Well the Beta is over.

And from what I have been reading on the Beta forums, and other open forums, 2142 is not a hit.

Crashes, Lags, Bad skins, same as BF2 with different skins, bad execution of the unlocks.

Some people rave at how good it is, how much fun it was, etc etc etc. But I think the overall response to EA Dice is, no we don't like it for the above reasons. Now maybe the beta's graphics were scaled back for download size (1.432Gig for a single map...) but they never said that it was not full graphics.

I can honestly say I never got into it. I had a total of 30 - 35 hours in to it.
My longest in seat game was 3 1/2 hours for a single map and other than knowing I had to turn a red silo blue I never got in to the team work or squad aspect of the game. Even though I tried and joined squads, joined beta server TS's but it just didn't get me going.

A typical seat time was 1 - 1 1/2 hours.
I received 4 ranks and 4 unlocks on one character and 2 ranks 2 unlocks on the other character.
I like the engineer best (for the one map they provided) felt that the basic weapons were the hardest hitting.

As you unlocked more weapons, they got lighter so your sprint lasted longer, had smaller rounds that did less damage, but had more available in the magazine and had a faster rate of fire.... so it was balanced.

A good example is the sniper, you had HUGE breathing deviation when zoomed, not the slight movement like BF2 nor did the deviation settle down after a period of time like COD.

Zoom factor was 2x and your 2nd unlock on one of the sniper classes was a zoom magnifier for 4x (interesting thing is that you could use your scroll wheel to adjust the unlock zoom) but a 2X + 4X zoom the deviation was full monitor. You had to time your shots on the pass thru of the target. the final unlock was an image stabilization mod for the sniper rifle. LAME! You should as a sniper be able to control your shots WITH OUT A CLASS 3 UNLOCK DICE!

It's dark, (visually - not in mood) so it is hard to differentiate good guys from bad guys. At least in BF2 you can see a MEC or (removed my use of the word Chink) a little yelow-skinned-slant-eyed-good-for-nothing-over-breeding-no-good-communist-bastard-Chin (er I mean) Dinks from a U.S. guy. In 2142 they had virtually identical uniforms.
To tell the truth I can't recall differentiating other than they had red tags so I shot at them.

It would have been nice to had a second map to try other than Titan mode. Give us a Karkand type map that we can try out as Infantry where engineers are not the predominant class. Give us a slightly broader feel for the game, and maybe we could have forgiven them for the crashing of servers when both Titan commanders started moving their Titans at the same time.

I've changed my mind about 2142, and will not pre-order it. Preferring to wait for Enemy Territory Quake Wars demo before I place any money down for 2142.

Thank you for letting me be a beta tester, but you screwed your selves in the process.
I will not by your re-skinned BF2, as I still have a lot of fun with BF2.

If nothing else I'll buy it on EBay at reduced cost as I do with other games I'm not sure about. But for now, I'll stay with BF2 when 2142 debuts.

Last edited by M730A2 (2006-09-12 09:46:31)

+45|6734|Bristol, UK
Hmm.. that sniper deviation sounds annoying. Someone tell dice that you only get breathing deviation when standing or crouched, prone you rest it on a sand bag etc.
+2|6672|Vettefan du
ahhhmmm, its a BETA
+27|6986|Dundas, ONT, Canada
I do recall people where very pissed about BF2 when it was first released. 5 patches later people still pissed about the game, but still playing. There are some good points where made by M730A2, but as heman6666 said Its a beta. I kind of like this game. It's different from BF2 and takes some time of getting used to it.
some good points some bad. I will be getting it and enjoyed most of the 15 hours i played got  8 ranks with one account and 3 with the other. I think the gameplay is great it just needs a few tweaks and sort out the CTD and server connection problems and the game will be amazing...
hopefully ea/dice can get it all together and release a great game
The beta was packed with bugs and glitches.  And now when the beat has ended EA has alot of thing to change and fix. I'm sure that in the end it's going to be a gold game.!
+4|6787|Napoleon, Ohio

McCullough wrote:

The beta was packed with bugs and glitches.  And now when the beat has ended EA has alot of thing to change and fix. I'm sure that in the end it's going to be a gold game.!
Thats why there is a beta period...I think its going to be a great game at least they are trying to address problems ahead of the game going gold.
2142 Soldier: Behenaut
Good review I guess, I also did not see much squadplay.
I agree with you on some fronts whilst disagree on some others.

PS: Try not to use offensive words like "Chink"
+25|6800|Denmark/Minnesota (depends)
well you got like 8 unlocks on one soldier and 8 other unlock put down on to other soldiers. you said that you think that it's the engineer was the predominating class which it isn't, i hope that you know that this was a beta and that they use a beta to fix things like deviation, the sniper sway and in general bugs. so you can't just say that the game is crap it's just because you didn't try to encourage teamwork, by the way how the fuck did you manage to play 30-35 hours and only have 6 unlocks.
Due to an overwhelming response via pm’s to my use of the word CHINK in my review, apparently I have upset too many of you politically correct weak kneed mother fuk'rs.

I have amended my original post to show those little yellow slant eyed communist fucks in a (hopefully) better light.

Now kiss my ass.

M730A2 wrote:

Due to an overwhelming response via pm’s to my use of the word CHINK in my review, apparently I have upset too many of you politically correct weak kneed mother fuk'rs.

I have amended my original post to show those little yellow slant eyed communist fucks in a (hopefully) better light.

Now kiss my ass.
i bet your a fat american
2142 Soldier: Behenaut
Irony eh Tyler? Or your being sarcastic hehe

Oh and M730A2, you are a fool. It could of been a good review if only you where not a racist.

MuseSeeker wrote:

Irony eh Tyler? Or your being sarcastic hehe

Oh and M730A2, you are a fool. It could of been a good review if only you where not a racist.
im 60 kilos, skinny and cant get fat

Last edited by [n00b]Tyler (2006-09-12 12:21:18)

Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
the game was missing something deffinatly. What is needs is more vehicles, alot more vehicles. I mean, BF2 has 5 diff tanks, 4 diff APCs, 5 diff Cars, 6 diff Helos, 6 diff Planes, 1 boat, 3 diff AA. Why is it that in 2142 all we have is: 2 tanks, 2 APCs, 2 cars, 2 gunships...come the fuck on. Also we need another Carbine unlock or a diff one. The Lambert Carbine looks exactly like a G36....it's so unoriginal and BIG for a fecking carbine. Screw this shit.....2142 needs a huge improvement.
2142 Soldier: Behenaut
You have only played one map.

MuseSeeker wrote:

Good review I guess, I also did not see much squadplay.
I agree with you on some fronts whilst disagree on some others.

PS: Try not to use offensive words like "Chink"
For me, squadplay was pretty much only when "blackhawk" capping.

Titan internals really need to be much bigger.  It's too fast and quick to blow up Titans once the shields are down.
+27|6986|Dundas, ONT, Canada

motherdear wrote:

by the way how the fuck did you manage to play 30-35 hours and only have 6 unlocks.
Simple Server kept on crushing. Same goes for me. I've got about three basic assault budges, unfortunately now of them sticked around cause server kept on crushing. Felt like I was playing 1.3 patch.
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|6894|Houston, TX
Your post is considered inappropriate, please refrain from posting this sort of material. {quote}

Wow, I guess I'm one of these weak knee'd politically correct mother fuckers you are ranting on about and telling to kiss your ass.

I also happen to be a "a little yelow-skinned-slant-eyed-good-for-nothing-over-breeding-no-good-communist-bastard-Chin (er I mean) Dinks".

But to top it all off, I happen to moderate these forums.  Now pay attention, cause this is the bad news for you.

You have been banned. 

Kung Jew

Come back with a better sense of what is and isn't appropriate or don't come back at all.

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