I have noticed that when I lay down c-4 on the road my teammates think they are mines; and so, they try to go around or go a different way. All you see is a red "X". The next "patch" should include labeling of all three.
The Kid
I agree.  Whenever I see that X and I'm in a vehicle, I

A:  Check to see if any enemies are around to steal my vehicles
B:  Check if any idiot teammates are around to steal my vehicle
C:  Get out, check if it's a mine or C4.
+5|7123|United Knigdom
I agree with having different icons, would make it so much easier for everyone.

I find that the position usually gives away what they are. Mines tend to be in a straight line, I know C4 can be also, but C4 is usually a giant circle to use the blast radius more effectively. What I mean by this is mines blow up straight away, C4 neeeds a man to blow them up, so if he's too early/late, a second or third C4 will add to the damage caused.

Claymores, you usually know they're there when they blow up (if you can't see it) or if there's a sniper with his back to you/up a ladder etc.
+0|7066|United States
I agree, but I think it's not too bad. In grass, though, there's virtually no way to tell 'em apart.
I usually just destroy any mines that are in the way, tank/apc shot'll do it, or a hand nade. But C4 can't be gotten rid of in any manner.
+3|7034|Nambe, New Mexico
I think this is a great idea. Of course, I don't even use mines anymore because of idiot teammates. (70% of my TKs are from them driving over my mines). I have even tried to call them out as enemy activity, to no avail. I just can't use them, too many morons in this game. It's odd, I remember using them in 1942 all the time with AT, and hardly ever TKing, and they weren't even labeled. Does the skull and crossbones actually atttract punishing morons?

I have thought this exact same thing, btw. After being TKed by a claymore I thought: "That would be nice if the skull was a different color, or some sort of indicator". However, fixing the game does not net EA more money, and that seems to be the only thing they care about these days. You don't have to look far to learn that EA is a joke of a publisher...

Oh well, I will continue to play the game as broken as it is, and try to enjoy it. The red bug is really starting to get annoying though.

I , as well as sooo many others, am sick and tired of idiot newbs or just idiot teamates climming up that lader, acting like a dumbass, look over the top of the stairs to see if its there and then running into it anyways...j


these frekin idiots!!

but yea not only claymores but AT mines and C-4   I am totaly with you with the labeling explosives
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7071|AUS, Canberra

A.HACKER wrote:

I have noticed that when I lay down c-4 on the road my teammates think they are mines; and so, they try to go around or go a different way. All you see is a red "X". The next "patch" should include labeling of all three.
hang on a min let me get this straight....you have played with people that will actually drive around the red x ???
holy shit there might be some hope yet.......
Very good idea, a must have!
+0|7061|New Hampshire

the_heart_attack wrote:

A.HACKER wrote:

I have noticed that when I lay down c-4 on the road my teammates think they are mines; and so, they try to go around or go a different way. All you see is a red "X". The next "patch" should include labeling of all three.
hang on a min let me get this straight....you have played with people that will actually drive around the red x ???
holy shit there might be some hope yet.......
That is what I was thinking, most people just walk like a blind person right into C4. And then comes the punish. I shall punish you because I am an idiot.
+383|7020|The Netherlands
I think its a very good idea to get different 3d icons for c4, mines and claymores. Other players can see what is on the ground and know if they can drive/walk over it or not.

By making these minor changes to the game, ea ll avoid loads of accidental tks.
+2|7096|Eastern PA
This suggestion has been made repeatedly since BF2 released - although it certainly deserves repeating until EA gets the message . . .

Quite some time ago I opined that:

C4 charges have a SQUARE skull icon;
AT mines have ROUND skull icons; and
Claymores have a TRIANGLE icon that is directional - POINT UP means you're on the "safe" side / POINT DOWN means you're about to kill yourself.

One thing some people might consider about the "Claymore / C4 / Mine TK & Punish" routine: Some people EARN and DESERVE that penalty for being consistantly boneheaded about their choice of explosive type and / or rotten judgement about placement.

Typical examples are "defending" a Team spawn point with Claymores; "Sealing" a base exit with AT mines, thus denying Team vehicles unhindered egress; and leaving AT mines unattended or in the same location where a Team Spec-Ops was previously defending with C4 . . .
I agree with this wholeheartedly. I would also prefer that the AT mines show up at a greater distance when in a vehicle, because only getting 10 meters notice of a mine when traveling in something as fast as an FAV doesn't leave much time to respond. As someone else mentioned, claymores really need to say what direction they're pointed, as well as saying they're a claymore.

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