Ya know when of the most inspiring moments after 9/11 for me was when they played the Brits played out anthem at buckington.
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6845|San Francisco

??????? wrote:

Marconius wrote:

Of course I won't forget, but I will not rue it every single day.  It's time to move on, just like a bad breakup.

I also will never forget the assholes who allowed it to happen in order to further their own fucking agenda.
I guess youre convinced .. you wouldnt happen to have any facts behind this ? or is it just a gut feeling..
The PNAC report

That is all.
I'll never forget hearing from my in-laws that Thanksgiving that our planes were bombing Afgahnistan.  That was sweet.  Those fuckers haven't yet begun to pay for what they did that day.  GET SOME!
i beleive that the governmant planned it all out for an escuse to go to the middle east to fight against osama. And that the trade ceters were both wired to collapse straight down.
U.S. > Iran
thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard
Mr. Bigglesworth
I don't think anyone has forgot 9/11. What they have forgotten is our response to those attacks is not over. We will be in the Middle East until WE see fit that retribution has been payed. And seeing how elements of the attack are scattered around the globe I don't think we need to make excuses for going into Iraq or any other country that may or may not of had something to do with it. It is our prerogative.

Last edited by rawls2 (2006-09-09 13:42:49)


{B-T}<babacanosh> wrote:

i beleive that the governmant planned it all out for an escuse to go to the middle east to fight against osama. And that the trade ceters were both wired to collapse straight down.
How could they wire them to collapse. And I really doubt Bush would do that you have to be one extreme anit-Bush person to really believe that.
You with the face!

{B-T}<babacanosh> wrote:

i beleive that the governmant planned it all out for an escuse to go to the middle east to fight against osama. And that the trade ceters were both wired to collapse straight down.
Go find some facts, not an "escuse" to blame the government.
Honestly, that is almost on par with "the Holocaust was a hoax."

I remember that day vividly, and still get angry thinking about it.  It is probably one of the reasons that I decided to join the military (not the only reason though).

Last edited by RAIMIUS (2006-09-09 18:03:46)

+59|6796|The United States of America

{B-T}<babacanosh> wrote:

i beleive that the governmant planned it all out for an escuse to go to the middle east to fight against osama. And that the trade ceters were both wired to collapse straight down.
I know I'm not supposed to personally attack people on this forum, but this I can't resist.... You my friend need to hope they perfect artificial intelligence in the next few years, that way they can give you the first mental wheel chair.  While you're at it, learn how to play chess, and other logic related activities.  I know you probably can't read either, so to his mother:  Please do not censor this when you read the new posts on the forum to him. 

I'd like to extend my thanks to negolien for giving us the opportunity to reflect the events of that day.  To those of you who have chosen to make light of it, or debate the legitimacy of the attack, apply what I wrote to babacanosh.  That day, that event, changed the world.  There's no denying that.  Say what you want about the United States; discredit our policies, our culture... discredit us; but understand that we had no quarrel with the middle east before that day when they brought a fight to our doorstep in the largest single attack on American soil in over 185 years.  Realize that from the common person's point of view the world was turned on its head for us in that day.  Sure, we saw places like Kosovo and Rwanda and Somalia in our newspapers and broadcasts, but that all seemed so far away.  Before 9/11 I thought that my nation was invincible.  Before 9/11, I was safe.  Since then, I have been guarded in public places.  I know America still has it better than anywhere else on the planet, but that does not mean that the terrorists did not hurt our way of life.  Personally, they've killed a friend, wounded another, nearly killed my father, changed my outlook on life, and kept me from attending an international competition in Russsia.  Im sure others have had it worse, but the point is that the terrorists take a toll on us all, and must be stopped.  While I realize that we must under no circumstances act irrationally in our response, I also realize that we all as as a people are still bleeding from this event, and will undoubtedly make some mistakes along the way. 

On a side note to jsnipy:  I really hope you understand ALL of the political and cultural innuendo in your signature and realize just how offensive and assinine it is, especially considering that you're American...
Banned - for ever.
+231|6860|Wilmington, DE, US
Honestly, thinking that the government was behind 9/11 is no more bizarre than supporting the war in Iraq.

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