ADMINS SUCK ASS!!  I was just playing the =AAD= [INVITE ONLY WEEKEND]  server.. which has a shit ton of rules.. anyway.. first off one guy got kicked for posting a kick vote for one of their members.... big fuckin deal....  but no.. big bad admins have to flex their fingers... and by the way, the members were pretty cool.. even joking about how i was getting rocked by their J-10s...

so anyway.. later on i make a comment about this guy who was pretty damn good in a jet.. and i slipped and used the awful "F" word.. mind you, no where in their rules does it state no swearing... and wham I get kicked with no warning AND get banned....  cant FUCKING STAND THESE ASSHATS!!!!!

cant stand it... WHO HERES ME ON THIS!!!!!!!!

Last edited by THEBUNGALOWJUNKIEKID (2006-10-01 21:01:12)

Im with you!

Last edited by THEBUNGALOWJUNKIEKID (2006-10-02 17:52:45)


1hawaii50 wrote:

I was on a SF server, it was Ghost Town only and the server was =DoM= clan ranked server, and I got banned for excessive teamkilling.  The round was only a few minutes old and I had 8 kills/0 deaths flying the Apache.  LAME/NOOB ADMINS SUCK!!!  I used to play that server a lot, needless to say, I'll never play on it again.
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|6967|Orlando, FL - Age 43

h2ostg2 wrote:

im just curious if you guys try to go to these servers websites and post your gripes there.  alot of times the senior admin doesnt even know that some asswipe is kicking ppl for this kinda of bs.   its ok to post here but try to give the server a chance to fix its problems.  if you dont complain there they may never look here to know about it, thus never making there server any better. 

join us on mvc/h2o clan :16567
This is good advice.
yeah true on going to their web page, but I've come across a few clans/groups/butt buddies.. whatever who have a server and claim it their own, but no website...
+1|6576|Doncaster, UK
I just had a run in with the dick called InvisibleHu I asked how he shot me through a wall and was referred to as a FAG and told to shut up, i got a screenshot aswell if needed. Fire Cops @ really do need slapping into shape.

Kurt1942 wrote:

Fire Cops High Points Server IP is

The admin was a guy called InvisibleHu and he was a real wanker.

He banned me and a clan mate because we dared to take a plane from our own airfield on Dragon Valley , the prick of an admins reason was [and i quote] Kicking for stealing a vehicle!!

I thought planes as well as any other vehicle were available to anyone and not just the select few tossers in a fucked up server.

This game used to be fun to play but recently our clan has noticed a big increase in kicking because of smacked arses losing there precious helo/planes.
i am an admin on that server and please tell me what happend.
first off all let me explain that we have a server bug and we CAN NOT KICK

so we cant kick only ban and thats the problem of all the people reporting our server

if he was flying a jet all the round and than suddenly you got in.
wel you dont like that eather do you?

now feel free to report becouse of abusing admin but remember WE CANT KICK WE CAN ONLY BAN.

if i am correct the server name is fire cops (stf)

well i am stf hurmyie also an admin on that server.
www.stf-gaming and register to forums and pm me please.

i will sort it out.

and one thing you will be unbaned after 1 sec 5 min 1 round ore 1 day.
we dont do anything wrong we simply cant kick bbecouse of a bug and thats why we BAN

i hope i am clear now.

wel up to quote the next person in here

Trooper_GB wrote:

Hi Guys, I've got a problem with the fire cops server on SF. They banned me to make room for admin. I'm gunna try from another PC and see if can get a screen shot. I'm reporting these to BFROE for abuse of admin rights and just being idiots. anyone else want to help? I see lots of people having problems with this clan. infact they are being named and shamed alot in forums. I thinbk they should not be ranked!

email [email protected] or report them direct to they are easy form to complete (2) and very short. but these kids need to be dealt with.
hi same thing as my above post.

and dont call me an idiot

we simply cant kick and we need to ban to make room on our server.
its only 16 slots and it dos not have reserved slots so thats why the ban to make room
btw i baned you to make room for myself and i unbaned you 10 sec later.

more problems go to our forums and register

and pm me please.

