Be sure you either obtain permission from websites to hotlink to them or double check what you've linked to. Some websites are known to prevent hotlinking by changing the image to Pornography or something else that would break the rules here on bf2s.com.
If you post an image and this occurs you will be banned.
You have been warned here and should know better now.
So please double check your links and/or obtain permission to post a link before you get banned for posting a link that shows up as porn, or some other pic that isn't allowed here.
bf2s Staff
To test to see if an image is hotlinked, post it, then hit control + F5 (hard refresh). This will reload the image from the site (rather than your cache) and you can see what everyone else sees (usually).
Then just make sure to delete/edit your post if the image results in a non-allowed hotlinking image.
Be sure you either obtain permission from websites to hotlink to them or double check what you've linked to. Some websites are known to prevent hotlinking by changing the image to Pornography or something else that would break the rules here on bf2s.com.
If you post an image and this occurs you will be banned.
You have been warned here and should know better now.
So please double check your links and/or obtain permission to post a link before you get banned for posting a link that shows up as porn, or some other pic that isn't allowed here.
bf2s Staff
To test to see if an image is hotlinked, post it, then hit control + F5 (hard refresh). This will reload the image from the site (rather than your cache) and you can see what everyone else sees (usually).
Then just make sure to delete/edit your post if the image results in a non-allowed hotlinking image.