hi all

just played the most frustrating game ever...

I was mec on kubra dam ... our planes got constant raped and their commander VXR HONDA 750 (lame wanker tbh) or something kept dropping artillery on the airfield

what should I do about that?

yes I'm a crybaby now but ffs how can some1 be so lame ...

next patch: make it impossible to bomb enemy jets until they are in air (why not?)

+1,716|6882|St. Andrews / Oslo

encoded_evil wrote:

what should I do about that?
Find a different server?
https://static.bf2s.com/files/user/26774/flickricon.png https://twitter.com/phoenix/favicon.ico
+2|6673|Vettefan du
håller med^^

Last edited by heman6666 (2006-09-20 07:13:08)

Teh strogg!
+205|6629|Trondheim, Norway
ppl like u have removed bunny hopping, squad leader recycle etc. CURSE U!
Personal philosophy: Clothing optional.
+1,022|6773|Camp XRay

Vela Incident
+1,652|6717|NYC / Hamburg

how about not being a cry-baby and spawning somewhere else or looking for a new server? stop complaining
once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot  xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.
seriously...theres like a million servers....go somewhere else
Teh strogg!
+205|6629|Trondheim, Norway

Marlboroman82 wrote:


Emil_the_Slayer wrote:

ppl like u have removed bunny hopping, squad leader recycle etc. CURSE U!
lol whatever noob
Personal philosophy: Clothing optional.
+1,022|6773|Camp XRay

encoded_evil wrote:

Emil_the_Slayer wrote:

ppl like u have removed bunny hopping, squad leader recycle etc. CURSE U!
lol whatever noob
whoa now son your entering a world of pain. just remember who the little bitch was whining about not getting off the ground...
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|6897|The United Center

encoded_evil wrote:

Emil_the_Slayer wrote:

ppl like u have removed bunny hopping, squad leader recycle etc. CURSE U!
lol whatever noob
No, he's right.  All the 'tweaks' and 'balance issues' were performed because people complained about the game being unfair.  Not once have I seen a good, high ranking player post a serious complaint about something being overpowered.

The MEC airfield is cappable.  What makes it special from any other MEC point on the map?
'CLICK JOIN NOW'... OK lets go... BOOM!!!! =FFS=
+120|6711|Cheshire, UK

Marlboroman82 wrote:


What about: you don't die in the air, so you don't have to respawn at the airfield... You can take off before their jet reachs your airfield and before arti can be fired. And else try the mobile AA. Or different server.
Kick His Ass!
+371|6844|Howell, Mi USA

encoded_evil wrote:

hi all

I'm a crybaby

encoded_evil wrote:

next patch: make it impossible to bomb enemy jets until they are in air (why not?)

Oh yes, that will be much better [/sarcasm] So then, how exactly would u "bomb" a jet while it's flying. yea, u can't. Instead of spawning and dieing for the jet, go do something else. Kubra has alot of things to do besides jet whore.  Just live with it and play the game, or don't play, simple as that.

Honestly i think thats a good strategy by the enemy commander to keep the jets on the ground. Don't be mad. kthxbynow
when Hell is full...
what about: don't register @ a forum just for whining about ur own stupidity?
same goes for ALL the the "imgettingraped@TVtowersharquii'msopoor" whiners!

Usque Ad Finem
Member since 1984
+113|6829|Denver, CO

Cbass wrote:

Oh yes, that will be much better [/sarcasm]
"Suuuuure... and THEN... i'll hug some snakes... I'LL HUG AND KISS SOME POISONOUS SNAKES! Now that's sarcasm!"

Frosties > Cornflakes

This is what middle management call 'inteligent' solutions

Go destroy the enemy arty

And/or, the enemy jet has to fly back to rearm, chances are he will slow him self down, and even if he doesnt, it is NOT an impossible shot, get your at missile and blow that bitch out the sky.  FAILING that, go arty there team to shit, thats what the commander spot is for.  IF you still have problems, come ground pound with me on an IO server and i will sort u out .
+53|6620|Little Rock, AR

encoded_evil wrote:

hi all

just played the most frustrating game ever...

I was mec on kubra dam ... our planes got constant raped and their commander VXR HONDA 750 (lame wanker tbh) or something kept dropping artillery on the airfield

what should I do about that?

yes I'm a crybaby now but ffs how can some1 be so lame ...

next patch: make it impossible to bomb enemy jets until they are in air (why not?)

what a whiney bitch.  those are both good tactics.  the best thing time to blow up a plane is on the runway because it can't hit back.  if the other team can take away your airpower, you're at a huge disadvantage.  and that base is cappable, so you're the one being lame.
YOUR mom goes to college
Find a server where there is no "Hangar Cleaning" and Where it specifies that there is no attack/arty on MAIN base or AIRFIELD.  Most rules clearly specify UNCAPABLE which leaves the MEC Airfield wide open for any attack you can throw at it.  I have, however, found a server that enforces No Hangar Cleaning...XTRA Europe, if you're interested.

But regardless, if there is someone ruining your fun, the best way to deal with it is to kill them over and over.  Spawn somewhere else, blow the assets, and go hunt down the commander.

What you should NOT do, is come on this forum and cry about it because everyone on here has been through the same shit.  Wheather they agree with you or not, since they've gotten used to it, anyone else that complains is just a big baby...

...God, this forum is starting to suck...too much negativity.
Missing, Presumed Dead

ThomasMorgan wrote:

The MEC airfield is cappable.  What makes it special from any other MEC point on the map?
Dex Luther

ThomasMorgan wrote:

encoded_evil wrote:

Emil_the_Slayer wrote:

ppl like u have removed bunny hopping, squad leader recycle etc. CURSE U!
lol whatever noob
No, he's right.  All the 'tweaks' and 'balance issues' were performed because people complained about the game being unfair.  Not once have I seen a good, high ranking player post a serious complaint about something being overpowered.

The MEC airfield is cappable.  What makes it special from any other MEC point on the map?
How do you think the "good" high ranked players got there? Chances are they were the ones using the unbalanced and unfair things in the game the most. Why would they complain?

However, I do agree. The MEC AF is cappable, so it's fair game. Although sometimes I wish people would just cap the flag and get it over with instead of sitting on the outside shooting people as they spawn. The solution to that is to just stop spawning though.

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