Nutronic wrote:

I just had a run in with the dick called InvisibleHu I asked how he shot me through a wall and was referred to as a FAG and told to shut up, i got a screenshot aswell if needed. Fire Cops @ really do need slapping into shape.
that was probbibly last week sunday ore monday right?

well we had some problems with all the admins.

more questions read above posts ore contact me on our forums using and pm hurmyie

thank you and have a good day

DancinHomer wrote:


Anybody know who Admins this server?

I just got banned for 'Excessive team killing' after not one single team kill, obviously because the admin was getting pwnd by me, the opposition.

Any feedback on the Admin would be much appreciated, then I can show him what team killing 'really' is!


once again same thing as above posts.

we cant kick we can only ban.

well please suck my dick now becouse i get sick of all the posting abouth ore server being fucked up
pm me on the forums and thanks annyway
Choose a serve without those rules or start one yourself. Nobody forces you to play on server where you dont like the rules. Quit whining   (an acutal server rule for RCA servers) and play.

gandlers wrote:

DancinHomer wrote:


Anybody know who Admins this server?

I just got banned for 'Excessive team killing' after not one single team kill, obviously because the admin was getting pwnd by me, the opposition.

Any feedback on the Admin would be much appreciated, then I can show him what team killing 'really' is!

Thanks of teh admins is called InvisibleHu and he's a total fucking homo.......

he was playing mec on sharkler trying to be a helo whore..i spawned in usmc and started a squad, jumped in the cobra at tb station ans took to the skies...i spotted the mec helo enroute back to mec helopad...I engaged him halfway across the water and being a total asshole he shit his pants...flew in circles for a while trying to spot me....he then flew into me and blamed me for ramming telling me i was gonna get banned (cos he's shit). Later I took to the skies again this time id piced up a gunner and we engaged this a-hole again.....i landed a few missile on him and the gunner finished him off....silence.. after re-arming at the tv station...i encountered him again.......i let rip with the missiles and shot him down....
at this point he spat the dummy out because he's obviously a huge faggot....
I got banned "to make room for admins"
LMFOA.....what a total fucking homo get pwned by a helo noob (yup....hardly been flying helos but i think i need to as they are and you cry like a fag and ban someone who's better than you.

INVISIBLEHU you need to grow up and stop being a faggot. Face it, there will always be people in life better than you at something.....being a man is about accepting it.
I guess you'll never understand that, you and your clan fags should just carry on felating each other for kicks....
you banned me, but you can never change the fact that 3 times out of 3 encounters i pwnd u....HAHAHA....U R SHIT
thanks for the post.


but one more time same as above so i can stop spamming this forum.
i do need so becouse you people simply cant read the server massage.

contact me on
forums and pm hurmyie.

getting sick of repeating me 100000 times.

Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|6967|Orlando, FL - Age 43


yeah true on going to their web page, but I've come across a few clans/groups/butt buddies.. whatever who have a server and claim it their own, but no website...
I don't doubt it. Also I am sure that some of those who do have a website will also back up the n00bish behaviour of the admins. However looking into it is still an avenue to explore.
I hate it when you are owning the freaking game...high score...then with a few kills left...BAM.  You get kicked by the admin cause you would be getting high score, a butt load of points and a gold star...  The moronic ass clowns take all the glory out of it cause they cant play for shit and you owned their ass!!!!
+4|6767|winston salem,nc
hurmyie, im glad you have that on your site about the kick/ban problem but the reason ppl are griping here isnt because of that it is for the reasons why they get banned.  last time i checked planes dont have names on them and whoever gets there first gets it. i know its hard to play and admin but excessive teamkills  even though the guy says he didnt kill any teammates. you may have some rogue admin thats just a little power hungry. strip his admin rights for a while and see if the bitchin and whinin stops.  just a thought from one admin to another.  on our server we try to warn first or type in a server message before booting. you may not have time for this. gl to you

and buffalojunkie theres not alot you can do when they dont have a website except come on here and vent. try to rember that there are 494 other ranked servers you can go to. after you post here they will eventually see a decline in quality competition. they will either fix the problems or die like the rest of the smacktard servers have.

