Truth is a small word. But people act like it carrys so much fucking weight.
Funnily enough, one of your defensive number, spouted utter shit mingled in with other things. He's been picked up for it by several people. Not one of them was American.
Here it is. the happy happy fun fun.
|APB|-MeatDonkey wrote:
The great majority of everything created in the last century that is worth a sh*t was done so by Americans. Everything from electricity to the internet to TV to vaccines and medication.
Electricity -
Volta(Italian) Ampère(French) Ohm(German) Farraday(English) Tesla(Serbia) Edison(USA) Among Others
Internet (not to be confused with the World Wide Web invented by Berners-Lee(English))-
Primarily DARPA(USA)
Vaccine -
Got to delve on this fucker.
med‧i‧ca‧tion /ˌmɛdɪˈkeɪʃən/
1. the use or application of medicine.
2. a medicinal substance; medicament.
So, medicine. China Egypt Greece India Persia (Later England France Germany)
You've already been shown to know fuck all for an 'educated man' regarding Television, so I'll not repeat the gentlemen who slapped you there. International efforts the fucking lot of them.
To get back to my point, Truth, it's heavy. And lies are too. I don't give a shit if you or Bush, or Blair, or Clinton or fucking Santa told me any truth, if you told me it in the same sentence as lies. I will automatically doubt your honesty in this instance, And continue to do so from that point on.
So we all owe America for taking the accomplishments of other nations as their own? Is THAT what you are telling me? The Irish may not have been my 'bezzie' fuckin mates over the years, but the only thing they've tried to take from my country is their OWN FUCKING TURF. Thats a question, not me calling all Americans thieving cunts, don't jump down my throat just yet.
Next spit-coke moment.
SMSgtDoc wrote:
Well my friend you may have served in the Marine Corps, but you are no Marine
Ikarti wrote:
Question real fast. Why is it that even though IRONCHEF served as a marine that his difference in opinion negates the service he's done?
SMSgtDoc wrote:
I hope you are not referring to me. I applaud anyone one that has served their country, especially as a Marine.
SMSgtDoc wrote:
Other than that, Thank You IronChef for serving your country!
There was no applause or respect shown in your first post which I snipped. Do you often backpeddle so?
There have been other posts from different standpoints which are likely to be just as filled with falsehoods, but these are blatant and stand out most to me. You are championing your causes, why sully that with such obvious lies?
In closing.
|APB|-MeatDonkey wrote:
everything in your life that makes it easier is owed to American ingenuity, not drunken Irish panhandling. Show some respect.
Would you like to publicly apologise to the Irish? I think you on webcam on Youtube would be fucking stunning. It might stop you looking like a clueless arrogant prick.