Did a search and didn't find anything so don't flame me...

I was playing on Sharqi with clan members and we killed someone on the MEC team that was support...

My medic grabbed his kit to throw some ammo bags but it made him CTD... We didn't think anything of it... We thought it was just another wonderful EA/Dice supposed CTD fix...

Next thing you know, I pick up the MEC support kit and I CTD too...

i have had a few CDT in 1.4 so they might of missed a bug

EA are as blind as most of my Helli gunners
Yeah, people are claiming there aren't anymore CTD's but it's BS... It's just not happening as much that's all...

I've noticed more "connection interruption" messages more... I'm not totally losing connection... It'll freeze for a few seconds sometimes...
Missing, Presumed Dead

Ive had connection problems twice...both on the day that 1.4 came out, both on the same server. Nothing since.

The ammo bag thing...thats strange. I do it all the time, did it a load of times on Gator just now and no problem
I got a CTD today...sigh
+86|6694|Winterpeg, Canada
I haven't played support since 1.3
Was ist Loos?
ya at least i just ctd. b4 i had to restart the copmp again.
Kick His Ass!
+371|6847|Howell, Mi USA
So thats their fix to "someone without a kit" make whoever grabs it CTD...... nice
so...? in comparison to the crashes before its not really noticable.

my quake 3 locked up a month or two ago as well. its not like a game is never going to crash for someone. but that is weird. and its the only time ive heard of it so i dont think its a major issue.
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6807|Teesside, UK

DVSAZN wrote:

My medic grabbed his kit to throw some ammo bags but it made him CTD
happened to me when the patch first came out.  Was playing infantry only so i don't know of that affects it.

Last edited by crimson_grunt (2006-09-12 05:59:04)

+17|6837|The Netherlands
i dont have any disconnecting bugs anymore |D Woeehoeee..! I think ur friend didnt payd tax |X
I've CTD's for no reason a few times in the past few weeks...

Just gotta love the "fixes"....
A few of our clan members are still suffering CTD so thee problem has not dissapeared, its just not as bas as it was.
Also seen the connection problem myself, and most of our clan has experienced it as well.
I 'used' to CTD in 1.3 alot!,
Ran this on my computer http://www.memtest86.com/ found a faulty stick of 512MB out of 1GB Ram
Replaced it and i have only CTD once and that was still when i was in 1.3, 1.4 i have not CTD yet!.

Its worth a try..
Follow the instructions, what it does it boots your system into an os off the CD image you burn then it runs the test to get the best results it can.

Im not saying this will fix the issues because it could come down to maybe BF2 doesnt like you computer hardware or it may not be your RAM thats causing it.
I am saying that this will assist you in ensuring that its not your RAM.

The way i ran it was booted off the CD.
Ran the test.. it started to fail at test 5:
( Test 5 [Block move, 64 moves] ) - This test stresses memory by using block move (movsl) instructions

It also failed on another test later i beleive it was 8, cant confirm..

Anyway i removed one of my 512MB sticks of RAM booted and ran the test again...
Found no issues so swapped it with the other stick of 512MB RAM..
Failed on the tests again!

A couple days later with drool in my mouth and red blood shot eyes due to withdrawals i stumbled into the PC shop and grabed 1x stick of 1GB of RAM
Slapped it in and ran the test..
Initially it failed..
But that was because i placed the RAM in the incorrect order so i swapped the 1GB to slot 1 and the 512MB to slot 2..

Ran the test,
Bingo! no dramas..

Anyway i hope this helps someone, I know this isnt the answer to some people problems but it certainly helped me and the stability of BF2 on my system!

Good luck!

Last edited by Disodium (2006-09-21 17:35:14)

I actually crash more in 1.4 than 1.3. In 1.3 I only had potential to CTD during loading and the dreaded join screen. I actually found that if I didnt touch the mouse at all during a map load in 1.3 and waited about 15 sec or so after the play button appeared, I would NEVER crash. Now I just crash randomly throughout the day. In 1.3 I at least knew what could set it off, now I can get fucked over at any time.
yep i'll just subconsciously grab the nearest dead body's kit like i always do, that way i can keep jumping round in a circle shooting these people without ever having to reload... woops dice canada decided to fuck every patch they've ever made and introduced a kit swap ctd... bravo

Last edited by gga43ta234t2 (2006-09-22 07:10:50)

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