-OGz-Badge wrote:
It is a bunch of bullshit....This is an American Tragedy and only an idiot would believe the government set it up....LBJ had Kennedy assasinated too right.
No one, at least no one in the last few posts, has said the government set it up.
What I am interested in is the point made by Scorpion0x17.
Look at thisThen try telling me there isn't something odd about it.
Whilst I am unwilling to believe the attacks were orchestrated by the government, I do believe they had prior knowledge and failled to act, either through incompetence (a poor excuse) or something altogether more sinister.
I did not know there had been many exercises carried out by the USAF simulating a hijacked airliner targeting the WTC and the Pentagon. I did not know Rumsfeld and Cheney had changed the proceedure for dealing with these types of attack just before it occured. Of course it could all just be coincidence, but perhaps not.
I am still far from convinced though.