+2|6767|LEICS UK
hold on your all saying stop whining about base raping/spawn whoring yet your whining about admins setting rules on servers they pay 4? don't like to call folk Hippocrates but........
Real Хорошо
+826|6673|Adelaide, South Australia

slicknic wrote:

killer21 wrote:

Hello.  My name is killer21 and I baserape and spawn camp.  I will not apologize for it and strongly encourage it.  If you don't like to be raped then go play pacman.  I hear the ghosts are against spawn raping. 
Hello.  My name is slicknic and I baserape and spawn camp.  I will not apologize for it and strongly encourage it.  If you don't like to be raped then go play pacman.  I hear the ghosts are against spawn raping.
Hello.  My name is FeNriS_GrEyClaW and I baserape and spawn camp.  I will not apologize for it and strongly encourage it.  If you don't like to be raped then go play pacman.  I hear the ghosts are against spawn raping.
Crotch fires and you: the untold story
+314|6893|Comber, Northern Ireland
like u said, its a game A FUCKING GAME  play it how you want, a game is ment to be fun...your telling me owning the noobs isnt fun?

I agree with you. This particular rule seems to be absolving everyone of having to play defense, so every1 can be on the offense. Its lame, if you think its a good rule .. you wet the bed and play doctor with pets .. its that simple.
The only reason I don't like baseraping is because most of the time you'll be the only one that switches kit to deal with it, everyone else will just try and run away.
I was playing in a node server and an admin told me that its ok to attack the carrier and bomb it, Only because he was doing it.. When this other guy tried he disapeard for a week
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6719|Area 51

alf.ha wrote:

RDMC(2) wrote:

Ever noticed at Tv Station, that theres a AA gun?
Ever noticed that the aa is absolutely useless when the havoc is spawncamping behind the building???

I have an easy solution:

All people who need baseraping and spawnkilling to get their points go to servers where its allowed and where nobody cares, so u can baserape the whole round, or being baseraped the whole round.

But when u are on a server which has such rules u shouldnt break them...
Ever noticed that there are multiple AA guns on Sharqi.. also one at Hotel, and many more.
Oh noes!!! What he just say
He said that there are 2 or more AA gun's
Oh noes!! he must be lying

No I'm not.. just get in the one at Hotel, and help out your team.. don't just spawn evertime at the chopper spawn..doooh.. that what he your team and keep that helo of them down...

{M5}Sniper3 wrote:

Un-Caps have base defenses for a reason.
This guy is so right.
When EA made 2AA Guns on the carrier on Wake Island, they didn't think oh tht looks nice. ITS THERE TO USE!!
I like to play sharqi a lot with my gunner.  We are a pretty good chopper team and if you ever had the displeasure of being on the opposite team as us, with us in the chopper,  you know what I mean.   We baserape TV station,  and we TV bomb the chopper on their heli pad to keep it from getting into the air.  Now 99% of the time.   We RAPE the entire map if we are MEC, and if we arn't MEC,  we may try to steal the MEC chopper.   I say maybe 1% or less, of the time,  we go up against a team that knows how to keep the skies clean, and I tell you;  with every AA manned, and every Jeep/Vodnik manned....there is very little chance we will be in the air very long.    Once we see that there is no stopping the missiles,  then we go groundpound with our team and end up winning anyway.   My point is,   if your team is sick of the chopper,  there are plenty of ways to take it down.   It only takes 2 AT rounds to make a tank worried about staying where he is at.  And if you all take the time to really read the ROE very carefully as I have,  you will see that kicking players for baseraping is "illegal" and that those servers IMO, should be stripped of their ranked status.   You should have to make a choice,    either have rules that you can kick by,  or be ranked.   It shouldn't be a problem for you people who call baserappers " statpadders".    So if you are kicking the players doing good against you,  doesn't that make you the statpadder?
Joined BF2s in November 2005
+133|6878|Doncaster, England
If you don't like the rules,
go play on your own server.

Maps usually have 2 rounds, so all is equal and pay backs a bitch
+50|6600|Dragon Valley

RDMC(2) wrote:

Ever noticed at Tv Station, that theres a AA gun?
Ever noticed at the havok spawn point theres the EXACT SAME THING? So why is your's off limits?
+50|6600|Dragon Valley

Macca wrote:

Base Rape = 0 skill level.

Its cheap, and annoying, but hey, its war!
I'm saying the only difference between raping the tv station and raping the havok spawn is one is an uncap. Thats it. They have the same assets, they both spawn choppers, noobs love to spawn, and they're easy to rape. But its not against the rules to rape TV station (cuz its not uncap, even if its the last flag left), but it IS against the rules to rape the havok spawn even though you have 2 other spawn points, including 1 with a tank and 1 with an APC.

