
Pug wrote:

So, Gator, by that logic...
Your top priority is exactly the same as it was two years ago, and two years ago it was the same as four years ago, and four years ago....etc etc.

Or perhaps Dub isn't worried about Bin Laden because he took care of the problem 2 years ago?

Great point...I'm going to right that down.
In this instance yes.  My priority is to take Bin Laden out.  I don't care if he is actively involved in Al Queda or not. 

You may be right on taking care of it two years ago, and if I were a conspriacy theorist I might think his assasination would be coming up in, oh... three  four weeks.  Just in time for the elections.

Pug wrote:

GATOR591957 wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Lol.. that's what you gathered from all of that. I can see how you guys get so swayed off topic. You are looking for little whole to poke into but the point alludes you. For the hell of it lets just say Kuwait and the Kurds. The latter being carried out with WMD's. (This will carry us back off topic)
I'm just asking where your analogy was going.  I'm looking for the reason we attacked Iraq.  If it was because Sadaam attacked Kuwait, we already took care of that.  Remember the first gulf war.  If it was his attacking the Kurds, then why aren't we in Africa.  Far more attrocities going on there.
I think specifically why Africa hasn't been a priority has to do with the impact Iraq has proven to have on the region.  Note that I do not agree with NOT being as involved in Africa as we should be.  But arguably (and unfortunately it's selfish) what happens in Africa has less of an impact then what happens in the Middle East, and therefore has a higher priority.

Of course I wish it didn't involve troops everytime...
I can agree with your logic on Africa.  What I'm saying is if we are using the excuse Sadaam was a bad man and that's why we attacked, that logic fails in other areas as bad or worse, ergo the logic fails and we need to come up with a better reason.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6869|132 and Bush

sergeriver wrote:

The difference between Clinton and Bush is that GWB did invade Iraq, while Clinton not.  And to be honest all politicians are more or less hypocrites.
He felt strongly enough to launch attacks on it in December of 1998. This topic is about hypocrisy.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
If Saddam had WMDs he's most likely use them against Iran, not US.

Iraq was never an "imminent threat" like the NeoCons painted.
PHPR Hunter
There is no question that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.  That is not even a debatable claim.  He had them and he used them both against his own citizens and in the war against Iran.  Did he rebuild the weapons and/or capacity after Bush 41 set him back?  The intelligence agencies (U.S., British and Russian) believed he did.  Based on his record of having weapons and using weapons along with the belief, admittedly presumption, was it wrong to attack Iraq before they attacked us?  It is easy to be 100% right when you Monday morning quarterback.  However, these same people that are bemoaning the fact that we attacked Iraq would be calling for Bushes impeachment if there had actually been one.  Look at the claims from the 911 attacks.  Just imagine, no truly imagine....if there had been attacks 100 x what happened in New York.

Personally, there was a basis, IMO, to attack Iraq.  They invaded Kuwait and as part of an agreement not be have their country torn apart by the coalition, Iraq agreed to completely open and unfettered inspections of all their facilities.  Sort of a probation for invading their neighbor.  When they kicked out the inspectors, to no consequence by the U.N., they violated probation.  That act alone, justified the overthrow of the Hussein regime.
PHPR Hunter
Clinton was 8 years at the office indeed, but the statements in the video are from 1998 and Bush invaded Iraq in 2003, he had 5 additional years of CIA reports.
You can't invade a country coz you think they could have WMD's, you must be sure they have them.  If you go there coz of WMD's and then you find there is no WMD's how do you explain this to the people.
The statements in 1998 are two years before Bush took office.  It would have been incumbent upon Clinton's people to provide that information to Bush's people.  You don't really expect the new administration to re-evaluate all intelligence data for two years prior to their taking office?

PHPR Hunter wrote:

It is easy to be 100% right when you Monday morning quarterback.
Funny how the American public was so blinded by Powell's "damming evidence" to the U.N. and totally disregarded Hans Blix's report that Iraq had no accountable WMDs, the CIA'S admission on Sep 11/12, 2001 that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, and various other reports (even a PBS Frontline special) about the NeoCon's plans to go into Iraq many, many years before 9/11 yet acted so stunned when the truth finally came out.

I guess falling back on a "hindsight is 20/20" excuse makes people feel better about their gullibility.

