I know the game has to be playable but it bugs me so much how often I get heavily damamged/killed by an APC/air defense when in a tank and I've hit it twice. ONE SHOT ONE KILL against APCs/air defense please when using tank/anti-tank kit!! A tank is a different manner but if you stalk the tank and get your shot into the rear it will destroy it or cripple it.

Takes 2 rutting shots to destroy APCs which is SO not right. Which part you aim at should make no difference to tank shells. Tank shells will take out a APC be it a Bradley, LAV, BTR90, WZ55, Tunguska or Type 95 with ONE shot. These vehicles are lightly armoured. Same with the anti-tank dude, his weapon will destroy any of the above vehicles with one shot in the real world.

{Tom Clancy did some book on the '91 Gulf War and he wrote how a M1A1 Abrams tank got stuck in sand and the decision was taking to destroy it cos the advance was so fast. It took between 3&7 (read this years back so not sure exact amount it took!?) shots to destroy it. In the end they had to fire into the back of the turret to destroy. The tank was finally collected, the turret replaced and the tank went back into action!!! So, please understand why I get so pissed when I get taken out by APCs.

Same book also told of how one T-55 retreated behind a giant sand berm but the M1A1 tracked it via thermal THRU the sand berm and fired THRU the sand berm and killed it with one shot!!!! So, please make this game somewhat more realistic when it comes to tank damage against APCs.}

Choppers should not survive direct hits from anti tank trooper either. many a time I have hit choppers with 2 anti tank rockets and they have either retreated or killed me. just not right, sorry! Same when in LAV/BTR etc, I've put many rounds into choppers and they, again, fly away of kill me. Its just plain wrong!! Even survived hits from main gun on the tank.... I'm not be the most experienced player/best shot but I sure know when I get direct hits on my target, be it vehicles or infantry!!

I've gotten good solid bursts with the SAW pretty much point blank on infantry only to be killed myself. Don't care what class they are, you will be chewed up by a SAW. Just bugs me that I can be killed quite fast if I'm in a tank/APC/chopper or on foot yet I can never return the favour. I die very fast in a chopper from MG fire/anti tank kits, same when in APC, one shot will kill me!!?? WTF is up with that....

I know this is just a game and things have to be made playable otherwise people will dominate using certain weapons, but I think that if the weapons are done to how they work in real life (stay away from the SA80 if they do this ) then it will make the game better and not so frustrating.

Anyone else have similar problems?
+1,153|6783|Washington, DC


EDIT: Sorry if that seems a bit dickish, I just like to be cheeky

I get what you're saying, but to be honest I wouldn't want such a level of realism in this game.

Last edited by ExecutionerStyle (2006-06-27 17:25:33)

while I agree with you, we will never see these changes...and the littlebird choppers are as heavily armored as tanks...1 shot from a main battle tank should turn one of these choppers inside out...but alas, no...

ExecutionerStyle wrote:


EDIT: Sorry if that seems a bit dickish, I just like to be cheeky

I get what you're saying, but to be honest I wouldn't want such a level of realism in this game.
I would like this level of realism for EVERYONE not just when I'm being shot at!!...

Don't get why you've posted this link, some form of American humour I don't get being a Brit?!

Gunships seem pretty damn hard to shoot down but I have shot down several littlebird with salvos of anti air while the gunships just chuckle at me....

Last edited by wyattwolf (2006-06-28 13:50:13)

It does take 2 shots to kill an apc, whats wrong with that ? while I agree with you but think of how boring it would be to sit ina tank and one shot everything. I know that a 2 shot kill with SAW in the front tracks works you just got to be in a good hiding place and have an ok aim. Never be an anti tank on your own thers just no point what so ever, 3-5 AT'ers bye bye tanks/apc/choppers/ everything !!

Chorcai wrote:

It does take 2 shots to kill an apc, whats wrong with that ? while I agree with you but think of how boring it would be to sit ina tank and one shot everything. I know that a 2 shot kill with SAW in the front tracks works you just got to be in a good hiding place and have an ok aim. Never be an anti tank on your own thers just no point what so ever, 3-5 AT'ers bye bye tanks/apc/choppers/ everything !!
One shot on APC would be realistic, only ever seems to take one shot to kill me while in un damaged APC...that is what pisses me off.

hit a chopper with a tank would be damn good shooting
PHPR Hunter

wyattwolf wrote:

Chorcai wrote:

It does take 2 shots to kill an apc, whats wrong with that ? while I agree with you but think of how boring it would be to sit ina tank and one shot everything. I know that a 2 shot kill with SAW in the front tracks works you just got to be in a good hiding place and have an ok aim. Never be an anti tank on your own thers just no point what so ever, 3-5 AT'ers bye bye tanks/apc/choppers/ everything !!
One shot on APC would be realistic, only ever seems to take one shot to kill me while in un damaged APC...that is what pisses me off.

hit a chopper with a tank would be damn good shooting
Hitting a chopper with the tank is not that difficult of a shot.  You simply wait for them to start hovering and boom.
snipers!! read here a while back that it's impossible to get a kill with one shot as sniper! well who ever wrote that was so wrong!!

just playing Jalabad infantry only and got killed several times by some sniper who did it one shot almost every time...wouldn't mind but if its taking 2 shots to kill everyone else why in the seven hells is it me who gets it in one shot!?

Last edited by wyattwolf (2006-09-28 11:56:26)


wyattwolf wrote:

I know the game has to be playable but it bugs me so much how often I get heavily damamged/killed by an APC/air defense when in a tank and I've hit it twice. ONE SHOT ONE KILL against APCs/air defense please when using tank/anti-tank kit!! A tank is a different manner but if you stalk the tank and get your shot into the rear it will destroy it or cripple it.

Takes 2 rutting shots to destroy APCs which is SO not right. Which part you aim at should make no difference to tank shells. Tank shells will take out a APC be it a Bradley, LAV, BTR90, WZ55, Tunguska or Type 95 with ONE shot. These vehicles are lightly armoured. Same with the anti-tank dude, his weapon will destroy any of the above vehicles with one shot in the real world.

{Tom Clancy did some book on the '91 Gulf War and he wrote how a M1A1 Abrams tank got stuck in sand and the decision was taking to destroy it cos the advance was so fast. It took between 3&7 (read this years back so not sure exact amount it took!?) shots to destroy it. In the end they had to fire into the back of the turret to destroy. The tank was finally collected, the turret replaced and the tank went back into action!!! So, please understand why I get so pissed when I get taken out by APCs.

Same book also told of how one T-55 retreated behind a giant sand berm but the M1A1 tracked it via thermal THRU the sand berm and fired THRU the sand berm and killed it with one shot!!!! So, please make this game somewhat more realistic when it comes to tank damage against APCs.}

Choppers should not survive direct hits from anti tank trooper either. many a time I have hit choppers with 2 anti tank rockets and they have either retreated or killed me. just not right, sorry! Same when in LAV/BTR etc, I've put many rounds into choppers and they, again, fly away of kill me. Its just plain wrong!! Even survived hits from main gun on the tank.... I'm not be the most experienced player/best shot but I sure know when I get direct hits on my target, be it vehicles or infantry!!

I've gotten good solid bursts with the SAW pretty much point blank on infantry only to be killed myself. Don't care what class they are, you will be chewed up by a SAW. Just bugs me that I can be killed quite fast if I'm in a tank/APC/chopper or on foot yet I can never return the favour. I die very fast in a chopper from MG fire/anti tank kits, same when in APC, one shot will kill me!!?? WTF is up with that....

I know this is just a game and things have to be made playable otherwise people will dominate using certain weapons, but I think that if the weapons are done to how they work in real life (stay away from the SA80 if they do this ) then it will make the game better and not so frustrating.

Anyone else have similar problems?
umm incase u hadnt yet realised its only a GAME thats right a GAME its not ment to be real world perfect
If you want realism play Operation Flashpoint!
+2|6730|Middlesbrough, England
The issue of being a bit unrealistic is just to help keep the game balanced.
But everything you said is true, it just cant be like that for the sake of a game.

wyattwolf wrote:

snipers!! read here a while back that it's impossible to get a kill with one shot as sniper! well who ever wrote that was so wrong!!

just playing Jalabad infantry only and got killed several times by some sniper who did it one shot almost every time...wouldn't mind but if its taking 2 shots to kill everyone else why in the seven hells is it me who gets it in one shot!?
called a headshot m8 
the game would be no fun if the m1 was more poweful than the other tanks....think about it. though it might be more realistic, the teams would end up 63-1 for the US if it was real life...i think the one thing in the game that IS balanced is the armor...the helos/jets are a different story.
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦

ExecutionerStyle wrote:


EDIT: Sorry if that seems a bit dickish, I just like to be cheeky

I get what you're saying, but to be honest I wouldn't want such a level of realism in this game.