It takes no skill to rape the tv station either.

Last edited by turkeybacon (2006-10-01 08:07:07)

Dex Luther

Talon wrote:

To the people who say "suck it up and spawn AT you noob." Well that works, but it's not much use when you spawn as AT and as soon as you do you're looking down the barrel or a tank. AT's are pretty useless if they don't even have time to do anything.
Please, read my AT guide. I'm fed up of seeing mostly useless ATs everywhere, who go around rocket sniping and running in close with DAOs, while completely ignoring tanks. Or running out in front of the tankls and blasting it in the front armor...

People enver seem to get the concept of sneaking around tanks.
It's pretty hard to "sneak" around a tank when you spawn right in it's face and you're dead again before you can even move.

You don't really decide where you spawn at a spawn point, so it's quite possible that you keep spawning at the same place.

Also I probably should have mentioned this before, but I also have no problem with people who spawn rape once all other flags have been capped. The team sucked and got themselves into that situation. I wouldn't even call it baseraping or spawncamping. It's totally different.

My view on baseraping are people that spawn and go to the uncap and sit there and kill people (usually people who are just entering the server are the ones most likely to spawn at the uncap) when there are other flags out there to be capped.
+50|6600|Dragon Valley

Dex Luther wrote:

Talon wrote:

To the people who say "suck it up and spawn AT you noob." Well that works, but it's not much use when you spawn as AT and as soon as you do you're looking down the barrel or a tank. AT's are pretty useless if they don't even have time to do anything.
Please, read my AT guide. I'm fed up of seeing mostly useless ATs everywhere, who go around rocket sniping and running in close with DAOs, while completely ignoring tanks. Or running out in front of the tankls and blasting it in the front armor...

People enver seem to get the concept of sneaking around tanks.
It's pretty hard to "sneak" around a tank when you spawn right in it's face and you're dead again before you can even move.

You don't really decide where you spawn at a spawn point, so it's quite possible that you keep spawning at the same place.

Also I probably should have mentioned this before, but I also have no problem with people who spawn rape once all other flags have been capped. The team sucked and got themselves into that situation. I wouldn't even call it baseraping or spawncamping. It's totally different.

My view on baseraping are people that spawn and go to the uncap and sit there and kill people (usually people who are just entering the server are the ones most likely to spawn at the uncap) when there are other flags out there to be capped.
I dont buy that argument, because if the other team DOESNT have all the flags you dont have to spawn "with a tank right in your face". Thats why I dont like the "spawnrape only when all flags capped" argument, because if all flags arent capped you dont have to spawn at the uncap. The only people whining about baseraping are the air/armor whores who get pissed when someone messes with their KD stats. I swear I was just playing 4 hours of wake, and the americans that were complaining were the ones standing right on the deck fighting over a chopper. We had flags on the island, but they would rather fight over the F35's and choppers then actually play battlefield. I have no pity for them. None were jumping in the ESSEX even so they gave the J10's a free ride into base to lay bombs on infantry and aircraft. Or they would make a mad dash for the ESSEX when the J10 was already flying in with guns blazing. Uh its a little too late then, no wonder you cant kill with the AA.

Samtheman53 wrote:

shut up noob
i aggree with you samtheman
Im Ron Burgundy?

Samtheman53 wrote:

shut up noob
+50|6600|Dragon Valley
you guys make a real fine counter-argument. go play some world of warcraft if you cant take the heat.


RDMC(2) wrote:

alf.ha wrote:

RDMC(2) wrote:

Ever noticed at Tv Station, that theres a AA gun?
Ever noticed that the aa is absolutely useless when the havoc is spawncamping behind the building???

I have an easy solution:

All people who need baseraping and spawnkilling to get their points go to servers where its allowed and where nobody cares, so u can baserape the whole round, or being baseraped the whole round.

But when u are on a server which has such rules u shouldnt break them...
Ever noticed that there are multiple AA guns on Sharqi.. also one at Hotel, and many more.
Oh noes!!! What he just say
He said that there are 2 or more AA gun's
Oh noes!! he must be lying

No I'm not.. just get in the one at Hotel, and help out your team.. don't just spawn evertime at the chopper spawn..doooh.. that what he your team and keep that helo of them down...
ever tried to hit a chopper with the aa at hotel when the chopper is behind the tv station???? u should know that u can`t!
AKA: badhq
+937|6786|Derby, England

I see people still not bihaving and cant have disent chat with out others flaming

Thread closed for few reasons which I dont think I need to explain :-)

Peace Boris

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