Its so rare that you find a random gunner in a public server thats worth having in a chopper with you and its not only low ranks that are bad. Communication is the key for a successful chopper crew. The funniest case i remember is a master sergeant or sumtin getting in the gunner seat with me, he was in my squad so I asked him was he any good as a gunner or did he want to fly? He said that he was pretty good as gunner but after a few minutes of me lining him up for perfect shots without him using the missile once i asked what the hell he was doing? He replied saying he was tying to kill the choppers and stuff but they wudnt die! All he used was the machine gun so i told him to use the tv rocket. He then asked how to use it so i told him and he replied in utter amazement as he was just after dicovering the tv rocket for the first time. I was amazed especially after he said he was good in the gunner seat. You get a lot of this with random gunners on public servers, machine guns blazing but not a clue when or how to use the missile. Sometime its just better to go solo if given the chance. Pretty handy and good fun switching seats in the chopper but still not as good as having a qualified gunner and pilot communicating and working as a team dominating the map!
+1,153|6777|Washington, DC

Teflon.DEP wrote:

ThomasMorgan wrote:

Teflon.DEP wrote:

hard to avoid dieing if your gunner cant hit the broad side of a barn...especially if the enemy chopper crew is really good, in which they were. Both the guys were from moo crew, big chopper clan. And this retard of a dumb fuck kept shooting the mini gun.....

I killed alot of ground targets, but it was mainly the enemy chopper crew that got us. Sure I can barrel rool and evade tv's but sooner or later, they get us...

I cant be blamed if my gunner is a retard.
Dieing as actually quite hard...dying on the other hand...

Plus, I'm not sure how effective barrel rools would be...maybe you should try barrel rolls...

Also, it seems quite obvious that they got you sooner much rather than later.  Even up against a good chopper crew, you can disengage and go after something other than the chopper.  Staying out of the 450m range would help.

But no, no, you're right in placing all the blame on your gunner.
Thomasmorgan you have shit ass chopper stats, so who are you to tell me anything about choppers....fucking nub..shut your mouth and go play karkand bitch.

Im a ace pilot when my gunner isnt a retard with down syndrome and ive flown against the best. kokopuffs, moo crew, crawdaddy gorillawar etc......all top players chopper crews ive wrecked both solo and with a gunner.
TMo is a fuckin good pilot.

EDIT: The worst of shitty gunners, though, are the ones who never respond to you. I die because he never shot a TV at the enemy chopper, I ask "do you know how to use TV missiles?" and no response. If there aren't any admins on, and depending on how many punished TK's I have, I either noob eject them or redline them.

Last edited by ExecutionerStyle (2006-09-10 13:09:51)

Okay honestly, you are saying that people who don't know how to use a weapon shouldn't use it.. well, how the fuck are they supposed to learn how to use it? Stop complaining because if you were a good pilot, you wouldn't have died all those times, even if your gunner sucked. Stop whining and bitching and go play infantry.
+718|6667|Austin, Texas

maestrium wrote:

Okay honestly, you are saying that people who don't know how to use a weapon shouldn't use it.. well, how the fuck are they supposed to learn how to use it? Stop complaining because if you were a good pilot, you wouldn't have died all those times, even if your gunner sucked. Stop whining and bitching and go play infantry.
Here. Let me spell it for you. S-I-N-G-L-E-P-L-A-Y-E-R. That spells singleplayer, in case you don't have the mental capacity to realize that.
Rank doesnt mean anything. Who cares if he is a private. I have had sooo many good gunners that are privates and corprals. If there werent any ranks what would you do??

MadKatter wrote:

maestrium wrote:

Okay honestly, you are saying that people who don't know how to use a weapon shouldn't use it.. well, how the fuck are they supposed to learn how to use it? Stop complaining because if you were a good pilot, you wouldn't have died all those times, even if your gunner sucked. Stop whining and bitching and go play infantry.
Here. Let me spell it for you. S-I-N-G-L-E-P-L-A-Y-E-R. That spells singleplayer, in case you don't have the mental capacity to realize that.
Yes, but then you won't get very good. Bots that fly generally don't use the same evasive manuvers as people in online play.

major wrote:

Rank doesnt mean anything. Who cares if he is a private. I have had sooo many good gunners that are privates and corprals. If there werent any ranks what would you do??
Yeah, it could've been a second account.