Last edited by h2ostg2 (2006-10-04 21:12:28)

thanks h2ostg2... i had no idea there were other servers to join... WE ALL KNOW THAT...  keep in mind that this stupid admin/clan member abuse shit happens (at least to me) not too often... and I have never bitched about it on here until my recent rant..  while venting feels good.. the hope that they will change their ways or lose action on their servers is even better.

If I do encounter some asshats.. I usually say my peace and see what they say.. and I disconnect and find another game..

and about the '494 other ranked servers'... do you get <100 ping on ALL OF THEM?  I would think not... so in actuallity, the number of decent servers with good pings available to any of us at any given time is drastically reduced from '494'...

I would +1 you but I dont have enough posts yet... pfft
this is not much of a camplaint but...ok. So I just got back into playing bf2 from an extended 3 month break
and I loaded into a kark only server "fast forward 2 min."

Ok so I spawned at hotel and started to sprint down the street twords square and a "admin" was bunnyhopping+doulphindiving and I frown on that so I open fire he does his little thing running outta ammo in our AR's and pistols i was just crouching and i sneek up to him " me being not one to wait" while he reloads
and I knifed him ....shortly after I was kick/banned with the following message

                     ------------->  Reason: "Dont piss admins off or we will kick ur ass nigga"

- this is the kind of servers I hate to goto becasue its so predictable they have children for admins "no offence to the minorities here"

makes me mad...annyways thats all hapend twice on my new account <^ShanK:MastaH^>

                                                                HAPPY POSTING
Hey all, I just wanted to post my concerns about a certain clan server. Last night I was playing in The Slaughter House (TSH) clan's 24/7 Wake Island Server. They had an admin in there named Gexter91 who was only kicking individuals on the opposite team that broke the rules, never the ones on his own team. When I calmly and very politely expressed my concerns in their clan forum, everyone, including Gexter, responded very rudely with cussing and petty insults. When I asked them to check the BF2CC log to verify my story, they closed the thread rather than look at evidence.

So basically if you ever go in the TSH clan server, make sure you're on the admin's team, or else you will be kicked for the stupidest things.
+4|6767|winston salem,nc
ive played on that server before. actually enjoyed it.  maybe it just depends on which admin is in there because while i was on, they were quick to point out any mistakes made on either part. dont write em off quite yet. ill see if i cant find out what happend for you. i went on there site for you and left them this address so they can see what you typed pal hope it helps resolve a problem.

Last edited by h2ostg2 (2006-10-05 22:49:23)


h2ostg2 wrote:

ive played on that server before. actually enjoyed it.  maybe it just depends on which admin is in there because while i was on, they were quick to point out any mistakes made on either part. dont write em off quite yet. ill see if i cant find out what happend for you. i went on there site for you and left them this address so they can see what you typed pal hope it helps resolve a problem.
At first I would have agreed with you, that it was just which admin was in there. I can certainly understand how many clans have sort of rogue admins running around. That wasn't what bugged me. What bothered me was how rudely their entire clan responded to me when I expressed my concerns on their forum. I didn't cuss or yell or anything rude, I just politely and clearly stated what happened. It's probably my fault. I am rather naive when it comes to expecting maturity in the gaming world. I'll realize it doesn't exist sooner or later :p

PS - Just to show you how they acted, here's my first post:

To Whom It May Concern,

Today in your 24/7 Wake Island server, admin Gexter91 repeatedly kicked members of the opposing team for violating the rules, but allowed his own team to disobey them. For example, several times members of my team were kicked for attacking the Airstrip. But when players Gerhom and GETUP DavePen attacked the carrier, he disregarded it. At first I thought he was just AFK, so the following round I shot at the carrier myself (did NOT kill anyone), and was kicked instantly. As an admin in my own clan I think it's rather innappropriate for an admin to pick and choose who is kicked. The kicking should be based upon the rules, not which team the admin wants to win. Thanks for your time.

