Im sick of loosers punishing because they choose to walk infrount of a claymore or to drive over a land mine when they are clearly marked with a skull and cross bones on teh screen! the marker on the side of the screen is a general warning of something in the area and the marker on the dround should b a dead give away not to go there!
If EA can releace a patch which meens that a commander cant b punished for TKing with ARTY then i think they need to releace another which stops people from being punished for other peoples stupidity in walking infrount of claymores and driveing over landmines.
If EA can releace a patch which meens that a commander cant b punished for TKing with ARTY then i think they need to releace another which stops people from being punished for other peoples stupidity in walking infrount of claymores and driveing over landmines.