
RDMC wrote:

ayb wrote:

you know what i hate? things that are bad. also today i learned that air is comprised primarily of nitrogen and oxygen.
and it consist for 1% out of noble gasses such a argon!
And noble gases are named as such because of their relative unreactiveness and general inability to mix with other elements.

bs6749 wrote:

Kelesh wrote:

This has been coming up a lot.  The reason basketball players jump is to get better arc on their shots.  The reason nobody else jumps when they throw stuff is that it kills their power.  If you want to throw something far, don't jump in real life.  That's why the outfield of baseball never jumps.  However, the game mechanics don't account for leverage loss when you jump, making jumping a fine thing to do.  However, don't tell me basketball players jump so they can throw it farther.
In baseball they do what is called a one-step hop throw to make it go further. The reasoning behind this is that more momentum is behind the throw, which in turn makes the baseball travel further. Basketball players don't jump to throw the ball further, they do it to avoid the outstretched arms of the defenders that are trying to block their shot.
Same reason baseball pitchers (like I) wind up.  More power than just standing still and throwing the ball.
+0|7049|Almere, Holland

[1stSSF]=Nuka= wrote:

RDMC wrote:

ayb wrote:

you know what i hate? things that are bad. also today i learned that air is comprised primarily of nitrogen and oxygen.
and it consist for 1% out of noble gasses such a argon!
So, what you're really saying is that our atmosphere is 99% ignoble?!

Where is Al Gore when we need him!
sorry i dont know what ignoble is.. i am Dutch but i can tell u that our atmosphere consist for 21% out of nitrogen! 78% out of oxygen and 1% out of noble gasses! and if u add this up it is 100% right?

RDMC wrote:

[1stSSF]=Nuka= wrote:

RDMC wrote:

and it consist for 1% out of noble gasses such a argon!
So, what you're really saying is that our atmosphere is 99% ignoble?!

Where is Al Gore when we need him!
sorry i dont know what ignoble is.. i am Dutch but i can tell u that our atmosphere consist for 21% out of nitrogen! 78% out of oxygen and 1% out of noble gasses! and if u add this up it is 100% right?
Unless the atmosphere is different where you live he was in fact right. The atmosphere is composed of ~19-21% Oxygen and ~79% Nitrogen. It seems backwards from what you might think but it is the truth.

You must remember also that experimental error occurs in any given experiment, which means that the percentages may be off, and that they man not necessarily add up to exactly 100%.

Last edited by bs6749 (2005-12-04 12:24:26)


DrDestruction wrote:

bs6749 wrote:

Kelesh wrote:

This has been coming up a lot.  The reason basketball players jump is to get better arc on their shots.  The reason nobody else jumps when they throw stuff is that it kills their power.  If you want to throw something far, don't jump in real life.  That's why the outfield of baseball never jumps.  However, the game mechanics don't account for leverage loss when you jump, making jumping a fine thing to do.  However, don't tell me basketball players jump so they can throw it farther.
In baseball they do what is called a one-step hop throw to make it go further. The reasoning behind this is that more momentum is behind the throw, which in turn makes the baseball travel further. Basketball players don't jump to throw the ball further, they do it to avoid the outstretched arms of the defenders that are trying to block their shot.
Same reason baseball pitchers (like I) wind up.  More power than just standing still and throwing the ball.
alright alright so i made am idiotic example, don't know anything about sport, blah blah - but my point still stands: c4 jump throwing is not an exploit in any sense, but a tactic.
+383|7033|The Netherlands
In reply to post #1

I can understand your frustration but u guys made a complain section, so u can expect ppl who r frustrated in any way, like u mentioned to complain and air their feelings. It s a simple mechanisme in the brain, that when its possible of getting rid of frustations that some1 has, most ppl will talk about it to get rid of it and basicly feel beter. In here ppl post their frustation in this section of the forum and thats to find support of other ppl that agree and feel the same.

My point is, u can make a list of frustrations posted here before but thats not gonna help the ppl that r frustated at this moment. Ppl let of stream here in the complain section by posting, they are doing it now and will be doing that in the future if u ask me.

Last edited by General-Echo (2005-12-06 07:42:54)

I significantly doubt that these forums are here for stress relief. if you need to rant, rant on a friend. alternately, have the admin make a rant section. then nobody could read them.

The complaint area is really for two purposes; to complain about something in the game, so that we might all see how to improve the game. also, its a way of reporting piss-poor servers/players.

or thats my take on it. any opinions, admin?
Sniping with the pistol...
I have more to add!

Here's a list, enjoy!:

Bunnyhopping: who gives a fuck, if you can't shoot them then learn to aim straight and take your time with shots, which he's spraying out his PKM you can take 2 or 3 slow easy shots to the head and still kill him.

