shot at this question use some intelligence and don't offer silly reasons like "to throw off people about 9/11".  You've already given the US Government alot of credit (for competence) with all the 9/11 conspiracy theories!  So why couldn't they produce some WMD's to get the entire world off of their case?
They did find WMD's.
(no stance on conspiracies etc)... but I would think it is safe to assume that any WMD that are floating around originate from within the countries they are probably now pointing at.
In the end, the WMD argument was irrelevant. Nobody denies that Rumsfeld et al in earlier positions within the US government, had cosy dealings with figures they now try so hard to distance themselves from. It is more interesting to note that despite admitting that arms were sold to these countries on a huge scale, they are as invisible now as any WMD (a term invented to scare the sh1t out of voters) - could it be because they have huge "Made in USA", or "Produce of HM govenment" stickers on them....?
They're hardly likely to appear on the news proudly standing next to a stockpile of weapons they have found, when they made, sold and transported them there in the first place.

Just a thought..........
Junglist Massive

pRiNcEkAhUnA1 wrote:

superfly_cox wrote:

Answer me this one simple question and it will all become very clear for me.  If the US government was so clever, so devious, so well organized, and so determined as to commit the events of 9/11 themselves then how is it that the same government/forces (that be) were not able to "find" Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq?  Would it have been so difficult to stage a mock discovery of WMD's considering they controlled Iraq and had just publicly staged the most elaborate hoax (9/11) in the history of man kind?  Would have been peanuts in comparision...

For you conspiracy theorists, if you want to take a shot at this question use some intelligence and don't offer silly reasons like "to throw off people about 9/11".  You've already given the US Government alot of credit (for competence) with all the 9/11 conspiracy theories!  So why couldn't they produce some WMD's to get the entire world off of their case?
They did find WMD's.
If that half arsed haul of inactive shells were the WMDs they went for, someone must have pulled the old Jedi mind trick....

We don't need to see their age or chemical viability.
These aren't the WMDs we're looking for.
You can go about your business.
Move along.
Sniping with the pistol...

superfly_cox wrote:

Answer me this one simple question and it will all become very clear for me.  If the US government was so clever, so devious, so well organized, and so determined as to commit the events of 9/11 themselves then how is it that the same government/forces (that be) were not able to "find" Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq?  Would it have been so difficult to stage a mock discovery of WMD's considering they controlled Iraq and had just publicly staged the most elaborate hoax (9/11) in the history of man kind?  Would have been peanuts in comparision...

For you conspiracy theorists, if you want to take a shot at this question use some intelligence and don't offer silly reasons like "to throw off people about 9/11".  You've already given the US Government alot of credit (for competence) with all the 9/11 conspiracy theories!  So why couldn't they produce some WMD's to get the entire world off of their case?
Two reasons:

1) If the US did say they had found WMDs they would have to present all that information to the United Nations to surpiously pick through and sort. If they got caught out there then the US would be hit with so many santions that George Bush couldn't wipe his own ass.

2) Would be that the WMDs not found would have to be replicated to further prove it. Two problems with that, the first is how do you repilcate a 10 year old Iraqi missile with possible biological agents or neclear substances. The second would be if they did repilcate such a thing it would prove that the US do make Boilogical and nuclear grade missiles, which they then transported to Iraq (which in itself is hard enough). Then the UN again would be jumping all over them waving sanctions.

It's a lot easier for a government to alter certain details on an attack on their own soil by terrorist cell. It has very little bearing on other countries and the UN.

I don't wholeheartly believe in the conspirsy theory about the supposed plane and the pentagon but I do draw a lot of doubts over it. I also know for fact that the Osama family were in the US when the attacks happened and then Air Force One got clearance the next day to fly them out, you know, George Bush and his precious oil.

I'll give that George Bush was thrown into this situation early in his presidental career buthis reaction has been nothign short of horrendus. I know a friend who is a photojournalist who spent most of last year in Iraq, suffice to say when he got back he was appuled of what he saw over there.

It's one thing for terrorists to kill 3000 incocent people, but it's another thing for a country to then react using the full force of their soldiers to overthrow two governments and then ruin the lives of 10 000's of families within those countries. While I'm not certan about this but since September 11 started more Iraqi and Afgahn civilians have been killed by US marines (unintensionally) than the actual event on September 11.

That should put thigns into perspective.
+0|6736|Dublin, Ireland.
November 10, 2001 - President Bush Speaks to United Nations

G.W. Bush:
"We must speak the truth about terror. Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th; malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists, themselves, away from the guilty. To inflame ethnic hatred is to advance the cause of terror."


