
Damn, How bad is bf2142 gonna kill BF2:? :(

REALLY BAD. From 25,000 bf2 players to 1,000!!!9%9% - 9
Kinda bad, from 25,000 bf2 players to 10,000!!!28%28% - 28
I don't know, MANNNNNN!!!!!!!!!15%15% - 15
Who the F*** r u? :/ :/24%24% - 24
bf2142? All the newbs r gonna stay in bf2:p3%3% - 3
bf2? bf2142 is gonna completely <<ANNIHILATE>> bf2!!!!4%4% - 4
EhHHhhH I wanna see what other's voted first:p10%10% - 10
Other. Please post ur "other" :D7%7% - 7
Total: 100
Sup guys:p
Well, I just got my Master Sergeant last night!!!:p This game OWNSSSSSSSSSs! Bad thing about it is, EA is f'n releasing a new game ALREADY! I mean wtf, don't they want the bf2 community to last a little bit?

Here's my problem. My favorite game in the whole world, Quake 2's rocket arena 2, is just about dead ( =0 ppl playing it in north america), and bf2 is a great replacement. In fact, it's not only a great replacement, but it's possibly the BEST game I've ever played!( And I've been playin video games compulsively since I first played mario!!:p). But now I hear of a "new" bf coming out, bf2142. Grr. I've already experienced my favorite game dying right before my eyes. Do I have to see it again with bf2?

Anyways, wasup. This is my first post and I wanna talk a lil, lol:p I've been readin this forum for a bit now, and I've come across some terms that you guys can probably define for me: Frog foot/dolphin dive/stinger/aaa/ a|c/BR (i've seen BR in my stats, but I don't know what it means, hehe;/)/squad hopping (moving from one squad to another warrents a term?:p)/ CTD (crash to desktop? )/ cartillery/ and IO. If you guys can tell me what all those things mean, eheh, I'll be greatly appreciative!!!!!!!!!:p

So, how has your bf2 experience been lately? Mine has been kinda s**tty, hehe. When I first began playin bf2, I lovvvved it. Was 32 player Gulf of Oman Demo. Nevver in my life played a video game of such scale. Then, the first time I played the retail version, I logged onto a server playin Dragon Valley. Wasn't a pleasant experience, at all. I spawned at the cp nearest to the docks(with that lil temple on the hill, lol), and saw a bunch of apcs leavin me behind. I was like, "grr, walk to the next cp? F*** THAT!" *quit* But then, as I learned more about squads, and squad leading, I began to truly appreciate the game.

But lately, I can't find a server that has GOOD teamwork!! I usually only play on this server named "FULLCONTACTWAR SQUAD/VOIP ONLY," but it's almost always full with 64 peeps until the map changes, so I'm forced to play on other servers. When I go to these other servers, I'm like "OMG NEWBS, you create a squad but don't give orders!!!" Or half of the WHOLE team is not squaded up, running around like chickens minus their heads, lol. But despite all that, FULLCONTACT war has been turning into one of those newb servers! So I have no choice but to have fun in some squad without any orders or any direction. hehe. Anybody know any GOOD teamwork servers I can go to? (TY:P)

O.K. guys, you didn't have to read all this, but if you did, lol ty:p The important thing is you voted, cuz I would really like to know if bf2 has a good chance against it's newer brother, or not.

Anyways, cyall l8r:D

Last edited by lendll (2006-09-16 19:07:21)

Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

I recently played 1942, and it still has a strong community. So does Medal of Honor: Allied Assault.

I do not like that futuristic stuff, so I am fine with BF2.

Toilet Sex wrote:

I recently played 1942, and it still has a strong community. So does Medal of Honor: Allied Assault.
Nice:p Just for sum lolz, I'll karma uuuuuu!
Its gonna do some damage but not to much

usmarine2005 wrote:

I do not like that futuristic stuff, so I am fine with BF2.
Yea I think the same. I think EA REALLY hit the spot with modern warfare stuff. Not just cuz I'm some modern warfare fanboi, but the weapons just feel--right! I mean, who want's a mix between a helicopter and a bf2 airplane ( =bf2142's hovercraft, I believe lol), when I can get a LEET helicopter AND an airplane that flies really reallyyyyyyyy fast. I mean, think about it. What if you was some kid coming from a 3rd world country, and saw bf2 for the first time. Imagine the smile on your face as you first flew a f-35b low over Dalian plant. Awesome, right? I don't want sum nerfed up aircraft cuz of "balancing" issues, hehe;p I mean, I've played rounds where the pilots would rape us sooo bad it'd be like he was playin bf2 for 10 years, but so WHAT, it's part of the game!!!

