Well despite my love of this game im simply not playing AT ALL any more after last nights BS!!
After searching for my usual Gamearena bf2 servers,that usually have about 20 servers running,there were none showing?
So i move to Internode servers "another major australian isp that hosts heaps of bf2 servers" and i get the dreaded "problem with your connection" 7 FUKEN times in a row mid-game!!!!!
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.Ive had the occasional connection problem b4 but last night just blew my lid,so im simply not playing till a fix is available...if ever??
Sorry to all who have heard this rant b4 but i just had to get it off my chest.
I think depression is setting
+1,153|6673|Washington, DC

Hopefully 1.4 will fix this. Sorry to hear about it... although I bet you'll be playing again in a few days =p
Mr piss EVERYONE off
gamearena and internode seem to b the worst in Oz, and up there with the rest of the world, i log into *=SAS=* server, get a ping of 200, NO CRASHES....long into most aussie server with a ping of 50 and i get "ur connection has been lost" CONSISTANTLY. 

imo the last week or so has seemed particulary (<--spell error) bad for node and ga.
Whats with the problem, is it the patch?

morphman001 wrote:

i get the dreaded "problem with your connection" 7 FUKEN times in a row mid-game!!!!!
When that happens, do you eventually lose your connection, or does the game resume for you? These days I always lose my connection when the server hangs... they say the servers crash.

I play on GameArena and Internode as well, and it could be just me, but I reckon SF servers crash more often. Has anyone else noticed this?
Aspiring Objectivist
yeah it can be frustrating at times, last night I was playing AF for about 4 hours, then the screen froze as we were starting up the rounds of operation harvest, I rebooted {the only way to get out of the lock up}, then restarted but this time every time I tried to join a server it gave me the message that I needed to purchase AF now & install it! I figured I'd just close it again & restart but it happened again, then I opened the EA downloader to make sure my gamespy ID name was still correct but it was having issues itself.
So after an hour of drama I finally decided to goto sleep & try again tomorrow. ugg.
Unintentionally Verbose
haha, yeah. I've been getting massive problems with GameArena and Internode and Gamespace. Patch 1.3 is screwed, the world knows it. They've got an ETA of mid July for a fix. We'll just struggle along trying to earn some points between the lag-outs until then. It seems to be compounded by the fact that my ISP (netspace) has all of a sudden gone to the dogs, and I can't get a sensible ping to servers other than Gamespace at all during peak hours. Fortunately in 3 months I will be moving to IINET and ADSL2 >
Mr piss EVERYONE off
only hapopened since 1.3....saw something about ea sending server currupted files or something, naturally there was a fix, but wether this was ever implementd correcty we will never know nor weather this even has anything to do with it..?

annoying tho...220 ping...i have to guess which direction the enemy is going to run and shot in that direction 3 seconds b4 he gets there to hit the bugger.
Well to make it even worse "this is what made me pop" the last game was fine,i had 37 kills as a medic and i thought "HOLY CRAP" not only ami gonna complete a full game "AMAZING"!!!...but ill finally get that bloody expert medic badge....but u know what happened....&*%#^*%$^$^$!!!!!!!
Pulls out gun, Watch him run
Yeah Dice has fucked this up this time thank god they are going to make 1.4 a public beta before releasing it. Im fed up with the =G2H= server crashing we have lost half of our month because Dice didnt let us beta test 1.3
After the 1.4 patch I now ONLY  get "Your connection to the server has been lost" but only after it was fully loaded, sometimes I get the Join button but most times I do not? My on-line gaming is total gone.

Any ideas?

Very Frustrated
Personal philosophy: Clothing optional.
+1,022|6666|Camp XRay

have you ever thought that it might be your isp. it's really easy to blame ea/dice for everything. my dog took a shit on the floor tonight, and i blame ea/dice for that because i was playing bf2 when it happened. maybe try resetting router/modem or call your isp and explain what is happening.
Death StatPadder
+228|6812|Human Meat Shield
Nope 1.4 didn't fix the server crashes, albiet doesn't crash as much.
+167|6662|Manitowoc, WI

imdead wrote:

Nope 1.4 didn't fix the server crashes, albiet doesn't crash as much.
Well, technically they are allowed to do that.  If memory serves, the patch said it would help connection stability.  Not 100% server crashes.  Loophole FTW.

Does anyone get a CTD after hitting join now after 1.4?  I ask this because the fix list did state that this would go away.
+34|6497|Dallas, Texas
Its The Duel Processors, It Gliches For Me To. Anyone Know How To Fix?
Personal philosophy: Clothing optional.
+1,022|6666|Camp XRay

Darkmaster wrote:

Its The Duel Processors, It Gliches For Me To. Anyone Know How To Fix?
turn off one of the cores, should be in my computer properties somewhere i believe
+34|6497|Dallas, Texas
No, i dont want to do that, cos i might fuck it up like my last computer and it go BOOM!
A stabbing fatality
There wont be another patch after this.

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