
How many points on average do you scoreper game?

10-201%1% - 4
20-305%5% - 14
30-409%9% - 27
40-5014%14% - 40
50-6019%19% - 55
70-8021%21% - 59
80-905%5% - 16
90-1007%7% - 21
100 or higher13%13% - 37
I only die while playing :(1%1% - 4
Total: 277

hilltop_skater wrote:

polarbearz wrote:

Tas3674 wrote:

or he could of inproved since he have had his accont, at the beginning he could of got bad round scores and now he is getting 70-80 a round. but he hasent made up for his noobish period.
though there is an easy way to find out, look at his history.
I did I hate people who simply pull statistics out of the wind to show how 1337 they are. You want to give a rough estimate, give one. But not to the point of throwing out numbers and making themselves sound better than they are. Call me a whore, whatever.

If I had to give estimates of my rounds, I would only say I average around 50. I've played all 4000+ games I have on a SINGLE FULL 32/32 server (simply because I'm stuck in singapore and there are no other servers available ANYWHERE else under 200 ping).

Sooo.. yepp.
Yeah, I'm not fully Uber 1337, i get around 40-60 per round but with little bumps and drops i get from 20-150
I'm sure lots of others do too.
Score  16.8473  thats what yours works out to be chap sorry to post that but yours was way over the top at 40-60 per round .(Aimed at hilltop_skater)

Last edited by Knight`UK (2006-09-26 01:42:26)

Raiders of the Lost Bear

Noop-Ni wrote:

I have the best SPM out of the entire thread and yet I'm the only one to have voted less than 40.

I do not think the participants in this poll are entirely honest.
The fuck does SPM have to do with this? Lets say you kill 6 people in a minute, in a round that ends suddenly because the mininum number of players has not been fufilled. That gives you an SPM of 12, but a round score of ONLY 12.

Don't pull arguments out your ass if you don't know what you're talking about.
Someone with a high score per round would most likely gain a lot of points during that round. This means their SPM would be relatively high.

It's not that accurate, sure, but I think it's safe to say that a high SPR would be accompanied by a high SPM. I don't think you'll find many people with SPRs of 60 and low SPMs, to be honest.
+16|6785|Oslo, NORWAY

hilltop_skater wrote:

Just wondering how many points the BF2 comunitty scores per round.
i got 402 in one round
Raiders of the Lost Bear

=RvE=kbgfighter wrote:

hilltop_skater wrote:

Just wondering how many points the BF2 comunitty scores per round.
i got 402 in one round

per Round. Average.

Yeah, and playing on a 12/64 server is something to be so proud of. Have fun with your 3 hour long games. While we're at that, had fun with Mappack: Karkand already?

Last edited by polarbearz (2006-09-26 01:46:38)


polarbearz wrote:

Noop-Ni wrote:

I have the best SPM out of the entire thread and yet I'm the only one to have voted less than 40.

I do not think the participants in this poll are entirely honest.
The fuck does SPM have to do with this? Lets say you kill 6 people in a minute, in a round that ends suddenly because the mininum number of players has not been fufilled. That gives you an SPM of 12, but a round score of ONLY 12.

Don't pull arguments out your ass if you don't know what you're talking about.
This is true ive seen players with spm's of 3/4+ and have low avg scores per round .

Phantom0701 General ranked numer 3 in world  has a spm of 3.5 avg score per round 41.1809 thats the same as me and iam on a spm of just under 2.3

Please feel free to karma me for looking up pointless stats lol and sorry Noop-Ni your argument is flawed a high spm doesnt mean a high avg score per round at all .

Last edited by Knight`UK (2006-09-26 01:48:35)

Terror in the Skies

pedigreeuk wrote:

Why not work it out like this?

Global Score
-----------------   =   ppr (points per round)
Rounds Played

Me 22.08

For the people who posted above me:-

hilltop_skater 16.84
TeK||drake666 36.21
Emil_the_Slayer 27.61
Polarbearz 29.80
-=NsK=-Historian 34.95
Phrozenbot 27.07
killa_karnickl 39.27
Drax_the_God 40.85
Noop-Ni 37.48
[netsas]knight 40.64
Trooper_Collider 34.53

So it would appear that only a couple of people have actually told the truth, and yeah I know that it includes rounds that end just after you joined them but he did ask for an average. Not to taint things by only counting what you want to!
taking your system i got 48,56

imo the pure round score does not say much - it depends too much pn the lenght of the round
score per minute is only a little better as it depends on what kind of maps you play (only city-maps will definitly get you a higher spm)
Nade Spammers Must Die
+151|6688|Forest Lake, Australia
I only ever die while playing

Sgt_Bob05 wrote:

lier yours is

Score  45.7555

have a nice day
+151|6688|Forest Lake, Australia

pedigreeuk wrote:

Why not work it out like this?

Global Score
-----------------   =   ppr (points per round)
Rounds Played

Me 22.08

For the people who posted above me:-

hilltop_skater 16.84
TeK||drake666 36.21
Emil_the_Slayer 27.61
Polarbearz 29.80
-=NsK=-Historian 34.95
Phrozenbot 27.07
killa_karnickl 39.27
Drax_the_God 40.85
Noop-Ni 37.48
[netsas]knight 40.64
Trooper_Collider 34.53

So it would appear that only a couple of people have actually told the truth, and yeah I know that it includes rounds that end just after you joined them but he did ask for an average. Not to taint things by only counting what you want to!
I scored low to start off with...But now I score higher...So that theory is fucked
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Sgt_Bob05 wrote:

45, rather. And tell me when you feel like trying any of the other maps that BF2 provides, or do you only have Mappack: Karkand + Wake as a freebie?

dhoar4 wrote:

pedigreeuk wrote:

Why not work it out like this?

Global Score
-----------------   =   ppr (points per round)
Rounds Played

Me 22.08

For the people who posted above me:-

hilltop_skater 16.84
TeK||drake666 36.21
Emil_the_Slayer 27.61
Polarbearz 29.80
-=NsK=-Historian 34.95
Phrozenbot 27.07
killa_karnickl 39.27
Drax_the_God 40.85
Noop-Ni 37.48
[netsas]knight 40.64
Trooper_Collider 34.53

So it would appear that only a couple of people have actually told the truth, and yeah I know that it includes rounds that end just after you joined them but he did ask for an average. Not to taint things by only counting what you want to!
I scored low to start off with...But now I score higher...So that theory is fucked
http://bf2s.com/player/47273630/rankings/ yours works out to be just under 28

Last edited by Knight`UK (2006-09-26 01:58:54)

+151|6688|Forest Lake, Australia

Knight`UK wrote:

lier yours is

Score  45.7555

have a nice day
LIAR!  Yours is 500.4567

You're a nerd and we can't help the fact you have no life...
dhoar4 i think you need to clam down m8 tbh its just a thread about avg score per round just a bit of harmless spam to start of with and you go and lose the plot by insulting people .If you cant hack people picking out something that you posted wrong about your stats i think your in the wrong forum and judgeing how long you been reged here you should know how it works so dont get so upset about things and start going all mental about it .
And dhoar4 play Warlord/Ghost Town/Sharqui a bit more they own Karkand iam busy trying to remove Karkand from my fav map 200+ hours on one map out of just under 500 hours played makes me sad .
Too old to be doing this sh*t
+103|6676|Little blue planet, milky way
Depends on the server/map/number of players.... But I usually average about 50-70 points on a full karkand map. 40-60 on "other" maps. More if the server is not fully populated ofcourse.
I dont medic, nade or vehicle whore all that much, so I rarely get in the top 3. I also prefer to get a capture point rather than getting a couple of kills from spawn raping, so that leaves me somewhat low scoring as opposed to other players. I play to have fun, not to get a lot of points. Ok, some of the Karkand bitches whine when I grab the CP because then they can't spawnrape, but I dont give a shit. IMO, if they're cleaning the spawn, then its to make way for me to grab the flag !
That being said, I did have a long "intro time", where I played mainly small maps, didn't get a lot of points and kills. It's tough to overcome, but on the upside, my KDR and SPM is rising every day because it was so low to begin with !
+12|6623|Luton, England
My average according to the Global score divided by total rounds works out at 35.89.  Not to bad, it could be a whole lot worse.
I get around 100 - 150 and i am normally in the top few

<^|0B1ackhawk0|^> wrote:

I get around 100 - 150 and i am normally in the top few
Score  38.2141 avg score per round
i normay have 1 realy good game followed by 10 realy bad games
However you people are working this crap out you MUST be rong because 38points a round just isnt normal
LOL - that's madness. Using Knight's system (ay-op lad, how come we haven't put a round in yet, seen you on cross-fire a few times...) mine come out at 17.8 or something equally shit.

I was rubbish when I first got this game, as it's the first online game I've ever played. Talk about a baptism of fire. Anyway, these days that's changed and I'm holding my own with around 40 points average - hence my piling on over 2000 points in the last week.

So I'm not sure that your system works - everyone is carrying that dirty laundry from waaaaaaaay back when they were shit, and that doesn't reflect their average round today.

obscure analogy It's like kids who start reading early. They read early and do better in early years classes, but by the end of school, the other kids read just as well as them, and, in many cases, better as they've never stopped learning whereas early reader kid got complacent a while back or just plain switched off that part cos he had it down pat, so never improved beyond a certain point./stupid analogy

<^|0B1ackhawk0|^> wrote:

However you people are working this crap out you MUST be rong because 38points a round just isnt normal

scroll to bottom of page and you will see your avg score per round right at the bottom you cant miss it .
The only reason we have the small scores is because we play 16player maps... I think.

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