-KoF Matt

Here's some of their responses:

thats bullshit...u WHINED and therefor u shouldnt whine in here either

So do that you retard!


DO NOT, under any circumstances SPAM our forums with this nonsense.

i never raped u moron if u like to whine then go to another server.

I will delete it when I have a chance to go back and check the names and IPs for these fucktards and ban them.

There was a total of 1 polite response, and that was from TSH tarjaic. But see all this other immaturity? That was my problem with the clan. All I asked was that their leadership take a look at the BF2CC log. If the head of the clan had came in and politely said "after taking a look, I still feel Gexter acted appropriately, and did not abuse his powers" I would have accepted it and moved on. But unfortunately thats not the response they gave...

Last edited by KoFmatt (2006-10-06 00:17:33)


KoFmatt wrote:

h2ostg2 wrote:

ive played on that server before. actually enjoyed it.  maybe it just depends on which admin is in there because while i was on, they were quick to point out any mistakes made on either part. dont write em off quite yet. ill see if i cant find out what happend for you. i went on there site for you and left them this address so they can see what you typed pal hope it helps resolve a problem.
At first I would have agreed with you, that it was just which admin was in there. I can certainly understand how many clans have sort of rogue admins running around. That wasn't what bugged me. What bothered me was how rudely their entire clan responded to me when I expressed my concerns on their forum. I didn't cuss or yell or anything rude, I just politely and clearly stated what happened. It's probably my fault. I am rather naive when it comes to expecting maturity in the gaming world. I'll realize it doesn't exist sooner or later :p

PS - Just to show you how they acted, here's my first post:

To Whom It May Concern,

Today in your 24/7 Wake Island server, admin Gexter91 repeatedly kicked members of the opposing team for violating the rules, but allowed his own team to disobey them. For example, several times members of my team were kicked for attacking the Airstrip. But when players Gerhom and GETUP DavePen attacked the carrier, he disregarded it. At first I thought he was just AFK, so the following round I shot at the carrier myself (did NOT kill anyone), and was kicked instantly. As an admin in my own clan I think it's rather innappropriate for an admin to pick and choose who is kicked. The kicking should be based upon the rules, not which team the admin wants to win. Thanks for your time.

-KoF Matt

Here's some of their responses:

thats bullshit...u WHINED and therefor u shouldnt whine in here either

So do that you retard!


DO NOT, under any circumstances SPAM our forums with this nonsense.

i never raped u moron if u like to whine then go to another server.

I will delete it when I have a chance to go back and check the names and IPs for these fucktards and ban them.

There was a total of 1 polite response, and that was from TSH tarjaic. But see all this other immaturity? That was my problem with the clan. All I asked was that their leadership take a look at the BF2CC log. If the head of the clan had came in and politely said "after taking a look, I still feel Gexter acted appropriately, and did not abuse his powers" I would have accepted it and moved on. But unfortunately thats not the response they gave...
Okay, a few points, Matt:

1. Our entire clan wasn't rude to you. Our entire clan didn't post in that thread. A few people were rude to you. Some of those aren't even IN our clan, but were sticking up for Gexter anyway. And they were rude to you b/c you came in with an accusation instead of a question (i.e. you started off with "admin Gexter91 repeatedly kicked members of the opposing team for violating the rules, but allowed his own team to disobey them." and followed that with "As an admin in my own clan I think it's rather innappropriate for an admin to pick and choose who is kicked. The kicking should be based upon the rules, not which team the admin wants to win."  AND b/c you didn't follow the proper procedure for reporting a problem with an admin AS STATED IN A STICKY POST IN THE SAME FORUM IN WHICH YOU POSTED. It's rude to accuse Gex of picking and choosing, twice as rude to claim it twice in the same paragraph, and also rude to assume that we DON'T kick based on the rules instead of who we want to win. You shouldn't have been surprised after being rude that someone would respond in a like manner.

