+65|6839|las vegas
I use cox communications here in vegas. For 3 years we have been at 5mb/768k up. which was pretty decent. got an email today stating they are set to upgrade in 3 weeks, too 10mb downstream/1mb upstream

not bad!! i said.

what are all you running on? especially stateside?

i know some european companies are pushin 27mb in germany i beilive.
well i use Shaw cable in Canada, and they just upped it from 7Mbps to 10Mbps down as well. Sweet mother i like.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6747|132 and Bush

beerface702 wrote:

I use cox communications here in vegas. For 3 years we have been at 5mb/768k up. which was pretty decent. got an email today stating they are set to upgrade in 3 weeks, too 10mb downstream/1mb upstream

not bad!! i said.

what are all you running on? especially stateside?

i know some european companies are pushin 27mb in germany i beilive.
10 is about to become the new standard. The laws are changing to allow other companies (Such as verizon) to come in and compete with fiber. I have 15 which is an upgrade on my cable conn. My parents have 30 down for just a little bit more on Verizon.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+2|6589|england ruler of the seas
i use ntl in the uk my speed is 4mbps and 550k i dont mind it nice and cheap too.
+2,187|6714|Mountains of NC

I'm runnin 3 with Charter Cable - does it make a difference BF2 wise if you bump up to 10 (charter now offers it)
mavrick 3399
+102|6688|Doncaster UK
i have signed up for 2 yes thats a shitty 2mb here in the uk, but the telephone exchange is so shit near me i can only get 1mb i iwish i lived else where!!!!
I've got Comcast here in FL.  It's a bit squirrelly though. A few Internet connection problems.  But for the most part is OK. I've got the "gamer package"  8megs but at best I've only seen 6.4...

If I could afford 80 bucks a month, I'd go with cox.

Last edited by DBBrinson1 (2006-09-08 06:31:58)

I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
+5|6594|Kansas City, KS, USA
yeah price is an issue for me too.  i pay 15 a month for sbc dsl 4meg down 512 up.  can't afford the 10meg cable for 50 a month...
+2|6589|england ruler of the seas
im thinking of going to buldog uk 16mbps and 1mbps for £24.50 wich is very cheap.
At Home: Comcast with a solid 6MB down & 1 - 2 MB up...
At work:  Verizon with dual 1 Gig connections.   (I manage the network!)

Download Speed: 62572 kbps (7821.5 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 7988 kbps (998.5 KB/sec transfer rate)

Can't really tell the difference in game play though...

Last edited by savage022269 (2006-09-08 06:39:30)

+24|6835|Computer Chair
Download is 20 MB, dont know the upload.
I am British!
+124|6829|England and damn proud
To answer the questionas best i can: Whats your broadband?

So fucking shit, i cant get online all the time cause they go down for "maintenance", i download at like fucking 30kb and its just pure bollocks.
I'm English, not British!
+113|6917|Rotherham, England

beerface702 wrote:

i know some european companies are pushin 27mb in germany i beilive. This will be in my area soon - I cant wait
+5|6594|Kansas City, KS, USA

savage022269 wrote:

At Home: Comcast with a solid 6MB down & 1 - 2 MB up...
At work:  Verizon with dual 1 Gig connections.   (I manage the network!)

Can't really tell the difference in game play though...
good place to host a server.... 
Like I fucking care
My 56k v.90 FTW

TinMaN wrote:

savage022269 wrote:

At Home: Comcast with a solid 6MB down & 1 - 2 MB up...
At work:  Verizon with dual 1 Gig connections.   (I manage the network!)

Can't really tell the difference in game play though...
good place to host a server.... 
Yeah, 2 bad the FCC wouldn't like that...  and I'm allergic to jail.
+149|6694|USA bitches!
I have the Verizon FIOS. I signed up for 10mb, but I think I got 5mb as the pricing is low and my speed tests cap there, downloads cap at 630k. It's plenty for me right now. I'm moving in 2 months and all the have where I'm going is SBC DSL that they say gets 3 to 6 mbs. Sad times for me coming up, as BF2 might have to go if my pings go to hell.
+65|6839|las vegas
didnt know verizon was doing 30. its probably a buisness line your parents got

i can buy a buisness line, with proof of said buisness at home. lame i know

its 149 bucks i beilive for 33M/bits and 7M/bits upstream

small buisness of course..i dont think they offer any higher. any lage buissness will be using a Sonet optical carrier for sure anyway

/wishes he had a OC 1057

Last edited by beerface702 (2006-09-08 19:45:28)

+65|6839|las vegas

cragzh1 wrote:

i use ntl in the uk my speed is 4mbps and 550k i dont mind it nice and cheap too.
damn that is cheap. what is thiat 30 us dollor?

im paying i think 49.99, thats because we have basic cable. otherwise its 60

seeing how s.korea and china are booming and EU with ever higher connections. hopefully the US will start to take the lead again in the next few years..after all this mess in the middle east pans out

and corporate bigwigs like bellsouth get there assholes out of the shitter.

and screw the RIAA also. they are pushing to keep speeds low, in fears of piracy. well piracy is at a all time high suckas!

what the US needs is a more indepentend competive factor. i.e smaller companies popping up everywhere to lower prices and increase line deployment. and educations on the facts of the web today. that daddys 56 k just cant cut anymore

Last edited by beerface702 (2006-09-08 19:51:41)

Flicker of beans since 1986
+87|6696|Reading, Basingrad
Anyone seen the latest from NTL?

"CableLabs, the research arm of the cable industry, officially issued Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications (DOCSIS) 3.0 earlier this month, which claims downstream data rates of 160 Mbps or higher and upstream data rates of 120 Mbps or higher over coaxial."

Wonder how much?
I'm on Cox in RI and using a 15/2 line.
+44|6822|West Point, NY

Nuff said...

Last edited by T4rd (2006-09-10 12:14:14)

Confused Pothead
+1,101|6728|SE London

cragzh1 wrote:

im thinking of going to buldog uk 16mbps and 1mbps for £24.50 wich is very cheap.
Don't do it!!!!!

They're awful - ever since Cable and Wireless bought them out they've become rubbish. Really rubbish.

I used to have Bulldog.

Now I have Be - 24Mbps ADSL 2+ (advertised speed, I get around 20Mbps downstream and 1.3Mbps upstream)

£20ish/month for unlimited access.

Last edited by Bertster7 (2006-09-10 15:30:57)

Will fly for food.
+120|6655|Daytona Beach, FL
Tesco Broadband.. expensive, slow, and unreliable... but its the same story with all UK DSL providers.

Also the fact that wired ethernet modems don't exist on this island makes it even worse. I destroyed the "free" modem I got from Tesco.. just because it was being a bitch to me. I had to buy another USB DSL modem.. and got charged waaay too fuckin much. But everything's overpriced in the UK.

Last edited by USAFDude_1988 (2006-09-10 15:41:09)

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