Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North
what do you get killed by most in this? tonight during my first actual full bout of a few rounds of playing it i decided to count in one of the rounds.

7 times by claymores
13 times by grenades

does anyone else notice this happening? or is it just me isolated in the few rounds ive played on it?
its just you ..

just join the "no explosives" servers ... lol
+72|6728|Scotland's Capital
depends how you play the game, IO is more intense: check ground for claymores, check skyline for nade spammers, hide quick but dont run round a corner for fear of a clymore.  It is different i agree, and annoying sometimes but it can be amazing!

tiptopT wrote:

depends how you play the game, IO is more intense: check ground for claymores, check skyline for nade spammers, hide quick but dont run round a corner for fear of a clymore.  It is different i agree, and annoying sometimes but it can be amazing!
amazing indeed

winning as USMC on jalalalalalalalalalabad on a full 64 player IO server is VERY SATISFYING
Crotch fires and you: the untold story
+314|6885|Comber, Northern Ireland
face it.....IO is a noobs best friend, it takes no skill on IO to get kills

Yeah i get it in some IO games also. But, grenades and claymores ARE weapons. If people are concerned about how they perform at deathmatch .. then they should play a real deathmatch style game (HL2, ut, etc...) imo. BF2 includes more then just carbines/rifles.

Last edited by jsnipy (2006-09-21 03:34:41)

Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North
yeah i guess ill just have to try and find a good server to play it on... spawning with claymores under your feet isnt good:(
It is probably just you. Try to look out for new passages and walkingpaths. If you just run over and over arround the same corners, you will die by claymores every time.
And the grenade problem. Try to stay hidden. Most players start to throw grenades as soon they know that there are enemies in a certain area.
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|6990|Bryan/College Station, TX
It's raining Grenades! Hallelujah It's raining Grenades...

99 Enemy Claymores on the floor, 99 Enemy Clay-mores, BOOM! 98 Enemy Claymores on the floor, 98 Clay-mores, BOOM! 97 Enemy Claymores.....

The two songs I tend to sing to myself often while playing IO.

I still love this mode.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6821|Canberra, AUS
Just you, I'm afraid...
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Games, Girls, Guinness
+85|6598|Cambridge, UK

david363 wrote:

face it.....IO is a noobs best friend, it takes no skill on IO to get kills
what a surprise - you don't like it so call those that do noobs and say its no skill!

Personally I now avoid IO servers, but when I've played on them I've gone whole rounds without dieing by hand grenades - if your standing in a place thats easy for them to chuck nades into expect to die by the nade! Yes also expect more claymores - but they only have two each so its part of IO to avoid them!

In short yes YOU HAVE TO PLAY IT DIFFERENTLY! Thats the point - and what do you expect all the armor, jet, heli whores to do when they go on IO? The arnt used to using guns so they nade and snipe (and claymore)!

It takes different skills to play IO, same as it takes different skill to play other maps, or different classes.... many people cant adjust so just call people noobs (because that takes no skill as well)

david363 wrote:

face it.....IO is a noobs best friend, it takes no skill on IO to get kills
And whoring a tank or APC does? Pfft.
+72|6728|Scotland's Capital

KylieTastic wrote:

david363 wrote:

face it.....IO is a noobs best friend, it takes no skill on IO to get kills
what a surprise - you don't like it so call those that do noobs and say its no skill!

Personally I now avoid IO servers, but when I've played on them I've gone whole rounds without dieing by hand grenades - if your standing in a place thats easy for them to chuck nades into expect to die by the nade! Yes also expect more claymores - but they only have two each so its part of IO to avoid them!

In short yes YOU HAVE TO PLAY IT DIFFERENTLY! Thats the point - and what do you expect all the armor, jet, heli whores to do when they go on IO? The arnt used to using guns so they nade and snipe (and claymore)!

