=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6724|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth
..before America gets a hold of its Victorian gun laws and stop making ridiculous excuses for their need (like "we need them in case we need to overthrow our government, it's in the constitution")


This is the 3rd school shooting in A WEEK!  I can remember at least 4 of these horrific events in the last ten years and that's just the ones I can recall without searching the archives.  What gets me is when Al Qaeda kill 3000 Americans, their reaction is to go invading countries in response for revenge and yet when children are being killed every year by crazed maniacs who have easy access to firearms nothing is done.

Of course if guns were banned or restricted in the US, those gun-toting red necks would whine about how their rights are being taken away.  I'd like to see them raise that argument with the parents of any child who has been slaughtered in their school.  What about their rights?????

Oh, for god sakes. Use search next time. This issue is big enough that you are bound to find something roughly related to gun control, and people on both sides of and on the fence have certainly posted alot in them.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-10-03 01:07:54)

a) you are from england.
b) stfu.
c) it IS in our constutition, therefore you can not change it(unless amended), get over it.
d) im not a redneck, nor am i all for guns. im just a bit more educated i suppose, than a snobby englishmen who thinks he knows everything.
=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6724|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Oh, for god sakes. Use search next time. This issue is big enough that you are bound to find something roughly related to gun control, and people on both sides of and on the fence have certainly posted alot in them.
OK so you're saying because gun control has been debated before we can't open it up again due to this horrible event?  These killings warrant the reopening of this discussion IMO.  Do you think after 9/11 Bush said, well we taked about terrorism before so let's move on

Besides, if we aren't allowed to debate the same thing twice this board would have been done ages ago.  Every day a new Islam or Muslim related topic goes up and it always turns into the same argument.
- Just because we overthrew Britain with muskets....

LOL anyways. How about a rule testing mental sanity? Guns may not be good for society, but outlawing them will only increase the demand... Or we can take after China, few guns. More airsofters

=OBS= EstebanRey wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Oh, for god sakes. Use search next time. This issue is big enough that you are bound to find something roughly related to gun control, and people on both sides of and on the fence have certainly posted alot in them.
OK so you're saying because gun control has been debated before we can't open it up again due to this horrible event?  These killings warrant the reopening of this discussion IMO.  Do you think after 9/11 Bush said, well we taked about terrorism before so let's move on

Besides, if we aren't allowed to debate the same thing twice this board would have been done ages ago.  Every day a new Islam or Muslim related topic goes up and it always turns into the same argument.
No, I'm saying that perhaps it would be better to use one of the dozens of existing arguments rather than forcing everybody to go back and cut&paste their old posts again. And yes, I hate the countless Muslim thread variants, also.

But I suppose that's too much to ask for. That being said, my argument for firearms protection is that citizens, even those with physical disabilities may be on equal or superior footing against a criminal with the intent to harm or kill. The police aren't going to save your hide in time, and running (though attractive), isn't always an option, especially if you've got a bum knee or some dependant who can't keep up. Many citizens can afford a cheap Chinese hammerless revolver; not a nice, upstanding panic room. I'm sorry that innocents can die by gunfire, but they can die just as easily from crack and high explosives, one of which is banned, and the other banned except in special circumstances.

TeK||drake666 wrote:

what i want to say is that guns became normal in the US damn you can buy it in a sport-store... its to easy to get one...
After a background check and all that. Rifles and shotguns are easier to get, but it seems as if more crime is committed with handguns than larger firearms.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-10-03 01:29:58)

+721|6754|the dank(super) side of Oregon
what the fuck do gun laws have to do with nut jobs going nuts in schools?  If crazy people wanna do crazy shit, they're gunna do it.
when Hell is full...
i only can speak for Austria!
here we have EXTREM strict laws for guns! You must make a psychological test, pay a lot money for the license, and if there happens just one bad case with the gun its gone forever!
next thing is that the gun itself must be locked somewhere and the ammo locked elsewhere!
we had such school shootings but i can only remember 1 or 2! (sure we are much smaller but our mentality is a way different)
i think it depend a lot on the parents...

what i want to say is that guns became normal in the US damn you can buy it in a sport-store... its to easy to get one...