See the truth and the truth shall set you free

The collapse of WTC7 is the smoking gun.



But to answer the question of why they did not fake WMD's in Iraq is because if Iraq had WMD's it was America that gave them to Iraq in the first place.

911 is just a piece in the 'New World Order' Jigsaw.
+35|7076|UK - England

Jenkinsbball wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

even assuming the kiln like conditions required to raise the temp to levels above 2500 degrees (jet fuel is basicaly diesel and will not burn that high under normal conditions) were not met, steel still loses it's rigidity at about 1000 degrees and turns into playdo, there was more than enough weight about the points of impact to overstress the plasticized steel, and as to why the towers imploded, the designer (can't think of his name offhand) put most of the elevator shafts, stairways, and ventilation systems in the center, and the fuel followed it down, weakening the structure from the inside out, demolition companies blow the core of their commissioned buildings to produce the same effect
Fucking exactly.

And the video I posted PROVES that the building did not fall at free fall speeds. Also, of the building fell at free fall speeds, the inner part that is collapsing would fall as fast as the outside debris. It's obvious that the debris on the outside fell faster (because you can SEE it), once again proves that the inner portion pancaked on itself and demolitions weren't used.

It's logical to assume that the inner core fell after the millions of tons of building collapsed, all the while damaging the core as the steel fell down.

--->[Your wrote:

Phobia<--- ]It was staged thats all i got to say.
Where's your proof?

I think people throw the conspiracy theories around for attention. They believe they're right and nothing will stop them. They don't believe in the thousands of PROFESSIONAL scientists, reports and video evidence that prove it was an attack and that the impacts plus the resorting fires WEAKENED the structure (nobody ever said fire alone brought down the buildings) and eventually caused the collapse.

Also, let's not listen to the fire fighter's statements about WTC7 and photographic proof that there was:

1. Damage to the corner of the building starting about the 18th floor and down (it looks like the side was sheared off).
2. The 20 story hole that was created by collapse of WTC1.
3. Fire fighter's statements that the building was making creeking sounds, it was swaying and that all the fire/smoke wasn't good. They pulled out of the entire area just in time for the collapse.

People in other countries believe that we did this to ourselves for justification to attack everyone else. We didn't ask for this shit to happen to us. It was orchestrated by fanatics, and we responded by fucking up their ignorant organization.

You morons in Canada don't ever have to worry about shit like this. Nobody is going to fly a plane into downtown Montreal and kill thousands of your citizens because you're not a threat to them. The fucking USA is. We are the world power. We give BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars in aid to a number of countries each and every year. How much money does Canada donate, to let's say, the fucking AIDS crisis in Africa? You don't know? Yeah, me either, because it's probably like $15 bucks.
I guess you're blind as well as a little slow.
Look around you do some research. Theres LOADS of proof, I suggest you watch two videos
google um I am not posting them again, 1st one loose change 2nd edition and 2nd terrorstorm by alex jones.

Now there are many many reputable sources included in these especially in the 2nd film(terror storm). A lead scientist was also interviewed about his findings to do with Thermite wich poured out the WTC's.
Another point go to they have admitted they carried out terror attacks in 1953 to blame it on mohammed mossadeq in Iran to pretext to overthrow
+149|6868|USA bitches!

--->[Your]Phobia<--- wrote:

I guess you're blind as well as a little slow.
Look around you do some research. Theres LOADS of proof, I suggest you watch two videos
google um I am not posting them again, 1st one loose change 2nd edition and 2nd terrorstorm by alex jones.

Now there are many many reputable sources included in these especially in the 2nd film(terror storm). A lead scientist was also interviewed about his findings to do with Thermite wich poured out the WTC's.
Another point go to they have admitted they carried out terror attacks in 1953 to blame it on mohammed mossadeq in Iran to pretext to overthrow
Yay, another Loose Change believer. "It's on the internet, in a movie, with music, and words... so, it MUST be true.

Go read: or

Get a clue. Alex Jones is a stupid CT that wanted to become famous, maybe get out of his shit hole of a life, and uses 9/11 to advance his agendas on the ignorant. He claims his videos are in honor of those who died, yet, he constantly bashes the people that fought back and had their plane crash in PA. He is a joke.

And, yeah, about what they think was termite that was falling out of the WTC, who really knows what that was? Could it have been some kind of fuel like that was broken and as it fell, it was ignited and burned off? We don't really know what it was as the towers fell and erradicated all evidence. To clearly state that thermite was used without real proof is dangerous.

