it seems the server's are dieing out already
fucking fuck
fucking fuck
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Only if you don't know how to shoot.Marinejuana wrote:
The guns are less accurate in POE. Its annoying.
Last edited by cyb46555 (18 years, 6 months ago)
If by less accurate you mean a five year old moron can see you from halfway across the map and shoot you in the face unscoped, then yes, they are less accurate.Marinejuana wrote:
The guns are less accurate in POE. Its annoying.
Its true , they need to lower the accuracy of most of the guns, sniper is a kinda pointless class sinse u can achieve near the same accuracy with an assault rifle 0oIf by less accurate you mean a five year old moron can see you from halfway across the map and shoot you in the face unscoped, then yes, they are less accurate.
=DJK=Coffee wrote:
no, there all just trying out the new map that came with 1.4......fallen will rule server land again!!!!
Nope, you're just high...Marinejuana wrote:
The guns are less accurate in POE. Its annoying.
Last edited by -Solv3r- (18 years, 6 months ago)
I did both the incremental and the full patches with the same result. I have Reg. Mech and run it once a week. I defragged my drives right afterwards, all 4 of them. I have two guys on my team whom have high ping issues with the 1.4 patch as well. I have no clue what that is. Not in just POE but in BF2 as well. They both went back to the 1.3 version and their ping cleared up. Did the full install of the patch 1.4 and the ping issue came right back on every server we played in. I do not have a clue what is causing that problem. Their systems aren't even close to the same either. I couldn't find a common denominator to each one that would cause this. I even had them go and check for newer MB and ethernet drivers and they had the latest ones. I am lost on that one.....Spookyboy wrote:
i love POE2, i don't think there's anything wrong with anything in that mod.
to the guy who complained of laggyness, did u do the full patch?? i did and it works fine. also do some system maintenance (sp?) defrag, etc, made mine run smoother and load a litter fast.
fallen is awesome, most of the maps are awesome in fact, some are a little too massive tho and tricky to navigate (Carpathian mountains)
but otherwise, a massive thumbs up to POE2 developers, look forward to the expansion/patch (heard it will contain us and Russian army's?)
Last edited by ecm747x (18 years, 6 months ago)
POE2 is a more tactical game. It is more for ambushes and co-ordinated squad attacks than the normal rush with all guns blazing of vanilla BF2. I prefer POE2 because kneeling now is effective at increasing accuracy and the camoflauge that snipers have is actually affecting, there is no more "painted dirt" grass (it actually has grass that u can hide in) and that the assault weapons are actually accurate enough to out-shoot most weapons at medium range (maybe besides weapons like the silenced g36c and the AS Val)Marinejuana wrote:
i know how to shoot in bf2. Let me be more precise. I think that POE gives much harsher penalties to accuracy while moving. I like to shoot while moving and have figured out the distances at which i can do this effectively using most bf2 weapons. In POE its seems that one must be closer to the target in order to do this. To me this slows down the combat on a game that already has much slower combat than similar games.
Hah .. what?Marinejuana wrote:
In POE its seems that one must be closer to the target in order to do this. To me this slows down the combat on a game that already has much slower combat than similar games.
The jets sucks??? Imo they are awesome, but they are a little bit different the the BF2 jets. And the groundforces got better AA so they have a chance to fight backthe_outsider38 wrote:
POE has a "cheap" feeling about it. I prefer vanilla. Plus the jets suck.
Yeah the accuracy while moving has almost been confirmed by other players who use this forum, and I believe that accuracy while kneeling has been increased to make it more attractable than proning all the time to get the shots on target.Marinejuana wrote:
you guys can disagree with me all you want about the accuracy, but I am fairly certain that it is lower while moving than in bf2.
Pliskens point is valid, this means you get more out of working as a team and firing from multiple stationary positions rather than trying to control territory by running and gunning. I just happen to find the fast paced firefights of bf2 more fun than the more careful, more camping based (and cryptically based) firefights that I have seen in POE. Its just my opinion. And also, whats with the shoulder launched missiles falling like stones?
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