PHPR Hunter wrote:

You don't really expect the new administration to re-evaluate all intelligence data for two years prior to their taking office?
In regards to 9/11, they were warned. Remember when Condi played dumb when asked about the "Phoenix Report?" … index.html

Now in regards to Iraq, the WMD issue is just a small piece of the pie that was crammed down our throats for justification of invading Iraq. The nightly news told us Iraq was an imminent threat and played a part (suggesting planned/funded) in 9/11. The White House tried to draw a clear line between Saddam and Bin Laden whilst they most likely despised each other in real life.

Now you may say the issue is whether the President knew if Iraq had WMD or not but that does NOT lead to an explanation of what happened next (the invasion). The American people would NOT have wanted a war in Iraq shortly after 9/11 if they knew the truth (that Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11 and DID NOT pose an imminent threat to the US) even if, IF, there was concrete proof Iraq had stockpiles of WMD.

Last edited by MorbidFetus (2006-09-30 22:29:24)

Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6714|The Land of Scott Walker
We all know the tired old lines from the 2004 Democratic election strategy.  They forgot what their very own Bill Clinton said. … nton.iraq/

I have taken the liberty of posting the segments below which come from the above link of Clinton's speech on Iraq as an imminent threat in 1998.  Enjoy.  This will take some reading, so strap on your big boy pants everyone.  I even put * signs by some of the best ones in case any of you don't feel like read all of them. 
  . . So first, let's just take a step back and consider why meeting the threat posed by Saddam Hussein is important to our security in the new era we are entering. . . .

And they will be all the more lethal if we allow them to build arsenals of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and the missiles to deliver them. We simply cannot allow that to happen.

***There is no more clear example of this threat than Saddam Hussein's Iraq. His regime threatens the safety of his people, the stability of his region and the security of all the rest of us.***

. . . Saddam had built up a terrible arsenal, and he had used it not once, but many times, in a decade-long war with Iran, he used chemical weapons, against combatants, against civilians, against a foreign adversary, and even against his own people.

And during the Gulf War, Saddam launched Scuds against Saudi Arabia, Israel and Bahrain. . . .

For example, Iraq revised its nuclear declarations four times within just 14 months and it has submitted six different biological warfare declarations, each of which has been rejected by UNSCOM.

***In 1995, Hussein Kamal, Saddam's son-in-law, and the chief organizer of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program, defected to Jordan. He revealed that Iraq was continuing to conceal weapons and missiles and the capacity to build many more.***

Then and only then did Iraq admit to developing numbers of weapons in significant quantities and weapon stocks. Previously, it had vehemently denied the very thing it just simply admitted once Saddam Hussein's son-in-law defected to Jordan and told the truth. Now listen to this, what did it admit?

It admitted, among other things, an offensive biological warfare capability notably 5,000 gallons of botulinum, which causes botulism; 2,000 gallons of anthrax; 25 biological-filled Scud warheads; and 157 aerial bombs. . . .

***Next, throughout this entire process, Iraqi agents have undermined and undercut UNSCOM. They've harassed the inspectors, lied to them, disabled monitoring cameras, literally spirited evidence out of the back doors of suspect facilities as inspectors walked through the front door. And our people were there observing it and had the pictures to prove it. . . . ***

Over the past few months, as they have come closer and closer to rooting out Iraq's remaining nuclear capacity, Saddam has undertaken yet another gambit to thwart their ambitions. . . .

***It is obvious that there is an attempt here, based on the whole history of this operation since 1991, to protect whatever remains of his capacity to produce weapons of mass destruction, the missiles to deliver them, and the feed stocks necessary to produce them. ***

***The UNSCOM inspectors believe that Iraq still has stockpiles of chemical and biological munitions, a small force of Scud-type missiles, and the capacity to restart quickly its production program and build many, many more weapons. . . . ***

Well, he will conclude that the international community has lost its will. He will then conclude that he can go right on and do more to rebuild an arsenal of devastating destruction.

***And some day, some way, I guarantee you, he'll use the arsenal. And I think every one of you who's really worked on this for any length of time believes that, too. . . . ***

Now, let me say to all of you here as all of you know the weightiest decision any president ever has to make is to send our troops into harm's way. And force can never be the first answer. But sometimes, it's the only answer. . . .

No military action, however, is risk-free. I know that the people we may call upon in uniform are ready. The American people have to be ready as well.