Hackers: See a hacker, get on another server, why does everything have to change to suit you? I mean for fuck sake instead of spamming up this forums with the same crappy speach about hackers send an e-mail to EA expressing your experiance.

Wh0res: Helicopters, tanks, buggies if someone is using the same ride over and over, deal with it maybe you should get off your fat ass and learn some patience and camp for it yourself, camp for it, don't fucking bitch to him about it.

Point Boosters: Do a scan, see a guy on your team in the corner? Zoom in and see if he's point boosting and give him an ass full of artillery. If you get a TK loss point tell him to fuck off and play the game properly, if they want to cheat then tk them and report them so they don't touch and Internode server again.

Wrongful TKers: SOmone trips your claymore and you lose _4, start bitching about it and you might as well lsoe your balls while your at it. Yes EA suck the poverial cock for this littler number  but if you want to get him back just switch teams and hunt him down like a dog, kill him 4 or 5 times and he'll never worry about it again.

Which team is which glitch: Instead of bitching here about this glitch send a death threat to EA about it here's an example:
"Dear EA

Last night my brother was playing wake Island, after wasting 250 hours on your game he needed 2 more points to get to sgt. Major, anyway he saw a guy near his base with red above his head, my brother shot him and instead of getting 2 points he lost 4 because of your shitty coding crap.
Anyway he'd played 72 hours straight to get it, after he lost the 4 points he slit his wrists and wrote on his computer 'EA suck cock' then he died, now it's my goal to get you guys back, I'll be at your eventual funerals.

Yours truely:
Some person with social problems.

PS. Please find enclosed 40 grams of anthrax. "
Simple yet gets the point across!

Patches: You wait for 4 months for the scrappings of EAs dirtiest toilet (aka. the BF2 patches) you really need help, now insteed of asking 45 million times when it's coming out and about the features maybe using a fuckign search button or doing two minutes of looking will help you. Not everyone is willing to answer your question for the 40th time, and in most cases they'll link you to every single thread about it, give you some sort of death threat and lock the thread.

General winging: Unless you've got some interesting content, some information, examples, reasons, humor, a good rant that's orginal and something interesting to add to this forum then really, most people would rather see your tombstone in a graveyard than your shitty thread.
Geez, lotta morons here. Basketball players jump when shooting so they can shoot over defenders. Hello? Any basketball player can shoot a ball all the way down the court without jumping. It's not related to distance.
+69|7022|th3 unkn0wn

Whitegreek wrote:

Which team is which glitch: Instead of bitching here about this glitch send a death threat to EA about it here's an example:
"Dear EA

Last night my brother was playing wake Island, after wasting 250 hours on your game he needed 2 more points to get to sgt. Major, anyway he saw a guy near his base with red above his head, my brother shot him and instead of getting 2 points he lost 4 because of your shitty coding crap.
Anyway he'd played 72 hours straight to get it, after he lost the 4 points he slit his wrists and wrote on his computer 'EA suck cock' then he died, now it's my goal to get you guys back, I'll be at your eventual funerals.

Yours truely:
Some person with social problems.

PS. Please find enclosed 40 grams of anthrax. "
Simple yet gets the point across!

DR-BLAZ wrote:

Geez, lotta morons here. Basketball players jump when shooting so they can shoot over defenders. Hello? Any basketball player can shoot a ball all the way down the court without jumping. It's not related to distance.
geez, why bother making a completely useless and already much-covered point a month too late? well done.
+1,230|7156|Alberta, Canada

I agree with your special forces idea. My favorite server, probably of all the servers ive ever been on, now turned to a flippin SF server, so i cnt play on it

Whitegreek wrote:

General winging: Unless you've got some interesting content, some information, examples, reasons, humor, a good rant that's orginal and something interesting to add to this forum then really, most people would rather see your tombstone in a graveyard than your shitty thread.
...and yet, they will still post in the 'shitty threads', keeping them active, ranting on about whatever the topic is themselves, certainly appearing as those they care about the shitty thread.

face it: everyone here who complains about complainers fucking loves shitty threads, because it gives them something to do, somewhere to post and feel superior. Don't get me wrong Whitegreek, this isn't me paying you out, I'm just just makinga  general observation. I have two points to offer for contemplation:

1) If complainers piss you off, why the hell would you ever enter the COMPLAINTS thread?

