First up I'll just list my PC specs!

GA-7N400Pro2 - nForce2 Chipset
1GB DDR PC3200 Value Select Corsair RAM
AMD Athlon XP 2800+ Barton Core - Thermaltake Twin Blade CPU fan
ATI Radeon 9600XT - Artic Cooling HSF
200GB PATA Maxtor HDD
2x 120mm intake/outtake fans
1x 80mm side intake

Recently I reinstalled Battlefield 2 after about 7 months to play it again. Everything installed fine and i began playing only to notice that sometime parts of the overlayed HUD like the map and health staus would disappear. When this would happen my corsshair would also go. Other times the text goes into unrecognizable, coloured scrambled characters and kits goes missing from the spawn screen. At the same time the cursor would disappear not allowing me to select a spawn site. If i click around I might be lucky and hit a spawn site, but its a wild shot seen as though i cant see the cursor.
The interesting thing is, I found that if I turn the geometry setting down to low in the video settings, the issue no longer was as frequent. This is a bummer because geometry makes everything look better even on medium.
I have reinstalled graphics and mobo drivers using DriverCleaner and have the latest versions. I have also reinstalled the game twice.
After trying everything i read the 10 ways to reduce lag sticky at the top of this section and installed 3rd party WarCat Drivers. It worked. Everything was good..................UNTIL the monitor turned to a black screen about 45minutes into game play as if it was no longer receiving a signal. The actual computer however still had power and was running.
I also higly doubt this is an overheating issue or RAM as i have extra GPU cooling and Corsair RAM
I don't know what to do or what the cause is.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks, Toby
Artifacts come usually from heat issues sometimes from overclocking but also sometimes its a sign of a dying video card. Yours is very old so if you want to play bf2 at decent settings and especially if you intend to play any of the games that came out the past year and afterwards youre going to have to upgrade.

The solution to your problem is probably a format.. along with your upgrade.
I remeber when my sister bought sims 2 a while back this same card would make the screen turn black, so it could even possibly be just a shit card. Another thing I thought of was my PSU. Could it be causeing this stuff?
Its a cheap OMNI 400W that came with my first case. The strange thing is I never used to get the artifatcs. Ill run  ATItool and scan for artifacts to see what it turns up.
I didnt get any artifatcs with atiTool! The actual graphics like maps, soldiers tres etc have no artifacts what so ever. Its just like the HUD like maps etc. I just played the game then and the map had about 100 coloured sqares (some transparent) in a perfect square around the map. One of the weapons would also come up with these coloured squares rather than the actual weapon image.
Its really pissing me off.
My nextvideo card will deffinently be an Nvidia!!

tobsta wrote:

I didnt get any artifatcs with atiTool! The actual graphics like maps, soldiers tres etc have no artifacts what so ever. Its just like the HUD like maps etc. I just played the game then and the map had about 100 coloured sqares (some transparent) in a perfect square around the map. One of the weapons would also come up with these coloured squares rather than the actual weapon image.
Its really pissing me off.
My nextvideo card will deffinently be an Nvidia!!
PM Cyborg ninja, he seems to know his shit.
+3|6712|Kentucky U.S.A.
It is not an ATI thing. Something is wrong, but it is not the brand. COuld be the PSU is giving you low wattage/volts. I run 3dmark to test my rig. I run a X1900XT 512MB, P4 3.8, 1GB RAM. 1600x1200, 2xaa and average 50FPS. 70% processor load, 100% video memory usage. My next upgrade will be my memory to 2 GB.
I also tried OMEGA drivers and they give me lock-ups and then sometime a reboot following. I dont know what the hell it is. I have sufficent cooling for everything including a massive ATi silencer 2 on my 9600xt. MemTest shows no errors with my RAM. The only thing i can think of it being is a bad PSU (however would lockups occur or just srtaight away reboots?), motherboard (everthing works perfectly fine that i know of) or of course the actual graphics card.
I still believe it has something to do with the drivers side of things. The genuine Catylist drivers didnt cause reboots and lockups, however they have in the past. They only caused artifacts on the screen. The Omega driver didn't cause artifatcs but lock-ups and reboots!

What the hell is going on?

Last edited by tobsta (2006-09-11 05:32:16)

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