There doesn't seem to be a thread on this yet, so...
Has anyone else got the impression that they get artied a heck of a lot more since 1.4 came out? I smelled a rat when I got nailed three times running as I taxied a jet out of the hangar. I went commander, and timed the artillery cool-down at exactly one minute, which has got to be shorter than it used to be.
I know vehicle spawn-delays and such are a server-side option, but what about arty cool-down? Now all the servers I play on seem to have it set at 60 seconds.
So can someone tell me WHO the FREAK asked the patch coders for MORE ARTY??? I swear it wasn't me.
"i r teh 1337 commandr pls i need more RT 2 pwnz0rs teh n00bs kthx" *WHACK SLAP BLUDGEON with blunt object*
Has anyone else got the impression that they get artied a heck of a lot more since 1.4 came out? I smelled a rat when I got nailed three times running as I taxied a jet out of the hangar. I went commander, and timed the artillery cool-down at exactly one minute, which has got to be shorter than it used to be.
I know vehicle spawn-delays and such are a server-side option, but what about arty cool-down? Now all the servers I play on seem to have it set at 60 seconds.
So can someone tell me WHO the FREAK asked the patch coders for MORE ARTY??? I swear it wasn't me.
"i r teh 1337 commandr pls i need more RT 2 pwnz0rs teh n00bs kthx" *WHACK SLAP BLUDGEON with blunt object*