I just finished watching UNited 93 today, wow I have absoultely no idea what I would do in their situation god bless them , im sorry but that movie hate muslims i hope they all die. Also it made me afraid to take a plane.
+127|6832|WPB, FL. USA
I had just arrived earlier at Hartsfield International Airport in Atlanta, Georgia.  While walking to a meeting room I seen people gathering around a TV.  I will never forget.  Today, I cried all over again.

God rest their soles and relieve the suffering of their family and friends and may we all stand united against terrorism.  Many thanks to our president for keeping us safe since then and to all who serve to keep us safe.


I am going to remember what I was doing 3 months after 9/11................. shooting at the Taliban.
+59|6815|Los Angeles
i was 7 when it happened and i had nightmares for 2 weeks.
+271|6929|United States of America

usmarine2005 wrote:

I am going to remember what I was doing 3 months after 9/11................. shooting at the Taliban.
I bet it was fun trying to pick them out from the civilians.
Pope of BF2s
+355|6800|Sea to globally-cooled sea
I was a sophomore in college.  I watched the entire thing on TV.

I have not forgotten.

I know who the enemy is, and I still want the enemy dead.  I will never forget what happened, and I will never forget that it happened because some people hate how great our nation is.

God bless America.

Miller wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

I am going to remember what I was doing 3 months after 9/11................. shooting at the Taliban.
I bet it was fun trying to pick them out from the civilians.
Got that right, especially since damn near everyone carried a weapon.
Cal players > BF2s
+40|6758|Columbus,Ohio-THE Ohio State U

Choumichel wrote:

After all that time still no memorial statue?
Bush should shame his fucking skull till eternity
Theyre putting one up at Freedom tower, which will be two fountains i believe.  Plz dont be a retard, read into these things first, and second, its not Bush's job to put up a memorial.
+271|6929|United States of America

usmarine2005 wrote:

Miller wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

I am going to remember what I was doing 3 months after 9/11................. shooting at the Taliban.
I bet it was fun trying to pick them out from the civilians.
Got that right, especially since damn near everyone carried a weapon.
Hopefully I will be able to join everyone trying to pick them out in 4 years... just have to finish High School, then maybe get a college education so I can be an officer .

Miller wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Miller wrote:

I bet it was fun trying to pick them out from the civilians.
Got that right, especially since damn near everyone carried a weapon.
Hopefully I will be able to join everyone trying to pick them out in 4 years... just have to finish High School, then maybe get a college education so I can be an officer .
The best officers I have seen were the ones who were enlisted grunts first.  Not all, but most.
The Beautiful Manhattan Skyline - Spie, April 2001

Today marks the day when 5 years ago Islamic extremists hijacked four passenger jets with the intention of crashing them into important buildings in the United States of America and killing as many people as possible. Two planes hit the World Trade Centre, one the Pentagon. The last one, United Airlines Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania after heroic passengers overpowered the terrorists. That terrible day thousands of innocent people were murdered.
The Sphere, Battery Park - Spie, July 2003
History of the Sphere, Battery Park - Spie, July 2003

Today when playing BF2, or anyother war game, take time to think about all the people who lost there lifes that day, and people who are still dieing to save our freedom and to keep us safe in our homelands.

Godbless to those who lost there lives that day and to the service men & women of today.
+65|6867|las vegas

Kaosdad008 wrote:

Flag at half staff until 12 noon.

Nothing like watching it all on live TV.  Did you miss it?  Well, no fret!  Watch thousands die in the CNN re-broadcast of the day!  They wil be reboadacting the events at the same tiem that they actually happened.

Sorry - I think that's a tad sick.
i agree people should be outraged over this.

its funny people where outraged over united 93, the movie. and WTC. but i havent heard a peep about what CNN is doing on any blogs...i think that is sick and why?

ps my mother had recorded all of that on dvd the day it happned.

yea we had one of those 2x burners. old school toshiba .
hm i remember i was just pulling up to my school during 6th grade when i heard it on the news but at that time i didnt really know how serious it was. When i walked in my class my teacher told us all to sit down and he turned on the tv to see CNN reporting live on the situation. the rest of the day he was lecturing us on what happend. first time we never did anything in class lol but something that drastic needs explaination
+39|6811|OREEGONE, USA
I was in the Navy up in northern Washington state on 9/11/01.

I was only a year in the Navy heading to my 8 hour watch.  When i got there, the guy i was replacing told me that "somebody crashed into the whitehouse and shit".  I turned on the radio to hear that only 1 plane had hit the WTC.  When the 2nd plane hit, all hell broke loose. 

My comfy sit-in-a-chair-and-wave-people-in watch changed into standing for 14 hours a day, fully inspecting everybody's bags and hand checking I.D.'s.  As an E-3, I was scared as hell cause I was telling Lt. Commanders and Captains to stop so I could check their bags. 

