You're missing the point. That warzone is their home. In case you don't know yet, the Israelis are demolishing the houses of Palestinians and build their own settlements on top. They have no other place to go. Stop hiding behind your finger and admit the truth for wrote:
so a bunch of people go into a known warzone, confront manned military equipment (anyone that's ever driven a bulldozer knows visibility is not a strongpoint, especially not once they are armored), and confront military personnell, then wonder why they get injured/killed?
About this video: I must say I personally hate this kind of dramatic manifestations that excite anger. It would seem that some people cannot be made to care otherwise. They have to see all this blood, hate and cruelty to become motivated and start getting interested in the situation. And since the Israeli/ US side is playing this card so effectively for so many years I don't see why the opposition shouldn't gather some public support by waving bloody shirts around. It sure would be nice if they didn't have to though...