
What team is going to win the new racially-divided Survivor?

Asian - just because6%6% - 7
Black - just because4%4% - 5
Latino - just because3%3% - 4
White - just because25%25% - 26
Asian - because of something about the race/culture13%13% - 14
Black - because of something about the race/culture13%13% - 14
Latino - because of something about the race/culture2%2% - 3
White - because of something about the race/culture29%29% - 30
Total: 103

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

1a. All governments suffer internal decadence to some extent, and it all contributes to the lessening if not outright downfall of a nation's potential.
1b. Speaking of what we were discussing, I would say that the Mongols were a significant factor in pre-Eurocolonialism foreign intervention in the minds of the Chinese of the time.

2. The Mongols wanted the world, but were smart enough to know that they just didn't have enough resources to claim it in its entirety. Expending too many resources in a campaign against the whole of Europe would've left them open to assault from entities closer to home. It was hoped that if the Middle East could be stabilized as a solid ally, that it may be used as a base of operations to wage war against the west.

3. As I said. Why continue to press a point that has been conceded in the very post it was written?

Bubbalo wrote:

But why would you?  This whole thread consists of generalisations either in jest or seriousness (i.e. "Asians are teh uber-smart).


1a)  It was not, however, appreciable or notable.
1b)  Uh.....no.  The Mongolians took power (from the Manchus, IIRC), and then expanded.  Prior to that, China had been an empire.  In fact, what is referred to as the Mongolian Empire could just as easily be called the Chinese Empire during the Manchu Dynasty.

2)  Except that there was no huge need for Mongolian troops back home: they were protected by the Celestial Mandate.
1. On the contrary, decadence is a recurring issue here and, since this was brought up, is not taken lightly by the concept of the mandate of heaven.

2. What would a celestial mandate/mandate of heaven have to do with protecting a failed leader? A "god-appointed" ruler wouldn't very impressive if significant expeditionary materiel is expended, lost or captured. There's alot of history involving "god-rulers" being overthrown, and not just Asian. On a related note, around 300 BC a certain concept was introduced into celestial mandate, stating that if such is not fulfilled and a ruler acts irresponsibly, then loyalty to him should be abandoned and forced removal is justified.

On topic, the game will probably result in whatever rigged finale the audience prefers.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-09-21 06:39:31)

Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6683|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia
Hang on, your trying to tell me that they've come up with a Survivor that divides teams in race??????
+783|6997|Reykjavík, Iceland.
Asians are going to win because they are tougher than the others.

And Cao Boi is awesome

Last edited by PBAsydney (2006-09-21 06:54:02)

Stay the corpse
+261|6655|Los Angeles

PBAsydney wrote:

Asians are going to win because they are tougher than the others.

And Cao Boi is awesome
Cao Boi is pretty awesome so far. That headache thing was the test as to whether people will see him as a nut or as a freaky but wise dude.

The first challenge was interesting. The Latinos got WAY ahead of everyone else. I think that Ozzy is going to be a major contender - he works hard under the radar, seems like a nice guy, and doesn't have a complex about being the alpha male.

But then the Asians rocked the puzzle and blew past them. Funny.

I think Ozzy and Yul will be in the final 3.

Good show so far.
Stay the corpse
+261|6655|Los Angeles

Bubbalo wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Huh? Indians and their casinos, whale hunting and free medical/dental can kiss my white American ass. Besides, if the Europeans hadn't moved in, someone else would be in charge over here by now.
Name one nation outside Europe which had a global imperialist/colonialist bent.
+302|6890|Salt Lake City

TeamZephyr wrote:

Hang on, your trying to tell me that they've come up with a Survivor that divides teams in race??????
Yes they have.  You have a group of whites, asians, blacks, and latinos.

For the next Survivor I propose they separate the groups by IQ. 
What a great idea for a topic, you sir get 1 karma for me.
Stay the corpse
+261|6655|Los Angeles

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

TeamZephyr wrote:

Hang on, your trying to tell me that they've come up with a Survivor that divides teams in race??????
Yes they have.  You have a group of whites, asians, blacks, and latinos.