( i hope i didn't kill the english language ^^)
Usque Ad Finem
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6953|Great Brown North

TeK||drake666 wrote:

i only can speak for Austria!
here we have EXTREM strict laws for guns! You must make a psychological test, pay a lot money for the license, and if there happens just one bad case with the gun its gone forever!
next thing is that the gun itself must be locked somewhere and the ammo locked elsewhere!
we had such school shootings but i can only remember 1 or 2! (sure we are much smaller but our mentality is a way different)
i think it depend a lot on the parents...

what i want to say is that guns became normal in the US damn you can buy it in a sport-store... its to easy to get one...

( i hope i didn't kill the english language ^^)
hmm well you also need to pay a fee for the lisence, get a background check done, they have to be locked up and the ammo stored elsewhere, also locked up. and if you screw up with it you lose it forever

hey holy shit look at that the laws are almost the same! ZOMG SHOCKING!!!!!!!111111111111

most weapons used in most crimes are illegaly obtained and usualy illegal to own in the first place, but shh dont tell the anti gun lobbyists that

Its ironic that a community who shys away from the trappings of a capitalistic consumerist lifestyle to live in peace and religious servitude can still be touched by this blight. We in the UK are seeing a rise in gun culture, but only in certain inner cities like Manchester London and Birmingham. Why? Well a full auto 9mm will set you back £500 and you can buy it easily in certain cities. The cities were guns aren't freely available have no such problems.
In the USA you can buy a gun easily so everyones got one.

Its easy to lose your reason, but were as someone might punch someone in the face or hit them with a stick, Usually the sight of the hurt on someones face or the splat of blood when you whack them is enough to make you stop. But say a gun is easily to hand, when you pull the trigger you have unleashed a chain of events that are unstoppable, then the "in for a penny in for a pound" rule takes over. ive killed someone, ill kill the rest and/or myself...........

I have 3 guns in the house and we have some serious strict laws about them. In strong box case, bolted to the wall. Spot inspections of your house by the police. A yearly walk with a specially trained police man around all the land you are allowed to shot on to look for back drops and possible bullet leeks, background checks. Guns will be taken off you if you as much as punch a guy who's felt your wife's ass in a bar........ all this serves to make guns a thing of aww and respect. Instead of a must have accessory, toy,status symbol family protector.
Ohh skeet skeet
+143|6643|New York
Amish school. Hahahahaha. No, I'm not laughing about people getting shot, just that something interesting happened at an Amish school.

JahManRed wrote:

The cities were guns aren't freely available have no such problems.
In the USA you can buy a gun easily so everyones got one.
Well, I don't know what kind of media circulates in the UK, but not everyone in the US has a gun. In fact, some people are so politically opposed to them that they don't want any. Fine with me.

JahManRed wrote:

Its easy to lose your reason, but were as someone might punch someone in the face or hit them with a stick, Usually the sight of the hurt on someones face or the splat of blood when you whack them is enough to make you stop. But say a gun is easily to hand, when you pull the trigger you have unleashed a chain of events that are unstoppable, then the "in for a penny in for a pound" rule takes over. ive killed someone, ill kill the rest and/or myself...........
I've gotten into fist-fights on occasion during my school days. Never have I tempted to go home and grab the 12-guage to splatter any offenders' brains all over the chalkboard. Half of my life was raised under gun culture, so I have a healthy respect for firearms. Besides which, you can kill with a punch.

Especially when properly trained. It doesn't take a kung fu genius with a palm-to-nose strike, either.

JahManRed wrote:

I have 3 guns in the house and we have some serious strict laws about them. In strong box case, bolted to the wall. Spot inspections of your house by the police. A yearly walk with a specially trained police man around all the land you are allowed to shot on to look for back drops and possible bullet leeks, background checks. Guns will be taken off you if you as much as punch a guy who's felt your wife's ass in a bar........ all this serves to make guns a thing of aww and respect. Instead of a must have accessory, toy,status symbol family protector.
I'm not sure what inspection laws exist in the US to regulate firing ranges, as I've never looked into the matter, but I am happy enough without having to tolerate spot police checks. I have nothing to hide, but I'd still view it as an inexcusable invasion of privacy.

The majority of my firearms are kept locked in a huge safe at all times when not in use, and the one kept for self-defense (a 9mm) is either on or near my person at all times. If I ever go anywhere where I can't bring it in (federal facilities or stadiums), I'll lock it up. Weapons in storage are unloaded. A semi-auto weapon on my person is on safety, has a magazine inserted, but no bullet chambered. This state is confirmed before and after I belt it.