Last edited by maestrium (2006-09-10 13:13:04)

It's A State Of Mind
+399|6737|Your attic
Ok, Towelly's ranks and appropriate actions towards chopper gunners

1 (the best btw) Someone who I am on TS with and know is good - Tell them to get in and own
2 Someone who I'm on TS with who isn't so good or who is using voip and is good - Let them in
3 Anyone using voip who shows even the tiniest amount of talent- Let them in and try and teach them
4 Anyone using voip - If the round is tight; Give them three chances, if they fail to kill anything through no fault of mine, and just miss, don't let them in again, red zone them or 95 them out
                                If the round is obviously in our favor- Let them in and teach them
5 People who just can't do jack - Three chances and then your gone son

Some of that seems harsh, but if I know I can do better on my own and the game is in a near stalemate then they're gone.
Same shit, Different Arsehole

Towelly wrote:

Ok, Towelly's ranks and appropriate actions towards chopper gunners

1 (the best btw) Someone who I am on TS with and know is good - Tell them to get in and own
2 Someone who I'm on TS with who isn't so good or who is using voip and is good - Let them in
3 Anyone using voip who shows even the tiniest amount of talent- Let them in and try and teach them
4 Anyone using voip - If the round is tight; Give them three chances, if they fail to kill anything through no fault of mine, and just miss, don't let them in again, red zone them or 95 them out
                                If the round is obviously in our favor- Let them in and teach them
5 People who just can't do jack - Three chances and then your gone son

Some of that seems harsh, but if I know I can do better on my own and the game is in a near stalemate then they're gone.
Who the fuck do you think you are? fuckin arsehole.
Towelly do I know you youre name seems so familiar. I think i have played with you when I like 1st got this. I think I remeber you on Dragon Valley.

stryyker wrote:

if your K/D ratio is under 7 in any vehicle, you are failing, and should give it to someone else

Teflon.DEP wrote:

ThomasMorgan wrote:

Teflon.DEP wrote:

hard to avoid dieing if your gunner cant hit the broad side of a barn...especially if the enemy chopper crew is really good, in which they were. Both the guys were from moo crew, big chopper clan. And this retard of a dumb fuck kept shooting the mini gun.....

I killed alot of ground targets, but it was mainly the enemy chopper crew that got us. Sure I can barrel rool and evade tv's but sooner or later, they get us...

I cant be blamed if my gunner is a retard.
Dieing as actually quite hard...dying on the other hand...

Plus, I'm not sure how effective barrel rools would be...maybe you should try barrel rolls...

Also, it seems quite obvious that they got you sooner much rather than later.  Even up against a good chopper crew, you can disengage and go after something other than the chopper.  Staying out of the 450m range would help.

But no, no, you're right in placing all the blame on your gunner.
Thomasmorgan you have shit ass chopper stats, so who are you to tell me anything about choppers....fucking nub..shut your mouth and go play karkand bitch.

Im a ace pilot when my gunner isnt a retard with down syndrome and ive flown against the best. kokopuffs, moo crew, crawdaddy gorillawar etc......all top players chopper crews ive wrecked both solo and with a gunner.
This guy is so full of himself that I just had to Quote this. LOL
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6737|Your attic

LostFate wrote:

Towelly wrote:

Ok, Towelly's ranks and appropriate actions towards chopper gunners

1 (the best btw) Someone who I am on TS with and know is good - Tell them to get in and own
2 Someone who I'm on TS with who isn't so good or who is using voip and is good - Let them in
3 Anyone using voip who shows even the tiniest amount of talent- Let them in and try and teach them
4 Anyone using voip - If the round is tight; Give them three chances, if they fail to kill anything through no fault of mine, and just miss, don't let them in again, red zone them or 95 them out
                                If the round is obviously in our favor- Let them in and teach them
5 People who just can't do jack - Three chances and then your gone son

Some of that seems harsh, but if I know I can do better on my own and the game is in a near stalemate then they're gone.
Who the fuck do you think you are? fuckin arsehole.
I think I'm me, I'm no hot shit pilot, but I know what I'm doing, and if I can do a better job on my own than I can with the current gunner then I think I'm doing my team a favour.

And anyway, it's my opinion, it's how I choose to play, I payed the same amount of money for this game as everyone else, and I'll do what I want with it. You don't like that? Then come stop me.
Gorgonnash PVP
+119|6990|Sacramento, Cal

Teflon.DEP wrote:

Its as if some of you are mentally challenged. I dont mind haveing a gunner, but I dont want a gunner ranked private fucking 1st class....then finally I get tired of telling him to bail out and I give him a shot....he shoots the mini gun at choppers and tanks and when he does shoot a tv he doesnt manuever them and misses dead ass shots, that he doesnt need to manuever......then he screws up my KDR. and I finish the round fucking 14-16. And whats funny is after you die, they no longer want to gun anymore.....WTF...did you do that just to piss me off?

Look if your new to the game, learn how the weapons work...dont get into a vehicle in which you have no fucking idea how it works. Stop being so fucking stubborn and saying "I have a right to fly to"...you do, but not when you have no idea what your doing.