O btw, can sum1 please tell me how big an avg 64 player round demo can be(in gigs, in megs?) Thank you:p
I think everyone is going to come back to bf2 after 2142

This poll scares me.

Wojo97civic wrote:

I think everyone is going to come back to bf2 after 2142
wow lol. That's EXACTLY what quake 2 people said when quake 4 came out, lol. Guess what? Both games r dead right now:/ But we'll see, right? hehe;p What makes you think people will come back to bf2 after trying a new game that can possibly be better than it?

PspRpg-7 wrote:

This poll scares me.

Last edited by lendll (2006-09-16 19:20:58)

¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
It think vanilla BF2 will loose about half of its players if not more.

lendll wrote:

Toilet Sex wrote:

I recently played 1942, and it still has a strong community. So does Medal of Honor: Allied Assault.
Nice:p Just for sum lolz, I'll karma uuuuuu!
not really a while back i saw about 200people on a weekend

and wheres the option that people are not going to be interested in 2142

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

It think vanilla BF2 will loose about half of its players if not more.
That makes me regret coming into bf2 soo late in the game. I mean, damn, 325 more days till my next rank, and the game is already facing having a small community?(I like playin on always filled 64 player servers;) )
But I didn't have a choice, cuz, u know, money issues and alll:/ This time I have a computer to play bf2142 as soon as it's out. Just hope it's at least 1.5 times better than bf2!

Some things that I question is how fun the game will be with nerfed aircrafts, and more or less FORCED teamwork (relative to bf2 I heard). And how beautiful will the maps look now, being that they are all going to be created with a consistent theme in mind? One thing bf2 definitely has goin for it ARE exotic locations for maps, great/fun aircrafts, and GREAT gameplay WHEN teamwork (every1 has voip and squads up) is being used. Bf2 is a winner, imo, so why a new game a year l8r? I guess I'm thinkin' like this cuz I haven't played bf2142 yet:p

The#1Spot wrote:

lendll wrote:

Toilet Sex wrote:

I recently played 1942, and it still has a strong community. So does Medal of Honor: Allied Assault.
Nice:p Just for sum lolz, I'll karma uuuuuu!
not really a while back i saw about 200people on a weekend

and wheres the option that people are not going to be interested in 2142
LoL, I guess you coulda chose the "bf2142? All the newbs r gonna stay in bf2:p" option. I know, kinda relavant, but not exactly what you're asking for:p

This is what I think: It's the newbs that create such large communities for today's games, not the experts! You sound like an expert, someone who has refined taste and is willing to stay behind with an older game if the new game doesn't provide EXACTLY what you want. Am I right? Assuming, that UR game is bf2:p Well, if it is the newbs that create such large communities for games today, bf2142 is where the action will be, because NEWBS go for the latest and greatest, NOT for the hasbeens, in a sense, becoming a veteran of the latter. This is my newb logic, however, correct me if I'm wrong:p

Last edited by lendll (2006-09-16 19:35:24)

Hind Secks

usmarine2005 wrote:

I do not like that futuristic stuff, so I am fine with BF2.
Exactly...I like modern warfare.....and BF2 hit the G-Spot...it was pretty much 90% of what I wanted.

I hope that in the near future....somebody is going to create the BF2 - modern combat replacement.

I doubt we see it from EA...but I wonder whats after BF2142? 

I think that half of the community will go to 2142, with some still coming back to play every once in a while.
Then community will gain back a third of the members it lost from noobs.

I personally think that the heli/jet is a neat addition. I hoping you will be able to dogfight other heli/jet's  and the fights won't be like the heli fights in BF2. I think it will be better than the current jets and helis now. Use the jet speed to get to the destination and then to hover around and slaugther everyone instead of having to swing back around for another pass which gives time for the enemy to run away.

I like WWII so I am hoping after 2142 they will go back and basically update bf1942.
Vacuum Sealed for Freshness
+26|6787|The Island of Carls Jr.

lendll wrote:

Sup guys:p
Well, I just got my Master Sergeant last night!!!:p This game OWNSSSSSSSSSs! Bad thing about it is, EA is f'n releasing a new game ALREADY! I mean wtf, don't they want the bf2 community to last a little bit?

