+0|6589|Michigan USA
Virtual Road Rage---it's a wonderful thing LOL

Shadow893 wrote:

Can I be honoured to say: Do you have a SOCIAL life? (Pets don't count)
And I would also like to say I have never see so many gold badges. What a huge waste of time you have spent on this game. I feel sorry for you.
Envy is a terrible thing. How is going for all the badges a waste of time?, for some people its like a stamp collection so whatever floats ya boat so be it.
BF2s Frat Brother


Hi im new to the forum so i thought may be you guys can help at something....

As you can see i have 3 medals left and a couple expert to get:


Does anyone know the best ways to get expert transport, as to get 11 road kills would take forever right before you get blown up by armour. So just post ur ideas here and ill try them out.

As im eager to finish bf2 once and for all as the game becoming to appear as a joke with these fuked up patches, yet with this 1.4 i already experienced " Problems with your connection", and will be for the last time.

And i dont know how this karma thing works, but ill give anyone karma for a choice that works and whatever.
Easy, go to Gulf of Oman, get a buggy, playing US, and run over people at the MEC base waiting for planes. Got all my transport metals that way, and all of them took one round, even expert. 11 road kills isn't a lot.

Snake wrote:

Go onto jolt.co.uk Smoke Screen only. Get onto the EU and do driving rampages around the MEC airfield. Its the most open airfield in the game and can be accessed from all sides. Lots of kills there from the 2 chopper pads and 2 hangars. Even more road kills can be earnt when the EU have all the flags and are commencing their blockage of the MEC uncap with 10 Challengers
The server allows UCB baserape...so go right ahead. Believe me, everyone else does.

Should be able to do it in a standard round, but if MEC gets pushed back to their UCB ( as per usual ) then you've got your badge.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

+19|6590|UK but from Russia(StP)
Guys cheers, ill try all but for somereason i cant give karma yet, and really the badges come with playing the game, its just to the end you want to round up your medals, whats wrong with that!!! Plus i do have a social life as i play mostly in the eves seens its been out, aswell as doing other things.


Last edited by THE RUSKIE (2006-09-06 11:45:42)

Other than the obvious air fields that many are suggesting, I went on a rampage on Warlord a few times just mowing people down in a pickup or ATV since I was bored.  Fun as hell.  I probably nailed 6 within a short time before I was finally taken down.  Shame I didn't have the transport hours for Vet and Expert back then as I'd have gotten Vet without a sweat and Expert probably wasn't going to be much more difficult.

I'm tempted to go get vet but I figure I'll just wait until I qualify for Expert and hopefully get both at the same time.
Missing, Presumed Dead

00joe wrote:

Snake wrote:

Go onto jolt.co.uk Smoke Screen only. Get onto the EU and do driving rampages around the MEC airfield. Its the most open airfield in the game and can be accessed from all sides. Lots of kills there from the 2 chopper pads and 2 hangars. Even more road kills can be earnt when the EU have all the flags and are commencing their blockage of the MEC uncap with 10 Challengers
The server allows UCB baserape...so go right ahead. Believe me, everyone else does.

Should be able to do it in a standard round, but if MEC gets pushed back to their UCB ( as per usual ) then you've got your badge.
Exactly. The server isnt as bad as it used to be (i.e. MEC do actually win some rounds these days!!!), but if you are on EU and you get the Hill Shed and/or the Wind Farm - you are set for the round. Just get a DPV and drive down the cliff all around the far right side of the map and you will come right into a massive open airfield.

I got my vet transport on Daqing with this method. Was only after their bomber and got 5 road kills in the process of going through their base

Seriously, you people who dont play EF have no idea how easy it would be to earn these badges on this map - especially on that server. There is no debate about it...it is dead easy.
+19|6590|UK but from Russia(StP)
+19|6590|UK but from Russia(StP)
Lol the same guy spawned twice at same place, what an idiot so i ran him over, and cos he did it helped.
The Moisture
+49|6842|South Africa
omw wish i had the hours... Jalalalabad's V12 Buggy FTW!
Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6737|Reisterstown, MD

I would think the easiest way would be to grab a buggy or hmmmv and run down people waiting for a jet.
the electric eel has got me by the brain banana
Running people over on the airstrip on Oman seems to do the trick for me..
Germans did 911
+427|6827|Disaster Free Zone


Wow i finally got it, hahah
http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g303/ … een002.png
ok... nothing looks odd, except the fact you have 11 kills (at least, to get the badge) and China has lost 16 tickets... WTF is your team doing?
Hates snipers and says the "F" word a lot
+72|6820|Houston, Texas
You could alawys cheat and go to a Knife Pistol server, jump in a jeep and start running people over lol
+19|6590|UK but from Russia(StP)
No m8, why would i go to K&P that will be the simplest way of doing it, at least this was a challenge. But no, i followed the steps back on page 1 from someone else who told me how to do it, US>Trans Heli>FAV>airstrip and allround island squishing...
Fantasma Parastasie
By far the easiest way to do it is to just constantly drive around Warlord on an ATV. You can actually use it as a serious way of getting kills. Especially on the plaza flag, you can just drive round the corner, kill everyone capping the flag in the bushes, and drive off again before anyone realised what just happened.

Although as you got it it doesn't really matter now.

If you're planning on doing some more flying, check the link (the yellow box..) in my sig.
+1|6592|Cocoa FL

ShadowFoX wrote:

Which reminds me - who the CRAP ever saw a towel head with a $50,000 night vision goggle set on??????
They probably got them the same way Saddam got chemical warfare components... bought them from Rumsfeld when he was pimping for Haliburton.

Alternatively, they could have gotten them the same way the insurgents are getting sniper rifles, off of dead US soldiers.  Though we make it a point to get -those- back

From Marine Corp News via Military.com

Camp Habbaniyah, Iraq - Scout snipers from 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment killed an enemy sniper and recovered a Marine sniper rifle lost nearly two years ago during a mission near Habbaniyah June 16.

The rifle was the one formerly used by four Marines of 2nd Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment who were killed on a rooftop in Ramadi June 21, 2004.

Sniper Section Four was in a hide when the spotter observed a military-aged male inside a nearby parked car videotaping a passing patrol of amphibious assault vehicles. The Marines saw a rifle stock by the insurgent’s side.

“We were in the right place at the right time,” said Sgt. Kevin Homestead an infantryman from K Company serving as a spotter for the sniper team that day.

They first radioed the passing Marines and told them they were being watched by an enemy sniper and to stay low. The insurgent then sealed his own fate by preparing the weapon. The 21-year-old Marine sniper, who declined to be interviewed – aimed in at the gunman’s head behind the rear-side window.

He recited a mantra in his head. Breathe, relax, aim, squeeze, surprise.

The enemy sniper died with the gun in his lap.
--Mark Sixby
Full story at http://www.military.com/features/0,15240,102328,00.html
Grammar Nazi level 4

DrunkFace wrote:


Wow i finally got it, hahah
http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g303/ … een002.png
ok... nothing looks odd, except the fact you have 11 kills (at least, to get the badge) and China has lost 16 tickets... WTF is your team doing?
They're all on the carrier TKing each other for everything.

Do I get a cookie?
Δ > x > ¥

Phatso wrote:

omw wish i had the hours... Jalalalabad's V12 Buggy FTW!
RTJ is perfectly set up for roadkill.  And US start with the DPV in their base so if you're a fast loader, you can take that to the Outpost outpost and drive round the Portakabin for kills.

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