This isnt exactly a complaint, more so i'm just telling all the beginners to stay out of ****ing vehicles until you know what your doing.
+1 man I hate these dumb fucks.

+718|6667|Austin, Texas

maestrium wrote:

MadKatter wrote:

maestrium wrote:

Okay honestly, you are saying that people who don't know how to use a weapon shouldn't use it.. well, how the fuck are they supposed to learn how to use it? Stop complaining because if you were a good pilot, you wouldn't have died all those times, even if your gunner sucked. Stop whining and bitching and go play infantry.
Here. Let me spell it for you. S-I-N-G-L-E-P-L-A-Y-E-R. That spells singleplayer, in case you don't have the mental capacity to realize that.
Yes, but then you won't get very good. Bots that fly generally don't use the same evasive manuvers as people in online play.
I'm not looking for good; I'm looking for understanding. With singleplayer time, you can understand that shooting a tank with a machine gun does nothing. You can realize how to guide a tv missile. You can take advantage of when a RL pilot lines you up for a target, as opposed to a bot who just flies back and forth.

If I have a gunner that's knows all of the above, that's good enough for me. Skill comes with time.
Git 'Er Dun
Hey, we all had to start somewhere.  Don't get pissed of at the new guys, give em some advice...stop being a dickhead!!!!!!
+127|6804|WPB, FL. USA
It's not your personal chopper, you fly with who gets in first, it's a team effort, adapt your methods to the ability of the co-pilot, STFU and get off your mothers tit you whinny selfish fuck. 

Did you ever think that maybe you make the game miserable for the other player you f'ing 1337 Pilot! 
Go grab your little soldier if you wanna play by yourself since only you are good enough for yourself - Using your own f'ing logic the only girl that would be good enough for you is a well seasoned whore!

Somebody had to bitch-slap this crybaby
I <3 ak101
+307|6809|under there hayousaidunderwear
I hate horrible pilots/gunners...that's why I usually just play with my clan members/friends.
+98|6611|Life in a vacuum sucks

stryyker wrote:

if your K/D ratio is under 7 in any vehicle, you are failing, and should give it to someone else
Papa Smurf 314
Right in the Smurfin' parking lot?
+90|6916|New York

Papa Smurf 314 wrote:

Teflon.DEP wrote:

Thomasmorgan you have shit ass chopper stats, so who are you to tell me anything about choppers....fucking nub..shut your mouth and go play karkand bitch.

Im a ace pilot when my gunner isnt a retard with down syndrome and ive flown against the best. kokopuffs, moo crew, crawdaddy gorillawar etc......all top players chopper crews ive wrecked both solo and with a gunner.
That shit is redundant.

Fly against Bruce and Khemist, k?
Phone Spammer
+207|6737|Charlottesville, Virginia, USA

stryyker wrote:

if your K/D ratio is under 7 in any vehicle, you are failing, and should give it to someone else
Stryyker, looks like you fail.  Your chopper is only at 5:1 and your air defense and ground defense are also only at 5:1!  Transport doesn't count though.

Last edited by BabySpinach (2006-09-10 13:37:56)

+1,153|6777|Washington, DC

AAFCptKabbom wrote:

It's not your personal chopper, you fly with who gets in first, it's a team effort, adapt your methods to the ability of the co-pilot
I do, it's called

Hurricane.CAD [Teamkills - M95 .50 Sniper Rifle] noob

Like I said, I ask them if they know how to TV etc, try to teach them.. but if I get no response as per the typical smurf behavior then they're outta there. If we keep getting killed beause he is too stupid to hit "J" then talk to me and sya "i cant use tv missile" then he's just wasting our team's tickets. The chopper is an extremely valuable asset and shouldn't be wasted. If I can make them lose 6 or 8 tickets before I die and we lose 1, that's a much better deal then us losing 6 and them losing none.

Last edited by ExecutionerStyle (2006-09-10 15:03:25)

+1,175|6709|British Columbia, Canada
Who are you to speak.. you have less then 2 hours in a chopper, and just over 200 kills...

Helicopter      02:34:27      201      38      5.4211      5

If anything, i think i would be telling YOU to bail out..
Papa Smurf 314
Right in the Smurfin' parking lot?
+90|6916|New York

LT.Victim wrote:

Who are you to speak.. you have less then 2 hours in a chopper, and just over 200 kills...

Helicopter      02:34:27      201      38      5.4211      5

If anything, i think i would be telling YOU to bail out..
Who are you talking about?  Executioner has 15 hours in a chopper.
Was ist Loos?
what if the best gunner in the world decides to make a new account and he is private first class??

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