Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Title was obviously sarcastic.
This information is a little old but just as relevant today.

The United States gives $13.3 billion tax dollars in direct Foreign Aid annually. The United States is above and beyond the single most generous benefactor of the United Nations, donating $2.4 billion dollars of OUR money, to primarily third-world dictators.

This amount is 25% of the United Nations budget. In addition, the United States also gives another $1.4 billion tax dollars to United Nations' programs and agencies. The American taxpayers fund more for the United Nations than ALL of the other 177 member nations COMBINED.

What most Americans do not realize is that the vast majority of the recipients of US Foreign Aid routinely vote against the wishes of the United States in the UN at an average rate of 74%. In other words, of the $13.3 billion tax dollars invested in direct Foreign Aid only about 26% or $3.5 billion went to support people who endorsed American initiatives or causes. A staggering $9.8 billion tax dollars went to causes and people who were and are in open and direct opposition to the United States' interests and objectives.

Listed below are the actual voting records of various Arabic/Islamic States which are recorded in both the US State Department and United Nations' records:

Kuwait votes against the United States 67% of the time.
Qatar votes against the United States 67% of the time.
Morocco votes against the United States 70% of the time.
United Arab Emirates votes against the U. S. 70% of the time.
Jordan votes against the United States 71% of the time.
Tunisia votes against the United States 71% of the time.
Saudi Arabia votes against the United States 73% of the time.
Yemen votes against the United States 74% of the time.
Algeria votes against the United States 74% of the time.
Oman votes against the United States 74% of the time.
Sudan votes against the United States 75% of the time.
Pakistan votes against the United States 75% of the time.
Libya votes against the United States 76% of the time.
Egypt votes against the United States 79% of the time.
Lebanon votes against the United States 80% of the time.
India votes against the United States 81% of the time.
Syria votes against the United States 84% of the time.
Mauritania votes against the United States 87% of the time.

US Foreign Aid to those that hate us:

Egypt, for example, after voting 79% of the time against the United States, still receives $2 billion annually in US Foreign Aid.

Jordan votes 71% against the United States and receives $192,814,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.

Pakistan votes 75% against the United States receives $6,721,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.

India votes 81% against the United States receives $143,699,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.

Anonymous verification
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Hey. . .these numbers can't be right!  They don't foster the liberal agenda!!  They don't make the US look like a horrible evil empire who is only concerned about bullying the rest of the world and forcing them to do our bidding.  /sarcasm

I said this before in my Tired of the U.N. thread. . .I don't expect the U.N. to agree with us all the time or w/e. . .but it seems like some of these countries just ask how the U.S. voted and do exactly the opposite.  Then they put their hand out and ask for more money.  Then they applaud some dude that gets up and talks shit about the U.S. and calls our President the Devil.....
Here is a little bit of my selfishness...

Where does our government get the gall to give away our hard earned money without our consent???

btw Kmarion, your computer is unbelievable - good on you.  If I had enough posts to give you karma, I would.
+86|6855|Winterpeg, Canada
I'm from is basically given to other nations and/or put into road systems.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

weamo8 wrote:

btw Kmarion, your computer is unbelievable - good on you.  If I had enough posts to give you karma, I would.
Ty sir..
Xbone Stormsurgezz
You know we could easily not fund any to foreign countries and let them starve to death and suffer way more than it is now. I have an idea all of those ceo bastards in the middle east of the oil companies should be way heavily taxed and money given to poverty so that they cant fund a strong enough army and the war will be over.
Cowboy from Hell
Very reliable source.
Stay the corpse
+261|6814|Los Angeles

Kmarion wrote:

Title was obviously sarcastic.
This information is a little old but just as relevant today.

What most Americans do not realize is that the vast majority of the recipients of US Foreign Aid routinely vote against the wishes of the United States in the UN at an average rate of 74%.
So, just like virtually every industrialized country on earth, the USA doesn't deny aid to needy citizens because of the political whims of their leaders. That's good. However, I'm not so sure that proves your title was necessarily sarcastic.

The US does give the most official deveopment assistance (ie, foreign aid) of any country in the world. By far. That's pretty natural, seeing as how we are the richest country in the world.

Total official development assistance by country, 2005 (source: OECD)

But to really measure selfishness, we have to go beyond the AMOUNT given.

