Fantasma Parastasie
And then the server changes to Kubra and you die within 20 seconds of taking off.
+47|6617|Hong Kong
HAHHAHAHA!! lmao thanks for the laugh
Same shit, Different Arsehole

blakrobe wrote:

Jesus loves you.
Everyone else thinks your an arsehole!
it's because of you fuckers i have to spawn on arty island and swim ashore and let my squad spawn on me.
is drunk and crazy

stkhoplite wrote:

CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS! you have has just won the n00b of the month award! your prize................ a smack....
Coming from a GS with a negative K/D ratio. STFU.
+46|6605|Bradford UK
its coz he cant just play the game effectively and fairly, i used to be very sporting at bf2 but not now, whats the point when alot (not everyone) plays unfairly. so i say fuck it now, i'll rape,bunny,dolphin the lot just to stay alive for that all important noob kill! im sorry guys, its what the kids made me do.
is drunk and crazy

SargeV1.4 wrote:

And then the server changes to Kubra and you die within 20 seconds of taking off.
Says my 151 BRS which I earned in the F-18 and 75 kills and 2 deaths.

E7IX3R wrote:

My name is E7IX3R and I love to carrier rape.

The beggining of a round of wake, get in that J-10 and take off, shoot down the blackhawk, 6 kills thank you very much then head for the carrier to destroy all the remaining noobs that spawned at the wrong damn place.

Take out the AA, do a U-turn and release my bombs, many many kills, my name fills the kill info in the top left corner, check my score and oh look, I got 9 kills in that run.

Press C and see 4-5 guys waiting at the Cobra spawn, whip my baby back around and fly level with the carrier, not wasting any ammo, run those guys down hearing the cry of "MEDIC" as I go past.

Return to base, re-arm, repeat.

Now, you may say it takes no skill - i dont care. I love the kills. I love seeing the names of my victims appear when unleash hell upon them. I love the kick votes and the cry of "STOP BASERAPING". I'll rape your goddamn base until your shit turns pink. Until you press ESC and Disconnect.

Ohh god do I love the kills.
u know wots..funny..r stats r almost the exact same apart from the 10 000 gap
There is.
+1,380|6844|Devon, England

LaidBackNinja wrote:

blakrobe wrote:

Jesus loves you.
But we all hate you.
this comes to mind:
Not that it matters much.

US tactics, get on both AA.  F-35s get off quick, same with the helo's.  Blackhawk hit the deck and head for the trees (seen a lot of _j-10__ is no more because they try and chase me down.. oh that's a tree nvm).

Also, I'm just going to wait for 2142 and watch you lose everytime.  So Have a Nice Day
+183|6766|Newcastle UK

E7IX3R wrote:

My name is E7IX3R and I love to carrier rape.

The beggining of a round of wake, get in that J-10 and take off, shoot down the blackhawk, 6 kills thank you very much then head for the carrier to destroy all the remaining noobs that spawned at the wrong damn place.

Take out the AA, do a U-turn and release my bombs, many many kills, my name fills the kill info in the top left corner, check my score and oh look, I got 9 kills in that run.

Press C and see 4-5 guys waiting at the Cobra spawn, whip my baby back around and fly level with the carrier, not wasting any ammo, run those guys down hearing the cry of "MEDIC" as I go past.

Return to base, re-arm, repeat.

Now, you may say it takes no skill - i dont care. I love the kills. I love seeing the names of my victims appear when unleash hell upon them. I love the kick votes and the cry of "STOP BASERAPING". I'll rape your goddamn base until your shit turns pink. Until you press ESC and Disconnect.

Ohh god do I love the kills.
This may be all good until you get the red skull and crossbones when my jsf is behind you. As some people will tell you j-10 goes byebye
You have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone else.
You orrible caaaaaaan't

TheMackumSlayer wrote:

E7IX3R wrote:

My name is E7IX3R and I love to carrier rape.

The beggining of a round of wake, get in that J-10 and take off, shoot down the blackhawk, 6 kills thank you very much then head for the carrier to destroy all the remaining noobs that spawned at the wrong damn place.

Take out the AA, do a U-turn and release my bombs, many many kills, my name fills the kill info in the top left corner, check my score and oh look, I got 9 kills in that run.

Press C and see 4-5 guys waiting at the Cobra spawn, whip my baby back around and fly level with the carrier, not wasting any ammo, run those guys down hearing the cry of "MEDIC" as I go past.

Return to base, re-arm, repeat.

Now, you may say it takes no skill - i dont care. I love the kills. I love seeing the names of my victims appear when unleash hell upon them. I love the kick votes and the cry of "STOP BASERAPING". I'll rape your goddamn base until your shit turns pink. Until you press ESC and Disconnect.