Here's my problem. My favorite game in the whole world, Quake 2's rocket arena 2, is just about dead ( =0 ppl playing it in north america), and bf2 is a great replacement. In fact, it's not only a great replacement, but it's possibly the BEST game I've ever played!( And I've been playin video games compulsively since I first played mario!!:p). But now I hear of a "new" bf coming out, bf2142. Grr. I've already experienced my favorite game dying right before my eyes. Do I have to see it again with bf2?

Anyways, wasup. This is my first post and I wanna talk a lil, lol:p I've been readin this forum for a bit now, and I've come across some terms that you guys can probably define for me: Frog foot/dolphin dive/stinger/aaa/ a|c/BR (i've seen BR in my stats, but I don't know what it means, hehe;/)/squad hopping (moving from one squad to another warrents a term?:p)/ CTD (crash to desktop? )/ cartillery/ and IO. If you guys can tell me what all those things mean, eheh, I'll be greatly appreciative!!!!!!!!!:p

So, how has your bf2 experience been lately? Mine has been kinda s**tty, hehe. When I first began playin bf2, I lovvvved it. Was 32 player Gulf of Oman Demo. Nevver in my life played a video game of such scale. Then, the first time I played the retail version, I logged onto a server playin Dragon Valley. Wasn't a pleasant experience, at all. I spawned at the cp nearest to the docks(with that lil temple on the hill, lol), and saw a bunch of apcs leavin me behind. I was like, "grr, walk to the next cp? F*** THAT!" *quit* But then, as I learned more about squads, and squad leading, I began to truly appreciate the game.

But lately, I can't find a server that has GOOD teamwork!! I usually only play on this server named "FULLCONTACTWAR SQUAD/VOIP ONLY," but it's almost always full with 64 peeps until the map changes, so I'm forced to play on other servers. When I go to these other servers, I'm like "OMG NEWBS, you create a squad but don't give orders!!!" Or half of the WHOLE team is not squaded up, running around like chickens minus their heads, lol. But despite all that, FULLCONTACT war has been turning into one of those newb servers! So I have no choice but to have fun in some squad without any orders or any direction. hehe. Anybody know any GOOD teamwork servers I can go to? (TY:P)

O.K. guys, you didn't have to read all this, but if you did, lol ty:p The important thing is you voted, cuz I would really like to know if bf2 has a good chance against it's newer brother, or not.

Anyways, cyall l8r:D
I can barely decipher what the hell you just typed....
+244|6731|arica harbour
to you new and veteran people out there.

2142 will not kill Bf2. you dont need to kill Bf2, because it 's being killed already thanks to all the glitches, hackers, CTD which before 1.4 was all over the place, and lastly noobs around the place with no decent concept on what must be done to win. TALKING ABOUT SELF FULFILLING PROPHECY.

i am a seasoned veteran in Bf2, Bf2 Special forces, European force. I am a second lieutenant. and on my way in a few days to get what pretty much will be my final rank --- and that is first LT. , and final time playing. yes i know i said in other threads that i would stop at that moment, but i want to get my final rank since i am only 1200 pts away from it.

will i get 2142..... the answer right now as it stands is NO..... i have been playing bf2 since it first came out and there is quite honestly too much crap going on now. I play mostly lone wolf or in a small squad and i can still get more points and kills than 65-75% of my team. Bf2 as a game is great in its own aspect of a modern warfare FPS, but the last 6-8 months, i saw the ugly side of Bf2 come out of the closet, and quite frankly i am trying to run away.

People who seen me play or seen me in these forums know that i am a natural ground pounder but if i want to have fun, ill hop into a tank and start blasting away. you will almost always see me as a ground pounding spec ops that will hit the enemy when they least expected. I started as a spec ops/ sniper and i will retire as a spec ops/ sniper.

if i were to get 2142, i will analyze 2142 like a microbiologis t looking into a microscope. i want to see how badly EA and DICE really screwed up the 2142. people from Beta tell me its the same crap from bf2 all over again. its just 2142 has new skins and all.

as of right now, Dice is giving EA a bad name. Dice could not program a simple game if they wanted to. Bf2 has all the right concepts of a modern warfare FPS. only sour lemon i know and hate is the fact the game is soooo badly programmed.

lets look at the one game that takes your personal life away just as fast as you get hit by artillery---- world of warcraft.