One of my favorite quotes: "Assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups". Meaning, you're stupid if you believe the Loose Change videos. I mean, seriously, the guy didn't even have correct facts.............
+0|6736|Dublin, Ireland.

[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

Silverstein(Lease Holder of WTC Complex) wrote:

I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander,
telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire,
and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it."
And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse.
[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
+35|7076|UK - England

SlayerEire wrote:

FIRE CAUSED THIS!!!!! … ogo7jy.gif … ogo7jy.gif … ogo7jy.gif … ogo7jy.gif … ogo7jy.gif

Silverstein(Lease Holder of WTC Complex) wrote:

I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander,
telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire,
and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it."
And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse. … ogo7jy.gif … ogo7jy.gif … ogo7jy.gif … ogo7jy.gif … ogo7jy.gif
The WTC did not collapse due to impact of fires - It was a result of pre-positioned cutter charges.

Molten metal was found in the subbasements of WTC sites weeks after 9/11; the melting point of structural steel is 2,750 degrees Fahrenheit and the temperature of jet fuel does not exceed 1,800 degrees. Molten metal was also found in the building known as WTC7, although no plane had struck it.

QFE ---> (see below) by professor Jones:-(Liberty

There is also a photo available of a slag of the metal being extracted from ground zero. The slag, could not be aluminum from the planes because in photographs the metal was salmon-to-yellow-hot temperature (approximately 1,550 to 1,900 degrees F) "well above the melting temperatures of lead and aluminum," which would be a liquid at that temperature.

Last edited by --->[Your]Phobia<--- (2006-10-04 04:12:27)

+149|6868|USA bitches!
I give up. Believe what you want. There's no talking sense into you fucking morons, especially when photographic and quotable proof is put forth. No, you just take a video and say what happened, even though you don't really know what happened. I'm just curious as to if demolitions brought it down, why were there ZERO charges seen going off? None... all you get is the windows breaking and the building falling down. You say it collasped onto itself, yet there's pictures showing that the buildings surrounding it were damaged from its fall. I don't know about you, but if I was contracted to bring a building down and others were damaged due to it, it'd be a failure. Just like your lives....
+35|7076|UK - England

Jenkinsbball wrote:

I give up. Believe what you want. There's no talking sense into you fucking morons, especially when photographic and quotable proof is put forth. No, you just take a video and say what happened, even though you don't really know what happened. I'm just curious as to if demolitions brought it down, why were there ZERO charges seen going off? None... all you get is the windows breaking and the building falling down. You say it collasped onto itself, yet there's pictures showing that the buildings surrounding it were damaged from its fall. I don't know about you, but if I was contracted to bring a building down and others were damaged due to it, it'd be a failure. Just like your lives....
Dum ass, watch the WTC collapsing and see you bright lights going off in sequence, those are your charges now stfu

edit: spelling

Last edited by --->[Your]Phobia<--- (2006-10-04 06:53:03)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6921|132 and Bush

SlayerEire wrote:

FIRE CAUSED THIS!!!!! … ogo7jy.gif … ogo7jy.gif … ogo7jy.gif … ogo7jy.gif … ogo7jy.gif

Silverstein(Lease Holder of WTC Complex) wrote:

I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander,
telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire,
and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it."
And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse. … ogo7jy.gif … ogo7jy.gif … ogo7jy.gif … ogo7jy.gif … ogo7jy.gif
And the big freakin chunk taken out of it.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+149|6868|USA bitches!

--->[Your]Phobia<--- wrote:

Jenkinsbball wrote:

I give up. Believe what you want. There's no talking sense into you fucking morons, especially when photographic and quotable proof is put forth. No, you just take a video and say what happened, even though you don't really know what happened. I'm just curious as to if demolitions brought it down, why were there ZERO charges seen going off? None... all you get is the windows breaking and the building falling down. You say it collasped onto itself, yet there's pictures showing that the buildings surrounding it were damaged from its fall. I don't know about you, but if I was contracted to bring a building down and others were damaged due to it, it'd be a failure. Just like your lives....
Dum ass, watch the WTC collapsing and see you bright lights going off in sequence, those are your charges now stfu

edit: spelling
Should've edited it some more... it's dumb ass... moron. And, I've seen the god damn collapses more than my favorite movie because it's been shoved in my face so much. There are absolutely NO flashes ANYWHERE. You find the video, link it, and let me see it.
+35|7076|UK - England

