Don't know if this is a double or not but I don't care, and don't knock me for using fox news.,2933,215375,00.html,2933,215375,00.html
My crying heart goes out to the family and victims of this horrific crime, if there were a reason for the death penalty this would be it, but I wouldn't care if this woman was tortured and raped on a daily basis for the atrocities she inflicted on the innocent. May God have ultimate mercy on her soul for she is indeed in need of deep salvation and redemption for these disgusting acts. I am filled with so much anger and hate for someone I barely know. I cry for the victims and wish that justice will be swift and righteous. God bless the family of the deceased and God bless you all. Good night.
The children, ages 7, 2 and 1, were found in a dryer in the basement of an apartment complex, according to police. No cause of death has been determined, and a police spokesman said that an autopsy was scheduled for Sunday morning.
The news comes after a woman was charged earlier Saturday in the deaths of their pregnant mother and the fetus authorities believe was cut out from the womb after the victim was knocked unconscious.
Tiffany Hall, 24, was jailed on $5 million bond, and faces charges of first-degree murder and intentional homicide of an unborn child in the death of 23-year-old Jimella Tunstall, said St. Clair County State's Attorney Robert Haida.
The woman in custody often baby-sat Tunstall's children, and Tunstall never expressed worry about leaving them in her care, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported.