
Somthing I'll never forget as long as I live. I was Playing CS at like 5 am (LOL, yes it was kinda early to be playing CS) when the old lady told me a plane hit the WTC. I said a big plane? She said yes a passenger aircraft. I asked was it overcast? She said no it's a clear blue day. I said ohh it's a fookin terrorist attack.. Wasn't long after that I turned and looked at the tv only to see in horror the 2nd attack on the WTC complex. I said "Tell me that was an instant replay.. please tell me it wasn't another plane??"

Saddest day in my life. The 343, the thousands of innocent people, the other public servants like the port authority cops, The pentagon service personel and civilians, the heroes of flight 93, all the famalies who have lost loved ones in said attack. I think about that act of barbarism every day. I will never forget those who lost their lives on that day. Especially the 343 firefighters who gave their lives so that others may live.

Here are some words I listen to quiet often...

Have you forgotten how it felt that day
To see your homeland under fire
And her people blown away?
Have you forgotten when those towers fell?
We had neighbors still inside
Going through a living hell
And you say we shouldn't worry 'bout Bin Laden
Have you forgotten?

They took all the footage off my T.V.
Said it's too disturbing for you and me
It'll just breed anger that's what the experts say
If it was up to me I'd show it every day
Some say this country's just out looking for a fight
After 9/11 man I'd have to say that's right
+122|6623|The Suburb at Karkand
STOP ur making me cry man
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|6901|The United Center
Yes, I had.  Until you brought it back up.

You know, my mom is dead too, wanna talk about that?
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6828|Canberra, AUS
A little hard to think about something every single day when it happened 15 000 miles away.

However, WE CANNOT ALLOW SOMETHING LIKE THIS TO IMPEDE RATIONAL THOUGHT. We do that and we've been kicked back 90 years to the start of WWI.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+721|6734|the dank(super) side of Oregon
that country song sucks. in fact, all country sucks.   just a stupid redneck who cashed in on a terrible moment.
If you asked that "artist" what he thought of New York on September 10th, he would has gone off on some tangent about "faggots" and minorities and how "Jew York" liberals are ruinin' this great cunt'ry.  After the 11th, everyone is a New Yorker and anyone can write a retard song.
Banned - for ever.
+231|6863|Wilmington, DE, US
Hey remember the Madrid bombing? Oklahoma City? Atlanta? A number of abortion clinics? Bali? Turkey? Saudi Arabia? Lebanon? Israel? Iraq? India? London? Lockerbie?

I didn't think so.

NEVER FORGET just how stupid some people are.
Aspiring Objectivist

Spark wrote:

A little hard to think about something every single day when it happened 15 000 miles away.

However, WE CANNOT ALLOW SOMETHING LIKE THIS TO IMPEDE RATIONAL THOUGHT. We do that and we've been kicked back 90 years to the start of WWI.
Indeed, the problem is most people do not think or do not wish to, or want someone to do it for them.
I remeber that 9/11 it was not the saddest day in my life though. I was sick and stayed home from school and some of my aunts called my grandma who lives with us that the attacked happened she told me stuff in spanish (for she can't speak english very well) that i couldn;t understand so she said BOOM BOOM and i turned on the news which i watched for a couple hours. It was sad but not my saddest day
Not Human Anymore
+144|6798|Seattle, WA
No, and I never will for as long as I shall live, the courage and will of the first responders, firefighters, police, and medics, and the like.  Their legacy is as strong as the day is bright.  You can be a Democrat, a Republican, a crazy lefty, or a fascist righty, but one thing that will never change, no matter who you are, is the respect that these fine individuals deserve on a daily basis for serving and protecting our communities.
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|6919|Toronto Canada
how about the day of the tsunami in south east asia? waaayyy more people died. do you remember what you were doing then? i doubt it.

both of these events were tragic, no fake, but the fact is that most people dont think about them everyday, altho i am sure people who it directly affected might (family of victims, etc.)

Last edited by kessel! (2006-09-08 22:15:40)

Not Human Anymore
+144|6798|Seattle, WA

kessel! wrote:

how about the day of the tsunami in south east asia? waaayyy more people died. do you remember what you were doing then? i doubt it.
Yes if I lived there, I think the op was going for a more of a nationalistic POV.  People in other countries than the U.S. probably don't remember what they were doing when 9/11 happened.  It all depends on where you live and what happens to your country..........

Good save on the edit BTW. 