2. We get several such improperly posted and accusatory complaints weekly. We DO check the server logs. Several of us do, in fact, just to keep it fair. None of us found any CREDIBLE evidence to support your claims.

3. If you're going to quote people, do it fairly. The quotes below are taken out of context; the whining comment was b/c we have a POSTED "no whining" policy on our server. We ask that you report the rule breaker's name and what they did and wait for an admin to act. If an admin doesn't act immediately (heaven forbid they might actually be DOING SOMETHING ELSE), you wait patiently. (Notice: wait patiently does not mean break the posted server rules to "test and see if the admin is AFK," which is why when Gex returned he kicked you.) If you cannot wait patiently, and the choice is between whining over and over and leaving the server. Please leave the server. People spamming open chat has grown tiresome and we do not tolerate it.

4. Just b.c you didn't curse and said "thank you" at the end does not mean you weren't rude. It IS rude to come on our site, ignore the posted forum policies on how to handle a situation, accuse a member in good standing of being biased, and preach to us about how we should admin our own servers. The POLITE way to phrase your problem would have been in the form of a request for us to review our server logs b/c Gexter seemed to miss some rulebreakers or perhaps acted unfairly, WITHOUT claiming that he was treating you unfairly without PROPER CAUSE. You just took your own personal perspective of the situation, assumed it was absolutely correct, and acted based on that. If you'll allow me to tell you how to properly reason in the same manner that you told us how to admin our servers; perhaps there is more to the picture than just what you see with your limited vision. It is inappropriate to assume you knew everything that was going on without being omniscient. Work with the assumption that you could be mistaken, instead of just assuming you're right.

5. Most of the neagative responses you got (in fact, every negative response you posted out of context here except the one that says "I never raped u moron...") were directly related to YOU being rude to US and more specifically to YOU not following POSTED PROCEDURE. This is where context comes in handy, and why people should be fairly quoted.

6. Orision and Smokin were also polite. You shouldn't only mention Tarjaic. And even though Smokin told you to shut your pie holes, he was responding in kind to your accusatory tone and davepen's repeated immature additions. Considering yours was one in a sea of people complaining based on shakey grounds, not following the posted guidelines for reporting a problem to an admin, and accusing us of kicking only your team, my personal opinion is that you got off lightly.
so i guess the lesson here is to NEVER FUCKIN EVER ATTEMPT TO BRING A PROBLEM TO A CLAN ABOUT THEIR PUSSY ADMINS BEING BITCHES>..... you guys and your rules...graduate high school and get a job..

so there's stupid fucking rules on your server....
theres stupid fucking rules on your sites...
theres even stupid fuckin rules on how to "attempt" to request an investigation of sorts into an alleged problem...

and so what if Kofmatt came out stating that a certain member was doing this and that....  what has he got to gain or lose by doing so??  and whats your response?? Hes a whiner...Hes a whiner?? read how long your bs response was, defending everyone about what happened.... 

so big deal.. heaven forbid someone on your "CLAN" may have acted a bit harshly.. because theres no way a group 14-22 good do so... how about this response...   thanks for your inquiry and for playin on our server...  sry you had a bad time.. we'll look into it with hopes of increasing the gaming expierence for everyone....

fuckin wankers.. but you know whats funny.. for us that are MATURE and have jobs, we can shrug shit crap off and come back later and woop ass... as opposed to crying and sending messages back and forth with my CLAN members.... pfft.

Kofmatt rules.... and in some regards maybe TSH could too... I'll be sure to stary playing on your servers and see how you admin your games.. and if some shit does go down.. I'll be sure to follow all your FUCKIN rules to ask for forgiveness for I have sinned for coming to your site as a non member with a problem....
Ok a few things need to be straightened out Newton.

First, your right, I didn't come in with a question. I didn't have a question, so why would I ask one? I had a statement of fact - Gexter kicked members of the opposite team but did not kick members of his own team. That's what happened. Maybe it was just coincidence, maybe it was intentional, but that much was fact.

