Junglist Massive

trackstarr wrote:

o god
another topic about  the 9-11 conspiracy theory

edit: nice 2nd contribution to the debate section.  it's definitely as good as the last one:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

trackstarr wrote:

.BucKShoT.50 wrote:

China isn't really that great, all they do is make ps2's and psp's...
Thats Japan Dumbass
no its china... china produces them, japan designs and create them, not produce them.

Last edited by UnOriginalNuttah (2006-09-05 00:56:01)

The Lizzard

The_Fighting_69th wrote:

Ok, we know he had to have them becuase he gassed his own people.
He had them at some point.  The issue is whether he had them when you invaded.

The_Fighting_69th wrote:

We also have decent evidence that what he had left in 2003 we smuggled out of Iraq to Iran or Syria.
Really?  Where?

The_Fighting_69th wrote:

You just assume that other countries were right.
Oh yes, because if there aren't WMDs it would be foolish to say they don't exist.  The might be invisible.  Or in the cupboard.  I mean, they're pretty small.

The_Fighting_69th wrote:

There is also a third reason, that was funding of several terrorist groups.
Name one.
Combat medic
1. They had to go somewhere, and I'll bet they were not destroyed.  Ether he still had them and got them out of the country when all the invasion talk began, or he sold them to God knows who.

2. There were reports back in 2003 about them going to Syria, it made CNN.

3. See 1

4. I'm sorry I don't have the accounting sheets of the Iraqi Government in my hand right now, but I thought it was accepted knowledge that Iraq paid suicde bomber's families in Israel.  Does that count as supporting terrorists?  I think so.

Last edited by The_Fighting_69th (2006-09-05 01:03:48)

The Lizzard
1)  Ah, so now you're using your psychic abilities to determine their fate.  When you done with that, can you find out who took my MP3 player?  It's been bugging me for a while now.

2)  Reports from who?

4)  You said he supported terrorists groups, not that he gave money to widowers and orphans.

ubersoldat...dos sniper wrote:

actually i would after i found out who did it i would send in one guy a undercover iraqy and have him get close enough to the person responsible and assinate him. tho it would be a suicide mission.
What's an Iraqy?
Junglist Massive

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

ubersoldat...dos sniper wrote:

actually i would after i found out who did it i would send in one guy a undercover iraqy and have him get close enough to the person responsible and assinate him. tho it would be a suicide mission.
What's an Iraqy?
more to the point what's ass-inating?  Sitting on someone until they are dead?

(note: spelling doesn't usually bother me, but I couldn't resist)

k30dxedle wrote:

Redback00 wrote:

All's fair in love and war
More like all sucks in love and war.
I agree with the war part sucking
9/11 was a controlled demolition, it was all set up and all u americans continue to believe it was real. I could go on explaining all the different pieces of evidence that show it was fake but I can't be bothered cos it wouldn't change anyone's opinion unless they were suspicious of it already. Basically you were all brainwashed by the media as soon as it happened as they pumped the words "TERRORISTS" and "BIN LADEN" into your heads. If you do feel inclined to find out for yourself just search for WTC demolition on youtube or googlevideo, etc and watch a few videos. However at the end of the day this is just my opinion and as i said earlier it probably won't change anyone elses but i hope it may make someone think twice about what really happened that day.
+102|7015|New York

ubersoldat...dos sniper wrote:

here is reality. DEAL WITH IT. which means yes they were legit targets. poorly chosen targets i admit, but targets none the less. if you want you can target a nun for all i care. i woulda hit the white house first before one knew that the planes were hijacked and the pres got moved. lol and i woulda shot everyone on the plane hell no one would mess up my suicide run.
Your an Idiot, the Persident wasnt even there LOL. Sheesh.
+149|6861|USA bitches!

pacman VKC wrote:

Nice topic, as I see it, it wasnt a "military" target, if its was they would of hit a power station or a major refinery, they are radicals, so yeps anything is a target, personally thought they would of hit something bigger, more populated, just shows how underpopulated and undereducated they where/are. Thank god! But just showed how unaware (public) was at the time, was'nt hard to do 9/11 if you think about it. Didnt take millions, if I got it right, it was quite the opposite in fact. Dunno about Menachem Bagan (another name to read about)

