Good job dodging my post too Masques. Or maybe you just missed it, I'll give you the benfit of the doubt. Here it is again!
AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:
I never MEANT to say that HIGH OWNERSHIP AUTOMATICALLY EQUALS LESS crime, however you fail to read my post dude. I said that you CAN NOT blame guns if gun ownership is high and the crime rate is LOW. READMasques wrote:
I'm not arguing against gun ownership, just the idea that high gun ownership = less crime. That assumption taken to it's logical extent would also have to hold that countries with personal firearm ownership bans would have sky high crime rates. That is demonstrably false. My point is that guns are irrelevant to the argument, they neither increase or decrease the occurrance of violent crime.
You are most incorrect in your last sentence.
There are thousands of crimes prevented every year by justifiable firearm use, 2000-3000 criminals killed every year by JUSTIFIABLE self defense uses of law abiding citizens, and billions, yes billions of propery and liability damages prevented every YEAR from firearm use.
From respected statistician and researcher John Lott:Private citizens use guns to defend themselves against criminals more than 2,000,000 times a year. Since the safety of children is often cited by gun opponents who don't want guns in private homes, the study analyzed deaths of children per year for the sake of comparison. For children under age 5 in the United States, less than 20 died of gunshot, about 100 drowned in bathtubs, and about 40 drowned in 5-gallon water buckets.