Hmm, apparently there was intelligence back then that pointed to Saddam as a threat. Ooooooh, but that was different, he's a Democrat.   You guys gotta try harder.  No wonder your side lost 2 in a row at the ballot box.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6818|Southeastern USA
stop using logic dammit, there is no lib defense against logic
+605|6817|San Diego, CA, USA
I wouldn't be surprised if Al Qaeda is funding the Democrats...I mean who else is helping them in Washington?  Not Bush.
Banned - for ever.
+231|6978|Wilmington, DE, US

Stingray24 wrote:

stuff about Clinton
The difference here is "We cannot allow Saddam to make these weapons" does not equal "ZOMG Saddam has weapons we have proof." It also does not equal going to war over misinformation and lies, like a certain president.

Stingray24 wrote:

Hmm, apparently there was intelligence back then that pointed to Saddam as a threat. Ooooooh, but that was different, he's a Democrat.
I agree that Clinton is a fool, but...

"Hussein's record of chemical weapons use is deplorable, but none of his victims had a similar arsenal and thus could not threaten to respond in kind. Iraq's calculations would be entirely different when facing the US because Washington could retaliate with WMD if Iraq ever decided to use these weapons first. Hussein thus has no incentive to use chemical or nuclear weapons against the US and its allies unless his survival is threatened. This simple logic explains why he did not use WMD against US forces during the Gulf War and has not fired chemical or biological warheads at Israel.

Furthermore, if Hussein cannot be deterred, what is stopping him from using WMD against US forces in the Persian Gulf, which have bombed Iraq repeatedly over the past decade? The bottom line: Deterrence has worked well against Hussein in the past, and there is no reason to think it cannot work equally well in the future."

- Summed up pretty nicely
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6818|Southeastern USA

Ikarti wrote:

Stingray24 wrote:

stuff about Clinton
The difference here is "We cannot allow Saddam to make these weapons" does not equal "ZOMG Saddam has weapons we have proof." It also does not equal going to war over misinformation and lies, like a certain president.,2933,200499,00.html

i still stand by my reasoning that whether or not the WMD's were there is irrelevant, it was his compliance with the surrender treaty that is

now this is where you say "those are old and degraded from 1990", doesn't change the fact that (A) they weren't supposed to be there, and (B) my old degraded knife still hurts like a sonuvabitch
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6818|Southeastern USA

MorbidFetus wrote:

Stingray24 wrote:

Hmm, apparently there was intelligence back then that pointed to Saddam as a threat. Ooooooh, but that was different, he's a Democrat.
I agree that Clinton is a fool, but...

"Hussein's record of chemical weapons use is deplorable, but none of his victims had a similar arsenal and thus could not threaten to respond in kind. Iraq's calculations would be entirely different when facing the US because Washington could retaliate with WMD if Iraq ever decided to use these weapons first. Hussein thus has no incentive to use chemical or nuclear weapons against the US and its allies unless his survival is threatened. This simple logic explains why he did not use WMD against US forces during the Gulf War and has not fired chemical or biological warheads at Israel.

Furthermore, if Hussein cannot be deterred, what is stopping him from using WMD against US forces in the Persian Gulf, which have bombed Iraq repeatedly over the past decade? The bottom line: Deterrence has worked well against Hussein in the past, and there is no reason to think it cannot work equally well in the future."

- Summed up pretty nicely
why a war in iraq is necessary

hussein signed a surrender treaty, failed to abide by it, ignored bureacratic attempts to resolve the situation for over a decade, and to allow him to continue to do so ( and this is the most important part) would have made all future surrender treaties impotent

sums it up pretty nicely
Banned - for ever.
+231|6978|Wilmington, DE, US
Actually I was going to comment on the validity of that article, since I've read it before, looked for it elsewhere, and failed to find it. I would think it would have been all over the news and a major republican I told you so but it wasn't. It was Santorum running his mouth on something, nothing new (You should hear his election ads. His opponent is a "dangerous man who can't be trusted")

kr@cker wrote:

why a war in iraq is necessary

hussein signed a surrender treaty, failed to abide by it, ignored bureacratic attempts to resolve the situation for over a decade, and to allow him to continue to do so (and this is the most important part) would have made all future surrender treaties impotent

sums it up pretty nicely
Except that's not why we went to war with Iraq. Saddam was "involved" with 9/11, remember?  The American public didn't give a shit about what UN Resolutions Iraq violated and would have never given their support for the war solely based on that (shit, how many UN Resolutions has Israel disregarded?). The Cons knew this and that's why they stacked a bunch of shit on top of the 12 year old stalemate sandwhich.

