cunning n' quick
+35|6484|United States
The title explains it all.
Earlier today I joined a Kubra 24/7 server. Good jet map. Round starts and I go to grab the MIG, but some other guy gets it. hes like a 3 star general so im thinking ok i'm not gonna get it again, but I wait a bit longer and right after I had this thought it spawns back. Turns out the dumbass took it over the USMC main and jumped out....

I get in the MIG and boom f18 spawn camps me, ok thats fine, since the server does allow this. Just because it allows it does it mean you have to do it?

Now let me explain something to the idiots that do this 24/7 all round long. While it may be fun for the player doing the rapeing, it isnt fun for the guy on the recieving end. Then when somebody does it to them they bitch and moan about how its stat padding, yet its ok for them to do it? I dont think so.

Last round I had the F-18 and i went 23-0 rapeing the MIG in the AIR and geting some nice bombing kills.....everytime I killed a jet I let them get back up. And then we'd dog fight and who ever had better moves won. which was me.

My point is spawn camping the hangar 24/7 gets you no respect as a pilot or a player period. And the fact that they ignore our tanks and APC's attacking there team and just rape the hangar is ridiculously stupid. If you want to be a good pilot then let the enemy jet get up and dog fight with you. If your good you'll live if your bad you die....It simply means you need to work on your flying manuevers. For instance, when a enemy jet has a lock on you simply flip upside down and head for the sky...the missles seem to not hit you when you do this. Its weird but it works.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6724|Tampa Bay Florida
Yeah, you're right.  I do it once in a blue moon, on Wake Island if the J-10 is taking off.  But yeah you got it right on the dot
To be honest i dont give a shit if people camp me. As i would do it with no hesitation to them.

Keeping the enemy pinned down is a legit war tactic.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
Actually, I find it waaaaay easier to missile down someone when he does barrel rolls and all that kind of "cool looking" crap...sure at least he dies after giving his little air show but if you're to give advices to people, don't tell them to do all that kind of crap. Everyone knows sharp turns do the trick...YES do go either up or down while turning for maximum effect but thats it.

Last edited by Vartan (2006-09-07 10:38:11)

Respect as a player  ? It's a game, I know some people would take the high road, but it's a game, everyone bought it for the same price and everyone can play how they want.
+783|6878|Reykjavík, Iceland.
I never use missiles to dogfight, canons are much more fun, and effective if the enemy pilot doesn't check his six regularly.

The only time I use the AA radar is to locate choppers on my screen, then I switch back to bombing mode and strafe them, most of them won't even do evasive manouvers since there's no lock
cunning n' quick
+35|6484|United States

King_County_Downy wrote:

Keeping the enemy pinned down is a legit war tactic.
I understand that, but is a video game and in my opinion we all have a job to do and thats to maintain a fun gameing enviroment for all. If you kill him in the air then he cant say anything because its a legit kill.
cunning n' quick
+35|6484|United States

Vartan wrote:

Actually, I find it waaaaay easier to missile down someone when he does barrel rolls and all that kind of "cool looking" crap...sure at least he dies after giving his little air show but if you're to give advices to people, don't tell them to do all that kind of crap. Everyone knows sharp turns do the trick...YES do go either up or down while turning for maximum effect but thats it.
not a barrel roll. You simple flip upside down and and push forward on your joystick. Missles in BF2 seem to have a hard time hitting a jet doing this.
+23|6760|Not Scotland Anymore!

Fearmesnipers wrote:

To be honest i dont give a shit if people camp me. As i would do it with no hesitation to them.

Teflon.DEP wrote:

King_County_Downy wrote:

Keeping the enemy pinned down is a legit war tactic.
I understand that, but is a video game and in my opinion we all have a job to do and thats to maintain a fun gameing enviroment for all. If you kill him in the air then he cant say anything because its a legit kill.
Its more fun shooting down innocent bystanders anyways. And if you keep dying when just taking off. Get a hint and do it on foot.
+783|6878|Reykjavík, Iceland.
Inverted Immelmanns are always fun to do.
Vela Incident
+1,652|6602|NYC / Hamburg

Teflon.DEP wrote:

King_County_Downy wrote:

