hi all

I just got my veteran engineer badge 10 repairs and I have 70 hours playtime as engineer ... now I wonder is it possible to get the expert which requires 20 repair points IAR ???

I think this is too hard, I know its expert but still ...

Last edited by encoded_evil (2006-09-17 08:49:05)

Vela Incident
+1,652|6715|NYC / Hamburg

stats pad for it. easiest and quickest
once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot  xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.
+98|6613|Life in a vacuum sucks

max wrote:

stats pad for it. easiest and quickest
+1,153|6778|Washington, DC

It's very possible, just tough. Here are some legal ways to get it

-Get a friend to go on the opposite team... prefferably Warlord, you as SAS him as insurgent. Have him keep blowing up the commander assets, you repair them. If it's a small server with 64 man size Warlord you'll get it easily.

-Have friend get on Wake or Dalian as PLA, you as USMC. Have him keep blowing up the Essex, you repairing it.
+35|6904|UK - England
Don't listen to them. Earn it, forget about stat padding. Me personally have not got engineer expert yet (cuz i don't play the kit much, my mate has got his expert engineer badge and told me the easiest way it on Wake Island on the PLC (Chinese) side, just keep repairing the Artil, UAV and Sat. He told me its tough, you gotta get some usmc player who is obsessed with taking out commander assets.
Good Luck !

--->[Your]Phobia<--- wrote:

you gotta get some usmc player who is obsessed with taking out commander assets.
Good Luck !
yeah indeed


Yeah it possible... my recomendation ... the essex in a long round server ... especial if j10s are poundng the gun emplacements (you get repair points if someone is in them or not)
Missing, Presumed Dead

Long round on Warlord. The only time ive crossed 10 IAR, i got my vet badge and ended up with 15. So its definitly possible. It used to be 25
its possible. i got it first time i tried
I got my expert repair on Sharqi Peninsula.  only 10 people on the server, i was on USMC side, MEC took the Radio Tower and they keep two people there at all times.  One sniper to protect inside and a Spec Ops to blow up commander's assets.  For some reason, i was left alone long enough to keep repairing the assests.  Luckly, the ticket ratio was slow, which gave me plenty of time to get it. 

So yes it is quite possilbe, just have to find a match that will last long enough to accumilate the points.

Good Luck

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