Last edited by MorbidFetus (2006-09-30 23:13:50)

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6818|Southeastern USA

MorbidFetus wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

why a war in iraq is necessary

hussein signed a surrender treaty, failed to abide by it, ignored bureacratic attempts to resolve the situation for over a decade, and to allow him to continue to do so (and this is the most important part) would have made all future surrender treaties impotent

sums it up pretty nicely
Except that's not why we went to war with Iraq. Saddam was "involved" with 9/11, remember?  The American public didn't give a shit about what UN Resolutions Iraq violated and would have never given their support for the war. The Cons knew this and that's why they stacked a bunch of shit on top of the 12 year old stalemate sandwhich.
I don't remember anything about Saddam being "involved" with 9/11, i remember this … le_id=2686

it seems the claim that iraq was involved in 9/11 is a claim put into the whitehouse's mouth by the likes of Chris Matthews (who has a habit of putting words in other people's mouths) and Bill Maher just so they can turn around and say "see you're wrong"

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-09-30 23:20:35)


kr@cker wrote:

I don't remember anything about Saddam being "involved" with 9/11, i remember this … le_id=2686
Do you actually believe the American people keep in touch with "real time" issues in Congress? No. They wait a few years until something's fucked up and then go back and look at the documentation. Bush and his buddies are not the only ones to blame. There's crooks in every corner of Congress. The people had fear and lies about Iraq's involvement in 9/11 beat down their throats until the patriotic circle jerk bandwagon took off on full speed. The govt. did not need legislation to attack Iraq, they needed the popular opinion and they got it thanks to the Toby Keiths and Tom Ridges and Dick Chenies.

"Whereas members of al Qaida, an organization bearing responsibility for attacks on the United States, its citizens, and interests, including the attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, are known to be in Iraq; Whereas Iraq continues to aid and harbor other international terrorist organizations, including organizations that threaten the lives and safety of United States citizens;"

This claim ties Saddam (Iraq) in cahoots with Bin Ladin (Al Qaeda).
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6818|Southeastern USA
just said they were in there (the aid and harbor specifically refers to "other international terrorist organizations"), not that saddam was aiding them (al quaeda) in fact they were at odds due to saddams secular rule, and were seeking to oust him just as we were

kr@cker wrote: fact they were at odds due to saddams secular rule, and were seeking to oust him just as we were
A fact that was not shown light until the uproar against the war in Iraq a few years ago.

"and nobody has suggested in this administration that Saddam Hussein ordered the attack"

The key word is "ordered".
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6818|Southeastern USA you provided a link that proved my point?? I'm sorry, I'm drunk and taking cough medicine for a head cold, I'm a lil slow tonight, but I don't see what you're getting at
No, that link proves Bush is dancing around the Saddam-Laden link he claimed.,,1241327,00.html … ge=printer
+5,233|6798|Global Command

kr@cker wrote:

, I'm a lil slow tonight,
Damn, I aint seen machine posting like this from you before kr@cker. Imagine a busy night!
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6818|Southeastern USA

MorbidFetus wrote:

No, that link proves Bush is dancing around the Saddam-Laden link he claimed.,,1241327,00.html … ge=printer
so you've got the guardian, who has a habit of "accidentally omitting" portions of quotes, yet still manages to reference al-Zarqawhi (granted he took action after the removal of saddam) and still references al-Quaeda's requesting cooperation with Hussein, and a WP article that has quotes like:
"You can say Bush should be faulted for not correcting every single misapprehension, but that's something different than saying they set out deliberately to deceive," said Duke University political scientist Peter D. Feaver. "Since the facts are all over the place, Americans revert to a judgment: Hussein is a bad guy who would do stuff to us if he could."

thanks again for proving my point
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6818|Southeastern USA

ATG wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

, I'm a lil slow tonight,
Damn, I aint seen machine posting like this from you before kr@cker. Imagine a busy night!
I like seeing my name on top, I'm too drunk to do paperwork, and am too uncoordinated to play online, that being said, I think I just "hit the wall" and am about to try to sleep, it's almost 4 am here after all, it was nice to return to some regular posting and researching and shit, but my brand new bed is staring at me with a louisville slugger behind it's back

nighty night

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