Keeping the enemy pinned down is a legit war tactic.
I understand that, but is a video game and in my opinion we all have a job to do and thats to maintain a fun gameing enviroment for all. If you kill him in the air then he cant say anything because its a legit kill.
if the server allows you to "rape" the airfield, then i have no problem with it (no matter what end i am). if i get killed by the same guy at the same point for a couple of times i just spawn somewhere else. if you let me kill you  20 times in the same spot, you are just stupid and didnt deserve any better
once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot  xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.
cunning n' quick
+35|6484|United States

max wrote:

Teflon.DEP wrote:

King_County_Downy wrote:

Keeping the enemy pinned down is a legit war tactic.
I understand that, but is a video game and in my opinion we all have a job to do and thats to maintain a fun gameing enviroment for all. If you kill him in the air then he cant say anything because its a legit kill.
if the server allows you to "rape" the airfield, then i have no problem with it (no matter what end i am). if i get killed by the same guy at the same point for a couple of times i just spawn somewhere else. if you let me kill you  20 times in the same spot, you are just stupid and didnt deserve any better
I actually did spawn somewhere else after my 4th death and I watched as he went back to his field reloaded and went right back...he did this about 40 times dureing the round.

Like I said you, I, everyone, has a job to do and thats to keep the game fun....you shouldnt always be thinking about your precious stats and how you can get that all so precious GOLD MEDAL.

Because at the end of the day its nothing but stats in a video game.

I am the type of player that concentrates on makeing the game fun instead of worrying about my KDR and what other players think about me.
It really depends on whether or not I spawn rape the planes.

On say Wake with the F-35, I'll do whatever is within my power to keep those J-10s from taking off. I think I'm justified in doing this as the F-35 is crap compared to the J-10.

On Kubra, I will only spawn rape if I think it's going to make the difference between winning and losing. There are some games where you're losing by only so much, and not letting the enemy planes get in the air would really help your team win.

I find it much more fun though to let the enemy spawn and take flight though on Kubra, because the planes are more balanced there.
cunning n' quick
+35|6484|United States
If your a good pilot then let them get off the ground, because if your as good as most of you seem to act then you wont have a problem winning the dog fight.

I'm not saying those who base rape arent good pilots because im sure of them are. But its better to prove your skills in the air then to rape a defenseless jet 24/7.

if you kill me in the air then hey good for you, you beat me.

Last edited by Teflon.DEP (2006-09-07 11:03:54)

Banned - for ever.
+231|6744|Wilmington, DE, US
Spawn rape rules should not apply on Kubra if the US has a green light to do it, especially since the US Airfield is nowhere near any flag, let alone a cappable one.
Vela Incident
+1,652|6602|NYC / Hamburg

Teflon.DEP wrote:

If your a good pilot then let them get off the ground, because if your as good as most of you seem to act then you wont have a problem winning the dog fight.

I'm not saying those who base rape arent good pilots because im sure of them are. But its better to prove your skills in the air then to rape a defenseless jet 24/7.

if you kill me in the air then hey good for you, you beat me.
but then again if you rape you can keep both planes grounded, instead of fighting 1 and leting the other escape to rape your airfield

also i find it very kind that you are concerned for the other players fun, but most people will not care (including me) for others and only look towards their own fun. and some find raping and the corresponding stats increase fun and i respect that. each to his own
once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot  xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.
Jeepers Creepers
+136|6766|Peoria, Illinois

Ikarti wrote:

Spawn rape rules should not apply on Kubra if the US has a green light to do it, especially since the US Airfield is nowhere near any flag, let alone a cappable one.
Kind of hard to cap a flag with a jet so I don't see what "cappable flag" has to do with it.
Same shit, Different Arsehole
I got straight for the dogfights unless i'm against a j10 where i go up high, find his ass come speedin down all guns blazin!
Pheasant Plucker
+440|6719|West Yorkshire, U.K
I PWN in kubra  USMC in the cobra ill challenge u all
Be efficient, be deadly, be ruthless. That is the creed of a poilot.  WWI is long gone, and waving at you adversary after a nice fluffy engagement has no place.  Keep them on the ground or put them there, is my motto.
+783|6878|Reykjavík, Iceland.

Kurazoo wrote:

I PWN in kubra  USMC in the cobra ill challenge u all
Even me hiding in my secret spot in my precious Tunguska-M1?

Last edited by PBAsydney (2006-09-07 11:17:47)

I dont think BF2S.com tracks honor points, so rape a way!

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