[THE] comben
Wee and Biscuits


You know that there is no such thing as bunny hopping in BF2.

Sure there is jumping repeatidly, that is not bunny hopping.

Bunny Hopping is something you can do in teh half life engine, it involves using a combination of flowing twists and strafe jumps in sequence to gain a speed higher then normally possible.

Something which you definatly cannot do in BF2.
AHA someone who knows!!!!!  im glad someone pointed this out at last coz i couldnt be bothered. +1 coz its always irratated me.
+2,382|6828|The North, beyond the wall.

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

jord wrote:

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

any1 hu doesnt bunnyhop is a newb

Anyway do it all you wan't,it just means you can't shoot me while you're bouncing around.
i can aim when i bunnyhop..i cn show u if u want
You don't need to show me,i'm saying you can't pull the trigger while you are in the air.

Look elsewere for you're shoes.
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|6869|Melbourne, Australia
skilled players weather they bunny hop or not dont care if sumone does it... Simply because they can hit a moving target and thev learnt to adapt...  the only thing that gets me angry are the idiots who use macros..that is goin way to far.. if its in the game.. USE IT!.. (aslong as its not bannable like hotel glitch an so on)
+519|6771|Gold coast, Aus.
oh yea? i made my own new exploit!!11!

jump, and hold crouch. Hit the ground, jump hold crouch...

A wee bit more effective then bunnyhopping and you look more like a kangaroo as well.
+138|6657|New Zealand

Sone wrote:

Bunny Hop + Dolphin Dive Till I Die


jord wrote:

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

jord wrote:


Anyway do it all you wan't,it just means you can't shoot me while you're bouncing around.
i can aim when i bunnyhop..i cn show u if u want
You don't need to show me,i'm saying you can't pull the trigger while you are in the air.

Look elsewere for you're shoes.
i can bet that ill own ur ass bunnyhopping like rabbit
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|6869|Melbourne, Australia

gene_pool wrote:

oh yea? i made my own new exploit!!11!

jump, and hold crouch. Hit the ground, jump hold crouch...

A wee bit more effective then bunnyhopping and you look more like a kangaroo as well.
we meet again geeny *room fills with sexaul tention*
Why isn't this thread dead... I've been gone for a week and looked what happened to BF2s...
what's the point of bunny hopping when you cant shoot while you're in the air? another thing, if you bunny hop, you're completely defensless for the amount of time that you're in the air, i can just take out my knife and knife you before you drop, and if you're from a faraway distance, jumping will lower your accuracy, so i just have to prone shoot you while you're being "pro" cause you bunnyhop, THAT IS WHY BUNNYHOPPING IS FOR NOOBS, YOU PEOPLE DO NOT SEE THE OUTCOME OF BUNNYHOPPING.....and for people that did not know how to counter the bunnyhop method...you do now
+244|6839|arica harbour
i play this game like it is the real thing in modern warfare...

Bunnyhoppers, man those types of players deserve to get their ass handed to them.

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Bunnyhopping is not a noob tactic.. It is a smart tactic for:
1.)killing the enemy without losing so much lives
2.)avoiding being shot in the head
3.)When re loading it is smart to bunnyhop rather then just stand still(easy target)
4.)confusing the living shit out of an enemy
5.)to piss off the enemy
6.)to get a better rank
7.)to get more medals
8.)to get more kills
9.)a good thumb work out

So haha bunnyhopping is good and admit it everydoes it
Bunnyhopping rules!
Hockey Nut
+243|6680|Boston, MA
Wow, to make a topic about this, you must be very insecure. I do whatever the hell I want because I think it's a good tactic, I don't need to go out there and make a freaking thread to convice others to play like me. Why can't you just play through the criticisms? They only argue with you because you carry on with the arguement...

specialistx2324 wrote:

i play this game like it is the real thing in modern warfare...

Bunnyhoppers, man those types of players deserve to get their ass handed to them.
Bunnyhopping wins. People can't hit you for some wierd reason when your bunnyhopping . If it works, then it's not stupid.
H@x ?? No, just skill baby !
+73|6797|I smell corners

']['error wrote:

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Bunnyhopping is not a noob tactic.. It is a smart tactic for:
1.)killing the enemy without losing so much lives
2.)avoiding being shot in the head
3.)When re loading it is smart to bunnyhop rather then just stand still(easy target)
4.)confusing the living shit out of an enemy
5.)to piss off the enemy
6.)to get a better rank
7.)to get more medals
8.)to get more kills
9.)a good thumb work out

So haha bunnyhopping is good and admit it everydoes it
Yep im a bunnyhopper to, and i totally agree with you

remembers me to the old days, when BF2 was version 1.0!
bunnyhopping all the time at karkand, with an noobtube as powerfull as C4 and shooting while you're jumping
That was the real and only bunny hopping...Now when you have people who jumb
around it's immediately "look the f**king bunny hopper".

To all the people who never played the game before the patch 1.12 (I think) don't talk
about bunny hopping you don't even know what it is.