I completely agree. The weapons should be at full strength and people should bleed out when they're hit by a pistol/rifle/knife/whatever until a medic heels them. Some weapons should just take longer to make you bleed out. If you get hit, you die without getting medical attention. It's simple. Then you respawn and try to kill someone else. Whoever shoots the other guy first should be the winner of the skirmish.

Last edited by King_County_Downy (2006-09-28 14:59:08)

Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it

King_County_Downy wrote:

I completely agree. The weapons should be at full strength and people should bleed out when they're hit by a pistol/rifle/knife/whatever until a medic heels them. Some weapons should just take longer to make you bleed out. If you get hit, you die without getting medical attention. It's simple. Then you respawn and try to kill someone else. Whoever shoots the other guy first should be the winner of the skirmish.
thank you...don't mind getting killed be it head shot or shot to the chest with sniper, cos thats how its meant to be.

but when you're unloading point blank into some support dude (heaad and upper torso!!) who is hitting the deck to get better shot and he kills you thats just plain wrong!! Especially when you can kill with the SA80 just a few snap shots at quite a range...to me there is something wrong with that.

choppers should fall out of the sky if hammered with a .50 or the MEC/chinese analog HMG. the gunships will be ok for a little while but the blackhawk and other 2 would be ripped up straight off. the little choppers in AF also would be tin foil, as would the jets if you can get them. so thats where the players skill comes in, no flying dumb cos you know the survival factor is high

I agree about the tanks that it would daft for the M1 to be practically invulnerable (Iraq round 2 proves this is not so anyway) but tanks should kill everything other that other tanks with one shot (unless shooting into rear of tank) no questions asked.

I do appreciate this is a GAME, but it is also meant to be a battlefield sim so lets have some realism please.
The Anti-Sniper
+12|6690|Las Vegas

wyattwolf wrote:

I know the game has to be playable but it bugs me so much how often I get heavily damamged/killed by an APC/air defense when in a tank and I've hit it twice. ONE SHOT ONE KILL against APCs/air defense please when using tank/anti-tank kit!! A tank is a different manner but if you stalk the tank and get your shot into the rear it will destroy it or cripple it.

Takes 2 rutting shots to destroy APCs which is SO not right. Which part you aim at should make no difference to tank shells. Tank shells will take out a APC be it a Bradley, LAV, BTR90, WZ55, Tunguska or Type 95 with ONE shot. These vehicles are lightly armoured. Same with the anti-tank dude, his weapon will destroy any of the above vehicles with one shot in the real world.

{Tom Clancy did some book on the '91 Gulf War and he wrote how a M1A1 Abrams tank got stuck in sand and the decision was taking to destroy it cos the advance was so fast. It took between 3&7 (read this years back so not sure exact amount it took!?) shots to destroy it. In the end they had to fire into the back of the turret to destroy. The tank was finally collected, the turret replaced and the tank went back into action!!! So, please understand why I get so pissed when I get taken out by APCs.

Same book also told of how one T-55 retreated behind a giant sand berm but the M1A1 tracked it via thermal THRU the sand berm and fired THRU the sand berm and killed it with one shot!!!! So, please make this game somewhat more realistic when it comes to tank damage against APCs.}

Choppers should not survive direct hits from anti tank trooper either. many a time I have hit choppers with 2 anti tank rockets and they have either retreated or killed me. just not right, sorry! Same when in LAV/BTR etc, I've put many rounds into choppers and they, again, fly away of kill me. Its just plain wrong!! Even survived hits from main gun on the tank.... I'm not be the most experienced player/best shot but I sure know when I get direct hits on my target, be it vehicles or infantry!!

I've gotten good solid bursts with the SAW pretty much point blank on infantry only to be killed myself. Don't care what class they are, you will be chewed up by a SAW. Just bugs me that I can be killed quite fast if I'm in a tank/APC/chopper or on foot yet I can never return the favour. I die very fast in a chopper from MG fire/anti tank kits, same when in APC, one shot will kill me!!?? WTF is up with that....

I know this is just a game and things have to be made playable otherwise people will dominate using certain weapons, but I think that if the weapons are done to how they work in real life (stay away from the SA80 if they do this ) then it will make the game better and not so frustrating.

Anyone else have similar problems?
Thay already Do, in those invulnerable Choppers.

As far as the M1, sure, make it tougher as in real life, just give the opposition more of the others, to equal it out. Noone HAS to drive the tanks. and I gaurantee you, if choppers were made more realistic, all the guys who chopper whore in an FPS game would find another game. Good post bro.

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