Total official development assistance as a % of gross national income, by country, 2005 (source: OECD)

So a billionaire donates a hundred bucks, and a little kid with only a dollar to his name donates a nickel. Who's stingier?
+76|7089|Antwerp, Flanders

weamo8 wrote:

Where does our government get the gall to give away our hard earned money without our consent???
You elect people to represent you in the government. This makes your government a democratic republic. Having this government ask the population whether or not they should do something every time something has to be decided would make your government a true democracy instead of a democratic republic. This would defeat the purpose of electing representatives in the first place, since it is then the population that runs the country and not the representatives. The reason the population does not run the country is because it is technically impossible since the population is too large.

Imagine the billions upon billions of dollars that would go lost in just organizing the voting process on each proposition again and again and again and again.

Last edited by Rosse_modest (2006-09-28 17:04:43)

Stay the corpse
+261|6814|Los Angeles
And another revealing chart
+4|6889|ON, Canada
I say a mod close this. Why do people want 2 stir up peoples national pride by saying our countrys better
Aspiring Objectivist
We should be more selfish as a country, & not give alms out to beggars, give them jobs instead.
The pursuit of his or her own rational self-interest is every individual's highest moral obligation.
+4|6798|Virginia Beach, VA
His numbers regarding how much money we give percentage-wise are accurate.  We chatted about them in a masters level course I attended last night.  As for the voting...that I don't know about.  A quarter of the UN budget sure surprised me, though. 

The other thing we talked about was how many personnel we supply to UN missions.  We have less than 400 people out of 50,000+ doing UN missions around the world.  The leader was Bengladesh with over 10,000.  I was surprised at what countries supplied the most people.  Also, I think (but I'm not 100% positive) the UN pays the personnel working for them on their missions...and that's why a lot of poorer countries send more's a steady paycheck that they can send home.

Peace out.
Cowboy from Hell
Stay the corpse
+261|6814|Los Angeles

TrollmeaT wrote:

We should be more selfish as a country, & not give alms out to beggars, give them jobs instead.
But I thought conservatives had problems with giving jobs to beggars. Isn't that why they're working so hard to deport construction workers, farm workers, and assembly-line workers back to Mexico?
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

The_Shipbuilder wrote:

TrollmeaT wrote:

We should be more selfish as a country, & not give alms out to beggars, give them jobs instead.
But I thought conservatives had problems with giving jobs to beggars. Isn't that why they're working so hard to deport construction workers, farm workers, and assembly-line workers back to Mexico?
The illegal ones .
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Stay the corpse
+261|6814|Los Angeles

Kmarion wrote:
That source just happens to mention this in conclusion: wrote:

Of the 83 resolutions we surveyed for our informal tally, in ten cases the U.S. was the only Member State to vote against them, and in five cases only one other nation joined the U.S. in voting against them. In fact, in over half the total cases (42 out of 83), the U.S. was supported by five or fewer Member States in voting against a U.N. resolution. So it isn't just the Arab/Islamic states who consistently vote against the U.S. in the United Nations — pretty much the rest of the world does, too.
Interesting, no?
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker

The_Shipbuilder wrote:

TrollmeaT wrote:

We should be more selfish as a country, & not give alms out to beggars, give them jobs instead.
But I thought conservatives had problems with giving jobs to beggars. Isn't that why they're working so hard to deport construction workers, farm workers, and assembly-line workers back to Mexico?
No, it's because they're illegal aliens.  Illegal, meaning not legal, meaning criminal, meaning get out and come in the right way.
I am all that is MOD!
+2,986|6945|949 wrote:

However, we also surveyed the U.N. voting records of several countries generally considered to be close allies of the U.S., and those results were none too impressive either. Only Israel consistently voted with the U.S.:


How much significance one should place in these figures is problematic, because most other U.N. Member States have records of voting against the U.S. that are equally as bad as the records of the countries named in the message above. U.N. votes on resolutions are frequently lopsided, pitting a single nation or a handful of nations against all the others, and more often than not the U.S. is the one nation at odds with the rest of the world. Of the 83 resolutions we surveyed for our informal tally, in ten cases the U.S. was the only Member State to vote against them, and in five cases only one other nation joined the U.S. in voting against them. In fact, in over half the total cases (42 out of 83), the U.S. was supported by five or fewer Member States in voting against a U.N. resolution. So it isn't just the Arab/Islamic states who consistently vote against the U.S. in the United Nations — pretty much the rest of the world does, too.
too late for Shipbuilder