It takes different skills to play IO, same as it takes different skill to play other maps, or different classes.... many people cant adjust so just call people noobs (because that takes no skill as well)
Bang on, IO for the more experienced/better gamers? (as its harder)
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North
it was alot of fun between the times i would get a hail of grenades chucked at me or turn a corner to be sent flying back around said corner by a small green device >.<
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6711|Area 51

david363 wrote:

face it.....IO is a noobs best friend, it takes no skill on IO to get kills
Tell that to my bullet fired from my M24 from 200+ metres distance heading towards your fat head

Last edited by RDMC(2) (2006-09-21 05:34:23)

+30|6702|Holland Hardcore

david363 wrote:

face it.....IO is a noobs best friend, it takes no skill on IO to get kills
U r so fucking stupid. IO is skillfull playing instead of sitting in ur goddamn tank/plane/helo. so fuck u.
+10|6621|glued to my chair

doneyone wrote:

david363 wrote:

face it.....IO is a noobs best friend, it takes no skill on IO to get kills
U r so fucking stupid. IO is skillfull playing instead of sitting in ur goddamn tank/plane/helo. so fuck u.
dude, settle.
+30|6702|Holland Hardcore
dude stfu
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6692|Doncaster, UK
Whoa, ease down there doneyone. DRKillusion hasn't said anything to deserve that attack.

I'm enjoying IO. Yes there are a lot of nades getting spammed but there are ways around that. Yes, there are claymore's lying about but they're not invisible. My % of kills from armour was about 75%, now I've got it down to 68% because sitting in a tank I was missing out on the real skill of the game which is getting on the floor, using tactics, using teamwork and shooting people with a gun.

Last edited by DoctorFruitloop (2006-09-21 05:47:42)

Crotch fires and you: the untold story
+314|6885|Comber, Northern Ireland

tiptopT wrote:

KylieTastic wrote:

david363 wrote:

face it.....IO is a noobs best friend, it takes no skill on IO to get kills
what a surprise - you don't like it so call those that do noobs and say its no skill!

Personally I now avoid IO servers, but when I've played on them I've gone whole rounds without dieing by hand grenades - if your standing in a place thats easy for them to chuck nades into expect to die by the nade! Yes also expect more claymores - but they only have two each so its part of IO to avoid them!

In short yes YOU HAVE TO PLAY IT DIFFERENTLY! Thats the point - and what do you expect all the armor, jet, heli whores to do when they go on IO? The arnt used to using guns so they nade and snipe (and claymore)!

It takes different skills to play IO, same as it takes different skill to play other maps, or different classes.... many people cant adjust so just call people noobs (because that takes no skill as well)
Bang on, IO for the more experienced/better gamers? (as its harder)
how the fuck is it harder? u dont have to worry about the constant threat of arty
Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

"Vehicle whores sux OmG zee infantree ROOLZ!!!1"

"omg w00t infantry only cant wait lawl w00t!"

Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6692|Doncaster, UK
Cynical! ROFL!

Toilet Sex wrote:

"Vehicle whores sux OmG zee infantree ROOLZ!!!1"

"omg w00t infantry only cant wait lawl w00t!"

Couldn't have 1337-spoken it better myself..

Complain, complain, complain.. That's what drives us people. The constant complaining how everything sucks and that it's someone elses fault. When that someone else makes attempts to give the complaining parties something they might enjoy, what do they get in return? More complaints, of course. It's not just this game, it's everything and everyone around us.

The world..'s slowly turning.. ..emo..
I need around tree fiddy.
+271|6902|United States of America
One of my clan servers is set to infantry only, and that's our most filled one.   If that server isn't playing, me and other clan mates will find some other infantry server.  Infantry is more fun, even if you do have to avoid claymore after claymore.  And guess what! If you avoid those (like I can) then you have no worries, and you can dominate on Jalalabad!
Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

I played infantry only once, but I didn't like it because I prefer flying in this game. Or rather I did, until people complained about that too. Infantry is more fun for some, flying is fun for me. I didn't complain and ask to nerf grenades so they explode into fluff rather than killing you, I just didn't play infantry only again. I prefer Karkand with vehicles over IO because instead of complaining about tanks whores, just switch to anti-tank kit and make them cry instead.

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