Some of you noobs are saying right now: WoW has nothing to do with Bf2? and i would say your right in the sense that one is MMORPG and the other one is a Online FPS---probably the best since counter strike source.
in spite of paying $14.99 US dollars, and the bugs that occur in that game, WoW is a very well programmed game. I have never had a CTD, running around with no weapon, gliches, and haxs.

Blizzard has one hard and fast rule when it comes to cheats and hax? You hax or cheat....automatic hardware ban. and i know people that payed the price. that is why they do this becuase they dont want asswipe gamers ruining it for others decent players who want to play a good game. you cant use excessive profanity in Blizzard games... and that a fact

there is just tooooo much nonsense in this game people. and if you dont see it, well get ready for a reality check if you play 2142.  EA/ DICE care about one thing : money and more of it. and you ask the top players of this game , and they will tell you exactly what i said.

and if the same pathetic crap of what i always see in BF2, then what is the point of upgrading my PC since my 6800 GT EVGA died on me?

specialistx2324 wrote:

to you new and veteran people out there.

2142 will not kill Bf2. you dont need to kill Bf2, because it 's being killed already thanks to all the glitches, hackers, CTD which before 1.4 was all over the place, and lastly noobs around the place with no decent concept on what must be done to win. TALKING ABOUT SELF FULFILLING PROPHECY.
maybe patches 1.3 and 1.4 are designed to ruin the game? maybe only by destroying bf2 can ea games make bf2142 worth buying? i mean if it's all ice or something crap like that then i'm definitely not buying it
Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6633|Reisterstown, MD

BF2 will have more players than 2142.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6733|Tampa Bay Florida
It's hard to say, atm it looks like a lot people are saying 2142 will be another BF Vietnam, where in the end BF1942 came out on top.  So it looks like it might be the same way, at first 2142 will get a lot of hype and will remain popular, but BF2 will always remain even more popular

btw, if you want a cool server with teamwork, TSH has a really fun Wake Island only server.  24 slots, no raping carrier, no raping airstrip, and it usually has at least one or more squads on each team working together almost every night.  I've been playing there for 8 or 9 months and it's always great for infantry, air, and tank combat.  24/7 Wake Island, TSH The Slaughter House.

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-09-17 20:54:47)


I think people will buy 2142... have it CTD while watching a battlewalker float across their screen.

They will procede to jump off a bridge while wearing a device that simotaneously slits their wrist, throat and pulls feces overed curency out of their anus and mailing it to Electronic Asshats.
The King of Beers
I'm not giving EA another penny until they can fix what I already paid $120 for, so even if I was intrested in 2142, they will not get a dime from me.

I won't even bother dowloading it for free.
+7|6725|Ohio, USA
I would vote, but there is no "This is the worst F-ing poll ever..." option.

Good job with communicating in plain english by the way, it's really easy to read.

Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6733|Tampa Bay Florida
Defiance, has it ever occured to you that maybe not everyone is still getting those bugs?  I've been playing BF2 bug-free ever since May.
+5|6675|Columbia, SC
Yeah how about a balanced poll?  I ended up voting for what I thought would translate to how I feel.  Now that I read back I realize that there was no proper poll option for my opinion.  Futuristic FPS has been done a million times.  My favorite game before BF2 was Operation Flashpoint because of the modern warfare content.  I will play 2142 but it will never take the place of BF2 no matter how many people leave.
+110|6631|United States of America
IO=Infantry Only (No Vehicles)
B.R.=Best Round (Score)
Dolphin Diving=Jump,prone,jump,prone,jump,....  (somewhat eliminated from game)
AAA=I don't know. Maybe you mean AA which = Anti-Air = Stinger = AA missle

Squad Hopping used to mean when the Squad Leader (SL) would die he would leave and rejoin his squad, thus making someone else the SL and then he/she could respawn back with his squad behind enemy lines.  Dice <---(programmed the game for EA) messed up and made it so you could only join a squad when your sill alive.  Since Dice made this program change I sometimes, not often, but sometimes get a bug that will not let me spawn on my SL for the whole round.

Just thought this might help.  Some of the other things I have not heard of. Like a|c and Frog foot

Just wondering where you got the 25,000 poll number at.  I am quite sure there is more than that playing.

Last edited by JG1567JG (2006-09-17 21:25:49)

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