Second,  here's a list of the sticky's in that forum:
Sticky: Vwar problems.. let us Know
Sticky Thread Sticky: BF2 Division Member Rules
Sticky Thread Sticky: BF2 Servers Rules - For Members - Admins - visitors! (Multi-page thread 1 2 3)
Sticky Thread Sticky: Read and heed : BF2 Rules of Engagment
Sticky Thread Sticky: Admin contact info
Sticky Thread Sticky: Banned from One of our BF2 Servers? click Here!
Sticky Thread Sticky: Report a Hacker in any of our BF2 Servers.
Sticky Thread Sticky: BF2 Members - Recruits Read please. - Recruiting is over!
Sticky Thread Sticky: Knife & pistol only servers
Sticky Thread Sticky: Admins - BF2 Members.
Sticky Thread Sticky: To all TSH BF2 players : Read and Heed
Sticky Thread Sticky: BF2 Server Info

Hmm, I don't seem to see the one titled "If you have a problem with an Admin, here's what to do". I must be misreading, because you said it was there. Hmm...nope, not there. Even if the proper procedure is in one of these threads, that's 11 threads to search through, not to mention the sticky's in the other parts of the forum. If you're not going to make something easy to find don't expect people to find it.

Third, I didn't take any quotes out of context. I'm full well aware that you have a no-whining policy. But you're the one that just lectured me about perspective, well guess what, whining is a matter of perspective too. Some would consider your entire post whining. Then you just broke your own rules. From my point of view, expressing a concern is not whining. There are hundreds of servers out there, I don't need yours to play on. I only bothered to post at all out of a courtesy to you, because I know that many clans (as it has happened in my own) are unaware of admins who abuse their powers.

Fourth, you say I get off easy, that all that rudeness was in response to my rudeness. But was it not your own member smokin who said that two wrongs don't make a right? From my perspective, I was not rude. Even if it seemed as if I was, does that mean you guys should be more rude in return?

As I said above, there's lots of servers out there. You're right, if I have a problem with your server I can just leave. The point was I was trying to help you. Next time maybe you guys should just try listening instead of automatically assuming that because Gexter is a TSH senior member he must be Holy and Good; and instead of assuming that every person who voices is a concern is automatically lying and just there to cause trouble.
"so i guess the lesson here is to NEVER FUCKIN EVER ATTEMPT TO BRING A PROBLEM TO A CLAN ABOUT THEIR PUSSY ADMINS BEING BITCHES>..... you guys and your rules...graduate high school and get a job.."

Wow. The "you're a kid" argument. I totally wasn't expecting THAT on a games forum...

Do me a favor. Go to and check out my profile (NewtonDevice). B/c if you think I look like a kid, god bless you, b/c you're either being too kind or you're as blind as a bat. I graduated from high school 9 years ago, and have a great job where I can actually browse forums and get paid for it. In fact, I'm getting paid to write this response right now...

Now. What exactly is your argument? B/c the above pile of incoherent tripe doesn't actually come out with any valid points.

"so there's stupid fucking rules on your server....
theres stupid fucking rules on your sites...
theres even stupid fuckin rules on how to "attempt" to request an investigation of sorts into an alleged problem... "

You think in-game rules are stupid? Then DON'T PLAY ON A SERVER WITH's a handy life lesson that will serve you one wants to hear you whining about something you could EASILY change! There are plenty of servers with no rules out there. Hell, we have servers with no rules. Just not our wake server; b/c the map is lopsided, we instituted rules to make the games more balanced and exciting. The games have only gotten better since then. Hundreds of non-TSH players come into that one server on a consistent daily basis precisely BECAUSE of said rules.

The rules on our site are the same as most forums, don't plame, don't spam, read the stickies before posting something stupid...nothing out of the ordinary there so I don't see where the problem is...