Jenkinsbball wrote:

--->[Your]Phobia<--- wrote:

Jenkinsbball wrote:

I give up. Believe what you want. There's no talking sense into you fucking morons, especially when photographic and quotable proof is put forth. No, you just take a video and say what happened, even though you don't really know what happened. I'm just curious as to if demolitions brought it down, why were there ZERO charges seen going off? None... all you get is the windows breaking and the building falling down. You say it collasped onto itself, yet there's pictures showing that the buildings surrounding it were damaged from its fall. I don't know about you, but if I was contracted to bring a building down and others were damaged due to it, it'd be a failure. Just like your lives....
Dum ass, watch the WTC collapsing and see you bright lights going off in sequence, those are your charges now stfu

edit: spelling
Should've edited it some more... it's dumb ass... moron. And, I've seen the god damn collapses more than my favorite movie because it's been shoved in my face so much. There are absolutely NO flashes ANYWHERE. You find the video, link it, and let me see it.
now now - want a cookie? lets be grown up on this shall we?

I'm going out now, i'll post a link later, oh you can also see it in both of those movies - the ones you think are all 'bullshit'  -the footage they show is the same as in news reports, just that the bits you need to see are highlighted for unintelligent people like yourself.
+149|6868|USA bitches!

--->[Your]Phobia<--- wrote:

now now - want a cookie? lets be grown up on this shall we?

I'm going out now, i'll post a link later, oh you can also see it in both of those movies - the ones you think are all 'bullshit'  -the footage they show is the same as in news reports, just that the bits you need to see are highlighted for unintelligent people like yourself.
Oh yes, I'm sure that coming to a conclusion that you have absolutely no proof about makes you the smartest man alive. Well, I base my views off of photographs showing a giant hole in the building and raging fires as proof that structural instability and fire brought down WTC7, as well as the firefighters own words on that day.

I especially like this photo:

Which you can find here:, as well as more LOGICAL explanations of what really brought WTC7 down.

Now, sit down and shut up.

Last edited by Jenkinsbball (2006-10-04 09:21:43)

+0|6736|Dublin, Ireland.

Phobia wrote:

SlayerEire wrote:

The WTC did not collapse due to impact of fires - It was a result of pre-positioned cutter charges.
Yeh Yeh , I know. BOMBS IN THE BUILDINGS. My last post was kinda been sarcartic, as in how the feck could Fire cause this.

As for the damage done to the side, It would not cause a complete collapse of the building, With the Penthouse falling first.
"We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it."
And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse.
Watch 911-Mysteries
A newish film that covers the Controlled Demo.

I am not a Demo expert but this German guy is claimed to be.

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6921|132 and Bush

I'll take the word of the thousands of people that were there when it happened.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
. . .

superfly_cox wrote:

Answer me this one simple question and it will all become very clear for me.  If the US government was so clever, so devious, so well organized, and so determined as to commit the events of 9/11 themselves then how is it that the same government/forces (that be) were not able to "find" Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq?  Would it have been so difficult to stage a mock discovery of WMD's considering they controlled Iraq and had just publicly staged the most elaborate hoax (9/11) in the history of man kind?  Would have been peanuts in comparision...

For you conspiracy theorists, if you want to take a shot at this question use some intelligence and don't offer silly reasons like "to throw off people about 9/11".  You've already given the US Government alot of credit (for competence) with all the 9/11 conspiracy theories!  So why couldn't they produce some WMD's to get the entire world off of their case?
Your question is illogical and utterly STUPID!

There is not 1 conspiracy theory LACKING actual clear proof as to what happened - there are 2.

1.) Is a bunch of average unaccomplished Muslim men made there way onto 4 planes with basically primitive weapons, and 4 or 5 men (per plane) then took over those planes - and just happened to make there way into UNGUARDED U.S. Air-space - a time when the Military (Air-Force) just happened to be off doing something they did not need to be doing... and that even though there were warnings indicating terrorist attacks might be once again made upon the WTC - those warnings were not followed-up due to poor inter-office/department communication.


2.) Structural engineers, Scientists educated in physics and Government analysts saying the 9/11 commission report makes no logical sense and is not backed up by any consistent evidence - or that any of it happened the way the official version states it happened.

Based upon the inconsistencies in the 9/11 commission report - are the reasons for conspiracy theory no. 2.

Last edited by topal63 (2006-10-04 10:15:41)

+0|6736|Dublin, Ireland.