About the "glee" yes would be expected cos it never happened on that scale, as you say if you where there n stuff, then shit m8 hmm, must of been quite something to say the least   But its like a road where an accident happens, never before but  afterwards it never happens again (sorry for bad comparison)

Off topic, good to see topics being talked and not the usual USA is best or CANADA is great (bar 1 lol) see too many us authored threads on other serious forums go west cos of we are best n the like. I like MOST americans, they got there problems like everyone else, just gets a bit annoying I LOVE MY COUNTRY n shit, but hey it seems a rarity nowadays, to say it? I seen a thread on bf2 tracker and something similar to this topic was on there, and it said basically if u aint american DONT comment lol


Not so fast. As many as 50,000 people worked in the towers during the day, so, hitting them and killing 25,000+ people wouldn't been devistating. Just consider what would've been our response then. Draft maybe? But, if the towers technically fell faster and there were more people, we'd be in a real WW3 now, as we'd attack everyone and piss everyone off, making them come after us.
Lets get some stuff clear first, a war is defined by a conflict carried on by force of arms, as between nations or between parties within a nation; warfare, as by land, sea, or air. So the USA was never at war at the time of the Twin towers and Pentagon attack. This attack was made to gather attention and support for the radicals of Islam.
Now I am sorry that there are folks who are represent the Islam faith in a bad way, however if someone from my faith were doing attacks like this, you can bet your last penny that I would do everything in my power to stop them, I would not cheer them on, I would hunt them down and put them in a hole.

There are reasons that some alleged friendly country's of the USA did not want us going into Iraq, or Afghan.
France has broken every trade sanctions forced on country's that harbor terrorists, because they want to make money and they want to be seen as a world leader.

I know I am a little off topic, however one must look at the big picture, the attack was unprovoked, nor was it justified.
Try to imagine how much courage it takes to take your own life for the greater good, I know if it were my job to blow myself, I would have to have a very good reason to do this. What reason do you think they had to fly planes into the WTC?

Maybe they were fed up with the work of the CIA and other government agencies like the NSA.
As an american, do you really know what these agencies do abroad in your name???

I can bet 100% the answer is no, unless you work for them, but even then it will be a need to know basis, and you dont need to know

Last edited by FlamingDeath (2006-09-05 07:14:34)

just wait.

how is a building in a civilian area, full of civilians and has no active military personell in the building make it a military target?
Junglist Massive

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

just wait.

how is a building in a civilian area, full of civilians and has no active military personell in the building make it a military target?
If the official version of events is true: since the CIA trained and funded Osama, isn't there the tiniest chance he might have known about their New York offices being located in the WTC complex?
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6895|SE London

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

just wait.

how is a building in a civilian area, full of civilians and has no active military personell in the building make it a military target?
If the official version of events is true: since the CIA trained and funded Osama, isn't there the tiniest chance he might have known about their New York offices being located in the WTC complex?
That's quite possible. Probable even, considering the other target was the Pentagon.

  Ok 2 sections here.

1. No not a military target imo. It was however a Financial target though which may be valid although the means were not. I think where things went wrong was when non state actors could start their own little wars like Early Israel and Hezzbolah in the present. If you can't get a country behind u u don't desserve to be able to start a war imo.

2. The Iraq thing. COME ON lol get over it .

   2a. There was only a cease-fire after 91 subject to conditions submited to by all parties. We'll just focus on one violation instead of the 100 or so he did k... He shot at allied aircraft in the no-flys on a daily basis. Hence let the resumption of hostilities begin /shrug.

  2b. They did find WMD's in Iraq.. Over 500 of them so far and many more labs and stuff. They just don't fit the "New waepons" requirment put forth by people against this conflict. If you think saddam use those mobile labs for "Weather experiments" your a moron...It was his capacity to keep making em and his counties knowledge that posed a threat.

  3c. He paid $25,000.00 to each suicide bombers families in the Palistinian areas of Isael. He let the guy from the Achillie loro live in his country along with Zarqawi and his buddies too. His regimes Intel agencies DID have contact with Al-Qaeda although what these meetings were about is unkown.

  4d. Recent UN reports have stated clearly as fact...The Congo has sold Yellow Cake to Iran /gasp..... Hum I wonder if they ever had meetings with Iraqi guys about maybe selling them some a while ago.....