Last edited by AlbertWesker[RE] (2006-09-08 22:16:14)

Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6691|Long Island, New York
I still remember smelling the smoke the day after when I went to the bus stop (it took a day because I'm on Long Island). I'll never, ever forget it.
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6848|San Francisco
Of course I won't forget, but I will not rue it every single day.  It's time to move on, just like a bad breakup.

I also will never forget the assholes who allowed it to happen in order to further their own fucking agenda.
Man of Moebius Morals
+71|6734|Nottingham, UK
I was out on an errand for work. Got a text from the head of our department saying a plane had hit the WTC.
The another. Thought he'd fscked up and double sent.
Got back. No double text. 2 Planes.

Electronics stores with 10 or so TV's all showing the same footage of people choosing to jump rather than burn.

I dont get it...
The attack wasnt so early... it was about 7AM.
How could you see it in 5AM???
+9|6598|Corona, California
i remember that morning, i was in middle school right before 1st period, and all my friends were like, Oh have you heard about what happened in new york, 1 plane crashed into a building. then my other friend told me it was the World Trade Center...well i live in Southern Cali and i had never heard of the Twin Towers so i didnt really care at the time...but once i found out what was really going on, i felt like such an (insert word/s not allowed on forums)...but yeah, i remember that day with details

Marconius wrote:

Of course I won't forget, but I will not rue it every single day.  It's time to move on, just like a bad breakup.

I also will never forget the assholes who allowed it to happen in order to further their own fucking agenda.
I guess youre convinced .. you wouldnt happen to have any facts behind this ? or is it just a gut feeling..
+9|6598|Corona, California

kessel! wrote:

how about the day of the tsunami in south east asia? waaayyy more people died. do you remember what you were doing then? i doubt it.

both of these events were tragic, no fake, but the fact is that most people dont think about them everyday, altho i am sure people who it directly affected might (family of victims, etc.)
i remember that day, i had recently finished talking to my friend who was out there for christmas vacation, she was going to visit her family...turns out, reason she had to hang up with me was cuz she was boarding a plane home...couple hours later is when the tsunami happened
i was getting ready for primary schol and i turned on the tv and saw the report...i live in australia so it was later on.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6755|132 and Bush

BoomBox wrote:

I dont get it...
The attack wasnt so early... it was about 7AM.
How could you see it in 5AM???
Um I am guessing he is not on the East

kessel! wrote:

how about the day of the tsunami in south east asia? waaayyy more people died. do you remember what you were doing then? i doubt it.

both of these events were tragic, no fake, but the fact is that most people dont think about them everyday, altho i am sure people who it directly affected might (family of victims, etc.)
People die in car accidents every day but if your best friend died in a car accident you would never forget. It's human nature to remember events that affect a person directly. Just because you take time to remember one tragedy doesn't mean you are forgetting everything else. The fact of the matter is I remember them all. Don't be confused. The anniversary of 9/11 is in a few days, are we not supposed to pay tribute to the Hero's and Victims because a tsunami slammed into south east Asia?
This clip truly reminds me of that day and the weeks following. A reminder of what everyone was feeling. I watched the Daily Show almost every night. I remember after the attacks most comedy shows were not running new stuff. They didn't think it appropriate to do so. This clip is the first new show I saw of it's kind and you can see how hard it was to try and do while the country was still mourning. It was just very wierd to see him break down after you have had a history of watching the show to get a laugh.

Last edited by Kmarion (2006-09-09 02:17:26)

Xbone Stormsurgezz
I havent forgottn .. but I've been sick to death of Bush using it as an exscuse for everything for the longest time.

I was sitting on my ass converting binary to oct. I don't remember why.

But what I don't understand is why some people have to come on to a thread like this and bash the attack's impact on the US just because other people die in the world. No, I am not blind to all the suffering, but it's not going to stop me from enjoying life or being proud of my colors like other people.
Laid Back Yorkshireman
+183|6745|Scarborough Yorkshire England
I was at work (in a bar) flicked through the tv channels saw it on the news.
The whole pub sat and watched for ages

I'm certain there will be grander events for you not to forget in the years to come.

Last edited by jsnipy (2006-09-09 06:44:28)


I was in a small plane just east of Cleveland, Ohio, when we heard Air Traffic controllers trying to contact United 93, which was over us at that time.  They told us to go back to our destination airport, we asked why, they said they didn't have time to explain, which seemed kind fo odd.  I really didn't know what was going on until we landed.

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