cunning n' quick
+35|6763|United States
Its the same game still. Just a few minor changes with some major fixes.
c4 exploiting and wall glitching is gone. CTD has been fixed, as we even got a new map.
Now just because prone spamming is gone all of a sudden everyones world comes crashing down upon them?
I used to prone spam, dolphin dive like no other. I literally had my fingers glued to the prone and crouch keys. Now 1.4 comes along and I learn to adapt to it I'm still owning infantry and I have learned how to effectively use the new system.

Now i'm not here to judge anyones skill, but let me say this... Any good player can adapt to the situation at hand. prone spammings gone, so what, learn to adapt to it and use cover more wisely.

1.4 will seperate those can actually aim from those who simply hopped like hell and confused there enemy, then got within 2 feet of them and fired 3 shots into there head. Now if your decent with the rifles in BF2, then you shouldnt be complaining, because you should be owning.

You guys need to understand that the "Public community" is way larger than the "clan community". I know alot of the complainers here are clan members, so prone spamming etc... is apart of your play style. Now EA needs to listen to the bigger group of players and thats pubers and just any average player.

Maybe if you guys stopped complaining so much and just gave 1.4 a shot you'd realize very little has changed. We have a new map which rocks I might add. It reminds me of Iraq alot. The USMC team makes there way across a barron wasteland for the 1st half of the map, then you enter the city and its awesome. I was teaming up with another tanker on the USMC team earlier and we totally owned. Both getting golds and silvers for many rounds straight.

Some of you need to see the bigger picture also. There arent many players that are per say "rich" and take what they have for granted. Now i'm not rich and I barely had the $ to build my rig. So the fact that I can even play games makes period is a happy thought for me. So instead of complaining about it, think to yourself how fortunate you are to be able to play the game period.
+45|6802|Kamloops, BC Canada
Wow, I'm impressed... A admited prone spammer not complaining about the removal of prone spamming.

I never proned spammed, so I obviously like the patch a lot...

I think you sir, shall be the first person I give Karma to.
+1,175|6876|British Columbia, Canada
I Prone Spam to, And i dont care if they removed it.. The only reason i did it was because everyone else was doing it to.. its the only way to have a balanced Battlefield that way..

My Accuracy is fine, lately, i've been using Crouch more then prone anyways.. Just crouch, Aim at the chest, and let the Guns recoil bring it into a headshot..
Kudos TD...+1

Those of you who believe that your precious stats are in jeopardy because you can no longer use your exploits effectively should go outside or read a f**kin book.  As for the new map being "awesome", I would disagree.  Don't get me wrong, it's a good map and a nice change, but awesome would be reserved for if it would;

1) Put more $$ in my bank account,
2) Came with free beer, and
3) Caused me to have a very special feeling in my pants.

As it does none of the above...it's just good.

Women like cats.  Men tell women they like cats but when women aren't looking, men kick cats.  Have a nice day.
cunning n' quick
+35|6763|United States
haha, sorry cant help you there.
My favorite part of the map isnt the actual city, but more so the approach from the USMC base to the city. All the little huts and shacks that dot the road on the approach really give you that "middle eastern" feeling.
I remember as I was approaching from the far left with the other tanker, and as we were crossing that submerged dirt road we got pelted with AT rockets. It was a 32 man server and i'm guessing out of the 16 players on the enemy team about 8 were fireing AT rockets at us. It got to the point where we couldnt repair each other fast enough.

I also run All medium 4x AA. So the map looks amazing. Without the eye candy the map looks quite dull.
+8|6798|Liverpool U.K
LOL teflon that is good coming from a fucking tank n00b. I bet you and your buddy were owning real hard in them tanks, i wonder how many spawners yers bagged while taking them flags. Thats if you actually tryed to take that flag 40 yards from your tank and 10 yards from the spawn points.
how ironic is it when the bunnyhoppers were saying that there were ppl whining about bunnyhopping, whereas now, all we hear is the bunnyhoppers whining LOL! its called karma biatches. now its biting them in the arse.

go and play the sims or something, and let the real men take their place on the battlefield. u have just been demoted soldiers! that's an order!
cunning n' quick
+35|6763|United States

souljar wrote:

LOL teflon that is good coming from a fucking tank n00b. I bet you and your buddy were owning real hard in them tanks, i wonder how many spawners yers bagged while taking them flags. Thats if you actually tryed to take that flag 40 yards from your tank and 10 yards from the spawn points.
I normally dont respond to posts like yours, because they have no relevance to the topic and I know your a bit angry about 1.4, so your in the mood to troll...but i'll respond.