Horseman 77 wrote:

Menachem Bagan said a  "  Terrorist is a patriot without an Air Force. "

What are your thoughts
On a sidenote: if you refer to the former Israeli statesmen and military freedomfighter (jewish point of view) , or : "terrorist" ( according to the former occupational English rulers of Palestina/Israel),  I think you mean:

Menachem Begin.


definition of a terrorist by Superpowers ( USA, Russia, China, Israel):
anyone who uses weapons against that miltary and economical super power to achieve a certain (disputable, discutable) goal, using violence to get attention or to achieve goals.

definition of a freedomfigther by suppressed people (occupied countries Afghanistan, Irak, Palestinians):
anyone who has the courage to fight an (occupying) superpower at the risk of their own life, instead of spending energy on  endless und usually fruitless negotiations  with those superpowers.

Definitions  -not - from Google/Wikipedia...

So,  WTC in NYC, not valid military targets, just targets from the point of the attacker.
Pentagon, what is NOT military in the Pentagon; "valid target" ? Depends on your point of view.
It was not a valid military target at all, it wasn't suppose to be, it was an econimic target and a very effective one.
+5,233|6842|Global Command
I guess if that was okay for them to do we should be able to carpet bomb their villages and sleep well.
They are ignorant cowards who can't form a rl MEC and fight like real men.
+190|6938|Home of the Escalade Herds

ATG wrote:

They are ignorant cowards who can't form a rl MEC and fight like real men.
So if you were in there shoes you would want to form a rl MEC composed of poorly trained soldiers and AK47s? That would be a great strategy in the how to get wiped out in 3 days category.

Easy to use the word coward when we live behind the worlds most powerfull army.
Prima not really tested on the "world most powerfull army"
+190|6938|Home of the Escalade Herds

cpt.fass4 wrote:

Prima not really tested on the "world most powerfull army"
No need to nitpick, we are light years beyond Al Qaeda or any other terrorist organization and thats what i was trying to paint with my statement
DICE/EA spokesman
let's get some things strait...

it doesn't matter if the towers was a legit military target or not - since it wasn't attacked by a military.


even IF the Geneva convention did apply for bin laden and his team, so what - they're terrorist.. they are supposed to be breaking the rules.
+240|6978|Austin, TX

PRiMACORD wrote:

ATG wrote:

They are ignorant cowards who can't form a rl MEC and fight like real men.
So if you were in there shoes you would want to form a rl MEC composed of poorly trained soldiers and AK47s? That would be a great strategy in the how to get wiped out in 3 days category.

Easy to use the word coward when we live behind the worlds most powerfull army.
PRiMACORD, I am not hiding behind that military, I was a part of it for more than a decade.

The reason the 'rules of war' exist is to bring some sort of sense to warfare, which is an activity that has occured as long as there have been goverments, and no amount of wishful thinking is bound to change.

The reason we have rules to warfare is to limit the suffering of non combantants, and to keep infrastuctures from being destroyed beyond recovery.   These rules go back hundreds of years to when they were how men of honor treated each other on the field of battle, and progessed up to formal agreements such as the Geneva Conventions and the Hague Accords.

There is a requirement that all combantants be in an established unifrom when fighting.  The purpose of this is to be able to seperate the enemy combatants from civilians.  This is to keep civilians out of harms way as much as it is possible to do so in time of war.

There is a requirement to carry an Identification Card that lists the owners name, rank, nationality, geneva catagory status (enlisted, non commisioned officer, commisioned officer, medical, chaplain), blood type, and religious affiliation.  They are required to have this card on them at all times.

In the geneva conventions, it actually states that those functioning as combantants while not adhering to these two rules are unlawful combantants, sabeteurs and terrorists, and MUST be killed without mercy, given no chance to surrender.  While shocking, that is because the framers knew that to act how the middle eastern terrorists have brings the entire system down.  It places civilians in more danger having combantants hidden among them.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Prima I was stating that fact because we are in all honesty an unproven in a conventional "war" force.

imortal you brought up a very good point about the "rules of war" but those don't exist in our new world of strife..  Right now I belive the last accurate dealth toll in Iraq is 250k, which means by your "rules" we have killed 250k of terrorist.
We are not fighting an army we are in a conflict with people who different views then the rest of the wordl.

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