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2006-09-28 17:23:57)

Stay the corpse
+261|6814|Los Angeles

Stingray24 wrote:

The_Shipbuilder wrote:

TrollmeaT wrote:

We should be more selfish as a country, & not give alms out to beggars, give them jobs instead.
But I thought conservatives had problems with giving jobs to beggars. Isn't that why they're working so hard to deport construction workers, farm workers, and assembly-line workers back to Mexico?
No, it's because they're illegal aliens.  Illegal, meaning not legal, meaning criminal, meaning get out and come in the right way.
Interesting. The funny thing is, if no one would hire them, it wouldn't be a problem.

Why do you suppose the government isn't cracking down hard on American businesses who employ illegal laborers? Why is the onus 100% on the Mexicans?

If the people making a big stink about illegal immigration actually cared about solving it, why aren't we trying to solve the problem on all fronts? Where are the sting operations on American citizens who encourage illegal entry by hiring people (knowingly or not) without documentation? Why don't we just pass legislation making it a felony to employ illegal laborers? It's simple to comply as an employer: just take 10 minutes to photocopy passports/green cards/whatever.

And why is this issue suddenly at the forefront of the national discussion? Certainly not because it's an election year. No - the politicians just suddenly realized that it's a convenient red herring for botching Iraq major issue.
Aspiring Objectivist

The_Shipbuilder wrote:

TrollmeaT wrote:

We should be more selfish as a country, & not give alms out to beggars, give them jobs instead.
But I thought conservatives had problems with giving jobs to beggars. Isn't that why they're working so hard to deport construction workers, farm workers, and assembly-line workers back to Mexico?
Anyone who doesn't recognize Mexico as the USA's new work force is sadly mistaken, we need to get the illegals into the system & paying taxes , after all bush just gave them access to our social security without contributing anything to it?!
+116|6937|Cherry Pie
The guy who started this post is a cool dude.  We should cut off all those bastards who don't like us.  Let them starve to death and then they will no longer be a problem!  +1 dude!
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

TrollmeaT wrote:

The_Shipbuilder wrote:

TrollmeaT wrote:

We should be more selfish as a country, & not give alms out to beggars, give them jobs instead.
But I thought conservatives had problems with giving jobs to beggars. Isn't that why they're working so hard to deport construction workers, farm workers, and assembly-line workers back to Mexico?
Anyone who doesn't recognize Mexico as the USA's new work force is sadly mistaken, we need to get the illegals into the system & paying taxes , after all bush just gave them access to our social security without contributing anything to it?!
I agree make them citizens. Either that or send them back. Everyone thinks (In these forums) that I am someone who just sits back and agrees with our current administration but this issue pisses me off. . Man I hate stereotypes.. This goverment is to lax on our border.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6998|United States of America
Hell no "make them citizens." They can get a job making minimum wage here so they get citizenship. They can nail someone here so their child is a citizen. What happened to the centuries of LEGAL immigration that were no picnic for them either? Why should we make exceptions for the Mexicans?
The Lizzard

Kmarion wrote:

The United States gives $13.3 billion tax dollars in direct Foreign Aid annually.
And how much of that goes to Israel?

Kmarion wrote:

The United States is above and beyond the single most generous benefactor of the United Nations, donating $2.4 billion dollars of OUR money, to primarily third-world dictators.
What's that in percentage terms when compared with other nations?

Kmarion wrote:

This amount is 25% of the United Nations budget. In addition, the United States also gives another $1.4 billion tax dollars to United Nations' programs and agencies. The American taxpayers fund more for the United Nations than ALL of the other 177 member nations COMBINED.
There are 192 member nations.  Further, if the US contributes 25%, then the other nations contribute 75%.

As to the rest, I'd direct you to read the page you posted verifying your claim:  The only person who consistently votes with you is Israel (I'm sorry I couldn't find a better source.  Further, to give aid in the expectation that the countries vote with you runs counter to your idea of democracy, particularly when those countries recieving the aid are in dire need.

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