The procedures on our site for reporting things are to make sure the right people see them in a timely manner IN ORDER TO BETTER COMMUNICATE AND THUS ADMIN OUR SITE AND SERVERS MORE EFFECTIVELY. Again, I don't see where a problem is, it seems the only time anyone complains is when THEY mess up and don't pay attention; apparently a "sorry, I didn't know" is out of the question...instead..."OMFG wut?!?!? we have to READ?!? WTF reading is for j00 st00pids!"

"and so what if Kofmatt came out stating that a certain member was doing this and that....  what has he got to gain or lose by doing so??  and whats your response?? Hes a whiner...Hes a whiner?? read how long your bs response was, defending everyone about what happened...."

Well, a player who's banned could get unbanned, so THAT would be a gain, and if Gex HAD in fact been abusing his privileges, we'd suspend or take away his admin rights, depending on the severity of the situation; we've done it to abusive admins before. THAT would be a gain for everybody who plays on the server. Alternately, if he's TOO disrespectful to TSH members without warrant, he could be banned from our servers. That would be what we call a 'loss.' So THAT'S what he had to gain or lose. I hope that cleared that up for you. As for the whiner thing, see the above life lesson.

As for the length of my response, I'm an amateur writer and orator, and a debate fanatic, and thus I like to be accurate and responsible when I write anything I consider important, so I don't shy away from writing a lengthy response to even such a faulty argument as his, or yours, for that matter. Even if neither of you ever plays on a TSH server again, TSH's side of the argument is represented, and hopefully you too aren't so proud or ignorant to learn a lesson from this and THINK before you argue. Make sure you actually have a leg to stand on BEFORE you open your mouth and you'll run the risk of playing the fool less often.

"so big deal.. heaven forbid someone on your "CLAN" may have acted a bit harshly.. because theres no way a group 14-22 good do so... how about this response...   thanks for your inquiry and for playin on our server...  sry you had a bad time.. we'll look into it with hopes of increasing the gaming expierence for everyone...."

Heaven forbid, indeed. We've had problems with members before. You'll notice those members are no longer with us. And it's "could do so," not "good do so." Not to be condescending, but you'll never get a cushy office like mine with communicative skills like those. Okay, so that was TOTALLY to be condescending, but ignorant people bring that on themselves; I have little patience for dumbasses. As for the "thanks for your inquiry" bit, if you look on our forums for the people who posted such requests politely, even if they didn't follow our guidelines, our responses were much more in that vein. As reading seems anathema to you like books are to Paris Hilton, though, I'm guessing you'll be scared off by more than 2 lines of text and run babbling into the hills. Oops, there goes my dripping condescension again.

"fuckin wankers.. but you know whats funny.. for us that are MATURE and have jobs, we can shrug shit crap off and come back later and woop ass... as opposed to crying and sending messages back and forth with my CLAN members.... pfft."

No, YOU know what's funny? Monkeys. Fuckin' hilarious. Seriously.

Mature and have jobs...again, please refer to our website profiles. Most of us are older and have jobs, but thanks for playing. I also like the phrase "shit crap" coming from someone who claims maturity. Pfft, indeed.

"Kofmatt rules.... and in some regards maybe TSH could too... I'll be sure to stary playing on your servers and see how you admin your games.. and if some shit does go down.. I'll be sure to follow all your FUCKIN rules to ask for forgiveness for I have sinned for coming to your site as a non member with a problem...."

As for what 'rules,' that's an opinion, and cannot be proven, but in my case I think TSH rules. And the members of Monty Python. They rule. Oh, and South Park rules. As for kofmatt, I have no opinion on. Could be a dumbass, could be a smart person who just got hotheaded. Either way, I'm still getting paid to write this, and his status doesn't affect me in the least.

And if you come into our wake server (again, the only one with those kinds of rules), following the rules is entirely up to you. Just don't be surprised if you're kicked and/or banned if you choose not to follow them.

Quod erat demonstrandum. I'd say 'checkmate,' too, but there's still a chance you might actually have a valid point floating around in those heads of yours (<-- see? this is where you make sure to assert that you COULD be wrong). So I'll just say 'check.'


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