Not to mention how difficult it was to tell wives and girlfriends that they couldn't enter our hanger just to get some answers on where their significant others were.  It was pretty nerve wracking. 

Also the 5 hour line just to drive onto base was very special.  Most people bailed their cars in-line and just walked up to the gate. 

Thank you terrorists for making those few weeks VERY memorable and i hope your burn in hell.
I plan to commemorate it by doing my philosophy assignment, and then maybe having a few rounds of BF2.
i piss excellence
+22|6697|Houston (Spring), TX
I was a senior in high school. Once the second plane hit the second building, I immediately just walked out to my car and drove home pretty sad.

I lost my best friend/cousin in Iraq, January of 2006.  Now dates like Memorial Day, and September 11th have new meanings to me.  I admit, I use to take them for granted... now when I notice people taking things like this for granted it pisses me off
RIP Staff Sargeant J. Micheal Durbin.
I miss him a lot.

Last edited by Sone (2006-09-11 01:08:22)

+15|6821|Apeldoorn, Holland
I remember it. I was at home chillin' after school with a giant blunt on the couch cause my parents left for holiday. I couldn't believe what i was seeing on CNN. A friend of mine thought it was fake and just went on gaming again after i told him a plane crashed in Manhattan. Later he discoverde it was serious...

But this weekend i've seen a documentary over 9/11. There were several facts that there is more than just 2 planes, first all the steel foundation (42 pilars at -7 level) was melted. It only melts at 2000 degrees Celsius (dunno Fahrenheit) while the plains crashed 300 meters higher. There was only 1 security company allowed at the crashsite. Yep, it was the company of the brother of G. Bush. 3rd, right after the attack Bin Laden told Al-Jazeera that he didn't had anything to do with this. 4rd if you look good at those videos of Osama you can see that it isn't him. And so on, and so on....Any explanation?? Yes, the US government bombs his own WTC (at -7 level) & sends 2 radarguided planes (without passengers) into it. The building could never fell down because of those (in comparison) little planes...
To keep all the people affraid, so there can be a lot of money earned by some people. And Mr. Bush has a reason to fight a war. Isn't it the so called terrorists, it will be Iraq. Soon maybe Iran, China??????

Has anybody seen this documentary?

Spread the word...

Last edited by Sandriatinhi (2006-09-11 01:18:16)

i piss excellence
+22|6697|Houston (Spring), TX
Are you talking about "Loose Change"?

Sick of hearing about that bullshit that some internet rejects created.

Click here and you will feel like a moron if you believed that "Loose Change" garbage.

(Read the whole thing, not just the pictures)

For anyone interested in a point-by-point debunking of some of the most popular conspiracy theories out there (like the fact that steel melts at 1525° C, and although jet fuel burns only at 825° C, it doesn't have to burn hot enough to melt to cause the buildings to collapse, since steel loses 50% of its strength at 648 ° C)

Last edited by Sone (2006-09-11 01:21:32)

+15|6821|Apeldoorn, Holland

Sone wrote:

Are you talking about "Loose Change"?

Sick of hearing about that bullshit that some internet rejects created.

Click here and you will feel like a moron if you believed that "Loose Change" garbage.

(Read the whole thing, not just the pictures)

For anyone interested in a point-by-point debunking of some of the most popular conspiracy theories out there (like the fact that steel melts at 1525° C, and although jet fuel burns only at 825° C, it doesn't have to burn hot enough to melt to cause the buildings to collapse, since steel loses 50% of its strength at 648 ° C)
Thanks man!
I'll read it all the way down...
Now I want to know the truth!!
Banned - for ever.
+231|6883|Wilmington, DE, US
What's today?
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6774|132 and Bush

Sandriatinhi wrote:

Sone wrote:

Are you talking about "Loose Change"?

Sick of hearing about that bullshit that some internet rejects created.

Click here and you will feel like a moron if you believed that "Loose Change" garbage.

(Read the whole thing, not just the pictures)

For anyone interested in a point-by-point debunking of some of the most popular conspiracy theories out there (like the fact that steel melts at 1525° C, and although jet fuel burns only at 825° C, it doesn't have to burn hot enough to melt to cause the buildings to collapse, since steel loses 50% of its strength at 648 ° C)
Thanks man!
I'll read it all the way down...
Now I want to know the truth!! You know the truth
Xbone Stormsurgezz
the tenth was the fifth anniversary of the pre-9/11 world. think about that.
+540|6676|Shanghai, ethnicity=German

Canin wrote:

Havent forgotten 9/11 yet. Was at work when it happened, will be at work tomorrow, and in rememberence I will play a nice round or two of BF2.
I shall salute... with my L96A1.

*Company hold... Fire... Hold... Fire...
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6774|132 and Bush

Our Clans site is shut down to reflect today.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
I saw the two towers collapse so quickly and said "bullshit."

And I still say bullshit.

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