How do you make custom sigs? I see all these people with awesome ones and I want to make my own. If anyone could please tell me, it would be much appreciated.
Watch out man! flames my friend. search.
Sorry my friend i dunno how either...
Ooh, look at my custom sig...It's so purdy!
Ms Paint Ftw!!!
LolzorzDarkhelmet wrote:
Ms Paint Ftw!!!
Do you want to make your own? If so then just get some image editing program and start learning. If you want someone to make it for you find the sig sticky and PM one of the guys listed there.
Just PM one of the guys and they will make one for you if you don't want to go to all the hassle of making one yourself.
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MyBFi/BF3i Admin
AKA DanielRJ
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MyBFi/BF3i Admin
AKA DanielRJ
GameSurge IRC Network, Support Agent and Staff
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