I do not view firearms as toys. People who do generally are not raised properly around them.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-10-03 02:05:06)

Real Хорошо
+826|6693|Adelaide, South Australia

according to my news report, the guy who shot those Amish kids wasnt mentally disturbed, he "wanted revenge for something that had happened 20 years ago".
At least the fucker didn't use homemade bombs...

T0rr3nt wrote:

a) you are from england.
b) stfu.
c) it IS in our constutition, therefore you can not change it(unless amended), get over it.
d) im not a redneck, nor am i all for guns. im just a bit more educated i suppose, than a snobby englishmen who thinks he knows everything.
I love C. You can not change but amend it. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND ITS AMERICANS! What a hoot.

Reciprocity wrote:

what the fuck do gun laws have to do with nut jobs going nuts in schools?  If crazy people wanna do crazy shit, they're gunna do it.
If the guns wern't there then they wouldn't be gun murders... But then you have the rebound of bombs, knives, literlly anything that can kill mass amounts of people with..

zer0fus10n wrote:

Reciprocity wrote:

what the fuck do gun laws have to do with nut jobs going nuts in schools?  If crazy people wanna do crazy shit, they're gunna do it.
If the guns wern't there then they wouldn't be gun murders... But then you have the rebound of bombs, knives, literlly anything that can kill mass amounts of people with..
Yeah, so let's illegalize all that too, as well as opposable thumbs (who needs those, anyway?). On paper, it will amount to murders being reduced to sneeze-transmited disease.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-10-03 02:21:50)


bob_baur wrote:

T0rr3nt wrote:

a) you are from england.
b) stfu.
c) it IS in our constutition, therefore you can not change it(unless amended), get over it.
d) im not a redneck, nor am i all for guns. im just a bit more educated i suppose, than a snobby englishmen who thinks he knows everything.
I love C. You can not change but amend it. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND ITS AMERICANS! What a hoot.
Amendment is just a revision. Not a total change. Go learn american history.

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

bob_baur wrote:

T0rr3nt wrote:

a) you are from england.
b) stfu.
c) it IS in our constutition, therefore you can not change it(unless amended), get over it.
d) im not a redneck, nor am i all for guns. im just a bit more educated i suppose, than a snobby englishmen who thinks he knows everything.
I love C. You can not change but amend it. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND ITS AMERICANS! What a hoot.
Amendment is just a revision. Not a total change. Go learn american history.
Amen, its still allows a change! How many amendments to this constitution?

bob_baur wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

bob_baur wrote:

I love C. You can not change but amend it. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND ITS AMERICANS! What a hoot.
Amendment is just a revision. Not a total change. Go learn american history.
Amen, its still allows a change! How many amendments to this constitution?
There are a couple to the original constitution since a lot was not added and time changes you know?

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

bob_baur wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Amendment is just a revision. Not a total change. Go learn american history.
Amen, its still allows a change! How many amendments to this constitution?
There are a couple to the original constitution since a lot was not added and time changes you know?
This all detracts to orginal reason for this board, sorry just found it funny.
Not another guns v no guns thread. LOL
You could just google the facts and figures associated with gun deaths in the US against other countries if you wanted to.
Pointless arguing on a forum.
Junglist Massive

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

bob_baur wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Amendment is just a revision. Not a total change. Go learn american history.
Amen, its still allows a change! How many amendments to this constitution?
There are a couple to the original constitution since a lot was not added and time changes you know?
It was changed to give the right bear arms.  And you can amend the amendments.  The whole "constitution allows gun ownership" argument is bullshit because at the time it was written bearing arms had fuck all to do with private gun ownership.  And if it's a blanket right to own guns then why can't you own a functional howitzer?  Where are the terms and limits defined?  Not in the consitution, that's for sure.

Last edited by UnOriginalNuttah (2006-10-03 03:34:09)


T0rr3nt wrote:

a) you are from england.
b) stfu.
c) it IS in our constutition, therefore you can not change it(unless amended), get over it.
d) im not a redneck, nor am i all for guns. im just a bit more educated i suppose, than a snobby englishmen who thinks he knows everything.
haha. a conservative american redneck from michigan thinks he is educated. lol
oh man, how could "normal" europeans turn to such ignorant, uneducated and ugly individuals in just "a few" years? europeans should have stayed in europe and left america to its native inhabitants. they would have developed themselves and the continent much better!

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I need around tree fiddy.

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