Kmarion wrote:

I'll take the word of the thousands of people that were there when it happened.
That is called Shock And Awe

I was taking firefighters up in the elevator to the 24th floor to get in position to evacuate workers. On the last trip up a bomb went off. We think there were bombs set in the building.
The chief of safety of the fire department of New York City told me he recieved word of the possibility of a secondary device: that is another bomb going off. He tried to get his men out as quickly as he could, but he said that there was another explosion which took place and according to his theory he thinks that there were actually devices that were planted within the building.
I was about five blocks away when I heard explosions -- three thuds -- and turned around to see the building we just got out of tend to tip over and fold in on itself.
and all of a suddend it sounded like gunfire -- you know, bang bang bang bang bang -- then all of a sudden three big explosions.
fireman2: We made it outside, we made it about a block.
fireman1: We made it at least 2 blocks.
fireman2: 2 blocks.
fireman1: and we started runnin'
fireman2: poch-poch-poch-poch-poch-poch-poch
fireman1: Floor by floor it started poppin' out ..
fireman2: It was as if as if they had detonated, det..
fireman1: yea detonated yea
fireman2: as if they had planned to take down a building,
          boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom ...
fireman1: All the way down, I was watchin it, and runnin'
fireman3: Just ran up west street.
fireman1: Then you just sort of ... this cloud of s___
          just chasin' you down
fireman4: Where did you go?
fireman3: Just ran up west street.
fireman2: You couldn't outrun it.
fireman1: You couldn't outrun it.
fireman4: So what did you do?
fireman2: I jumped behind a battalion car,
          I hid under the car, I was waitin' to die.
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7126|Orlando, FL - Age 43

P.T. Barnum wrote:

There's a sucker born every minute.
Debunking the 9/11 Myths

If there was even a whiff of truth that the administration was even remotely involved in plotting 9/11, don't you think that the Dems and the media would be screaming it from the rooftops.

The only other way to explain their silence is if the Dems were also involved in the planning and execution. In which case you liberals are still on the wrong side.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6869|Southeastern USA
have you ever had a hand in demolishing anything? Breaking concrete and snapping weld seams seem like gunshots on the small scale in which I've done it (using just dozers and such), when you are talking about metric tons of material natrually it's going to make some noise, you still need det cord to accomplish such a closely timed implosion, several miles of it even for the smallest building, got a piece yet?
+149|6868|USA bitches!

SlayerEire wrote:

I was taking firefighters up in the elevator to the 24th floor to get in position to evacuate workers. On the last trip up a bomb went off. We think there were bombs set in the building.
"We think..." - hearsay; shows no proof of demolitions actually being used.

The chief of safety of the fire department of New York City told me he recieved word of the possibility of a secondary device: that is another bomb going off. He tried to get his men out as quickly as he could, but he said that there was another explosion which took place and according to his theory he thinks that there were actually devices that were planted within the building.
"Possibility of a secondary device..." "according to his theory he thinks..." Again, hearsay. Shows no proof of demolitions actually being used.

I was about five blocks away when I heard explosions -- three thuds -- and turned around to see the building we just got out of tend to tip over and fold in on itself.
I'm sure that a building that is collapsing makes noises, not to mention the over 2 dozen generators within having thousands of tons of building falling on them would logically cause them to explode.

and all of a suddend it sounded like gunfire -- you know, bang bang bang bang bang -- then all of a sudden three big explosions.
"Sounded like gunfire..." "Three big explosions..." Read my last statement. A collapsing building will make noises when falling.

fireman2: We made it outside, we made it about a block.
fireman1: We made it at least 2 blocks.
fireman2: 2 blocks.
fireman1: and we started runnin'
fireman2: poch-poch-poch-poch-poch-poch-poch
fireman1: Floor by floor it started poppin' out ..
fireman2: It was as if as if they had detonated, det..
fireman1: yea detonated yea
fireman2: as if they had planned to take down a building,
          boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom ...
fireman1: All the way down, I was watchin it, and runnin'
fireman3: Just ran up west street.
fireman1: Then you just sort of ... this cloud of shit
          just chasin' you down
fireman4: Where did you go?
fireman3: Just ran up west street.
fireman2: You couldn't outrun it.
fireman1: You couldn't outrun it.
fireman4: So what did you do?
fireman2: I jumped behind a battalion car,
          I hid under the car, I was waitin' to die.
"As if..." "As if if they had detonated..." "As if they had planned to take down a building..." - hearsay; shows no proof of demolitions actually being used.

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