Ohh god do I love the kills.
This may be all good until you get the red skull and crossbones when my jsf is behind you. As some people will tell you j-10 goes byebye
Only sometimes though most of the time missles just deflect off I love mging muppets when they are re-arming. Well at least you admit your cheap. but spawing below means you get a boat which usually gets blown up by a chinese tank anyway.

blakrobe wrote:

Jesus loves you.
Yes yes... While jesus may love you we all think you are an ass clown..
+183|6766|Newcastle UK

wah1188 wrote:

TheMackumSlayer wrote:

E7IX3R wrote:

My name is E7IX3R and I love to carrier rape.

The beggining of a round of wake, get in that J-10 and take off, shoot down the blackhawk, 6 kills thank you very much then head for the carrier to destroy all the remaining noobs that spawned at the wrong damn place.

Take out the AA, do a U-turn and release my bombs, many many kills, my name fills the kill info in the top left corner, check my score and oh look, I got 9 kills in that run.

Press C and see 4-5 guys waiting at the Cobra spawn, whip my baby back around and fly level with the carrier, not wasting any ammo, run those guys down hearing the cry of "MEDIC" as I go past.

Return to base, re-arm, repeat.

Now, you may say it takes no skill - i dont care. I love the kills. I love seeing the names of my victims appear when unleash hell upon them. I love the kick votes and the cry of "STOP BASERAPING". I'll rape your goddamn base until your shit turns pink. Until you press ESC and Disconnect.

Ohh god do I love the kills.
This may be all good until you get the red skull and crossbones when my jsf is behind you. As some people will tell you j-10 goes byebye
Only sometimes though most of the time missles just deflect off I love mging muppets when they are re-arming. Well at least you admit your cheap. but spawing below means you get a boat which usually gets blown up by a chinese tank anyway.
Omg missles for nubs machinegun FTW!

Ohh and sarge will pwn you on kubra anytime
You have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone else.
what i like is when the "j-10 whores" baserape none stop then not far along into the game USMC take their airfield and shoot their pilot down. Thats what i likes the best. And then seeing them have to trek through the terrain and go 3-40 k/d. Mmmmm thats what i like.
+44|6879|West Berlin!
I also loved to do that shit, after some months it´s just damn boring... But what is better than that feeling when the n00bs begin to cry...?
+9|6646|Berlin, Germany

']['error wrote:

zomfg raping!!11!!1

Raping the chinese airfield with the F35 is also very usefull to prevent the j10's form taking off.
machinegun airstrip where j10 spawns(3-4 kills), then turn around and release bombs above heli-pad(4-6 kills).
waste the stinger, machinegun the fresly spawnd J10 getting 1-2 kills form the explosive and go back for new amo. if your USMC team has another skilled F35 pilot, the other pilot takes over the raping when you get new amo and so on. Your team will cap the airfield and some other flags, caus the chinese team does not have their  1337 jet and chopper anymore, and the cobra will take care of the enemy tanks). And here you go: they have only one flag left and there you have the ultimate raping-zone for ranking up kills.

this is how i get 120+ points on wake in the F35
yeah exactly... because it takes some "1337-uber-skillz" to baserape

E7IX3R wrote:

stkhoplite wrote:

CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS! you have has just won the n00b of the month award! your prize................ a smack....
Coming from a GS with a negative K/D ratio. STFU.
Coming from someone with a smacktard ratio of 3.0  (= 2555 teamkills in 800 hrs play), which is - politely said - NOT good.

Neither is 200 kicks.

Grow up, kid.
Dead Meat
Unfortunately, rapping the carrier is the only way I can get kills in an airplane. I'm not good at it either. (check my stats)
I think it's unfair but if it's the only way a crappy pilot can get kills... who cares.

Instead of complaining, use the AA and stop fighting over the airplane and helo. spawn somewhere else and find a way to the mainland and take some flags. Make the carrier a non target.

E7IX3R wrote:

My name is E7IX3R and I love cock.
really? thats nice to know *cough* gay *cough*
is drunk and crazy

MajorHoulahan_MASH wrote:

E7IX3R wrote:

stkhoplite wrote:

CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS! you have has just won the n00b of the month award! your prize................ a smack....
Coming from a GS with a negative K/D ratio. STFU.
Coming from someone with a smacktard ratio of 3.0  (= 2555 teamkills in 800 hrs play), which is - politely said - NOT good.

Neither is 200 kicks.

Grow up, kid.
Neither is 102,020 points in 1138:10:05 hours play.
+183|6766|Newcastle UK
You have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone else.

TheMackumSlayer wrote:

is drunk and crazy

Mr.H@x0r wrote:

TheMackumSlayer wrote:

+9|6646|Berlin, Germany

TheMackumSlayer wrote:


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