For the next Survivor I propose they separate the groups by IQ. 
or have one group of super brainy people, one of athletes, and one with high social intelligence (salesmen, psychologists, etc)
+98|6619|Life in a vacuum sucks
asians will win u will see (i am white)
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6703|Southeastern USA

The_Shipbuilder wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

TeamZephyr wrote:

Hang on, your trying to tell me that they've come up with a Survivor that divides teams in race??????
Yes they have.  You have a group of whites, asians, blacks, and latinos.

For the next Survivor I propose they separate the groups by IQ. 
or have one group of super brainy people, one of athletes, and one with high social intelligence (salesmen, psychologists, etc)
didn't the donald do that one season? college dropouts versus master's degrees, I don't watch those so I only remember seeing the intro to the season, so I don't remember how it ended, but I do remember him saying the networth of the high school educated team being something like 2.5 times more than the ivy league team, sort of street smarts vs book smarts. I also remember using the word "remember" alot.

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-09-21 11:22:47)

The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
They really need to do a crack head vs herions vs, coke heads.. Who ever wins there task gets there chosen drugs..
If its sports oriented blacks will for sure win if its intelectual its gonna be the asians if its about policing the world well.... we all know whos gonna win that one
+4|6792|Napoleon, Ohio

HOLLYWOOD=_=FTW=_= wrote:

If its sports oriented blacks will for sure win if its intelectual its gonna be the asians if its about policing the world well.... we all know whos gonna win that one
From your logic and spelling skills Im guessing your not Asian.
+4|6792|Napoleon, Ohio
I'm proud to be a terrorist, if you have a problem with that, doesn't that make YOU the infidel?
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
I say the Asians because they can calculate who will win and vote that guy out, also they are so small that they will not need to spend so much time building a shelter that everyone can fit in.
The Lizzard

tiptopT wrote:

So you calling me an animal now?
Well, you aren't exactly a person are you.  Same as blacks, and Jews.  You ought be counted under fauna, like the old days.
The Lizzard

The_Shipbuilder wrote:

Only after they were forced into it by the US.
The Lizzard

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

1. On the contrary, decadence is a recurring issue here and, since this was brought up, is not taken lightly by the concept of the mandate of heaven.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

2. What would a celestial mandate/mandate of heaven have to do with protecting a failed leader? A "god-appointed" ruler wouldn't very impressive if significant expeditionary materiel is expended, lost or captured. There's alot of history involving "god-rulers" being overthrown, and not just Asian. On a related note, around 300 BC a certain concept was introduced into celestial mandate, stating that if such is not fulfilled and a ruler acts irresponsibly, then loyalty to him should be abandoned and forced removal is justified.
Uh, no, that wasn't introduced in 300BC.  That was the whole point of the Celestial Mandate:  A ruler was appointed by god (well, not exactly god, but sort of), but if anything went wrong then clearly god didn't want him anymore.  For example, the fact that the Mongolians took over means that clearly they were supposed to.

Bubbalo wrote:

The_Shipbuilder wrote:

Only after they were forced into it by the US.
Bubbalo you are incorrect.  Their imperial ambitions started at the end of WW1 and probably before.  Their imperial desires were further fueled by the Washiington Naval Treaty of 1922.  Do not blame the US for something that they did not do entirely on their own.
+488|6724|Portland, OR, USA

Bubbalo wrote:

tiptopT wrote:

So you calling me an animal now?
Well, you aren't exactly a person are you.  Same as blacks, and Jews.  You ought be counted under fauna, like the old days.
wait what?!
I do it for the lulz.
If history has told us anything, whites are the chosen people.
Stay the corpse
+261|6655|Los Angeles

Bubbalo wrote:

The_Shipbuilder wrote:

Only after they were forced into it by the US.
Huh? Please explain what you mean.
I don't like to watch reality shows.  I saw a news program about this and they asked people how they like the idea of separating the teams by race and it touched some nerves.  Most people polled didn't mind it though.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6839|United States of America
I'd keep my eyes on those crafty Asians.
PR Only
+70|6798|United States - Illinois

DesertFox423 wrote:

I'd keep my eyes on those crafty Asians.
Asians are gonna win period



Since Yul found the immunity idol on exile island with only 2 clues

Billy is nuts...Glad he is gone

Last edited by Colfax (2006-09-21 20:52:55)

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