On my previous account "Roger_the_retard", I was a captain. I had 600+ rounds of karkand and a total of 1000 armor kills. I have never been big on armor nor vehicles period for that matter, but the tanks were continuously going un-used, so I made good with them and helped my team win 5 rounds straight along with the support of my fellow tanker. Alot of my kills dureing the 5 rounds consisted of killing infantry randomly placed around the map. I do not know the spawns for Jalalabad yet, so spawn killing did not take place. I can tell you that some of my kills consisted of armor vs armor, in which me and my fellow tanker won every time.

I am not one to spawn camp in tanks nor any other vehicle. I typically cap the flag and move on.

Last edited by Teflon.DEP (2006-09-05 22:38:05)

+8|6798|Liverpool U.K
Fair enough, i guess i am just pissed with this patch and you seem like a good guy.

Sorry for giving you a hard time buddy.

roger the retard lmao .

Last edited by souljar (2006-09-05 22:41:36)

It feels like the hole movement has changed in the game, now it'll just be see someone prone then shoot which will make the game boring and predictable for me. I dolphin dive, and prone spam but I also like it when people do it to me and you get into this big battle with them, now there will be no erm showdown? but whatever.
cunning n' quick
+35|6763|United States

souljar wrote:

Fair enough, i guess i am just pissed with this patch and you seem like a good guy.

Sorry for giving you a hard time buddy.

roger the retard lmao .
"Roger_The_Retard" was actually meant to be a joke. While in my old clan >UH< we all made "Retard" names per say. Like "Shadow_the_retard" etc... Most of them ditched the names after a while, but I stuck with mine. I got to know alot of players with the account as well, as "Roger_the_retard" isnt a name you easily forget.
Fantasma Parastasie
You don't see what else those things influence, do you?

cunning n' quick
+35|6763|United States
If you'd care to explain Sarge, I wouldnt mind reading what you have to say.
Fantasma Parastasie
work, be back later. I'll think about it.
Knifey McStabstab
Don't lock my topic!

Teflon.DEP wrote:

+8|6798|Liverpool U.K
Knifey McStabstab, lol kool name.

Teflon.DEP wrote:

Its the same game still. Just a few minor changes with some major fixes.
c4 exploiting and wall glitching is gone. CTD has been fixed, as we even got a new map.
Now just because prone spamming is gone all of a sudden everyones world comes crashing down upon them?
I used to prone spam, dolphin dive like no other. I literally had my fingers glued to the prone and crouch keys. Now 1.4 comes along and I learn to adapt to it I'm still owning infantry and I have learned how to effectively use the new system.

Now i'm not here to judge anyones skill, but let me say this... Any good player can adapt to the situation at hand. prone spammings gone, so what, learn to adapt to it and use cover more wisely.

1.4 will seperate those can actually aim from those who simply hopped like hell and confused there enemy, then got within 2 feet of them and fired 3 shots into there head. Now if your decent with the rifles in BF2, then you shouldnt be complaining, because you should be owning.

You guys need to understand that the "Public community" is way larger than the "clan community". I know alot of the complainers here are clan members, so prone spamming etc... is apart of your play style. Now EA needs to listen to the bigger group of players and thats pubers and just any average player.

Maybe if you guys stopped complaining so much and just gave 1.4 a shot you'd realize very little has changed. We have a new map which rocks I might add. It reminds me of Iraq alot. The USMC team makes there way across a barron wasteland for the 1st half of the map, then you enter the city and its awesome. I was teaming up with another tanker on the USMC team earlier and we totally owned. Both getting golds and silvers for many rounds straight.