2) If some of you see a 'shitty thread' that makes you want to 'see a person's tombstone', why post in it, contribute to it, keep it active? Why not *GASP!* IGNORE IT?'s because you love it.
I started the thread on spawn camping before I saw and or read this one ....although just the same  I wanted other poeples for this thread...........welll said!!!!
+8|7067|Battlefield in australia

oberst_enzian wrote:

Pick something up, go outside, and throw it. See how far it goes. Now try this again, but jump when you do it. See how far it goes. Or better yet, think of basketball players, and how jumping makes them shoot farther/better.
wtf...i can throw a lot further with two feet on the ground

i have never seen anyone jump in the air a foot or so and throw something and it gows further or faster....what are you on??? (baseketballers toss not throw)

Last edited by MikeBlades (2006-01-08 07:27:28)

READ THE OTHER POSTS FFS. I was wrong, because i obviously don't play the game, and i admitted, after about 50 people already said what you just did. Don't post if you're not willing to read the thread ffs.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Whitegreek wrote:

A lot of stuff
I love you man.
Sniping with the pistol...

DR-BLAZ wrote:

Geez, lotta morons here. Basketball players jump when shooting so they can shoot over defenders. Hello? Any basketball player can shoot a ball all the way down the court without jumping. It's not related to distance.
This is BF2 not basketball...tool

RDMC wrote:

although I do think all ur answer and such are right.. I do think that people need to stop with wining about the game.. lets take real war.. are u going to wine to ur enemy when he just killed a fellow soldier by throwing c4? no u kill the bastard.. so why would u complain in a game.. get over it.. and kill the guy.. and do you know what works for me best against bunny hoppers.. the chinese- or american standard pump action shotgun.. aim good for one time.. usually u can take all u time because the hopper are more busy with hoppin that with aiming.. so aim correctly and blast the sucker right out of the air.. works with me everytime:D Because such a gun fires 7 pelets which everyone of them do 25% damage so even if u dont kill him immediatly.. you will probably kill him the second time.

Good luck:D
lol, pffftt, siff need a shotty to do the job, I don't care how high the game lets em jump, a grenade under the feet will teach 'em to jump even higher . Or just I just slice them up from crotch to head with a clip from my FN-SCAR, that also does the trick . N besides, these fools who continuously do this will be stuffed with the next patch, as they'll no longer be able to jump and shoot, they'll have to choose between standing n fighting, or turning tail n bailing like they're some sought of rabbit. Thats wot I like about the new patch, all those fancy lil game exploits are being shut off, I think I'll enjoy watching those ppl start to sit at the bottom of the scoreboards

As to the comments about SF weapons in vanilla BF2 wrecking the game, as if, make use of this sites weapon stats ppl n have a look. The weapons are generally fairly balanced, I've seen plenty of good players who acctually prefer the orginal weapons like the medic's one or the SO's. The M4 acctually seems better for close range and spraying, which is how some players like to play, myself I like to try n pick guys off as soon as I see them, hence the FN-SCAR, with aimpoint scope and good accuracy. New weapons in vanilla BF2 does not change the style of gameplay. lol, n if ur complaining about those weapons, how u gonna be wen EA brings out it's lil 'booster packs' it's planning in place of another expansion, which'll be adding even more new weapons to vanilla BF2. It's not wrecking the game boys n girls, simply adding diversity.
Sniping with the pistol...

oberst_enzian wrote:

Whitegreek wrote:

General winging: Unless you've got some interesting content, some information, examples, reasons, humor, a good rant that's orginal and something interesting to add to this forum then really, most people would rather see your tombstone in a graveyard than your shitty thread.
...and yet, they will still post in the 'shitty threads', keeping them active, ranting on about whatever the topic is themselves, certainly appearing as those they care about the shitty thread.

face it: everyone here who complains about complainers fucking loves shitty threads, because it gives them something to do, somewhere to post and feel superior. Don't get me wrong Whitegreek, this isn't me paying you out, I'm just just making a general observation. I have two points to offer for contemplation:

1) If complainers piss you off, why the hell would you ever enter the COMPLAINTS thread?

2) If some of you see a 'shitty thread' that makes you want to 'see a person's tombstone', why post in it, contribute to it, keep it active? Why not *GASP!* IGNORE IT?'s because you love it.
Yes I'm a sadistic little child who likes to take candy form spoilt babies and laugh, then I go and kick hobos and laughs. I'm just that sad then I have to come home after a long day of candy stealing and hobo beating that I go on here just to hurt people's feelings, then I sleep with some poor bastard's wife because she's hot and to ruin someone's marrage. Yep sounds like me!
But hey don't worry about it, just ignore me if the humiliation gets too much. Simply most of the time I go on here for kicks.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS

bs6749 wrote:

RDMC wrote:

[1stSSF]=Nuka= wrote:

So, what you're really saying is that our atmosphere is 99% ignoble?!

Where is Al Gore when we need him!
sorry i dont know what ignoble is.. i am Dutch but i can tell u that our atmosphere consist for 21% out of nitrogen! 78% out of oxygen and 1% out of noble gasses! and if u add this up it is 100% right?
Unless the atmosphere is different where you live he was in fact right. The atmosphere is composed of ~19-21% Oxygen and ~79% Nitrogen. It seems backwards from what you might think but it is the truth.

You must remember also that experimental error occurs in any given experiment, which means that the percentages may be off, and that they man not necessarily add up to exactly 100%.
Ok, this is just strange...
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
bs749 is correct and that is what you do to throw a grenade.

***Stat-Padder***: but may just use the Medic/Support Class expoits. Easily identifiable because his raise score in medic is ludicrously high, with piss poor Kbig_smile ratio.  Hmm ok I need more info on this one.

I love the medic class. sometimes I like to heal and revive and only shoot to defend myself when being attacked. This affects my K/d  because I am looking for people to heal and not to shoot.  This is padding? there is a medal that you need to have 1000 heals 1000 support and 1000 repairs to get. By the way this medal is not called the stats padder medal.... I dont agree.   Though a kd ratio can give away a stats padder it is more likly that you are going to wrongfully accuse some one like me of being a padder when I worked hard for every point. Now I havent heard much talk about it but I have never been hit with a shock paddle more than 30 times in all the time I have played this game. but have hundreds of shock paddle deaths. Have you ever wondered why that enemy medic is trying to revive you? I think that there is and exploit in the shock paddles but .. hey I could be wrong...  need to do more research

As for the guys that sit off in a corner and do there med kit supply bag bit. well they are the only ones that think they are cool.

Oh yeah they give another medal too called tank whore!! it requires 250 hours in a tank and 10,000 kills. those of you who hate noob tubes bunny hoopers dolphin divers snipers and spec ops might wanna try for this one. They die all the same way when your in a Tank or APC. Think people!! I encountered all of this as well and there is a way to defeat all of it.. on foot or in armor you just need practice.


Hate helicopters?  Heres a tip for Shari

Lots of people like to bitch about Shari helicopters. Especially the MEC  MI

Next time they are hovering over your flag killing everyone. go to the TOW battery ain up and when you have a shot on the body take it. If you dont kill it outright .. Like say brand new he will have 3 bars left and will be on fire. if he doesnt repair fast hes dead. How I learned this is by being owned by that heli... my whole team was being owned by that heli. but to own with the heli at some of the command post in Shari you have to hover in certain places so your gunner can see the targets. Guess what ...EA put TOWS there!!!

The solution EA came up with in the last patch and the new patch for heli is to cripple them. They were shaking there heads in frustration  the whole time Im sure of it. I have been playing FPS since 95 and I have nevr seen a game so well balanced.  But I am sure the community will ruin it. I have seen that happen too.

Skullfist wrote:

....... I have been playing FPS since 95 and I have nevr seen a game so well balanced.  But I am sure the community will ruin it. I have seen that happen too.
could not agree with u more!!!

ppl who complain about game being unbalanced, etc. just need to play this game insted of complaining. Everything (every weapon) has its strong and weak points. For planes and choppers there are AA vehicles and stingers all over the place. U can shoot down a heli in 10 seconds by shotting from HMMV or vodhik or any other machine gun. Hell I even shot down choppers with my PKM, it takes a few seconds longer but it is possible.

As for tanks, there are TOW missiles all over the place.

Really hate it when the enemy starts complaining about being shopper whore while they r standing next to a perfectly good AA vehicle. It is insanely easy to shoot down a chopper.

Also, just because someone came up with a term "whore" (tank whore, plane whore, etc.), does not make it bad. I mean what if I say: we all r forum whores! do u get offended? I hope not. Because we do it for fun, and our own enjoyment. If someone can't deal with it, they should play a different game (or none at all for that matter), and most importantly get a life. There always will be people who r better than others in some way and worse in some way. If u get killed constantly because u suck - deal with it, not really my problem.

Now they r changing the game because someone feels that something must be changed for their own enjoyment. Make urself ur own game and play it how u want it.

Bunnyhopping/C4 tossing, etc.  SO WHAT? I am not good with C4, but I don't care if i get killed by it. Thats how the game goes. You may think its a little unfair, but hey, thats life. Bill Gates does make a lot of money, however, no one is trying to balance his money out so that everyone has a chace of being as rich. That would be what you all are affraid of: Communism!!!

The game was perfectly fine even before the first patch - I did not have problems with it, except for the problems that still exist in the game (red name tag, being punished after someone rammed into ur side and caused this TK, etc.). Otherwise it is still a perfect game!!!

OK not even sure what I wrote here (been up all night shmoking),

But I love this game and don't think that it should be changed just because someone sucks at it and keeps complaing to EA. We all have bad days - GET OVER IT!!!
Lol, I love this forum, people complaining about people complaining

Last edited by devilcat (2006-01-25 22:25:27)

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