Last edited by Polux (2006-09-23 07:40:11)


Polux wrote:

']['error wrote:

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Bunnyhopping is not a noob tactic.. It is a smart tactic for:
1.)killing the enemy without losing so much lives
2.)avoiding being shot in the head
3.)When re loading it is smart to bunnyhop rather then just stand still(easy target)
4.)confusing the living shit out of an enemy
5.)to piss off the enemy
6.)to get a better rank
7.)to get more medals
8.)to get more kills
9.)a good thumb work out

So haha bunnyhopping is good and admit it everydoes it
Yep im a bunnyhopper to, and i totally agree with you

remembers me to the old days, when BF2 was version 1.0!
bunnyhopping all the time at karkand, with an noobtube as powerfull as C4 and shooting while you're jumping
That was the real and only bunny hopping...Now when you have people who jumb
around it's immediately "look the f**king bunny hopper".

To all the people who never played the game before the patch 1.12 (I think) don't talk
about bunny hopping you don't even know what it is.

you DO know bunnyhopping also exists outside battlefield...so even if people played AFTER the 1.12 patch, they can still know what bunnyhopping is...
+7|6911|Aussie in the UK

explosivo wrote:

i agree EVERYONE bunnyhops

i mean come on, if you turn round and see me pointing a g3 at your face your going to bounce around like daffy fuking duck.

then i kill you.
Think you would of been better of saying Bugs bunny
+27|6987|Dundas, ONT, Canada
Every time I kill a bunny hopper one phrase comes to mind "IT'S RABBIT SEASON".

[n00b]Tyler wrote:

wtf? go in a corner
+2,382|6828|The North, beyond the wall.

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

jord wrote:

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

i can aim when i bunnyhop..i cn show u if u want
You don't need to show me,i'm saying you can't pull the trigger while you are in the air.

Look elsewere for you're shoes.
i can bet that ill own ur ass bunnyhopping like rabbit
Thats impossible.

1.I don't play BF2 much anymore.
2.When i did play,i played for fun but was also...Hmm how to modestly put this;good at infantry.

Even if you did "own" my ass,which whats the point in owning a boys ass unless you're gay?I couldn't care,you did it in a shit way.

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Bunnyhopping is not a noob tactic.. It is a smart tactic for:
1.)killing the enemy without losing so much lives
2.)avoiding being shot in the head
3.)When re loading it is smart to bunnyhop rather then just stand still(easy target)
4.)confusing the living shit out of an enemy
5.)to piss off the enemy
6.)to get a better rank
7.)to get more medals
8.)to get more kills
9.)a good thumb work out

So haha bunnyhopping is good and admit it everydoes it
yes, nothing noob there at all
+98|6615|Life in a vacuum sucks
that is y i bunnyhop
+416|6645|United States

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Bunnyhopping is not a noob tactic.. It is a smart tactic for:
1.)killing the enemy without losing so much lives
2.)avoiding being shot in the head
3.)When re loading it is smart to bunnyhop rather then just stand still(easy target)
4.)confusing the living shit out of an enemy
5.)to piss off the enemy
6.)to get a better rank
7.)to get more medals
8.)to get more kills
9.)a good thumb work out

So haha bunnyhopping is good and admit it everydoes it
so is grenade spamming

specialistx2324 wrote:

i play this game like it is the real thing in modern warfare...

Bunnyhoppers, man those types of players deserve to get their ass handed to them.
so after the first time you got killed you stopped playing forever?

because noone i knew that died came back to life 15 seconds later.
Ya to bad it's against the ROE not like any of u asshats actually follow the fkin rules anyways lol.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Bunnyhopping is not a noob tactic.. It is a smart tactic for:
1.)killing the enemy without losing so much lives
2.)avoiding being shot in the head
3.)When re loading it is smart to bunnyhop rather then just stand still(easy target)
4.)confusing the living shit out of an enemy
5.)to piss off the enemy
6.)to get a better rank
7.)to get more medals
8.)to get more kills
9.)a good thumb work out

So haha bunnyhopping is good and admit it everydoes it
Okay I will now counter everything you said

1.) there are no lives in BF2, this is not Super Mario and if it was Bunny Hopping would be the whole game. If its health you are talking about then why not play in a squad with a medic or two so you get healed when you get shot, plus it re-enforces teamwork aswell.
2.) This is correct but bunny hoppers are strangely attracted to 20mm underslung grenades
3.) Why hop around when reloading when you can fall back to cover and not get hit at all?
4.) It only confuses the most n00bie-est players around, by the time you are a staff sergeant you have no reason to not get confused by this.
5.) Instead of getting pissed most people when faced with bunnyhoppers tend to shoot first and then teabag to insult them for BHing
6.) The real best way to gain ranks is to medic whore Sharqi, J-10 whore Wake or Support whore Karkand, none of these tactics involve much bunnyhopping
7.) Never knew bunnyhopping had its own award?
8.) Or you could just go in with a squad and cover each other, also reflex shooting and timing how many bullets are in the bad guys work good too.
9.) If by thumb work-out you mean arthritis then have fun.

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