Some of you need to see the bigger picture also. There arent many players that are per say "rich" and take what they have for granted. Now i'm not rich and I barely had the $ to build my rig. So the fact that I can even play games makes period is a happy thought for me. So instead of complaining about it, think to yourself how fortunate you are to be able to play the game period.
about time someone understands me...
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS
Teflon gets a thumbs up.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Games, Girls, Guinness
+85|6765|Cambridge, UK

nicely put Teflon. too much moaning about hear that aint involving a woman
Pope Picard II

Teflon.DEP wrote:

Now EA needs to listen to the bigger group of players and thats pubers and just any average player.
Ya being a puber explains your point of view.
cunning n' quick
+35|6763|United States

[CANADA]_Zenmaster wrote:

Teflon.DEP wrote:

Now EA needs to listen to the bigger group of players and thats pubers and just any average player.
Ya being a puber explains your point of view.
I was involved with clans previously. Team Illicit, DKS and SHS. I know how it feels when patches screw up clan based gameplay. Like when 1.3 nerfed squad hopping. I know several people includeing myself didnt see how it was ever a problem, since it was rarely used in pubs.

I have the perspective of the average puber as well a clan member. I've spent alot of time being both. I was clanless for quite some time and I realized how angry we were makeing pubers by doing what we did, like prone spamming. I actually cut back immensly on prone spamming just so others could enjoy the game.

I think unlike any other player, I do w/e I can to make the game fun for others, and not always worry about how I can get that gold medal.

Last edited by Teflon.DEP (2006-09-06 00:53:52)

Professional Nubcake
+58|6957|Here to Eternity

Teflon.DEP wrote:

We have a new map which rocks I might add. It reminds me of Iraq alot.
When was the last time you were in Iraq, son?
cunning n' quick
+35|6763|United States

Tromboner999 wrote:

Teflon.DEP wrote:

We have a new map which rocks I might add. It reminds me of Iraq alot.
When was the last time you were in Iraq, son?
Never was. I'm simply stateing from what i've seen off the military channel, its as close to Iraq as any BF2 map is. I'm sorry if I offended you, as you seem to have been angered. But remember this topic is only a reflection of my thoughts on a "video game". I never said I have been nor ever will be in Iraq. Now once again, i'm sorry if I offended you. And from your useage of the word "son" I can gather your being a smartass. No need for that. And if you ever were in Iraq then comeing onto forums and showing off doesnt represent your branch of the military very well at all.

I can already see you calling me a lil **** and telling me how much better of a person you are than me.

I can judge people very well...and im typically dead on with my judgements

Are you in the military?

Last edited by Teflon.DEP (2006-09-06 01:08:59)

when Hell is full...

Teflon.DEP wrote:

1.4 will seperate those can actually aim from those who simply hopped like hell and confused there enemy, then got within 2 feet of them and fired 3 shots into there head. Now if your decent with the rifles in BF2, then you shouldnt be complaining, because you should be owning.

So instead of complaining about it, think to yourself how fortunate you are to be able to play the game period.

i read through all the topics and posts and only complaining!
ea sucks dice sucks and so on... tell me than:

Usque Ad Finem
Im not cleaning Aisle 2
+27|6793|F-Dub, FL./ Destin, FL.

Teflon.DEP wrote:

[CANADA]_Zenmaster wrote:

Teflon.DEP wrote:

Now EA needs to listen to the bigger group of players and thats pubers and just any average player.
Ya being a puber explains your point of view.
I was involved with clans previously. Team Illicit, DKS and SHS. I know how it feels when patches screw up clan based gameplay. Like when 1.3 nerfed squad hopping. I know several people includeing myself didnt see how it was ever a problem, since it was rarely used in pubs.

I have the perspective of the average puber as well a clan member. I've spent alot of time being both. I was clanless for quite some time and I realized how angry we were makeing pubers by doing what we did, like prone spamming. I actually cut back immensly on prone spamming just so others could enjoy the game.

I think unlike any other player, I do w/e I can to make the game fun for others, and not always worry about how I can get that gold medal.
OMG OMG OMG!!! I used to play for DKS back in '42!!!

Did you? If so, what was your name!?

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