I am having trouble patching my versions of battlefield 2, i install the game, then try to install bf2 special forces but i get an error message saying patching failed, i then try to install version 1.4 but it also fails or the window just shuts down, i have tried COMPLETLY removing the game but i just cant get the game to patch anyone have any ideas? thanks for reading!!
try try again
there is a good chance,very good chance you have bad ram.I had the "patching failed" errors,along with other issues.did a whole lot of research and narrowed it down to bad ram. run this test http://hcidesign.com/memtest/download.html
if you have any errors,you have bad ram.I removed my bad stick,leaving me with 1 gig.installed and patched the game completely error free...good luck
also remember to install bf2 core,patch,install bf2 sf's,patch again in that order...
if you have any errors,you have bad ram.I removed my bad stick,leaving me with 1 gig.installed and patched the game completely error free...good luck
also remember to install bf2 core,patch,install bf2 sf's,patch again in that order...
Last edited by KillerYaNk (2006-09-24 05:34:02)