
How many points on average do you scoreper game?

10-201%1% - 4
20-305%5% - 14
30-409%9% - 27
40-5014%14% - 40
50-6019%19% - 55
70-8021%21% - 59
80-905%5% - 16
90-1007%7% - 21
100 or higher13%13% - 37
I only die while playing :(1%1% - 4
Total: 277
Body Skater
+28|6800|Berra - Aus
Just wondering how many points the BF2 comunitty scores per round.
when Hell is full...
depends on server, team, map, vehicle! between 50 / 70 average!
Usque Ad Finem
Teh strogg!
+205|6633|Trondheim, Norway
depends how long the round is, wich map etc. but i usually comes in the top
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Emil_the_Slayer wrote:

depends how long the round is, wich map etc. but i usually comes in the top
Oh. Really?

You have:

83 Gold
123 Silver
97 Bronze

from 2201 games. That makes only ABOUT 10%. I hardly call that 'usually'.
between 70-80 a round for me
+632|6770|do not disturb

Periods of bad rounds, periods of just yummy goodness. Maybe 60-80?
Plöt aba Madurah
+34|6597|Austria - Graz
I get avg 100 points. Can be more or less.

I´m in the top about 30% of all my games...
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Historian wrote:

between 70-80 a round for me
More lies. At your SPM, you're trying to say rounds last 45 minutes or MORE every single time? Give a honest estimate, or don't give one at all.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

killa_karnickl wrote:

I get avg 100 points. Can be more or less.

I´m in the top about 30% of all my games...
Finally someone who's honest. Props to you, but GTFO of karkand already!
well this has been my only acct. and I was/still can be quite the newb.

so for the last couple weeks of me running around on warlord thats what I've usually been seeing.
+8|6594|Tasmania, Australia

polarbearz wrote:

Historian wrote:

between 70-80 a round for me
More lies. At your SPM, you're trying to say rounds last 45 minutes or MORE every single time? Give a honest estimate, or don't give one at all.
or he could of inproved since he have had his accont, at the beginning he could of got bad round scores and now he is getting 70-80 a round. but he hasent made up for his noobish period.
though there is an easy way to find out, look at his history.

Last edited by Tas3674 (2006-09-26 01:13:45)

Paddles/Plane Whore
+28|6715|Australia, NSW
my average acording to stats is about 40, but since i got good at planewhoring i can keep 100+ up a round in average round length.  (as the 40 counts from when i first started)

do u mean to put average from all the time, or just recent months etc.?
Body Skater
+28|6800|Berra - Aus

Drax wrote:

my average acording to stats is about 40, but since i got good at planewhoring i can keep 100+ up a round in average round length.  (as the 40 counts from when i first started)

do u mean to put average from all the time, or just recent months etc.?
Just an estimation of what you get nowdays.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Tas3674 wrote:

polarbearz wrote:

Historian wrote:

between 70-80 a round for me
More lies. At your SPM, you're trying to say rounds last 45 minutes or MORE every single time? Give a honest estimate, or don't give one at all.
or he could of inproved since he have had his accont, at the beginning he could of got bad round scores and now he is getting 70-80 a round. but he hasent made up for his noobish period.
though there is an easy way to find out, look at his history.
I did I hate people who simply pull statistics out of the wind to show how 1337 they are. You want to give a rough estimate, give one. But not to the point of throwing out numbers and making themselves sound better than they are. Call me a whore, whatever.

If I had to give estimates of my rounds, I would only say I average around 40-50. I've played all 4000+ games I have on a SINGLE FULL 32/32 server (simply because I'm stuck in singapore and there are no other servers available ANYWHERE else under 200 ping).

Sooo.. yepp.

Last edited by polarbearz (2006-09-26 01:38:27)


Tas3674 wrote:

or he could of inproved since he have had his accont, at the beginning he could of got bad round scores and now he is getting 70-80 a round. but he hasent made up for his noobish period.
though there is an easy way to find out, look at his history.
Haven't quite figured out what an average is, eh?
Body Skater
+28|6800|Berra - Aus

polarbearz wrote:

Tas3674 wrote:

polarbearz wrote:

More lies. At your SPM, you're trying to say rounds last 45 minutes or MORE every single time? Give a honest estimate, or don't give one at all.
or he could of inproved since he have had his accont, at the beginning he could of got bad round scores and now he is getting 70-80 a round. but he hasent made up for his noobish period.
though there is an easy way to find out, look at his history.
I did I hate people who simply pull statistics out of the wind to show how 1337 they are. You want to give a rough estimate, give one. But not to the point of throwing out numbers and making themselves sound better than they are. Call me a whore, whatever.

If I had to give estimates of my rounds, I would only say I average around 50. I've played all 4000+ games I have on a SINGLE FULL 32/32 server (simply because I'm stuck in singapore and there are no other servers available ANYWHERE else under 200 ping).

Sooo.. yepp.
Yeah, I'm not fully Uber 1337, i get around 40-60 per round but with little bumps and drops i get from 20-150
I'm sure lots of others do too.
mine works out to be

avg score per round 41

avg best round score 86

anyone who say's they get a constant 100+ per round is either a liar/jet/heli/vechile whore because unless you play pistol knife servers you cannot get that groundpounding all the time .

I found mine out my looking here http://bf2s.com/player/60002016/rankings/

Last edited by Knight`UK (2006-09-26 01:33:06)

Raiders of the Lost Bear

Knight`UK wrote:

mine works out to be

avg score per round 41

avg best round score 86
Much better That's not bad at all. And hey, vehicle whoring doesn't necessarily bring in the points. Many a time I sit in a tank stoning in wake while every single aerial vehicle assrapes the USMC silly. And I do nothing but try to shoot boats. And end the round with 4 points, 2 kills, no deaths. Wow for vehicle whoring. Hah.
This has been asked before, pretty recently, and if memory serves the thread was closed because this number is right there in our stats, on the Ranks & More page.

It seems that almost everyone thinks they score higher than they do, I know I did the last time this came up. See what I mean:

TeK||drake666 wrote:

depends on server, team, map, vehicle! between 50 / 70 average!
Or, the actual number: 36.2.

Hellogoodsir wrote:

Periods of bad rounds, periods of just yummy goodness. Maybe 60-80?
Or, the actual number: 34.9.

killa_karnickl wrote:

I get avg 100 points.
Or, the actual number: 39.3.

killa_karnickl wrote:

Can be more or less.
LOL, average means average...

polarbearz wrote:

If I had to give estimates of my rounds, I would only say I average around 50.
Or, the actual number: 29.8.

But to be fair when answering we do assume a full round and lots of us have more incomplete rounds than full rounds which pulls your average down.
I have the best SPM out of the entire thread and yet I'm the only one to have voted less than 40.

I do not think the participants in this poll are entirely honest.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Todd_Angelo wrote:

A lot of stuff
Mmmmm well, wouldn't a better gauge be how many rounds we come tops in?
My score depends on the kit I start playing the round with, but IN AVERAGE I'd say 50 points per round, but sometimes maybe less (sometimes much more too). I'm satisfied if I end up the round among the top 5 of my team. And yes, I'm a Karkand whore. Sorry.

Edit: I'm moving to Dalian Plant soon.

Semper Fi!

Last edited by Trooper_Collider (2006-09-26 01:36:28)


Noop-Ni wrote:

I have the best SPM out of the entire thread and yet I'm the only one to have voted less than 40.

I do not think the participants in this poll are entirely honest.
Check my stats then if you dont believe me its just under 41 per round .
Oh, I believe you. It's more the people who claim they get around 60 points per round with SPMs of around 2 and averages of 30 that are attracting my attention. Something of a discrepancy going on with them.
I'm English, not British!
+113|6925|Rotherham, England
Why not work it out like this?

Global Score
-----------------   =   ppr (points per round)
Rounds Played

Me 22.08

For the people who posted above me:-

hilltop_skater 16.84
TeK||drake666 36.21
Emil_the_Slayer 27.61
Polarbearz 29.80
-=NsK=-Historian 34.95
Phrozenbot 27.07
killa_karnickl 39.27
Drax_the_God 40.85
Noop-Ni 37.48
[netsas]knight 40.64
Trooper_Collider 34.53

So it would appear that only a couple of people have actually told the truth, and yeah I know that it includes rounds that end just after you joined them but he did ask for an average. Not to taint things by only counting what you want to!

Last edited by pedigreeuk (2006-09-26 01:41:27)

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