JahManRed wrote:
ATG wrote:
What I mean is, do what you have to to enemy combatents. Use some fucking commoin sense and give detained press members the 5 star prisoner treatment.
Or, suffer the results.
Love you oug, your so damn cantankerous!!!
So what I think your saying is, its ok to detain the 13000 ppl in Iraqi jails with no trial and no rights? Its ok to keep the prisoners at Camp X=ray and god knows how many other secret Prisons across the world, all with no trial, to legal representation and no hope. But an Iraqi press man who might write something unfavorable, basically THE TRUTH, about America should be ass kissed and courted into making his story more "US friendly" and the rest can basically rot.
If so, your frank disregard for humanity and the basic human rights afforded by the Geneva convention is disturbing.
Where were the liberals waving the convention when they captured and mutilated two of our soldiers?
Get what we deserve? I'd say the Muslim terrorist are NOT getting what they deserve.
When we deal with signers to the Geneva convention, we respect it.
I think putting boots on the ground was a mistake. If we hadn't done that we would not be debating this.
It's a fairly hopeless situation. Bush took all the good will of the world after 9-11 and spent it all in Iraq.
It was a major fuck up in that the people are not interested in our way of life. Removing Saddam
only increased the size of Iran. Its one fucking country now and, yes, Bush is a moron for doing it.
Not for attacking Iraq, for putting boots on the ground.
We were all behind him after 9-11, most Americans.
Bombing them senseless would have been preferrable to me, until they complied with U.N. mandates. Now its done I believe we have two choices; flood the country with troops and seal the border, or leave it to Iran and the Kurds and NUKE them if they ENABLE terrorist to have WMD's.
We just let them know that we hold them, meaning the newly enlarged Iran, and indeed all Muslims collectively responcible for attacks on American soil.
Harsh maybe, but this is a war. Don't worry, The White House will not do much more than make the situation worse by a general lack of action or plan that anybody can see.
But it's what I'd do.