+271|6795|United States of America
I chose the G3 first.  Used it for so long.... but now I use the L85A1 most, or the F2000. After 1.4 those are the best weapons.

First unlock for me was the L85A1.  It seemed great in those days, now it is just good because I needed the L85A1 to unlock the G36E (which is much better).
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
The Young One

BolvisOculus wrote:

i also picked up the l85, back then i wasnt too good at aiming and wanted a scope, also i only played medic then, i used the L85 nonstop back then.  now i hate the gun and havnt used it sence
thats my story exactly like it

Last edited by [n00b]Tyler (2006-09-15 08:19:51)


^^ lol@u the support guns were crap back then
Same shit, Different Arsehole
I think it was the Medic unlock but i could'nt get the hang of it back then so i rarley used it

mp7 FTW!
oh hai :D
+156|6690|The Netherlands
G36c :d
Robin Hood ---> "u got arrownd"
I unlocked the M95 just for kilin helo pilots its so cool i still do it often.
+151|6574|Forest Lake, Australia
I unlocked the first medic gun because everyone said it was good...

Out of all the unlocks though, I prefer the fully upgraded Support gun...RPK or something...
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6585|Doncaster, UK
2nd tier (fully upgraded?) support weapon is the MG36. A nice gun for me but I know most prefer the PKM.
@ dhoar - G36 MG is the top tier support unlock

My first was the G36C as I was a Spec Ops maniac. That's where all my terrible K : D resides! Working on sorting that out. I don't have time to build up a new account .Had the game since it came out and I've only racked up a solid week's worth of play...

Anyway, G36C was a revelation when I unlocked it. I find myself playing Spec Ops less and less these days now. Loved the G3 too, though you have to learn it. PKM same deal. L85 was SHIT I thought! Might try it again.

As a few people have said here, it's cool to try a gun you haven't used for a while. I've been using th PKM again recently, and I'm liking that. Likewise the F2000. I've only got 1000 points o my next unlocks... MP7 for sure, but do I go for the DAO or the second tier sniper rifle... Hmmmmmmmmm.

eliminated the rogue smiley!

Last edited by Lionbeat (2006-09-15 08:42:54)

The first true Sniper.
+95|6683|Cumberland, MD, USA
Like the majority my first unlock was the G36C back when I first started playing, and only played Wake because I was afraid all the other maps sucked; I didn't play a map outside of Wake for the first month of playing.

Right now I use Medic all the time to try to shorten the gap from First Sarge to Sarge Mjr. so I use the AK-101 on MEC and G36E on USMC. The AK-101 got me my BRS on Karkand IO full 32 server. People play all these "high point" servers and get these rediculous scores. Get over 200 on a normal server doughboys!

Last edited by InviSniper (2006-09-15 08:49:06)

G3 i think, i cant remember
+151|6574|Forest Lake, Australia

Lionbeat wrote:

@ dhoar - G36 MG is the top tier support unlock
Cheers mate...yeah, I like that one.  Batter accuracy and more shots fired than the PKM
+1,352|6532|N. Ireland
L85A1 which was great, and the DAO-12.. which wasn't
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6528|Gogledd Cymru

Jamoche wrote:

First gun i unlocked was the l85, when there was lots of hype about it. The unlock i use the most would have to be the L96A1 because its basically a clone of the m24 so i can have the accuracy of the m24 on any team or the g36c because of its accuracy and stopping power.
yeah except the l96 is much better than the m24 as you can be moving suddenly right click for scope and get pinpoint accuracy whereas the m24 isnt so good unless your prone in one position all the time, which is gay
G36C.  The bastard is pretty accurate.
Certified Twat
+296|6547|Bournemouth, South England
M95, it makes me do sex-wee in my pants.
as good as me you never will be
G3 was my first. and still one of my favs
+149|6587|USA bitches!
G36C was first, and I played only spec ops for a while. Then, switched to medic and I rarely use anything other than the G36E, unless I have to go AT and I'll grab the P90... or sniper and I'll get the L96A1.
hide your terrorists ^,^
+94|6716|Ft. Drum, NY
G36c and l85a1 luv the scope. Three shots, two to the chest and one to the head to finish off.
Viking fool - Crazy SWE
+162|6583|Sverige (SWE)
Too old to be doing this sh*t
+103|6562|Little blue planet, milky way
Like most other people I also went for the L85. And I dont think it was a wrong choice... I played a LOT of medic in the beginning. And the L85 offered me a scope, and a decent rate of fire on single shot, plus the option of going full auto... None of the other medic rifles could/can do that.

Next I chose the M95, big mistake... It REALLY sucked. Especially in pre 1.12 where you couldn't hit a barn if you were inside. Imagine how many enemy helo pilots I managed to shoot out of their chopper with that.... Exactly one less than I managed to kill with AT rockets ! (for the record 3 vs 2) Ofcourse I learned to love it with patch 1.2 But by then I got like 6 more unlocks in a single day, so I really had no reason to complain.

My favorite unlock was the G36E, although the MG36 became a close second after the 1.2 patch... Again because I played so much medic in the early days. It's a REALLY cool gun.

My "only" big regret was choosing the SCAR-L over the Jackhammer. I use the Jackhammer SOOOO much more often, and even when I go specops i NEVER EVER use the SCAR-L anyway. Deviation sucks, no burst mode, zoom is miserable, rate of fire is worse and you normally need at LEAST half a clip (more often a FULL clip) to kill a guy at even a medium range if he's moving. 1-2 short bursts from the G36C and he's down. I can get 4-6 MOVING people on a single clip with the G36C.

Last edited by Twist (2006-09-15 10:10:36)

Reason: Looked a bit good, big shotgun. Then realised it isn't actually that good.

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